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Anyone cheating and watching Downton Abbey already? (Spoilers!)


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I watched Epi 1 at projectfreetv.


Liked it so far!






I like that Daisy is bettering herself. I think it's interesting that the perspective of the main help guy (oh gosh, you know, the head servant guy!) is that she is wasting her time trying to better herself.

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I've watched the first episode, but not the second yet.


****Stop here if you haven't watched the first episode*****


1) I think that Edith's attention to the baby is going to come back to bite her.
2) Ugh. Thomas. Just when I think he's finally gone, he always redeems himself.
3) I believe Mary's deal with Tony is not going to end in marriage which really makes me angry because I liked him the best of the two.
4) I like the teacher for Tom, but she shocked me with how rude she was at the dinner party. I understand having an opinion, but I feel she crossed the line.


I'm hoping to watch episode 2 after the kids are in bed tonight.

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Thanks, OP, for alerting me that DA was back on. :)

I watched the first episode today. I am disappointed that the characters seem to pick up each narrative thread exactly where it ended in the last season, while the older child actors seem to indicate that several months have passed since the last season.

The character of Thomas seems to be like Snape - you can't make up your mind whether he's a good guy or a bad guy.

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I watched both on simplyjune.



I agree, the kids grew up but the adults haven't skipped a beat. Odd.


I wanted Blake to have his feathers ruffled a bit more about Tony & Mary.


What the heck happened to Gregory? I think Sybil is going to get her hopes dashed when the farmer's wife wrecks her plans. I can imagine several plot twists with that story line.


Why is Thomas still being an arse? I'd hoped his character would have evolved by now.


The schoolteacher. Blech. How can Tom even find her attractive, after Sybil? She can't be the only game in town. We need a new interesting gal for Tom, please!


And chalk up another film credit for Duckface. I forgot she was scheduled to make an appearance this season.

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I'm watching!

I'm current on all episodes, so there may be spoilers....


Thoughts and predictions:

1. I bet Mary ends up preggers from her rendezvous with Tony (after all, the item she bought to prevent it can be tricky to use, or so said the lady shop-keeper...). If so, Mary will have the dilemma of marrying him or not, even though she has realized that they aren't perfect for each other (now that the sexual tension is out of the way.)

2. That school teacher lady is horrid. Wish they'd write someone nice in for Tom.

3. I wish they'd let the Mr. Bates/bad valet story go already. And, of course, Mr. Bates will find Lady Mary's contraceptives and think Anna has been deliberately not getting pregnant and it'll cause an issue.

4. Poor Edith. That's all I can say there. Wonder if they'll ever being back Gregson, and if so, how will she explain that she's had a daughter all this time...?

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I watch at project free tv. I watch several cable shows there since we only have antenna tv.


I saw epi 3 today. SPOILERS:


My predictions are that Daisy will leave to do something else--yay for her! I don't like the school teacher--she really offended the Russians, and I think she's strident and awful, and I hope Tom sees her as she is, but I think they will be love interests for each other. Or, maybe her role in his life is just to get him back to being how he was. It's interesting to me, how the Communists attracted so many who were wanting more/different than the "old" society, and how that crossed country boundaries.


I hope Lady Mary ISN'T pregnant. I don't understand the contraceptive thing, though. Anna bought "one," and I thought it was a condom. It seems as if the package wasn't even opened--as Anna brought it home to hide for Lady Mary. I guess they meant one package, not one condom. Too bad about Tony--he does seem tame for Mary, though. Too bad there isn't a third choice. Bet he makes trouble for her when she says no to the marriage.


Bates and Anna--sheesh, it should just be resolved already. I think there was a bit of foreshadowing, when Anna said she wished for a way to start over. Maybe they will go to America. Maybe at the end, Tom, Bates and Anna, and Lady Mary, will all go there. Just like Cora said her mother brought her to England to find a husband, maybe Lady Mary will go to America--sort of the opposite. It's 1924, though, so the Crash is coming. I wonder if DA will go into the Depression.


And poor Edith. She's so transparent. They've made her rather a jerky character, all in the name of motherhood.

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I hope Lady Mary ISN'T pregnant. I don't understand the contraceptive thing, though. Anna bought "one," and I thought it was a condom. It seems as if the package wasn't even opened--as Anna brought it home to hide for Lady Mary. I guess they meant one package, not one condom. Too bad about Tony--he does seem tame for Mary, though. Too bad there isn't a third choice. Bet he makes trouble for her when she says no to the marriage.

