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Sometimes preferences are just preferences.



I'm not saying this isn't some sort of weird Gothard thing, but I'm also not convinced that it is.


Hey, when I was younger, I had long hair and I curled it every single day. My dad always said he liked my long hair. And we were just a regular family with no extreme beliefs.


I don't think it's odd that the Duggar girls have the hairstyles that they do. There's nothing weird or creepy about the way they wear their hair. They have beautiful hair and they always look very well-groomed -- but so do many non-Gothardite teenage girls. Their father is proud of his girls and compliments their appearances -- just like many non-Gothard-following fathers everywhere.


I think the Gothard stuff is weird and creepy, but I don't assume that every little thing about the Duggars can or should be traced back to Gothard.

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I don't think it's odd that the Duggar girls have the hairstyles that they do. There's nothing weird or creepy about the way they wear their hair. They have beautiful hair and they always look very well-groomed -- but so do many non-Gothardite teenage girls. Their father is proud of his girls and compliments their appearances -- just like many non-Gothard-following fathers everywhere.


I think the Gothard stuff is weird and creepy, but I don't assume that every little thing about the Duggars can or should be traced back to Gothard.


:iagree: Both of my dds (23 and 19 yo) have long, naturally curly hair, one extremely curly. They like it long because it is easier to control the curl with the weight of the hair, plus they have more options for styling it.

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Do we know for a fact that this is the case? Don't at least some of them have naturally curly hair? The fact that they have particular religious and cultural beliefs doesn't mean that there is a hidden subtext behind every. single. thing. they do.


I have mentioned this before in discussions regarding Gothard, but when I met Mr. Gothard as a 16 year old (15?), at the conclusion of our first conversation, he told me how he wanted me to do my hair the next time he saw me.  Long, down, and curly.  The IBLP books have actual illustrations of how both boys and girls should dress and style their hair.

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I think it's just plain silly to pick on the grown Duggar kids. They are obviously turning out beautifully. They are successful, well-adjusted kids who are contributing members of society. That is more than many parents can say. To pick on their hairstyle (the grown girls have beautiful hair IMO) or nitpick about any of their other choices comes across as petty. Maybe that would have flown 8 years ago when the show first came out, but they are obviously doing something right.

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That's old news and was a makeover episode of the show (almost two years ago) and she ditched the new hair-do within days for her curly frock.

If Michelle's hair is naturally curly, I can understand why she would have ditched the style they gave her in the makeover.


The woman probably has a lot more important things to do with her time than spend it in front of the mirror straightening her hair with a flat iron.

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About the girls lookng alike . . . have you ever SEEN a group of girls that age? They can look like clones. From a group of teens walking down the mall to a sorority picture, there is always SOMETHING that is the same. Sometimes it's hair, or clothes, or body language, or expressions. It's just what seems to happen when a group of girls spends a ton of time together.

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If Michelle's hair is naturally curly, I can understand why she would have ditched the style they gave her in the makeover.


The woman probably has a lot more important things to do with her time than spend it in front of the mirror straightening her hair with a flat iron.

I agree. I think one or two girls have natural curls and they have said they perm everyone else's. That was in the past though, and only Jinger and Michelle look like they still perm- the other older girls just have soft curls. :)
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I think it's just plain silly to pick on the grown Duggar kids. They are obviously turning out beautifully. They are successful, well-adjusted kids who are contributing members of society. That is more than many parents can say. To pick on their hairstyle (the grown girls have beautiful hair IMO) or nitpick about any of their other choices comes across as petty. Maybe that would have flown 8 years ago when the show first came out, but they are obviously doing something right.


And yet attention and scrutiny is *exactly* what the Duggar parents chose for their family when they agreed to let a one time documentary about them building a home turn into an income source through reality TV.


You might like and admire them and feel they are "doing well" but they are reality TV personalities and celebrities. They don't get immunity from scrutiny because they are "clean" rather than trashy.


And "doing well" is an elusive definition. I don't feel like the girls, especially, have actual access to an appropriate number of education and career choices.

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This may be terrible but I just bought the new Duggar book written by the four older girls as my tiny way of contributing to their liberation fund. 


Those young ladies seem smart, healthy, well-adjusted, loved and sensible, but it doesn't hurt to have a little money in your own name if your husband you married quite young happens to turn out to be a dud and you need to strike out on your own for whatever reason. Not to mention just getting some distance from Jim Bob and/or paying for higher education should they desire it.


