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Treasured Conversations, 8FilltheHeart's new writing program,......

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If you hadn't started CAP's writing program and wanted to use both what order would you suggest. I was all set to start Fable next year with my son. He will be in 6th grade, but is dyslexic and just now starting to take off with reading. Fable seemed like a great place, but I really like the looks of the first section of this program so now I am wondering if I should do the first section of this program before Fable. 

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I'm not on WTM forums much anymore either, but for some random reason came to visit tonight and this thread is the first I read. I just can't say how much it thrills me to see you have written your writing program.  I have you WTM posts on writing in my binder.  Congratulations, 8!  


It will be for sale at midnight, Eastern Time, right?!   ;)   

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I think you could go either way.  I think you could do TC then Fable, or do Fable then TC.  I don't know whether there is a best answer.  TC definitely teaches a lot more grammar than Fable does.  I'd say TC starts out at a simpler place, but takes you further than Fable - which makes sense, since TC is 32 lessons and Fable is just 14.  So really, you can't go wrong I don't think.  We've done the first 7 lessons of Fable and we did that alongside what was basically section 1 of TC (beta version).  We'll do the rest of Fable and Narrative 1 this year, alongside and/or alternating with the 2nd two sections of TC.  They are definitely compatible.  My dd really likes variety, and writing is our primary focus for 3rd grade, so we may end up alternating weeks or even doing both on the light writing days of W&R.

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Sorry to all the people asking about how this fits with other programs. I can't really answer b/c I am unfamiliar with most of them.


And, no, not midnight tonight. Dh just set up the Paypal acct last night, and Paypal has not done its verifications yet. Paypal says 1-2 days, so at this point, we are at the mercy of their system.

Other than Paypal and doing some test downloads, we are pretty much good to go.


Also, in terms of print vs. pdf, I am thinking it through. I am selling some print versions locally, so if you absolutely have to have print vs. pdf, dh says he will create a contact us page and you can send me an emai via the website (put "Print" in subject line). If only a few want it that way, I can sell from my local prints or if there is high demand for print, we can add it as an option, but it will end up being quite a bit more. For the local prints, spiral bound with covers for 2 separate books (TM and student) with a 25% discount was $23 for printing/binding.

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I was thinking 8 said they were waiting on the paypal to finish up the the business account. 


Yes.   Our business Paypal didn't become operational yesterday.  I would suspect it should be by this afternoon, but obviously I have no control over whether it does or not.  They said between 24-48 hrs.   This evening will be 48.  

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This looks so interesting and promising! 

A quick question: I know these are skills geared for 3rd-5th graders, but how long is this program expected to last? Is it meant to stretch out over 2-3 years, or would one complete it in a year? A semester? What pacing would you typically suggest? 

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Just cause I'm here I'll take a stab at how I think one could approach it . . . It's written as a 4-day/5th day optional program.  There are 32 weeks.  So if your student is progressing with no trouble, you could motor through it in a year.  But it's written to teach you how to apply the techniques to other material, so if your student needs extra practice, you can pull in other material and give it to them, using the same guided conversation that the book models.  Or you might complete section 1 and realize that your kid isn't quite ready for section 2 and do something else for awhile - ditto w/ section 2 &3. So a student who is developmentally ready for this level of material could go through it in a school year, but you could also extend it over two years by adding your own material.  


I'm hoping we will finish the curriculum in 3rd grade, and then spend 4th grade writing weekly reports, maybe extending to several paragraphs, using the model that TC teaches and that 8 has written about before.  So that's another way to extend it.

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That is what I was thinking Rose. I think it would depend on your student and when you start it. I'm expecting that ds will finish it this year. If I start dd next year (3rd) I will not expect her to finish the whole thing, unless something massively changes she will not be ready to write reports by the end of the year. If dd does go ahead and do part of it then we will probably just use the framework to continue on using our own pieces to practice it until she gets it down well.

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I expect ds will continue onto Chreia next year and writing reports in our content. I'm excited to see the coming levels of WR as we've enjoyed them so far, so those will probably play into our writing. If 8 puts out another level of writing we will certainly be checking that out as well. I don't know if we'll every do WWS, it seems like a fine program but I don't think it would work with ds.

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I checked 10 times already today.  :drool5:


:) It should be up and operational in a few hrs.   We had some major complications with Paypal.  It still hadn't verified, so I called them, and it was not their fault.   It was actually our banks.   I was really upset, but PayPal was awesome.   They dealt with everything immediately after I got home from going to the bank and dealing with it on that end.  I called Paypal and explained what had happened.  The person on the phone was incredibly patient and went ahead and did everything right then that normally takes the 24-48 hrs.  


