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Jill Duggar Dillard is pregnant.


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I really worry for the first Duggar girl who marries only find out she has fertility issues. That's hard enough to handle without the pressure to have exceptionally large families.


Oh, I'm sure TLC would find a way to make money off that, too.  

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I really worry for the first Duggar girl who marries only find out she has fertility issues. That's hard enough to handle without the pressure to have exceptionally large families.

I can't find the video I saw but in it Jill says her sisters told her to go use one of Michelle's PG tests...and it was positive. And when her sisters saw her face, she felt she had to tell them.

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They've been married 8 weeks and are announcing pregnancy already!? At the very least I'd want to wait til I was 12 weeks along to announce it to the entire world. I wish them the best, but it isn't what I would choose for my daughter. Or sons for that matter.

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The People headline is "8 Weeks After Her First Kiss, a Duggar Daughter Is Expecting."


They do seem like a very happy couple. But it's not just the first kiss. It's being able to text, talk, communicate without supervision! Going from that to pregnant in 3.7 seconds, wow.

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I've heard nasty speculation about the timining of her pregnancy not being right, and that just makes me angry on their behalf as they seem like such a nice couple. They probably timed the wedding for during the middle of her cycle so she wouldn't have to worry about AF on her wedding day or honeymoon. So I can totally believe her getting pregnant on her honeymoon.

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I've heard nasty speculation about the timining of her pregnancy not being right, and that just makes me angry on their behalf as they seem like such a nice couple. They probably timed the wedding for during the middle of her cycle so she wouldn't have to worry about AF on her wedding day or honeymoon. So I can totally believe her getting pregnant on her honeymoon.

They are selling their life on TV.


Nasty isn't OK.


Speculation is inevitable.


I'm not sure speculating about when she conceived is nasty, given the circumstances.

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They all seem perfectly nice but hearing about the Duggars stresses me out. I think with the girls starting to marry it's more on the radar of my dd and other late teen girls I know.


It's like some sort of real life, unattainable fairy tale that is so so different from our lives.


I already struggle because I'll never have more kids and we have no support system. I shamefully admit that I'm jealous...


I'll never be able to give my kids a big family and a huge support system.


Eta: their baby announcement is cute though!!

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I'm very happy for them. 


I had read that his mother is battling cancer and couldn't attend the rehearsal dinner.   I wonder if this will be her first grandchild? 


What a wonderful blessing this baby will be...to all of them!  Thank God there are people who choose life, celebrate life, fight for life...

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Congratulations to them! As someone who had a five week old on my first anniversary, I always love hearing couples jump right into childbearing. One of the best choices we made and a ton of fun.

Yeah, I had a 3 week old on my first wedding anniversary and dh and I started trying immediately after getting married.  I was only 22 at the time. Nothing wrong with wanting to start a family right away.  It may have been a much bigger shock if dh and I had never had any unsupervised visits, unmonitored conversations, or even a kiss but not insane in my mind.  

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She and Derick seem very thrilled to be expecting. I was just hoping they could have a bit of time to get to know each other as a couple before they did the parenting thing, especially since Jill has spent so many years in charge of younger siblings.  


Derick's mom is currently cancer free according to his Twitter account.  Yay for her!!! 


I think this can end speculation that not having any physical contact before marriage (other than holding hands) leads to an awkward wedding night. 

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Seriously..this family is the most fertile family on the planet. Pregnant in just 8 weeks...It took me 5 years of trying to get pregnant with my first and we stopped at 3 only because I've never gotten pregnant again.


Jealous here...

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Seriously..this family is the most fertile family on the planet. Pregnant in just 8 weeks...It took me 5 years of trying to get pregnant with my first and we stopped at 3 only because I've never gotten pregnant again.


Jealous here...


Her father said that it was 30 days after they got married that they told the family they are expecting.  Speedy-quick!

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What I am wondering is- if she has had the pregnancy confirmed by a doctor yet. Jill said she got 2 negatives and her sisters made her take another and it was positive. I am hoping it wasn't a fluke or something. I see nothing wrong with them getting pregnant right away. Its what they want- its their life and their right. Whats wrong with wanting to be a mom of a lot of kids? 

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They are selling their life on TV.


Nasty isn't OK.


Speculation is inevitable.


I'm not sure speculating about when she conceived is nasty, given the circumstances.