It's weird, I think in some ways it's easier to appreciate the Duggars the further you are personally from their lifestyle and belief system. To me it's like an ethnographic documentary in some ways. They speak American English and I assume they're 10 times as media-savvy as I will ever be, but then side-hug chaperoned courtship to some guy who solicited your dad before he ever encountered you and I'm as fascinated and intrigued by your strange exotic lifestyle as I would be if you were a Yanomami tribeswoman from the Amazon rainforest.

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It is so hard to convey to people who haven't lived in ATI culture.  You want to assume that everything isn't dictated.  That these choices are up to personal preference.  They are not.  It isn't just about modesty.  It is conformity.  Conformity to BILL'S preferences.  God decided I would have straight hair.  Bill decided otherwise.

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 Not saying husband shouldn't step in if help is wanted/needed or voice his opinion, but why did JB have to posture to keep Doug P off Michelle? Michelle isn't allowed to speak up for her own personal space?


:ack2:  Just another reason patriarchy is disgusting and dangerous.


If someone is touching me inappropriately or making me feel uncomfortable, *I* am going to be the first one to shut that down, not my husband. I never want to live in a world where a woman feels she needs to defer that kind of power to her husband.


You're looking far too much into that. Sometimes when I'm uncomfortable, I have a difficult time finding my voice - it has nothing to do with deferring control or power of the situation to my husband, and everything to do with my husband understanding what makes me uncomfortable, what state of mind I may be in at the time, and stepping in to *help* me.

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I'm sure if we tried hard enough, we could dissect every inch of anyone's life and read stuff into it that probably has nothing to do with anything.  I guess I shouldn't be, but am somewhat surprised at how judgmental people on here are.

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They may have a lovely family, I don't know.  But I do know that the way they dress and style their hair is perfectly in line with what Mr. Gothard personally dictates.  I lived at headquarters.  I'm very familiar with the rules of dress. If they wore a hijab, or covered their hair with a bonnet, and we were discussing the fact that they were Muslim, or Mennonite, would that be judgmental?  There are guidelines, written by Bill Gothard, with illustrations, in easily attained publications, dictating how women and men should dress.  Nobody is pulling it out of thin air.

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Guest submarines

And yet...



Sometimes preferences are just preferences.


:iagree: I think the long wavy hair is pretty. Maybe they too think that it's pretty? I have no problem believing that girls in the same family might think their sisters look pretty and want the same hair. I'd be concerned if they all had unflattering hairstyles or shaved their heads. After all when we look at a typical family portrait it is quite often that everyone is dressed in the same styles and colors, and we don't think it is creepy, we think those in the pictures look lovely together and put an effort into a coordinated portrait.


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

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I'm sure if we tried hard enough, we could dissect every inch of anyone's life and read stuff into it that probably has nothing to do with anything. I guess I shouldn't be, but am somewhat surprised at how judgmental people on here are.



They make their living on a reality show. They are not disassociated from scrutiny; their livelihood is based on being celebrities.

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I would have to say that even IF their personal beliefs evolved over time and no longer fell in line with Gothard's, they could never publicly denounce it. Their lifestyle IS their living. There is nothing that they could do that's more lucrative and they have a LOT of people to support. If the TV show goes away, the speaking circuit could go on indefinitely.

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They make their living on a reality show. They are not disassociated from scrutiny; their livelihood is based on being celebrities.


Their livelihood is not based on "being celebrities," when did they sign the deal for the regular, weekly show with TLC, 5 or 6 years ago? It hasn't been THAT long. And before that they were making it just fine, they saved up enough to build their own house debt free, Jim Bob has been wise with investments, he owns property that a cell phone tower sits on...they were doing just fine.


They are not your typical reality TV star (obviously) who wants stardom.

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Their livelihood is not based on "being celebrities," when did they sign the deal for the regular, weekly show with TLC, 5 or 6 years ago? It hasn't been THAT long. And before that they were making it just fine, they saved up enough to build their own house debt free, Jim Bob has been wise with investments, he owns property that a cell phone tower sits on...they were doing just fine.


They are not your typical reality TV star (obviously) who wants stardom.



Actually, that is EXACTLY what they are. 100%. You just happen to like them better and agree with at least part of their lifestyle.

But make no mistake - they make lots of money being reality celebrities. A cost of doing business for them is that their adult kids who continue in the indoctrination are scrutinized and judged.


I saw the original when it first aired. I also saw their website back then. They had an evangelistic - not just Christian but THEIR BRAND of Christian agenda. I was impressed with the no-debt house and some of the lifestyle.


But they chose to be reality celebrities, and they therefore chose it for their kids and for a good percentage of their kids' childhood.


