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Products and treatments for craggily old lady feet?


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I'm 42 with the feet of a 90yo. It seems like it happened overnight! Even my TOES look wrinkly...  :confused1:


I have the foot egg shaver, and it works okay, unless I go crazy and shave off actual needed foot flesh.  :glare:

I can never, ever go to a public pedicure. Germaphobe... 


I've used petroleum jelly and that worked pretty well. Is it bad to put that stuff on overnight with socks? I feel highly combustible with that stuff on my feet. 


So have you had great results with anything? Recommendations? 


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Yes -- Baby Foot! It is the best stuff.


I use it every few months. It's just two plastic booties filled with some sort of gel. You take a shower or bath, dry your feet off quickly and while they're still damp, cut the top of the booties off and then pop them on for an hour or so. You use the enclosed sticky tape to keep them closed. Later you just rinse the gel off and in a few days, about 2-3 for me, you'll notice the skin on your foot sloughing off. Kind of gross but it works well. 

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This is my favorite foot care product. I have terrible callouses and cracked heels during the summer and this file keeps them under control without inflicting pain on myself. It works on dry skin, but it also works great after your feet have soaked a while in the tub or shower. Just dry them off a bit first.



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Also at Ulta (probably other places, but I've only bought from Ulta) are these scrubby things. They're great once your feet are de-cragged to keep them smooth. They come in two sizes and a few scents. http://www.ulta.com/ulta/browse/productDetail.jsp?productId=xlsImpprod600316


On amazon too! Spongeables Pedi Scrub Foot Buffer 20+ Washes, Lavender Tea Tree Oil Aromatherapy, 2-Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000XE1ZI4/

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Yes -- Baby Foot! It is the best stuff.


I use it every few months. It's just two plastic booties filled with some sort of gel. You take a shower or bath, dry your feet off quickly and while they're still damp, cut the top of the booties off and then pop them on for an hour or so. You use the enclosed sticky tape to keep them closed. Later you just rinse the gel off and in a few days, about 2-3 for me, you'll notice the skin on your foot sloughing off. Kind of gross but it works well.

Photos of the peeling look scary...does it hurt?

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I'm 42 with the feet of a 90yo. It seems like it happened overnight! Even my TOES look wrinkly...  :confused1:


I have the foot egg shaver, and it works okay, unless I go crazy and shave of actual needed foot flesh.  :glare:

I can never, ever go to a public pedicure. Germaphobe... 


I've used petroleum jelly and that worked pretty well. Is it bad to put that stuff on overnight with socks? I feel highly combustible with that stuff on my feet. 


So have you had great results with anything? Recommendations? 


Go to the beach daily and walk around on the sand.  Better than a week at the salon.  I'm not even kidding.

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Another vote for Baby Feet. One downside is, it doesn't last so you need to repeat it a couple of times a year, though maybe if I tried to maintain them better between times, my feet would stay softer longer. Another downside is your feet look diseased for up to 10 days or so. You will shed huge strips of skin for days and you can't even walk around the house without socks on, so summer is a bad time to use it. You shouldn't try and peel it yourself either because it can go deep. As long as you leave it alone though, it doesn't hurt.


It can take awhile after you apply the gel for the peeling to start, even a week or so. Soaking your feet helps jump start it, and don't put lotion on from the time you put the gel on until the peeling is done. I was amazed at how well it worked.

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I hate my dry feet! I usually use a scrubbing handle (like a big nail file) and recently got the Gold Bond cream mentioned above. It's okay. I'd love something that works even better though, and have added several items to my amazon cart for review :)

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I found this product a couple of years ago.  I love it!


Emjoi Micro Pedi. I am using Coconut oil as my lotion of choice.  It is working pretty well for me.



You can buy it here:








I buy the replacement rollers on auto ship and get them much cheaper and no shipping:




Note about rollers.  It comes with the blue roller, which pretty much is lovely color, but you want the serious strength ones most of the time.  I have used the black ones ( they look kind of blue/gold specked on the above link).  I have not tried the green one, but I am thinking I will order that one next. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

cetaphil.  I slather it on - and will do multiple coats if I'm sitting around and just allow it to soak in.  huge difference in my feet.  they don't look like old lady feet - and if I use it enough consistently - even my thick callus starts to slough off from its base.  (I scrape my calluses when I get out of the shower/tub as they are much softer)


nivea does work too - it just doesn't soak in the way cetaphil does.  (I used to use kerasal = which is a diabetic foot ointment that worked wonders - just very expensive.  cetaphil is MUCH cheaper.)

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We live in the tropics, so we're dealing with summer year-round. When I'm home, as much as I can, I slather Vaseline on my heels and wear socks. Going barefoot or even sandals/Birkenstocks in my case, will not help. The Vaseline and socks method works for me. I also try to get a pedicure every 6-8 weeks. The Vaseline can be replaced with pretty much any cream, I'm sure. I just use that because most other things are very expensive here. The socks are what are essential. 

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One if my favorite parts of beach vacations! Now if only I lived closer so my feet could always look like that without any work!


How about getting a bucket of playsand and rubbing your feet in it everyday?  It would at least give you a good excuse to sit down!

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How much water do you drink daily? 


My feet were the worst, deep cracks and dried out! 


I tried a lot of things. 


But the one simple thing I did was start drinking my 8 glasses of water a day. I actually made it into homemade black tea lemonade. But I drank a lot. I started this in January of this year. 


The other day my dh says to me, "How are your feet doing this summer. I haven't heard you complain. You're not wearing socks & shoes as much either, lots of bare feet."


Surprised I checked my feet, they're beautiful. :)) No cracks, no dried out calluses. I might even schedule need a pedi. :) 



Drink water! 



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