Dh is coming home early from work (He loves me and is very helpful.....but he does have major responsibilities of his own :lol: ) and will finish everything.   If I could do it I would, but then you would all probably be terribly upset b/c nothing would function.  You would probably end up with images of my old avatar of the Mad Hatter vs. the book.  ;)

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I don't see the Test Product. Where do you see that?


It was *just* deleted...    They must be playing around with it.  Testing the purchasing/download to be sure it all works the way it should.  I keep refreshing it.  I'm so stinkin' excited to see action after all day waiting.  :lol:


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8, at some point, I think you should seriously consider pricing out a printed version and adding it to the site.  Some of us do better with those than downloads.  :D  IMO, it is fine to charge the actual cost of printing/binding, a small fee for the trouble of doing this, and shipping, in addition to the price of the product.  You can also choose one day a week when you deal with these orders and let people know that you ship out the printed version only on Fridays, for instance, to set an expectation. 


(All of that fine advice is free of charge.  :D )

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8, at some point, I think you should seriously consider pricing out a printed version and adding it to the site.  Some of us do better with those than downloads.  :D  IMO, it is fine to charge the actual cost of printing/binding, a small fee for the trouble of doing this, and shipping, in addition to the price of the product.  You can also choose one day a week when you deal with these orders and let people know that you ship out the printed version only on Fridays, for instance, to set an expectation. 


(All of that fine advice is free of charge.  :D )


^^^ WSS


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8, at some point, I think you should seriously consider pricing out a printed version and adding it to the site.  Some of us do better with those than downloads.  :D  IMO, it is fine to charge the actual cost of printing/binding, a small fee for the trouble of doing this, and shipping, in addition to the price of the product.  You can also choose one day a week when you deal with these orders and let people know that you ship out the printed version only on Fridays, for instance, to set an expectation. 


(All of that fine advice is free of charge.  :D )


I picked up a partial order of my printed copies a few minutes ago.   I am just as thrilled as you are b/c they look beautiful!  


I wonder if people realize how easy it is to get things printed and bound?  If you save the pdf on your computer and then on to a thumb drive, it is easy.I know through tomorrow our local Office Depot is having 25% off printing.  Staples,etc all off the same sort of service (though the 25% off coupon is significant savings.).  All you need to do is carry in your thumb drive and tell them what you want.


I can share what I learned today.  Yesterday I had printed up a special copy for someone who was very helpful behind the scenes for inspiring me.  Her dd had drawn some artwork and I had a copy printed up with it in it.  I have never printed an entire book before and went with the advice of the person helping me.  I mailed it out this morning and shipping was very reasonable.


But the copies I picked up tonight were prepared by someone else.  Now I feel bad b/c they are so pretty compared to what I had printed yesterday.   The person today printed on 24 lb paper and it made a world of difference in how it looks. I  had no idea how the looks change with different paper.


 The cover I chose after trying out a couple of different ones yesterday is 100 lb cardstock.  The cover printed great and I think it was a good choice.

 To start off with, I would only print the teacher's book and have it bound. Student pages can be printed up quite easily on a home printer on the days that require them.  (Some days do not require the student to have anything printed.)


FWIW, dh is setting up domestic sales only. He is getting close. :)

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Read the the link at the top of the page if you have any questions about how to deal with your download. :)

I was amused to see what other tabs you had open. Sorry, but it cracked me up. ;)


I am a little scared by the idea of a single download only.

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I wonder if people realize how easy it is to get things printed and bound? 


But the copies I picked up tonight were prepared by someone else.  Now I feel bad b/c they are so pretty compared to what I had printed yesterday.   The person today printed on 24 lb paper and it made a world of difference in how it looks. I  had no idea how the looks change with different paper.


 The cover I chose after trying out a couple of different ones yesterday is 100 lb cardstock.  The cover printed great and I think it was a good choice.


I uploaded the TM to FedExOffice to price printing it. I set it up w/Heart's recommendations: covers on 110 lb paper, all the rest with 24 lb paper, black & white, double-sided -- all coil-bound. Came to about $32 before taxes. Just FYI.


OfficeDepot's online site:

Coil bound, Front & back covers 100 lb gloss. Their B/W option is 20lb paper comes to $23.88. Upgrade to 28 lb Laser takes it to $27.18 (same price as Bright 24 lb white). Printing is 25% off right now (automatically applied coupon: 25% Off Print On Demand 92029543), bringing the price back down to $20.67. [Note:  I don't know if it matters or not, but I made an "exception" to the front page & made it the 100 lb gloss paper. Then, I went into some other tab & added the back cover as 100# Glossy Elite or something like that.]

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I'm planning to purchase, and am really looking forward to seeing this.


I do have a question.


My boys are going into 5th grade, and we're half way through Narrative I. We're starting MCT Town's grammar.


Given our age and CAP progress, would I pick and choose sections of TC before going to Narrative II? If so, which ones?

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