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Edited the fight-picking.
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It's just stupefying to me that written down in a book by Mr. Gothard, is the guideline that women should have long curled "face framing" hair, and people think it is just coincidental that the IBLP and ATI women have long curled face framing hair.  I mean, maybe it's especially weird to me because Bill himself told me to go curl my freaking hair.

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It's just stupefying to me that written down in a book by Mr. Gothard, is the guideline that women should have long curled "face framing" hair, and people think it is just coincidental that the IBLP and ATI women have long curled face framing hair.  I mean, maybe it's especially weird to me because Bill himself told me to go curl my freaking hair.



I love long curly hair. My dd and i have it naturally.

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I'm becoming suspicious about the fact that once I had children, my life-long stick straight hair became wavy.  Clearly, this was my purpose.

My lifelong curly hair grew straight when I was pregnant and continued to do so until my daughter weaned at 19 months, then the curls returned. There was no such change with my son. I am confused about what this means spiritually!

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My lifelong curly hair grew straight when I was pregnant and continued to do so until my daughter weaned at 19 months, then the curls returned. There was no such change with my son. I am confused about what this means spiritually!


I'm not sure either, but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to try to discern that yourself.

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Is anyone else freaked out that they can only watch certain selected episodes of The Andy Griffith show? I'm sorry, but when most of The Andy Griffith Show is too trashy/dirty for you...wow. That's the point I lose total connection with their reality. 

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Actually, that is EXACTLY what they are. 100%. You just happen to like them better and agree with at least part of their lifestyle.

But make no mistake - they make lots of money being reality celebrities. A cost of doing business for them is that their adult kids who continue in the indoctrination are scrutinized and judged.


I saw the original when it first aired. I also saw their website back then. They had an evangelistic - not just Christian but THEIR BRAND of Christian agenda. I was impressed with the no-debt house and some of the lifestyle.


But they chose to be reality celebrities, and they therefore chose it for their kids and for a good percentage of their kids' childhood.



So you can assign motives to them when they have specifically said otherwise (that they do the show to encourage others)?


I think assigning motives and saying that as 100% fact is going too far.

Edited by Moderator
Removed the name-calling.
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So you can assign motives to them when they have specifically said otherwise (that they do the show to encourage others)?


No. Reality is:


They make their money as reality TV celebrities. If they didn't, we wouldn't be having the conversation.


There just happen to be some Duggar advocates who don't want to admit they they ARE reality TV celebrities and subject to the scrutiny that comes with that CHOICE.


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Kept the discussion, deleted the snark. See how easy it is?
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Is anyone else freaked out that they can only watch certain selected episodes of The Andy Griffith show? I'm sorry, but when most of The Andy Griffith Show is too trashy/dirty for you...wow. That's the point I lose total connection with their reality.

What? Why that show? That's so random!

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Yes!  I am a big Duggars fan but I have no idea what he was thinking!  Although, I wondered later if the producers cut something out that happened right before that scene that would have explained it a bit more . . . . that's the only explanation I have come up with.  


I'm sorry, but what could they possibly have cut out that would explain JB doggy-style humping his wife in public in front of their daughter and her boyfriend? Under what condition would that be understandable and okay?


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About the girls lookng alike . . . have you ever SEEN a group of girls that age? They can look like clones. From a group of teens walking down the mall to a sorority picture, there is always SOMETHING that is the same. Sometimes it's hair, or clothes, or body language, or expressions. It's just what seems to happen when a group of girls spends a ton of time together.

That's what I was thinking.

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I'm sorry, but what could they possibly have cut out that would explain JB doggy-style humping his wife in public in front of their daughter and her boyfriend? Under what condition would that be understandable and okay?



I don't know . . . my point was that it was so inappropriate and out-of-character that the only explanation I could come up with was that there had been a production cut of some kind . . . I wasn't defending him at all.  It was weird, inappropriate, uncharacteristic for the show and Jim Bob, etc, etc, etc.  I think Michele was equally embarrassed because the interview shown right after that seemed to have her explaining it away.


Really, this whole season has been a bit creepy and awkward.  I don't mind the concept of courtship but it's like they've lost their way in how to apply it to their girls.  I watched the show all through Josh's courtship and engagement and it just wasn't as awkward as this is.   

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 If they wore a hijab, or covered their hair with a bonnet, and we were discussing the fact that they were Muslim, or Mennonite, would that be judgmental?


Sure, if we said things like "She's just wearing that hijab because her domineering husband makes her" or "All those identical bonnets prove that Mennonite women are mindless and legalistic."  The problem is ascribing motivations to others as if we can know them with certainty. 


