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While I would not trade my husband for ANY other human....


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My DH is an accountant and a handy man.....he just has very little time!



I totally get it. Sheep Daddy is an accountant. If anything happens to him, I'm totally marrying a handyman-type. I will be spending tomorrow trying to figure out how to change the seal on a toilet. Oh happy day.


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DawnM, you are very blessed to have a multi-purpose husband. Sheep Daddy can barely tell a nut from a bolt, so we have to hire a lot of outside help for anything I can't figure out via YouTube. It must be a beautiful thing to have a husband who can tackle those honey-do problems, time permitting.


Sometimes I fantasize about Sheep Daddy coming into the house all rugged and sweaty, carrying a toolbox and a hardhat. It would be even better than a kilt. :blush:

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Sometimes I fantasize about Sheep Daddy coming into the house all rugged and sweaty, carrying a toolbox and a hardhat. It would be even better than a kilt. :blush:


Ummm, nope. When hubby walks in all rugged and sweaty you can smell him a mile away!  I usually have to wash his clothes twice just to get the stink out.  It is nice he is handy with tools and fixes things for me.  But oh the stench when he has been working outside on things is terrible.


On the other hand when he emerges from the shower.......


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I have a friend whose husband is a plumber. Well, he is my friend as well, but you know, lol.


Anyway, trust me, a plumber is the way to go!  You would not Believe the things they have bartered in exchange for plumbing. I would not at all be surprised if he could barter plumbing for car repairs.

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Ummm, nope. When hubby walks in all rugged and sweaty you can smell him a mile away! I usually have to wash his clothes twice just to get the stink out. It is nice he is handy with tools and fixes things for me. But oh the stench when he has been working outside on things is terrible.


On the other hand when he emerges from the shower.......


But that's why it's a fantasy. I think I need the sweat and stink to give it that added touch of authenticity. If he's too perfect it wouldn't work.


Mr. Clean HandyMan with rugged good looks and a toolbox and hardhat would be even more wonderful, I'm certain, but my imagination can't stretch quite that far. :lol:

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I am, really, I know.


His father was an electrician and was also very handy.  He taught him a lot growing up.


My father isn't/wasn't handy at all.





DawnM, you are very blessed to have a multi-purpose husband. Sheep Daddy can barely tell a nut from a bolt, so we have to hire a lot of outside help for anything I can't figure out via YouTube. It must be a beautiful thing to have a husband who can tackle those honey-do problems, time permitting.

Sometimes I fantasize about Sheep Daddy coming into the house all rugged and sweaty, carrying a toolbox and a hardhat. It would be even better than a kilt. :blush:


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But that's why it's a fantasy. I think I need the sweat and stink to give it that added touch of authenticity. If he's too perfect it wouldn't work.


Mr. Clean HandyMan with rugged good looks and a toolbox and hardhat would be even more wonderful, I'm certain, but my imagination can't stretch quite that far. :lol:

No cause then he'll just look like the site supervisor...

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I married a mechanic and handyman. He's a workaholic. I guess there are trade-offs. But I wouldn't trade him for the world.


The funny thing is though, when you are married to a mechanic, they know how long your vehicle will go before it really needs to be fixed. In other words, I still drive clunkers. Then when he finally does fix it, we lose our day or evening together because he's busy. But we do save money.

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if ever he should leave me and never look back, I'm marrying a mechanic.


Sitting in the auto shop. I'm rarely over-anxious when out of my comfort zone for minor things.... BUY a car? No problem. Have a mechanical issue? Anxiety abounds. Drat.

LOL! Remember, "The cobbler's children go unshod."


My dh is an electrician. For years after we moved into our home I could not use my blow dryer when the furnace was running as so many things were on the same circuit. He was so busy working he never had time to work on our own electrical system.


My dh is very handy . . . he just doesn't have time to be handy around our house!

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While DH isn't fantastic with cars, he isn't bad.  He is wonderful with electrical work and computers.  Plumbing skills are improving.  


But I really hated being dependent on others for house and car repairs in my 20's and not knowing a lot about woodworking, etc. so I am seriously looking at signing my kids up for those Landry Academy Intensive courses where they teach car repair, woodworking, blacksmithing, welding, etc.  it just seems like no matter what career they go into those skills might come in handy for around the house and as a backup skill to use when times get tough, KWIM?

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DH is a programmer but he can also do moderate car repairs and build things. He built us a nice shed (although the doors need replacing) and just finished fixing the kitchen floor. Water had been getting in under the door and was rotting the floor, subfloor, and floor joists below. He was able to figure out how to fix it with the help of some YouTube videos.


YouTube is also how he learns to fix cars. He added a bunch of soundproofing to one of our cars that made it much quieter. Someone had made a video of how to do it for our exact model which saved him a bunch of time he otherwise would have wasted trying to figure out how to get the trim off.


Oh, he is also willing to sew. He made himself and the boys some pillowcases and last year he sewed his own Halloween costume. As long as I am around to help "translate" the pattern directions he's good to go.

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Someone who like to camp!!! I haven't been camping since we got married :crying: He's not opposed to taking me camping but I don't want to do something that he will not enjoy especially since I love it so much

The way I got dh to start camping was it get ds into cub scouts. We have been camping ever since!

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My dh can fix almost anythig except teeth. I wish he had dental skills. I have spent thousands on my teeth and needd another $12,000 in work done. Meanwhile my dentist has a fancy house, pool, pool house, shed, tractor, cars, boats, trucks, 4 wheelers- basically everything and anything.

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I totally understand! My dh actually comes from a family of super handy guys--his dad could fix or build anything, one brother is a woodworker, one is a plumber, one does HVAC, all of them can do general repairs. My dh, on the other hand, the oldest son, has no clue. Whenever he refers to "his" tools, I'm like, "Your tools? Honey, when was the last time you stepped foot inside Lowe's?" I'm mostly the only person who ever uses our drill or anything else (because projects). I've asked him what he was doing when his dad was being handy and all the other boys were picking up handyman skills, and he says he was off plotting a future in which he would make enough money to pay someone else to do those things. And while he has achieved that quite nicely, it would still be nice to HAVE that money.


I second the dentist thing, too.

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While mine will tell you he's NOT a mechanic, he is a tinkerer.  ...Which means he can fix anything under the sun, including the vehicles, given enough time to poke at it and figure it out. 

In another life, he probably would have been a mechanical engineer, actually.  (He'a always been good at, and enjoyed, physics.)  

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My husband's a programmer and not the least bit handy. So I'd marry a handyman and then be all frustrated that my computers break. :)


My husband is an IT guy and a musician. So not only is he never home, even if he were he wouldn't know how to fix things. We have awesome computers, but our house is sadly neglected. ;-) My dad was a guy who could build or fix anything and did, including building their home and a building a canoe, so this is something I've had to learn to live with.

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My dh can fix anything as well. He rebuilt my Porsche engine. He can take out a transmission or a gas tank and put in a new one. He can install dishwashers, replace plumbing, do all kinds of electrical, automotive repairs, he can cook very well (it's the cleaning up part he doesn't get).

He does not like to do yard work, at all, ever, any part of it, which makes me very sad. He can usually fix our computers or figure out what is wrong with them. He can tackle the dog or cat and hold on fiercely if needed.

One of my sons is going into the dental field, so I'm waiting for the benefits of that!

It seems like we have had to know how to fix things out of necessity.

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