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Even More Newer Update! Like to read romance? Shameless self promotion


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Yeah, I may need to cut some of her backstory and move it later in the book, since a few other people have asked the same question.

I like the amount of backstory you had on her. She seemed real to me since I knew more about her. And I think it's okay at this point to have a bit of suspense about who might pair off.

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When will the full story be available?



Good question! I just finished writing it on Saurday, lol. IF I make it to the top 25 I will submit my full manuscript to the editors. They narrow it down to the top ten, and those will be posted on the website for voting. If I make it that far I'll share for sure!


Otherwise, I submit it via normal channels and wait to see what they say. 


Eventually, if nothing happens, I'll self publish.

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So, when will you find out if it makes it to the top 25?


On monday they will start sending out requests for full manuscripts, from the top 25. But they won't announce until the 9th I think? or 10th? So anytime next week I could hear. 


And if anyone else wants to comment, please do!



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  • 2 weeks later...

So, mini update .....I have an agent!!!!   I sent ONE query letter, to an agent many had recommended, and she got back to me in less than an hour, asking for my manuscript. And the next day she asked to represent me! Ack! So, even if the contest doesn't work out, it looks like this is the real deal, and I have a decent chance at selling this book! I can't believe I have an agent!


Anyway, so many of you have been so encouraging, and have asked to stay updated. I'm trying to make sure to do that, so asking anyone who is interested in following this crazy saga, and hearing how the contest turns out, sign up for email updates. Obviously, I won't use the emails for anything else. 


Hopefully this works, I've never used mailchimp before, lol. http://eepurl.com/580B1


Thanks again, you guys have all been so wonderful!


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I think that's right. But they start calling before that....I think this wednesday. Then those people have to fill out legal paperwork, etc etc, then they announce once they have all the paperwork back. 


The dates I had posted before were for the notification of the top 25 :)

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I think that's right. But they start calling before that....I think this wednesday. Then those people have to fill out legal paperwork, etc etc, then they announce once they have all the paperwork back.


The dates I had posted before were for the notification of the top 25 :)

So you can let us know sooner than the 3rd? :-) Exciting!

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So you can let us know sooner than the 3rd? :-) Exciting!


I'm actually not sure. If I do get the call, I may be sworn to secrecy....I heard they did that last year. So...I don't know :)


Also, for anyone wondering about the book, but concerned about actually reading it, I will say that after finishing it, there was no touching below the neck until they were married, and even that scene was very euphemistic...no body parts mentioned. The most adult language is a reference to her feeling him "ready" again. 


Hopefully, If I make the top 10, many of you will read it and vote for it, and I didn't want anyone concerned that it was ...naughty, lol.

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(Shhh, don't tell anyone, but I like books that are a bit naughty ;))


Katie, I am soooooooooooooooo happy and excited for you :party:


LOL, I like to read them, but couldn't bring myself to write one. Basically, I kept it something I wouldn't be embarrassed to have my mom or priest read, lol. 

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LOL, I like to read them, but couldn't bring myself to write one. Basically, I kept it something I wouldn't be embarrassed to have my mom or priest read, lol. 


Aww, come on, let your freak flag fly.  I recently posted my first really naughty fanfic and it got rave reviews.  Who would have thought???  I felt weird writing it at first, but once I got into it, it became easier.  James Bond read it, and said not only was it super hot, but it was really well written.

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Aww, come on, let your freak flag fly.  I recently posted my first really naughty fanfic and it got rave reviews.  Who would have thought???  I felt weird writing it at first, but once I got into it, it became easier.  James Bond read it, and said not only was it super hot, but it was really well written.


LOL, my oldest is very aware of my writing, and is at the age where I want to be as consistent as possible with what I'm telling him are my beliefs. (he's a teenager). So I keep seeing his face, and the girls he hangs out with, and can't bring myself to promote sex outside marriage. I'm not going to disown him or anything, if he does, but as someone that got pregnant outside of wedlock, I know how life changing/upsetting/HUGE an impact that can make on your life, and I'm hoping he waits for a solid, going to go the distance relationship. 


Reading romance is about fantasy, but I feel responsible, somehow, for making it fit my beliefs. I don't want him to ever say to me, "you say one thing, but your writing says another". Which is probably me way overthinking things, but that's what I do.


I actually almost did put a sex scene in, earlier in the book, as it would be more marketable that way, but decided to stick with my feelings on it, and see what happens. So far, so good! My agent didn't even bring it up, so I guess it worked :)



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Ok, for those following along still, the big announcement of the top 10 will be in about 9 days. In the meantime, I've got a blog/website at www.katiemeyer.net, with links to my twitter feed, facebook, and the mailing list. 


Thanks again for all the support!

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LOL, my oldest is very aware of my writing, and is at the age where I want to be as consistent as possible with what I'm telling him are my beliefs. (he's a teenager). So I keep seeing his face, and the girls he hangs out with, and can't bring myself to promote sex outside marriage. I'm not going to disown him or anything, if he does, but as someone that got pregnant outside of wedlock, I know how life changing/upsetting/HUGE an impact that can make on your life, and I'm hoping he waits for a solid, going to go the distance relationship.


Reading romance is about fantasy, but I feel responsible, somehow, for making it fit my beliefs. I don't want him to ever say to me, "you say one thing, but your writing says another". Which is probably me way overthinking things, but that's what I do.


I actually almost did put a sex scene in, earlier in the book, as it would be more marketable that way, but decided to stick with my feelings on it, and see what happens. So far, so good! My agent didn't even bring it up, so I guess it worked :)

I heart you! I will buy this book.

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