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Jenna Louise Coleman Leaves Dr. Who

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Who would you like to see as the new companion ? I'm going to have to think about that. I think I'd like a bloke for a bit though.


I want a hijabi and her brother because that would open up a lot of room for social commentary.



I'm glad Clara is going. Her storyline ran past its used by date a while back.


Go and pick up Susan's grandkids or something, maybe? I'd like to see more of Jenny, but I don't think she'd work with an old crusty doctor.


Leela was my favourite companion with Donna second. Captain Jack is always fun though.


I want to know how on earth Mickey and Martha ended up married. 

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I want a hijabi and her brother because that would open up a lot of room for social commentary.



I'm glad Clara is going. Her storyline ran past its used by date a while back.


Go and pick up Susan's grandkids or something, maybe? I'd like to see more of Jenny, but I don't think she'd work with an old crusty doctor.


Leela was my favourite companion with Donna second. Captain Jack is always fun though.


I want to know how on earth Mickey and Martha ended up married. 


Yes. For serious.

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I'm glad Clara is going. Her storyline ran past its used by date a while back.


. . .


I want to know how on earth Mickey and Martha ended up married. 


I was about to post the same about Clara. Seems like her tale ended and I wondered how they'd incorporate her character in further episodes.


And Mickey and Martha . . . that would be a fun story.

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Won't miss Clara.  Not at all.


Stormageddon!  For The Win!  We just watched that episode again last night and I LOVE that name!  I could live with a male companion for the doctor for a while.  I miss Rory.  Not Amy, though.  She was a brat.

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I want to know how on earth Mickey and Martha ended up married. 


I'd like to know that too.


Stormy would be a fun companion IMO.  Sarah Jane's son might also be fun to watch as a companion.  I'd love to see Jenny return in any storyline.


I like Clara, but I can't say that I'm going to miss her.  I do miss Donna and River and Captain Jack.  And I'm content knowing that Rose and Ten-2 are living happily in an alternate universe somewhere.

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I really liked Clara and disliked Donna, so I am in the minority. I also disliked Amy and Rori. I think Martha was my favorite, and I also liked Rose but didn't have a huge attachment. I am not interested in a male companion, unless it is Captain Jack. I would be for that 1000%. He was my favorite character of all time and I really wish they would make more seasons of Torchwood or bring him back to Doctor Who.


Eta: oh and I detested River wholeheartedly and I hope she never ever comes back. If the doctor has to get married he can marry Captain Jack.

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Clara is OK, but she ranks behind Martha in my book. I'd throw my vote in the ring for Captain Jack to return. I miss Rory (but not Amy). I hated Donna at first and thought she was obnoxious, but she grew to become my favorite companion. 


Clara did nothing for me.  Martha was good, but I think she would have been better if she didn't do the Rose thing with the crush on the Doctor.  Loved, loved, loved Rory.  Amy was also pretty good; better than Martha.  Loved Donna.  Catherine Tate is a great actress. Rose was also good.  The actress player her well, giving her more depth than I would have expected.  She grew on me.  Stormageddon would be fun as the new one.

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I miss Donna.


I feel the same way.... I have not really enjoyed the last two companions--- and I like her even less than Amy.



It's funny, when I mentioned it to my dd... she said, "Hmm...not a problem..she was annoying.. but when people start dissin' Donna, I get mad."  LOL.  I don't know how but a conversation about Clara moved to Donna. It's funny that Donna comes up a lot in our house when Dr. Who is discussed.

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It would be nice if they brought Donna back, even for a few episodes...and fixed her ending with the Doctor.   I think what makes that so sad is that, compared to the almost all the other companions, she seemed to be the most redeemed or healed (however you want to say it) by her experience with the Doctor, and then she lost it all. 

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I want a companion with NO flirting or sexual tension (which we got with Donna and that's about it. By the time Amy/Rory was past that, we had River in the mix). I also want someone who is willing to stand up to the doctor when he needs it-which the young girls have tended to do only rarely, if at all.


Most of all, though, I want Who back. It feels like it's been forever since Matt regenerated.

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Clara really disappointed me because in the episode where she was Oswin she was SO GOOD.  So smart and challenging.  Then when they brought her back as Clara she was all blah.  So, I don't think it was her as much as the writing.  She had the potential.....


I think they need a young, sexy male companion since they gave us an old crusty doctor.  Someone like Jack but different actor obviously.

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Clara was boring because the writers never did anything with her.  It wasn't the actor's fault.  Or even the initial characterization.


Donna was one of the more interesting companions because she was initially allowed to have her own personality.  Later on, they found out she could cry on command and they just let her do that every story.  It got old fast.