I thought maybe it was an early type of diaphragm or cervical cap? After all, condoms aren't that tricky. And we can probably assume that Bates is going to find the package hidden by Anna which will make him ask questions? He would surely know if he was using a condom.

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I thought that at least the last episode picked up the pace a bit. I am also tired of the bates-n-green and moping Anna storyline. And evil Thomas. Can we be done with him, please?


Of course bates will find Mary's package and if course Mary will reject Tony. I saw from the previews that his old fiancĂƒÂ© is coming back into the story. I'm curious as to how that will play out - will she be a troublemaker or will Tony quietly go off with her as a consolation prize?


I hope the school teacher is out, after her insult to the Russians. She may reignite Tom's passion for politics, but she's so crass. I don't see any chemistry between them.


I don't think there's any one whom is actually a mother advising Julian Fellows on how a mother would actually behave. Edith might have been fine with the care taking arrangement to begin with, but under the circumstances any woman with a true mother's heart would have borne the shame and just come out with the truth in order to bring the child home with her (oh well, that's my opinion anyway!). Also, Gregson left her in charge of things at his paper, didn't he? Did she pass on that responsibility and I just didn't see or don't remember it? There's been no tell of her traveling to the office lately.


I think the story line with Cora and the art dealer is very interesting. Makes Lord Grantham look like a dolt. They've been kind of writing him that way this season, anyway. Does he seem increasingly childish to the rest of you?

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Ah, a diaphram. I guess I was thrown because it's in a paper bag, and it seems rather grody to me to give a diaphram to someone else to hold for you after it's been used!


Seasider--an interesting comment re Edith coming out as the mother of Sassafras/Willow/whatever weird name--ah--Marigold. That was a stretch. ETA--I mean the name.

Anyway, I guess it speaks to the utter ruin that could happen in that time and place when you defied social conventions. They were so entrenched in the culture--it's kind of the same as what Daisy has to put up with--the notion we are born into our social status and shouldn't mess with it, as Daisy is doing by getting an education, and, more indirectly, as Edith did by becoming a single mom.

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Ah, a diaphram. I guess I was thrown because it's in a paper bag, and it seems rather grody to me to give a diaphram to someone else to hold for you after it's been used!


Seasider--an interesting comment re Edith coming out as the mother of Sassafras/Willow/whatever weird name--ah--Marigold. That was a stretch. ETA--I mean the name.

Anyway, I guess it speaks to the utter ruin that could happen in that time and place when you defied social conventions. They were so entrenched in the culture--it's kind of the same as what Daisy has to put up with--the notion we are born into our social status and shouldn't mess with it, as Daisy is doing by getting an education, and, more indirectly, as Edith did by becoming a single mom.

Good points re Edith, Chris. I will try to keep my frustration at bat by telling myself that the secret is being kept not to preserve Edith's reputation, but that of the child.

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Anyone seen the fourth episode yet? I am not sure I understood what treatment Thomas was getting.


And I wish Isobel would accept the proposal. I am tired of seeing her merely as a companion to Violet. I'm surprised they don't show her relationship with little George at all!

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Spoilers up to ep4:


Agreed with everyone that the Bats/Green thing is OVER ALREADY.  Enough!  Get Anna pregnant if they want a new storyline for the couple! 


I have a soft spot in my heart for the Earl Robert.  I feel like time is passing him by and he is just much less capable of adapting than the rest of his family.  I thought he did a very nice thing with what he said to Pattmore re: Alfred.  And he is RIGHT about the art dealer being after more than Cora's opinion, and I think Cora is being a little too flirtatious.  I did like Violet asking Robert, "Do you ever ask Cora's opinions?"  Hopefully he will think on that. 


I love Tom.  I hate the school teacher.  Ugh.  Who else swooned during the fire scene when Tom goes straight to the nursery to save both children before doing a single other thing?  What a daddy!


Love the little view into Violet's past, but am not interested in a love story for her.  She is best on her own, undiluted. 


I agree that Isobel should marry, but I wish she had married the doctor way back when he was interested in her.  They still seem like the better match. 


I will be SO MAD if Edith takes Marigold away from the woman who is raising her.  I don't care that Edith is her biological mother, imagine the pain for the little girl if she's ripped from Mrs. Drake's arms to be given back.  I do think Mrs. Drake should just be told the truth, and something akin to an "open adoption" should be allowed. 


I always preferred the man Mary went pig rescuing with to Tony.  But what is Tony going to do now?  Threaten to ruin her reputation?  I find it despicable that he is hinting she is less of al ady to have gone to bed with him unsure of marriage, when that was the whole point of their week'o'sex in the first place! 


I love that little Sibby calls the earl Donk.  That's awesome. 


