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Strep UPDATE post #12


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Doctor's office just called to say that the strep culture they sent in for my 2 year old came back positive. They're calling in antibiotics for him...here's what I am wondering: my family have been sick off and on for over a month; sore throats, headaches, fevers -- but primarily gastrointestinal symptoms that just keep recurring. No one has been sick enough that I felt we needed a doctor until the toddler was running a high fever this week, but we also have hardly been well. I discussed with the Dr. the possibility that we have all just been passing strep back and forth, and she suggested putting everyone on antibiotics. I'd like to hear peoples' experience dealing with strep, especially families who have gone through it with multiple young children in the home (easy sharing of germs). I don't want to put everyone on antibiotics unnecessarily, but I also don't want to deal with strep indefinitely!

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Based upon my past experience, I would medicate to clear the household, unless you are on antibiotics often and at risk of overuse/immunity to antibiotics. I have had strep too many times to count and on three occasions it progressed to scarlet fever. It is a nasty bug. 


The other option would be to wait and have kids screened regularly for the next few months to see if it occurs again. If so, you could medicate.




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I would treat everyone and have them cultured. I don't mess with strep. I've had rheumatic fever from not taking it seriously, my little brother had scarlet fever and my other little brother had kidney damage. I have permanent damage to my joints and now if I don't treat a sore throat immediately, if it's strep it will spread within 3 days max. Strep scares me like crazy.

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I had strep so many times as a child, it was ridiculous.


I started getting it as an adult and my dd started getting it too, and I finally figured out what I had to do.  Which includes throwing out ALL your family toothbrushes after you aren't contagious anymore, and going through the house wiping down any surface you may have touched, with bleach.   That means doorknobs, fridge door handle, etc. 


I am not a bleach person, and had never used it before disinfecting my house for step.   I just went out an bought a pack of those chlorox wipes and wiped everything I could think of.    I haven't had it since, and I think that was 3 years ago.   Maybe I am crazy, and that's not what worked but I think it's a good idea to try to get rid of any trace of step bacteria, kind of like lice :) !

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Strep can be nasty and tricky. My dd kept on getting strep. She would finish a course of antibiotics and then would get strep again a few weeks later. Doctor finally had us all checked for strep and it turns out ds was a carrier. He had no symptoms whatsoever. He was put on a course of antibiotics and dd stopped getting strep. I know it's a different situation than yours but just illustrates how tricky strep can be. I think I would have everyone be treated. It's not something to mess with.

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Just back from the dr. office and pharmacy. Two more of the kids and I went in and tested positive for strep on the rapid test, so a culture is unnecessary. Since everyone in the family has had the same symptoms and four have now tested positive for strep, we're going to go ahead and do a course of antibiotics for everyone. And sanitize everything--I was just reading some studies that demonstrated strep is able to survive for long periods on surfaces.


At least now I know why we seem to be always sick lately, and there's something I can do about it.

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I'm mean, I used to have to pin my youngest down put the syringe in his mouth, look him in the eye and tell him that he needed to swallow or he'd choke, and then start emptying the syringe. He gagged and threw up (a little on purpose) so I did it again. It took me 4 tries but after that initial fight he swallowed. I don't recommend that approach for everyone though. Maybe you can hide it in ice cream or jello.

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I had to do this a couple of times with infants. It was terrible :(


The ice cream was much more palatable to both of us.


I think I'll try ice cream, just so happens I picked some up at the store when I went to get the prescriptions filled :) Thanks for the suggestion.

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I did research on the toothbrush thing when I had strep and what I could find on it was you don't necessarily need to toss it, but in my case I did. I also keep a box of Efferdent tablets handy all year round for sanitizing the toothbrushes. It's what I used to have to use to sanitize my retainers.


I've heard dairy can make it harder for the body to absorb antibiotics so I would be really hesitant with the ice-cream idea. Maybe if it's coconut ice-cream or soy? Although I always take yogurt the week of antibiotics as a woman to protect myself from a yeast infection. You may wanna read up on your particular antibiotic.


I would try the syringe. Have you already been doing that or did you use a cup? This is assuming he got liquid form.

I was using a syringe, and trying to get it in the back of his mouth. He still managed to spit out a lot of it. I'll look into dairy and absorption, but I'm thinking if it gets the medicine into him he's probably better off than if he spits it all out even if absorption is somewhat lessened.

