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Has anybody successfully gotten rid of a woodpecker?


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Not in a permanent, tiny-cement-boots kind of way. Just...entice him to peck someplace else?


He has been enthusiastically pecking the roof just outside my bedroom at 5:45 every morning. I am not happy to hear him. I'm considering one of those plastic owls or hawks, but I suspect he's hardier than that. Yelling at him has done nothing (I'd swear he smirked at me this morning); he will fly away, but he comes back ten minutes later. This is getting old.


Any ideas?


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I can tell you what not to do.  We had a woodpecker that was enlarging one of the vents on our eaves to build a nest.  We put a metal mesh over the hole hoping that she would realize that it was a futile endeavor.  Instead we had to listen to a metallic "tink, tink, tink. . ." for months!  Talk about persistent!  

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We had that happen last year and it was actually making a nest.  They are very persistent! We covered the hole with metal mesh, but they just started another in a different spot.  So we looked up what you have to do in this case. The way to fix it is to hang bird netting in all the eaves. They like to make nests there and if they cannot access them, they move on. I know that is probably not the answer you wanted, but it worked.

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Thanks, everybody. 


I think I'll try the stuffed owl toy first, as I just happen to have one (of course, it is a snowy owl, so if the woodpecker knows his geography, the jig is up), and maybe some plastic snakes and birds of prey. What will the neighbors think. Then move on to a sprinkler and netting. 


What gets me is that we live in the woods. Thousands of trees all around. I think he's chosen my roof just to be difficult.







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Not in a permanent, tiny-cement-boots kind of way. Just...entice him to peck someplace else?


He has been enthusiastically pecking the roof just outside my bedroom at 5:45 every morning. I am not happy to hear him. I'm considering one of those plastic owls or hawks, but I suspect he's hardier than that. Yelling at him has done nothing (I'd swear he smirked at me this morning); he will fly away, but he comes back ten minutes later. This is getting old.


Any ideas?



Thanks, everybody. 


I think I'll try the stuffed owl toy first, as I just happen to have one (of course, it is a snowy owl, so if the woodpecker knows his geography, the jig is up), and maybe some plastic snakes and birds of prey. What will the neighbors think. Then move on to a sprinkler and netting. 


What gets me is that we live in the woods. Thousands of trees all around. I think he's chosen my roof just to be difficult.

DD and I were sitting out in the rain laughing at this thread and hoping you find a solution.  She has named our woodpecker Bob, since his head bobs up and down so much.  May yours not hang around long enough to receive a name and permanent status as a member of the family.   :)


s/o:  How long do woodpeckers live?   :tongue_smilie:

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I feel your pain.


Last summer we had a kestrel falcon make a nest in my bedroom wall - 3 feet from my head. Around 4:30 every morning I was awakened by little peeping sounds that gradually turned into louder peeping and scrabbling around sounds. For over a month. ggrrrrr. We covered up the hole as soon as they flew the nest.


Good luck getting rid of the woodpeckers. I kind of liked your tiny-cement-boots idea. I won't tell anyone if you choose that route. ;)

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Yes.  We dealt with a woodpecker at our last house.  If you know where he likes to peck, get a pieces of chicken wire and layer them over the area (nail or staple the wire there).  We tried other things and this was the only thing that deterred the 5 am wake up calls.    

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My parents had the same problem.  Someone told them to try something "sparkly"  to scare off the birds.  My mom hung a metallic wind chime by where they had been pecking and it worked.  It looks ridiculous randomly attached to the side of the house near the roof, but it is better than holes in the siding.

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DD and I were sitting out in the rain laughing at this thread and hope you find a solution.  She has named our woodpecker Bob, since his head bobs up and down so much.  May yours not hang around long enough to receive a name and permanent status as a member of the family.   :)


s/o:  How long do woodpeckers live?   :tongue_smilie:


I asked my husband that very question this morning. He said rather despairingly, "A really long time, I think." According to Google, about 10-15 years. So waiting this out isn't an especially appealing option.


Any pictures of Bob? Since he's family, and all. :)

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Yes.  We dealt with a woodpecker at our last house.  If you know where he likes to peck, get a pieces of chicken wire and layer them over the area (nail or staple the wire there).  We tried other things and this was the only thing that deterred the 5 am wake up calls.    


Oh, that sounds promising. I'll look into trying it.



My parents had the same problem.  Someone told them to try something "sparkly"  to scare off the birds.  My mom hung a metallic wind chime by where they had been pecking and it worked.  It looks ridiculous randomly attached to the side of the house near the roof, but it is better than holes in the siding.


I'm willing to look ridiculous at this point. Especially as I currently have an enormous stuffed snowy owl perched in my bedroom window (we must look like we're hoping for a Hogwarts letter to arrive). I wonder if a cheapy pinwheel might work? I'd rather not spend 20 bucks on a plastic owl only to have the woodpecker perch on it to improve his leverage.

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My parents had the same problem.  Someone told them to try something "sparkly"  to scare off the birds.  My mom hung a metallic wind chime by where they had been pecking and it worked.  It looks ridiculous randomly attached to the side of the house near the roof, but it is better than holes in the siding.