(And I do wear a head covering myself...so no insult to Muslim or Mennonite ladies is intended. ;))


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Sure, if we said things like "She's just wearing that hijab because her domineering husband makes her" or "All those identical bonnets prove that Mennonite women are mindless and legalistic."  The problem is ascribing motivations to others as if we can know them with certainty. 


(And I do wear a head covering myself...so no insult to Muslim or Mennonite ladies is intended. ;))



But as somebody who does wear hijab, I will not deny that there can be enormous societal pressure to wear it.  It's not true for every single Muslim women or girlĂ¢â‚¬Â¦but it is true for some.  It's no different than if I am a lawyer, it's considered appropriate for me to wear a suit.  Sure, I could wear something else, but there are cultural expectations regarding dress for lawyers.  And there can be enormous cultural expectations regarding religious dress as well.  


In Muslim society (and no I do not agree with this), women are judged by many based on whether or not they wear hijab.  Just as non-Muslims put way too much emphasis on it, and many non-Muslims see women who wear hijab as being extreme or super conservative Muslims or not wanting to conform to Western standardsĂ¢â‚¬Â¦.. Muslims put way too much emphasis on itĂ¢â‚¬Â¦and view women/girls who don't wear hijab is being "not Muslim enough", not willing to be publicly Muslim thus ashamed of their faith (of courseĂ¢â‚¬Â¦said by men who rarely stand out (eye roll)), being too Western (which is a way of assuming that she will date, have premarital sex, etc.)Ă¢â‚¬Â¦ etc.  


Having said all this, all of my kids (boys and girls) have played with my hijabĂ¢â‚¬Â¦worn itĂ¢â‚¬Â¦pretended to be Mommy.  They see lots of women at the mosque in hijabĂ¢â‚¬Â¦so that's what they think of as a grown Muslim woman right now.  (They see non-hijab wearing Muslim women too, but more tend to wear it when my kids are seeing them as women do cover their heads for prayer, regardless if they wear it "in real life.")


I am sure in Gothard circles there is enormous social pressure to conform appearance wise, especially as there is a submissive aspect to some of the teachings regarding women.  Many girls grow up seeing their Moms and other women with hair styled like thatĂ¢â‚¬Â¦.they think they look nice (yes, my kids think I look beautiful in hijabĂ¢â‚¬Â¦and my daughter tries to pick out pretty hijabs for her fashion-challenged Mom)Ă¢â‚¬Â¦so they imitate them.  And they also probably see how girls who "rebel" with perhaps a nice bob are treated, talked about.


Most Muslim women in America will insist that hijab is their choiceĂ¢â‚¬Â¦.but there are definite social/cultural implications that lead to that choice.


And if you want to know the reasons why I wear hijabĂ¢â‚¬Â¦it's a whole different threadĂ¢â‚¬Â¦ ;)

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I'm sorry, but what could they possibly have cut out that would explain JB doggy-style humping his wife in public in front of their daughter and her boyfriend? Under what condition would that be understandable and okay?



While that is *really* weird and gross I do sometimes wonder about the way "reality" TV is edited and whether something meant something different before and was changed (though for the life of me I can't figure out how something could have been edited to become that).  My friends did a reality show about preppers.  90% was made up and required by the producers.  Some things were edited to be about something *completely* different for the show.  Even the "confessional" style talking to the camera was selectively edited sometimes to make what they said mean something different.  The whole thing really opened their eyes to how not real "reality" TV is.  Most of the stuff other preppers complained about on message boards was totally required/edited by the producers.  It's not stuff the family does *at all.*


I know the Duggars said the really awkward "sex talk" before Josh's wedding was contrived by the producers for the show.  In reality they had had plenty of talks with him over many years.  He was well prepared.  No last minute talk needed.  So there is a history of them doing things for the camera.  It gets ratings and that's what the producers want.

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While that is *really* weird and gross I do sometimes wonder about the way "reality" TV is edited and whether something meant something different before and was changed (though for the life of me I can't figure out how something could have been edited to become that).  My friends did a reality show about preppers.  90% was made up and required by the producers.  Some things were edited to be about something *completely* different for the show.  Even the "confessional" style talking to the camera was selectively edited sometimes to make what they said mean something different.  The whole thing really opened their eyes to how not real "reality" TV is.  Most of the stuff other preppers complained about on message boards was totally required/edited by the producers.  It's not stuff the family does *at all.*


I know the Duggars said the really awkward "sex talk" before Josh's wedding was contrived by the producers for the show.  In reality they had had plenty of talks with him over many years.  He was well prepared.  No last minute talk needed.  So there is a history of them doing things for the camera.  It gets ratings and that's what the producers want.




I'm constantly flabbergasted that so many people believe there's anything real about reality TV.