Amy kind of had the same arc -- interesting at first when she was allowed to be a person, then boring when she was only allowed to worry about where Rory was.


I'd like to see a female companion that kept her personality.  Maybe the writers would let a male companion do that, so that might be the best bet.  But I just can't see the current den of writers being able to handle an interesting female companion without turning her into a one-trait automaton.  The people writing Doctor Who these days seem to be hearkening back to the bad old days of SF where every female was a prop.

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I was jumping up and down when I read that. I'm sure the actress is a nice person but the character was so annoying. Watching that season, for every episode, I kept asking my DH if we had missed an episode because it felt so disjointed.

I am glad I am not the only one who felt this way.  

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Yep. Because 12 could just go grab him from the future.  And we know Capaldi doesn't want any hint of romance with his companions, so young man/old man could work as a non-lovey dynamic.


It looks like a young man is joining the cast? 




Capaldi didn't want a hint of romance with Clara, specifically because of her age. He didn't want any 'papa-nicole' moments, which direct reference to a man being romantically linked to a woman young enough to be his daughter.


I know a lot has been made over his comment, but then I saw another story in I thought was The Guardian (can't find it) where he downplayed the 'no flirting' part. He claimed he didn't remember saying it and was surprised to see the press latch onto the statement to such a big degree.


So, it could go either way. And two men on the tardis doesn't rule out flirting.


But, I am the switzerland of flirting on the Tardis. Sometimes there is chemistry between two actors and sometimes there isn't. If there is, then the writers are foolish to ignore it because it can't be faked. I enjoyed the character of River Song, but saw zero chemistry between her and The Doctor. I never, ever believed them as romantically linked.


Chemistry doesn't have to mean flirting though. Ten and Donna had fantastic chemistry, the two actors became the best of friends, and it showed loud and clear in their acting together. However, they did make a very believable couple in Much Ado. In fact, I think much of my dissatisfaction around companions etc with the 11th doctor is the general lack of chemistry etc in the whole cast. I never understood why 11 was attached to any of them. That is not to say that I didn't enjoy their acting or anything like that. But it always felt like Acting. I never for once thought I was seeing real relationships between people. 


And, yes, Moffatt needs to get over his creepy fixation on 'the special girl' or 'the little girl that meets the doctor and grows up in love with him".  Alright, alright, we get it. You read The Time Traveler's Wife and it had a big impact on you. I liked it very much as well. But stop trying to stuff that character into all your women.  It gets boring.

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I loved Donna.


I like companions whom I feel I could sit down and chat with. I couldn't sit and chat with Clara. She's too cocky. Or Amy. Or even River.


I could sit and chat with Donna. I could chat with Rose.


I hope they get someone that I could chat with. Not someone who's cocky or a know it all or smug. Someone everyday.

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Clara really disappointed me because in the episode where she was Oswin she was SO GOOD.  So smart and challenging.  Then when they brought her back as Clara she was all blah.  So, I don't think it was her as much as the writing.  She had the potential.....


I loved Oswin! I thought Clara was going to be this great character but that's not how it turned out. And once they got through the story arc of her being the girl scattered throughout The Doctor's timeline it felt like her story was done and it was time to move on.


It's sort of like they were putting together a jigsaw puzzle and the pieces didn't quite fit together so they just jammed them in and the picture didn't quite turn out how it was supposed to. IMO.

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It looks like a young man is joining the cast?




Sometimes there is chemistry between two actors and sometimes there isn't. If there is, then the writers are foolish to ignore it because it can't be faked. I enjoyed the character of River Song, but saw zero chemistry between her and The Doctor. I never, ever believed them as romantically linked.


Chemistry doesn't have to mean flirting though. Ten and Donna had fantastic chemistry, the two actors became the best of friends, and it showed loud and clear in their acting together. However, they did make a very believable couple in Much Ado. In fact, I think much of my dissatisfaction around companions etc with the 11th doctor is the general lack of chemistry etc in the whole cast. I never understood why 11 was attached to any of them. That is not to say that I didn't enjoy their acting or anything like that. But it always felt like Acting. I never for once thought I was seeing real relationships between people.



I've heard a rumor that a man companion will come aboard to somewhat emulate the first companions of the very first doctor. In the very first Doctor Who episode in 1963, the Doctor is an old man traveling with his granddaughter. Back then, it was rather assumed he was human who had made his time machine, or perhaps brought it from the future. The whole Time Lord thing hadn't been revealed (or maybe even created) yet.