Hang some old CDs or DVDs - their shiny sides scare off the birds. I live in the midst of orchards in a techie place - I see farmers hanging DVDs on their fruit trees all the time :)

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Nope. And I can't seem to convince our Woody that our house is not made of wood. He has continued to peck at the concrete siding that looks like wood since the day we moved in six years ago. Every once in awhile to change it up he will peck on the metal cover of the chimney.

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Often they peck for food, so I'd be concerned about a bug problem. I'd start by asking an exterminator to give you a free consult, and go from there.


My in-laws tried the windchime/metal patch system with some success, but they needed to get rid of the bugs for the woodpeckers to completely go away.

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I hope your owl works! Our problem is a mockingbird. Every spring it sits on our chimney and sings the day away. Every single day through spring and summer and fall. Dh thinks it's nice but he's at work all day and doesn't have to listen to it All Day Long! We haven't actually tried to get rid of it as the chimney is on the side of the house that is essentially 3 stories above ground.


So if anyone knows how To Kill a Mockingbird let me know!

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I asked my husband that very question this morning. He said rather despairingly, "A really long time, I think." According to Google, about 10-15 years. So waiting this out isn't an especially appealing option.


Any pictures of Bob? Since he's family, and all. :)


Goodness, I never thought to try for a photograph.  Poor Bob.  Maybe that's why he has been doggedly pecking our roof for the past 5-6 years.  He doesn't feel he gets as much support and attention as the rest of the family!  :laugh:


OK! The owl is in the window and the cds are hung. It looks like a carnival funhouse, but I'm hoping it's enough to chase Pecky away.


We'll see what happens at 5:45 tomorrow morning.


Keeping my fingers crossed.  DD is already in bed but I'm sure we will both be eager for an update tomorrow when you get a chance.   :)

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OK! The owl is in the window and the cds are hung. It looks like a carnival funhouse, but I'm hoping it's enough to chase Pecky away.


We'll see what happens at 5:45 tomorrow morning.


I got rid of a possum by stringing up flashing Christmas lights and playing loud country western music on my deck in July. I bet it would really enhance the snowy owl/hanging CD atmosphere.

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Get rid of the tree. If the woodpecker is there it's because he's found a food source. If the bugs are there, the tree could be on it's way out. Even if it has leaves, it can be dying. I'd get it checked out before it falls on your house. I had that happen once and now I'm paranoid.

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We did a sturdy metal flashing along the area of the roof the woodpecker(a *^%$#@*(&^ Northern Flicker) was pecking at.  Left last year and they haven't come back here this year, but they are still in the neighborhood. The birds in this area seem mainly attracted to siding instead of the hundreds of trees we have around. 


Various neighbors have reported success with a cedar bird house, shiny metal strips, and a teenage boy with BB gun.**



**Reports do not necessarily equal an endorsement.  Probably illegal. 

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Except our Bob the Woodpecker used to peck our wooden roof and we always figured it was a food source but even after we replaced it with a metal roof (hailstorm wiped out roofs for miles around) good ole Bob still pecks away.  I'm surprised he hasn't dented his beak at this point.  He's been pecking the metal for a couple of years now.....

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As I know you're all just quivering with anticipation:


Woodpecker did not come this morning!


I don't know whether it was the owl, or the cds, or he's just messing with us, but it was quiet. I am not assuming that this is in any way a permanent victory, but it is a start. I am truly grateful for everybody's help with this.


I will still have somebody check to make sure we're not providing a buggy buffet for him. I'm hoping that isn't the problem and he's just a jerk. Or really amorous.



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No help, but I have a great woodpecker story.


My dad owned a house in the middle of timber forest in southern VA, very isolated. It was a historical (wood clapboard) house, and had been unoccupied for about 15 years before he bought it in the mid-80s as a project house (restoring it). His driveway had been a popular make-out spot for years, and I am sure the vacant house invited random visitors (although noone had ever vandalized it). Then, dad, a "Yankee" from N VA, bought it, and tended to travel back to N VA regularly for work, so it was now full of nice (to steal) stuff, while still often empty. He worried about it, but had never had an actual burglary, although there was one local fellow who made Dad nervous by showing up at odd times with weird reasons.


So, anyway, my dad had a noisome woodpecker who drove him a bit batty. Dad was also a nightowl, so tended to sleep in a bit in the mornings, at which time the woodpecker would raise a racket making him worry about the house as well as waking him. It was a 1700s home, so no A/C and Dad lived alone and slept in boxer shorts.


One hot summer morning, Dad was woken by the woodpecker at it again. He grabbed his shotgun (which is really funny if you knew my dad -- an intellectual city fellow, not a good old boy at all), and ran outside in his boxers, with his wild (fairly long and all gray -- a lot like Einstein) hair askew, wild eyed, waving his shotgun, looking for the woodpecker to finally do him in.


At his door step, there was the fellow who'd been making Dad nervous about the safety of his house. (Dad was worried he might be casing the place . . .) Anyway, this fellow thought Dad was after HIM and made a hasty retreat to his vehicle apologizing enthusiastically. 


That fellow never again showed up unannounced, and Dad never had more problems with folks arriving unannounced (especially weird since they might not have known that Dad was home, since he might have just driven in from N VA the night before . . .) I think Dad gave himself a nice scary "crazy with a gun" reputation that protected his property thereafter.


So, anyway, it's one of my favorite stories about my dad. I don't know if the shotgun would have worked on the woodpecker, though.



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