The tone of the speculation I've seen has been pretty nasty. I get that the Duggars are targets for everyone who hates fundamentalist Christians and ultraconservative views on s*xuality. I don't personally agree with the extent that the Duggars go in their limits on pre-marital physical contact. But that's no excuse for the kind of crude wisecracks I've seen floating around the blogosphere today.

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I think this can end speculation that not having any physical contact before marriage (other than holding hands) leads to an awkward wedding night.


It doesn't end speculation about awkwardness. Because they managed to get the corresponding organs into the correct position to conceive does not, in my mind, erase any belief that it would be bizarre to "cover all the bases" in one hot night.


I agree with the PP who said this is not what I would want for any of my kids, daughter or sons. But perhaps especially my daughter, because I am overjoyed that my girl was born in a time and place where it does not have to be a disadvantage to one's future that one is female. I would be perfectly happy for my dd if she decides that what she wants most in life is to raise her children and teach them. But the last thing I would want for my dd is for her to be *stuck* with that because, other than by choosing life-long celibacy, she cannot choose otherwise.

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I'll be the one to ask. What in the world do you mean?


People who criticize the Duggar model of courtship tend to argue that the couple will not be ready on their wedding night...that going from first kiss to intercourse in a matter of hours is just too much, and that it can take days or weeks to work up to it.  


I don't hold those views but some do. 

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Oh, I don't know, my husband was pretty shocked even though we knew it was a possibility. We just figured it would take longer, and even planning for subsequent babies the reality of each one hits afresh.

Yup. We had a honeymoon baby. Of course we knew it was possible. We just didn't think it would happen that quickly.

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People who criticize the Duggar model of courtship tend to argue that the couple will not be ready on their wedding night...that going from first kiss to intercourse in a matter of hours is just too much, and that it can take days or weeks to work up to it.  


I don't hold those views but some do. 



That's a very silly viewpoint! LOL


But a pregnancy announcement at 8 weeks doesn't really challenge it, because people can pregnant from very awkward sex, and there's enough of a window to allow for days or even a couple of weeks of horror-stricken fear of getting within 10 ft of each other unsupervised. They could go through all that, AND be awkward when they finally did, and still turn up pregnant within two months.

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People who criticize the Duggar model of courtship tend to argue that the couple will not be ready on their wedding night...that going from first kiss to intercourse in a matter of hours is just too much, and that it can take days or weeks to work up to it.


I don't hold those views but some do.

I do. Not that it takes weeks to work up to it, but that I personally would not want that. I also think the few years that are developmentally common for people to "make it through the bases" most often during their teen years is a great, fun and exciting experience. Personally, I wouldn't want to have missed out on it. That giddy feeling of, "I think Paul and I might kiss next time, because he got really close to me and I thought he would, but then he just brushed my hair and said goodbye!!!!" Seriously, those are great times in teenagerhood. I would not want to breeze past all those awesome moments and just eat the whole cake three hours after I got married. Blerg.

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I wonder if they have confirmed that positive ept? The article doesn't say but does make it sound like she had a bunch of negatives then finally a positive and voila--an announcement. Surely they confirmed it before announcing?

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I wonder if they have confirmed that positive ept? The article doesn't say but does make it sound like she had a bunch of negatives then finally a positive and voila--an announcement. Surely they confirmed it before announcing?


I figured she'd just been testing too early to get the negative results.  I can't imagine they'd call in a camera crew before they called a doc to confirm.


But then again.....my priorities could very well be different from theirs. Clearly.

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Guest submarines


I think this can end speculation that not having any physical contact before marriage (other than holding hands) leads to an awkward wedding night. 


Really? How so? :confused1:


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I was going to say that there aren't a lot of people who would want to go from no physical contact to the full you-know in one evening, and then I realized how stupid THAT sounded! LOL


I think what's happening to me here is that my opinion that the way Duggars do things is unnatural is blinding me from remembering how everybody else manages. Either that, or I'm getting really, really, really, really old.





p.s. And I don't mean the no sex until after the wedding. In my universe that is still somewhat normal. I'm talking about the fertility cult aspect for girls, combined with extreme parental control, until they hand over a daughter like property and tell her to be sexy now. It's confusing.



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Guest submarines

People who criticize the Duggar model of courtship tend to argue that the couple will not be ready on their wedding night...that going from first kiss to intercourse in a matter of hours is just too much, and that it can take days or weeks to work up to it.  


I don't hold those views but some do. 