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I'm constantly flabbergasted that so many people believe there's anything real about reality TV.


I was in a documentary years back. The camera crew followed me and my family for 3 days. I would not have recognized myself in the final depiction had I not known it was me.


But I keep coming back to "reality TV" not because it is an accurate depiction but because being a reality TV celebrity family is a choice to be public, to be scrutinized, to be judged. They get paid and finance their family on that choice. It is, indeed, their job.

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I was in a documentary years back. The camera crew followed me and my family for 3 days. I would not have recognized myself in the final depiction had I not known it was me.


But I keep coming back to "reality TV" not because it is an accurate depiction but because being a reality TV celebrity family is a choice to be public, to be scrutinized, to be judged. They get paid and finance their family on that choice. It is, indeed, their job.

What I find interesting is that the Duggars have been on TV for quite a few years now, and I'm sure there are reporters who have been itching all along to expose their lifestyle and their overall television image of being polite, kind, and decent as a big fraud, yet no scandals have emerged.


I may have no interest in living their lifestyle or learning more about their personal or religious beliefs, but I must say that they do seem consistent and sincere.

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What I find interesting is that the Duggars have been on TV for quite a few years now, and I'm sure there are reporters who have been itching all along to expose their lifestyle and their overall television image of being polite, kind, and decent as a big fraud, yet no scandals have emerged.


I may have no interest in living their lifestyle or learning more about their personal or religious beliefs, but I must say that they do seem consistent and sincere.


2 things I admire about the Duggars:


1. The no debt lifestyle

2. Michelle never yells

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2 things I admire about the Duggars:


1. The no debt lifestyle

2. Michelle never yells

The no-debt thing is great, but I can't help but wonder if one day something is finally going to set Michelle off and it's going to be a Duggar Armageddon. ;)


I'm sure it will be a Very Special Episode...


(I can't imagine any mother of all those kids staying that calm and pleasant without a lot of medication, but maybe that's just me! :D)

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Guest submarines



I'm constantly flabbergasted that so many people believe there's anything real about reality TV.


So if nothing is real, then they are doing it only to make money and they exploit their children in the process. One can't have it both ways.

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The no-debt thing is great, but I can't help but wonder if one day something is finally going to set Michelle off and it's going to be a Duggar Armageddon. ;)


I can't imagine any mother of all those kids staying that calm and pleasant without a lot of medication, but maybe that's just me! :D

That'll be when one of the kids comes out and writes a book :-D

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So if nothing is real, then they are doing it only to make money and they exploit their children in the process. One can't have it both ways.


I don't know much about the Duggars, but I've never believed they were doing the show, or seeking any kind of media attention, for anything other than money.  What I've learned on this board makes me think they also want to promote their religious beliefs.

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I don't know much about the Duggars, but I've never believed they were doing the show, or seeking any kind of media attention, for anything other than money. What I've learned on this board makes me think they also want to promote their religious beliefs.

I always thought it was all about the money, and I still do.


I'm not a regular viewer of their show unless someone on this forum points out something about a specific episode, but when I have seen it, I have never noticed anything that would lead me to believe they're using their show to promote their religious beliefs.


I never would have gotten the impression that they were into any kind of fringe-type religion based on anything I have seen of them on TV, whether on their own show or when they were interviewed on other shows.


Before I read about them on this forum, I just thought it was unusual that they wanted to keep having more and more children, but otherwise the family seemed pleasant.

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But I keep coming back to "reality TV" not because it is an accurate depiction but because being a reality TV celebrity family is a choice to be public, to be scrutinized, to be judged. They get paid and finance their family on that choice. It is, indeed, their job.

No doubt! If they aren't satisfied with the way their family life is depicted, why have they continued for so many seasons? They are apparently fine with the selective editing. They must understand it's part of the job description.

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I am sure they are in it for the money.  It's expensive to run a family with that many people.  Can you imagine just the food costs?  I am sure they are okay with the producers requiring things or editing things selectively.  After all, JB and Josh complied with the "sex talk" before the wedding request.  I'm sure it's not the only thing they've been asked to do (who knows... maybe the "doing things you can't do yet" thing was a producer request or idea).


I'm not sure they actually watch their own show.  I'd suspect they don't most of the time.


Michelle has said that when she was first a mom she yelled a lot.  She and JB worked together to control both of their anger issues.  It was a long process, but she is very happy with where she is now.  I don't yell.  I've just found it's not useful and never helps the way I thought it would.  I do not, however, speak in that syrupy sweet little girl voice.  I used to yell.  It was work changing that behavior, but I did over time so I totally believe Michelle when she says that's what she did.

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