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BBC Believes You Only Read 6 of These Books...


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72, but I've read parts of many of the others. I'm not going to finish Owen Meany or Watership Down just to impress the BBC, but there are others on there (Lolita, The Shadow of the Wind, War & Peace) that I've started a few times and intend to finish some day.


And Dickens, do I really need to read that much Dickens??


I was amused that they seemed to be padding the list a bit (listing both The Chronicles of Narnia plus the 1st book in the series) to help us get a few.

I much prefer Rabbit Hill, by Robert Lawson, to Watership Down. But I'm likely based -- Mr. Lawson was friends with my grandmother. : )

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I've read 39. Maybe 38 if you don't count The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe twice :D


I've seen multiple iterations of this so-called "BBC List". It changes each time.


This list lost me at the Da Vinci Code. No way in this wide world is that required reading for anyone!


I agree. And I love this:




I've read 19 from the Rory Gilmore list :)


What is the "Gilmore list", please? Got a link or any information on it?

Yes, link!

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Meh, lol. I think most people here could get through most of these books, maybe not all, but most. Do people realize what amazing conversations about God characters have in Dostoyevsky books? You can see the beginnings of the "affluenza" in Gatsby. Some of these books just say *so much* about our society and/or the common experience of man. Many of the problems in society people think are new, but most of them are *not* new. Reading tells us that.


Plus, there is a scene in the second Bridget Jones book that is so funny that I cried and rolled on the ground. It would be worth reading both books just for that scene, IMO (said scene is *totally* lacking in the movie, BTW).

I saw the movie, and from what I hear I should read the books. The movie didn't thrill me, but the things you all are saying have me thinking the books might.

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Yes let me save you from wasting time.  The Great Gatsby is one of the worst books ever written.  That's not just my opinion.  Its a fact.  I wouldn't even be willing to line my cat's litter box with it.

You and I need to have a long and serious discussion because I can't allow you to talk about Gatsby like that.




 I am just a giant book slut.

This should be a t-shirt.

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I think I only read one of them at school. I read Shakespeare, Dickens and Hardy, but not those particular works.


But, as I said, this isn't a 'best of' list but a 'much loved' list. And the lack of US works reflects the UK education system - until recently, one rarely read outside of Brit lit, unless in a foreign language.


ETA: here's an article about the meme.



Thank you! Now that was an informative read, and entertaining, too. I'm still working my way through the comments -- they are entertaining, as well. And I'm glad to see that Terry Pratchett WAS on the original list. Facebook Meme Maker has a lot to answer for.

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People, it's just a list of top selling books. It isn't recommended by anyone or required or 'what you need to read to be a smart person'. It is just a list of books that have sold well.


It's just fun to see how many you have read.


Lol, I've never see that gilmore list. But, I've never seen the show either. My score on that is 114. There was a fair bit of crossover. Both have The Davinci Code and Time Traveler's Wife and 5 People you meet in Heaven.

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Thank you! I like this list better (I scored 85 out of 300+, so it's not just because of my score). It included Brigadoon and Encyclopedia Brown!


A lot more of materials I was assigned in school were on this list, with many more I found along the way to read for fun.

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64 here, but really... it counts Hamlet twice and Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe twice, so I think it should really just be 62. 


I agree the list seems random. 


I also agree that Tolkien was hard to finish.  I had to for a class, though. 



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I got 23. But, honestly, I hate these types of lists. Who decides these things??


There are some on the list I don't plan to ever read such as "The Lovely Bones" & "The Great Gatsby" for example. So, I don't feel bad that I'm on the lower side of things. Why only some of Austen & Tolstoy''s works? No fair, I read "Brother's Karamazov" which is not on the list. Makes no sense.


I've read "Moby Dick". I'd like to know why it's on the list other than the fact that it's old. More than 1/2 of the book is outdated science information (Whale phrenology anyone???) . That's a couple months of reading I'll never get back. Ugh. How about "Portrait of a Lady" - read that - it's old - and awful. LOL What about "Don Quixote"??? - it's old - and awesome!! It's withstood the test of time much longer than several others on the list. speaking of which, "The Davinci Code"??!! What the heck?? It's pulp fiction. Why don't we add a Barbara Cartland book too then??

Let's add The Curse of the Concullens! Truly abysmal Gothic romance, and a hilarious read. As I understand it the author actually wanted to write a truly formulaic Gothic novel, mostly to poke fun. In that light it's a gem!

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If you were to ask the students from my high school class (not including AP english students) to take this quiz and not include any works assigned in college then we could all easily fall at 6 or less... I'm pretty certain. Unless they just pick up this stuff for fun on the side.



It makes me wonder about the target age group. Maybe in 10 or 20 years some of the people who have only read 6 will be able to tick off more from that list.

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If you want a real challenge, scroll down on the screen under where it tells you your score. Click on "The Rory Gilmore reading challenge." :)

I have read 160 of these, *many* of them as part of my lit major. I am actually sort of surprised of some of the ones I haven't read. For example, I had not read the particular Edith Wharton on the list, even though I *love* her.

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These lists kinda piss me off in a way. I've read thousands of awesome, valuable books, but not necessarily on those lists. I want to make my own list of must-reads. I'm completely serious! Watch for my thread, "Quill's 100 Books Everyone Should Read."

Make one! I will promise to pick one or two I have not read off of your list and read it!!

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55, but I didn't give myself credit for books I read in high school and honestly don't remember (Gatsby, Tess). And I've read maybe 7 Shakespeare plays but didn't give myself credit for the Complete Works. Heck I bet Harold Bloom skipped at least one verse of those histories.


I am so sad to hear that some people only read a tiny handful of these in high school. That's ridiculous.

Please do keep in mind that some of the listed books were published after many of us graduated from high school. We were reading a lot of other stuff, such as John Steinbeck and Pearl S. Buck.


Now there's a couple of authors worth revisiting. Hmm, we just got a trial membership to Audible. I wonder if they have any works from Steinbeck or Buck?

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I don't remember reading much in my Honors English class in high school. Either we didn't read much or they were not memorable then. I only remember The Outsiders and The Lord of the Flies. I remember I was supposed to read The Catcher in the Rye for some test but I read the Cliff Notes only.

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