How does a pregnancy show that it wasn't all too much? :confused1: This just shows that they did end up having sex. Could've been awkward. Could've been great. There's really no relationship between pregnancy and quality of sex.

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How does a pregnancy show that it wasn't all too much? :confused1: This just shows that they did end up having sex. Could've been awkward. Could've been great. There's really no relationship between pregnancy and quality of sex.


That's true.   My use of the word 'awkward' seems to have bothered people.   What I meant by awkward is that if they were both so nervous/scared/uninformed that they might not  have been able to go from first kiss to intercourse in a matter of hours, the wedding night would be awkward- as in no intercourse.  And I would think that most people expect to have intercourse on their wedding night. 


Since Jill found out she was pregnant 30 days after she was married, I'm speculating that she didn't find her wedding night to be too awkward to 'do the deed'.  Of course that speculation might be totally wrong!


And you're right- the sex might have been awful, or it could have been great. Pregnancy doesn't happen only after good sex.  


Do you guys think I admire the Duggar style of courtship? Because I bet I spend more time on Free Jinger than anyone here...I am not enamored with that lifestyle, especially the part about Gothard. 

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How does a pregnancy show that it wasn't all too much? :confused1: This just shows that they did end up having sex. Could've been awkward. Could've been great. There's really no relationship between pregnancy and quality of sex.

Yeah really. Otherwise, how to explain pregnancy resulting from rape or incest?

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I figured she'd just been testing too early to get the negative results.  I can't imagine they'd call in a camera crew before they called a doc to confirm.


But then again.....my priorities could very well be different from theirs. Clearly.


Yes, I guess it felt like there was a rush to make an announcement. At least, that's how I felt after reading the article. But then, again, it's People. :001_rolleyes:

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I think the fact that she was taking pregnancy tests less than 30 days after having sex is weird. Even when we were trying I waited till a missed period before taking a test. It's like their plan was to get preggo asap. You'd think they'd put getting to know each other ahead of becoming parents.

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I hope she has a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.


While I think it's fine to have a baby early on in a marriage, if that's what one wants…I also think that when you do (and we did…which was a surprise as I was almost 35)…. you miss out on just being a newly married couple and all the good fun that is.  The focus can go away from you two and become all about the baby-to-be…and then the baby….and once you are into the young children stage, it can be a long time before you get time again to be just a couple. (Not sure if I'm making sense.)


I wish she would have waited until 12 weeks to announce.  I hope she doesn't regret that public announcement.  

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I think the fact that she was taking pregnancy tests less than 30 days after having sex is weird. Even when we were trying I waited till a missed period before taking a test. It's like their plan was to get preggo asap. You'd think they'd put getting to know each other ahead of becoming parents.

Why would she need to wait if her period was due a week after they married or 3 weeks? If I'm trying to conceive I know when I ovulate so I know I can test 5 days before my period is supposed to come and have a good indicator of if I got pregnant that month. Every single positive test I've had,5, has come before I missed my period so waiting 30 days isn't really necessary.

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I think the fact that she was taking pregnancy tests less than 30 days after having sex is weird. Even when we were trying I waited till a missed period before taking a test. It's like their plan was to get preggo asap. You'd think they'd put getting to know each other ahead of becoming parents.

Well, she's a Duggar, and if having lots of babies is as much of a priority for her as it has been for her mom, I can understand why she took the test.


Also, she may have already missed a period by the time she took the test.

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I think the fact that she was taking pregnancy tests less than 30 days after having sex is weird. Even when we were trying I waited till a missed period before taking a test. It's like their plan was to get preggo asap. You'd think they'd put getting to know each other ahead of becoming parents.

I think it's weirder that anyone would expect them to use contraception.

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I always get this impression that everyone thinks the Duggar children are brainless robots. She's a grown-up and she married a grown-up and I bet they know that there are ways to prevent pregnancy, yet they chose not to. That is their CHOICE. They can do what they want.


Congrats to them.

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I always get this impression that everyone thinks the Duggar children are brainless robots. She's a grown-up and she married a grown-up and I bet they know that there are ways to prevent pregnancy, yet they chose not to. That is their CHOICE. They can do what they want.


Congrats to them.

Who said anything about the Duggar children being brainless robots? :confused:

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Who said anything about the Duggar children being brainless robots? :confused:


I didn't say anyone said it. I said I get the impression that people THINK that by responses about the Duggars. (That is, "do what mommy and daddy do because we can't think for ourselves.")


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