Carson and Mrs. Hugues- when is that going to happen?



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So I assumed that Thomas is seeking treatment to "cure" his homosexuality...  The ad that he found and responded to said something like "Change who you are" or "change your path" and Thomas said "No MAN can help me!"  After all, considering that he is lonely now that Jimmy has gone, he's convinced he'll always be alone... not to mention the amount of medical quackery in the 1920s...


ETA: I despise Ms. Bunting (schoolteacher).  Blech.  AND Tony Gillingham is acting like a hypocritical butt-head.

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So I assumed that Thomas is seeking treatment to "cure" his homosexuality...  The ad that he found and responded to said something like "Change who you are" or "change your path" and Thomas said "No MAN can help me!"  After all, considering that he is lonely now that Jimmy has gone, he's convinced he'll always be alone... not to mention the amount of medical quackery in the 1920s...


ETA: I despise Ms. Bunting (schoolteacher).  Blech.  AND Tony Gillingham is acting like a hypocritical butt-head.


Yep, that's what I thought it was too. It looks like it is taking quite a toll on him too (and not just the emotional part of his torment). Kinda makes me feel pity for him but pity is not a feeling I want to have for Thomas. Yuck, not after all the horrible things he's done.

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Another thing-- I feel like they are hinting that Rose is going to be a bigger player... but if so, we need to get to know her a bit better. I'm not attached to her at all.

It makes sense that they would start giving her romantic plot lines again, but I'm not invested in her as a character at all. I think the problem is that her character is wild and wreckless one season, and then dull and boring the next. Some people comment they'd like to see her end up with Tom, she'd have to become a lot more interesting for that to be believable. Maybe her work with the Russian refugees will open her up to more social causes and she and Tom will bond in that way. Anything is better than the teacher. She is rude, I can't believe she would be that insulting to the man whose food she is eating. I understand she's opinionated, but it would be nice if she had some manners to go with her opinions.


Am I the only one who thought Thomas has syphilis? I thought of it because it was a disease you defiantly would want to keep a secret, and he may be too far gone to cure it and is simply trying to treat the symptoms. Poor Thomas.


I think Mary is better off single, but I feel sad that Lord Gillingham broke off an engagement just to try to pursue Mary. Hopefully he moves on without seeking revenge.

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Another thing-- I feel like they are hinting that Rose is going to be a bigger player... but if so, we need to get to know her a bit better. I'm not attached to her at all.

I haven't seen the latest episode yet (but spoilers don't bother me). Just jumping in to say that I read online of a "major" character planning to leave the show, and the article speculated it would be Rose. On the radio episode she mentioned the jazz musician she'd been linked to earlier. Maybe she will be the one who runs off to America, with him.

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Am I the only one who thought Thomas has syphilis? I thought of it because it was a disease you defiantly would want to keep a secret, and he may be too far gone to cure it and is simply trying to treat the symptoms. Poor Thomas.

Actually, given the "choose your own path" ad? I thought maybe he is trying to "cure" his homosexuality.

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Didn't Thomas take a spoon from the kitchen? When I saw that and then saw the "medical kit" all I could think was drug use.



So I assumed that Thomas is seeking treatment to "cure" his homosexuality...  The ad that he found and responded to said something like "Change who you are" or "change your path" and Thomas said "No MAN can help me!"  After all, considering that he is lonely now that Jimmy has gone, he's convinced he'll always be alone... not to mention the amount of medical quackery in the 1920s...


ETA: I despise Ms. Bunting (schoolteacher).  Blech.  AND Tony Gillingham is acting like a hypocritical butt-head.

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


Was cocaine a thing yet in the 20's? I know opium use was; maybe it was that? I agree that what ever it is it's to "cure" his homosexuality.


The teacher is a bully and RUDE. But you know what? I think Tom kind of deserves it, because he treated Sybille in a power-abusive/manipulative manner.


Tony was clearly shocked and hurt, and I thought his tone and words were out of the character they had built up.


I think it's the police who are going to find Lady Mary's package and think that Anna was having an affair with Green.

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Ok, any man called Shrimpy is destined to be abused by his wife, I think. Rose may either die from some malaise contracted in the Russian's hovel or go off to live with her father.


Sybil was sparky yet gentle; the school teacher is simply obtuse. If there were a balance between directness and brilliance shown in her character, I might be more understanding. But one doesn't have to be rude to be forward thinking. She's just obnoxious.


Tony is acting like a spoiled child. I think he will eventually tone it down and run off with Lane Fox what's her name in an attempt to make Mary jealous. Fox will then blow the secret. Blake won't care because in the end he will end up with Mary.


