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I am looking forward to our busy summer work abating. By next week I will have much more time to concentrate on school work with my boys.


I also have more time to read in the fall. I am really looking forward to that.


And when it really cools down: soup. Big pots of soup and fresh buttered bread.

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What things are you looking forward to as summer comes to a close and autumn begins? I can't wait for cool nights and warm (not hot) afternoons. The smell of the falling leaves, sweaters, and a nice wood fire.


I was telling dh that right now is my favorite of the entire year. We can still go swimming, and enjoy all the fun summer stuff, but we have so much to look forward to as well! We love the fall, hayrides, the fall leaves, caramel apples, Halloween, then onto Thanksgiving, then Christmas and New Year's. There is just so much fun packed between August and December!! I love it, and thank you for the reminder that there is much to be happy about!!

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What things are you looking forward to as summer comes to a close and autumn begins? I can't wait for cool nights and warm (not hot) afternoons. The smell of the falling leaves, sweaters, and a nice wood fire.


My favorite time of year is coming up! I love Autumn. "Autumn is subtle as summer is obvious."

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All of the above, for sure. Remember in the Little House books when Pa would come in early from his chores and play his fiddle? I look forward to all the inside things we can do together like board games, singing around the piano, baking, sewing, or just being in the same room with everyone lost in a good book.

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Dh's paid holidays. He doesn't get any overtime, and his last annual raise sent us into a higher tax bracket. He is bringing home less than he did two years ago. So I'm looking forward to Labor DAy, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years in a whole new way.

fall foliage.


They are already starting to change here.

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The return of egg nog! That and stuffing myself with pumpkin pie.


I love fall. Love, love, love it. It looks like it'll be a busy one though so I'm going to have to stay on top of things or I'll miss the fun.


I was just thinking about that, this morning, it would be nice to get some seasonal creamer for my coffee. Mmmm. Oh yeah, and starbucks pumpkin Mocha. Mmmmm.


Cant wait to decorate the house. It already has orange walls, everywhere. We are ready.



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As for adult beverages...how about a nice yummy hot chocolate with a splash (or two :001_smile:) of Baileys?


Although Spring is my favorite season, I love the crisp air of Fall. The smell of smoke from a chimney is one of my very favorite scents. Also, the anticipation of the holidays brings a joy to the season that others lack.

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Christmas songs

The smell of the holidays

Getting dark later (and therefore getting light later and the kids sleeping in past 6am!)



I know you said autumn, but I'm jumping the gun a bit. I'm ready for winter. Besides, our winter in AZ is probably like autumn to those who live in places that really have seasons.

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What things are you looking forward to as summer comes to a close and autumn begins? I can't wait for cool nights and warm (not hot) afternoons. The smell of the falling leaves, sweaters, and a nice wood fire.


This is the first house we've ever lived in that does not have a fireplace.


I still don't know what to do with that. I have all these things that are normally on my mantel that do not have a home. No fireplace? No fireplace?!?!!???

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Opening up all the windows. Riding whenever I feel like it. Hot chocolate. The way the air smells.


The death of all the flies that got in my house when stupid Hank the dog opened the door while we were gone and didn't close it behind himself so that it stayed opened for six hours..........sorry, still a tad ticked about that.

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I am looking forward to our busy summer work abating. By next week I will have much more time to concentrate on school work with my boys.


I also have more time to read in the fall. I am really looking forward to that.


And when it really cools down: soup. Big pots of soup and fresh buttered bread.


Crissy, I was going to say soup too!!!


I LOVE fall. I love new school supplies, crisp air, the leaves in our town are amazing in the fall, Sunday afternoon football (of course!!!!!), the color of pumpkins, warm blankets, a normal school schedule, and so much more.

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This is the first house we've ever lived in that does not have a fireplace.


I still don't know what to do with that. I have all these things that are normally on my mantel that do not have a home. No fireplace? No fireplace?!?!!???


We don't have a fireplace, either. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with that! I bought the stocking hangers from Target and have tried them in a few various places, but inevitably, they fall down, the hanger breaks and mommy's cranky. Hmmmm.....

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We live on the edge of dense woods--so Fall means NO BUGS!! Yea! We can go outside again and not get eaten alive.


Church Fair--Apple Butter Saturday the week before--

There's nothing like helping to stir 4 huge black cauldrons of applebutter!


Jackets and sweatshirts


Cowboys and Ohio State Football!


Better movies (can't wait to see the new Coen Bro's movie with Brad Pitt)

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Every October, a family at my church hosts a church-wide hayride, with wiener roasting, bonfire, etc. It's always a blast!


I also love how in autumn the sunlight takes on a more golden look to it; the sky seems a deeper blue and it really sets off how orange and red the leaves turn.

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Using my oven again! We use the grill exclusively in the summer or just have salads...so baking bread, soups, lasagna! I love the crisp smell and the sound the leaves make being swept across the street by the breeze. I love the clothes...comfy jeans, soft long sleeved shirts, and sweaters. I will enjoy eating a frozen treat because it is tasty...not for its cooling properties. I love the fall. Lovely thread. :)

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The death of all the flies that got in my house when stupid Hank the dog opened the door while we were gone and didn't close it behind himself so that it stayed opened for six hours..........sorry, still a tad ticked about that.


Hey, Hank's busy guarding the ranch. He doesn't have time for closin' doors. :tongue_smilie:

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TEA!!! I miss hot tea, and hardly drink it in the summer, unless I am feeling ill. And, although I love the leaves changing color, we are FULL of trees, and, with my lung disease, I haven't raked them from last year, and now will have them from this year <sigh>.


But I am already looking forward to Halloween and Christmas! You guys have got me thinking I can make most of my xmas gifts (which I usually do, but late--I'm trying to start early!). And we have an Indian Festival in Oct, which I love! And we have a local outdoor mall that is dog friendly that has a dog Halloween costume contest, one of our fave things--that is something to look forward to!


That, the State Fair, and being able to go out and walk! We've been able to do nothing all summer because of my lungs, but we can start taking our dogs on long walks again, and spending time outdoors (I hope)--I'm so excited!!! And, I hope soon, cooler temps and no more HUMIDITY!!!!

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