His granddaughter's (Susan) teachers (a male and female in their 30's with some slight romantic chemistry) find her to be an odd child (teenager.) The follow her home one night to talk to her grandfather about her and discover the TARDIS and the Doctor. He says something about how now that they know about him they can't stay there--he has to whisk them away so they don't tell anyone about his time machine. And off they go. The teachers go against their will...and so it begins.


So, the rumor is that there will be a male and female companion that will somewhat reflect the tone of the first two companions (other than Susan the granddaughter.)


And---I so agree with the quoted above about chemistry. River and Matt-Doctor had NO chemistry! She looked like she was a decade older than him and it just didn't work for me on any level.


And I couldn't understand why the doctor cared that much about Amy. Not that much. Sure, as much as he cared about any other companion, but it seemed so over the top with Amy and I couldn't ever see what he saw in her.

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I think the new guy is a boyfriend for Clara.  He works at the school where she works?


And Alex Kingston is a decade older than Matt Smith, but that doesn't rule out a marriage or a sexual relationship or 'chemistry' between the characters, at least not to me. Age wasn't the sticking point, it is something organic that the two actors have between them or they don't. But, I saw it again and again in this show with all the actors. Just... meh.


Maybe they need a new casting director, or is that The Moff as well? I know he said he hired the actor for Amy because she was 'hot'. She certainly is pretty, and a decent actress, but I didn't like what she was given to work with. Maybe his taste and mine don't agree across the board, lol. Wouldn't be the first time

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I think the new guy is a boyfriend for Clara.  He works at the school where she works?


And Alex Kingston is a decade older than Matt Smith, but that doesn't rule out a marriage or a sexual relationship or 'chemistry' between the characters, at least not to me. Age wasn't the sticking point, it is something organic that the two actors have between them or they don't. But, I saw it again and again in this show with all the actors. Just... meh.


Maybe they need a new casting director, or is that The Moff as well? I know he said he hired the actor for Amy because she was 'hot'. She certainly is pretty, and a decent actress, but I didn't like what she was given to work with. Maybe his taste and mine don't agree across the board, lol. Wouldn't be the first time


She is two decades older than him, I don't think that rules anything out I was just saying. :lol:

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"And, yes, Moffatt needs to get over his creepy fixation on 'the special girl' or 'the little girl that meets the doctor and grows up in love with him".  Alright, alright, we get it. You read The Time Traveler's Wife and it had a big impact on you. I liked it very much as well. But stop trying to stuff that character into all your women.  It gets boring."


:lol:  :lol:


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I didn't care for her.  Or River.  Or Martha.  

I liked Rose the best, but only with 10.  I liked Amy (except when she was pathetic about Rory) and Rory and I liked Donna ok.  At first I didn't but she grew on me.  I liked the fact that she didn't have a crush on him.  Like others have said, that got old.  


I think it would be funny if it was a younger guy who kind of has that Captain Jack feel with the flirting, and the Doctor took on a father-ish persona to try to tame him (for lack of a better word lol).  

But overall, whatev.  :)

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Two. She's 51 and he's 31. 


Their age difference never mattered to me (the Doctor is 900-something, so who cares?), and I do think they had chemistry. 


Oh, they had some chemistry alright.  Did you ever see the outtakes of their wedding kiss from Doctor Who confidential?  It was much sexier than what they actually went with. Never could figure out why they went the other way.



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Oh, they had some chemistry alright.  Did you ever see the outtakes of their wedding kiss from Doctor Who confidential?  It was much sexier than what they actually went with. Never could figure out why they went the other way.




Sometimes I think that Steve Moffat thinks that real live women are a little icky. Or just clingy and are best held at arms length.   There was that whole 'never let him see you age" that made NO sense. The Doctor was nothing but pleased to see Sarah Jane, so I don't see what the deal is. Doesn't he like to tell everyone how very old he is? And there was the chortling about how clever The Doctor was in pawing off his needy girlfriend on his clone and sending her to a different universe. And the fact that Moffat flat out said that he forgot Jenny existed.

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Oh yeah, I agree about Rose. The romance was too ick & sappy for me.

I didn't sense any romance between Rose and the Doctor. I thought he had really great chemistry with Madame de Pompadour from The Girl in the Fireplace. That's who he should have ended up with. Rose and River are no match.

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My list of the new Who companions (those were in more than 2 or 3 episodes) from favorite to least favorite:

1. Captain Jack

2. Donna

3. River

4. Rory

5. Clara

6. Rose

7. Amy

8. Martha

9. Mickey

My list is very similar, but I'd put Clara closer to the bottom. Just above Martha probably.


On a side note, ds thinks it's weird that we have such a list at all, lol.

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