Something's up with Gregson. Hopefully we will tie up that loose end soon.


Cora and her art historian are being silly and reckless. Why doesn't grantham just come out and say what he really thinks. Same for Cora. Real conversation, please, people.


Dunno what to think of Thomas.


I've not seen it in print anywhere, but it wouldn't surprise me if this were the last season for DA. It doesn't seem to have the steam to make it through WW2 and seems destined to plod the through the mundane from out (historically speaking).

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Agreeing Thomas is trying to change his sexuality.

I think Anna will be accused of killing the guy who raped her and her husband will then confess, but he really didn't kill him.


I hope the schoolteacher story ends, and Tom, having rediscovered "who" he is, will gain confidence and leave Downton. I don't know where he's going, but I am betting America, and Rose goes with him.


Tony G will threaten to ruin Mary. I hate that. He just can't accept that she's capable of being sexually active with someone she doesn't want to marry. It's his culture to blame.


I don't know about Edith--I hope the truth comes out and she can get her child, but I think it's funny, in a way, how DA shows the kids really being raised by nannies--the parents hardly spend any time at all with them! And here's Edith, spending more time with her baby than she would have, normally.

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I think Anna will be accused of killing the guy who raped her and her husband will then confess, but he really didn't kill him.


If that happens, I will scream abuse at the television, the writer, the producer and the actors for going along with it. Then I might spend a few minutes feeling smug that I had a better idea. Only a few minutes though, since having an idea doesn't translate into the ability to write a script. :p

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If that happens, I will scream abuse at the television, the writer, the producer and the actors for going along with it. Then I might spend a few minutes feeling smug that I had a better idea. Only a few minutes though, since having an idea doesn't translate into the ability to write a script. :p

I don't think it'll happen. Something inside of me thinks that it was Mrs. Hughes who killed Green. Nothing really points to it, but she just seems to be so calm and in control of the situation whenever the constable comes around.

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I don't think it'll happen. Something inside of me thinks that it was Mrs. Hughes who killed Green. Nothing really points to it, but she just seems to be so calm and in control of the situation whenever the constable comes around.

Aha! Good theory. I think there must be some twist to keep dredging us through the Bad Bates storyline.


Can you just imagine the conversation between Hughes and Carson if/when it comes out that she did it?

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Oh, I hope Mrs. Hughes didn't! I think it would be out of character for her--a jump the shark moment. But, there have been other times Downton surprised us, and the buzz is that a character leaves the end of this season. I'm betting on Daisy or Tom, though. Maybe Edith will leave with the baby (kidnap) and go to Germany.


I don't know if Green really was killed. Maybe he really did just fall into the street.

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Oh, I hope Mrs. Hughes didn't! I think it would be out of character for her--a jump the shark moment. But, there have been other times Downton surprised us, and the buzz is that a character leaves the end of this season. I'm betting on Daisy or Tom, though. Maybe Edith will leave with the baby (kidnap) and go to Germany.


I don't know if Green really was killed. Maybe he really did just fall into the street.


Rose is leaving at the end of Season Five.  She's doing a project for Disney, I believe.

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I thought this was the last season for Downton Abbey, so everyone is leaving at the end of Season Five.



There's a possibility of a season six, but it hasn't been officially announced yet.   If season six happens, Fellowes says it may be the last because he doesn't want to do WWII.   In the meantime, I'm just enjoying it except for the Green murder.  It's time for Anna and Bates to have some happiness and some children of their own.

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We have an antenna, Netflix, and not enough time for me to get to watch what I want.  I THINK I've managed to see all of the first season.  Anything past that is massive spoiler material for me!  I am NOT going to read this thread!  (much as I would like to....)


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Just watched episode 5--


Cora was reckless and I'm glad that Mr. Bricker at least stated that he wasn't there at her invitation.  She and Robert will survive.  If they could survive Sybil's death, they can do this too. 


Dowager's conversation with the Doctor- hilarious! 


Tom's decision- yes!!!!!!!


Putting Marigold in a boarding school- yikes.  I HATE this whole story line.  I am NOT OK with them pulling the daughter from Mrs Drew, who she sees as her mother and who obviously cares for her like a mother does.  I'm hoping Michael somehow resurfaces fast, and gives Edith something else to obsess over. 

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Yea, the Marigold story line bugged me too. All their talk was of what would be best for the family reputation, but zero talk about what would be best for the little girl. Being taken from *two* loving homes and put into a boarding school??? I personally hope the farmer's family just runs away with her. Give the girl some stability!

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