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As to get the meds in them, I dont' know if that med comes in a pill form with the proper dose for that age but I had my kids swallowing pills before they were 2.  They HATED liquids and would only take pills............at least for any meds available in a pill form dose for their size.


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I've had to hide some pretty nasty medicines so far, and the two best bets for my boys are Herseys chocolate syrup and berry flavored Toriani syrup (strawberry or whaterver). Load the syrup in the syringe, add the medicine, and add a bit more syrup. You've got to be precise with the medicine, but it goes down pretty easily. 

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My dd got it and passed it to me, my dh, my FIL and eventually my MIL.  They were visiting.  It took some of us 2 or 3 rounds of antibiotics to get rid of it.  Either get tested or just take the antibiotic.  We were miserable for weeks.  Buy some probiotics to help with problems created by antibiotics.

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I used Hersey syrup to mix meds in when my kids were little. I chose something that I did not mind them hating if they associated it with meds. :) Dairy could inhibit absorbtion, and you do not want to go through another round of antibiotics if you do not need too. My 9 yr old had to take a lot of meds when he was 2-5, and early on he chose to chew non-chewable pills over taking liquid. Maybe that is an option if it does not come in a chewable form? Those liquids smell nasty, soi cannot imagine they taste very good. Good luck, strep is a nasty beast. We dealt with it on and off for a year once before finally kicking it for good.

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Just back from the dr. office and pharmacy. Two more of the kids and I went in and tested positive for strep on the rapid test, so a culture is unnecessary. Since everyone in the family has had the same symptoms and four have now tested positive for strep, we're going to go ahead and do a course of antibiotics for everyone. And sanitize everything--I was just reading some studies that demonstrated strep is able to survive for long periods on surfaces.



And put the pets on antibiotics - they can be asymptomatic carriers too.

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And put the pets on antibiotics - they can be asymptomatic carriers too.

Ugh, I didn't think about pets. An online search is giving me mixed results regarding the probability of cats being carriers, but I'll ask our vet tomorrow.

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Call your pharmacist and ask what you can safely mix it with. If dairy doesn't work, cinnamon applesauce is a good option.

I did some online research and it looks like dairy (specifically the calcium) interferes with some antibiotics but not with amoxicillin so I think we'll be OK.

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How's it going?


I thought of you today. Our family has been sick off and on for a month, too. Mostly sinus infections, kids were negative for strep. But I felt worse and worse, and went for a culture today. Yep. Strep. Sanitizing the entire house and contemplating getting the kids and DH cultured again. Ugh.


Hope your little one is taking his meds and feeling better!

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How's it going?


I thought of you today. Our family has been sick off and on for a month, too. Mostly sinus infections, kids were negative for strep. But I felt worse and worse, and went for a culture today. Yep. Strep. Sanitizing the entire house and contemplating getting the kids and DH cultured again. Ugh.


Hope your little one is taking his meds and feeling better!

So far meds are working fine--I have been mixing with ice cream for the toddler since my research indicated amoxicillin and dairy are OK together. He's definitely feeling better. I'm hoping some of the headaches/upset stomach/fatigue that I have been experiencing all month and just attributed to pregnancy has actually been strep-induced and will go away, it's hard to say yet as I am still exhausted from taking care of the sick toddler last week. Catching up on sleep is sure to help too :)


I hope you guys all get better, I would be inclined to go ahead and do the cultures.

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So far meds are working fine--I have been mixing with ice cream for the toddler since my research indicated amoxicillin and dairy are fine together. He's definitely feeling better. I'm hoping some of the headaches/upset stomach/fatigue that I have been experiencing all month and just attributed to pregnancy has actually been strep-induced and will go away, it's hard to say yet as I am still exhausted from taking care of the sick toddler last week. Catching up on sleep is sure to help too :)


Glad you found a way to get the meds into him, and he's on the mend.  :)


And hoping that you'll feel better soon, too!  Sleep will help.


No improvement here yet, but it hasn't even been 24 hours.  So far, I'm the only one on meds.  The kids were on abx for a sinus infection anyway, so hopefully they'll be fine.  ...I had forgotten how sore a sore throat could be!  Ouch.

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