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Is this on yourself?  Assuming for an adult.  If you get a washcloth wet with hot water, (hot, but don't burn yourself, obviously),  and hold it over that spot for a few minutes, it opens up the pores and makes plucking with tweezers much easier.  The hair pulls out easier.  You could try just doing it a little at a time.

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I have a relative that I believe shaves his unibrow. At least that was the approach many years ago. If it's not too thick, clipping closely with scissors one hair at a time can be more effective than you'd think, depending on how fast things grow back in.

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It's for ds17. We tried plucking a few months ago and he called stop after the second one. I'll talk to him about trying to shave it. He has to shave on a regular basis anyway. I don't see why adding that area of his face would be a bother. We'll see. Thanks.

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I don't recommend shaving, no matter what my dh insists upon. :glare:

It's less precise (making room for bigger oopses!) and quickly turns stubbly.  Waxing and/or plucking becomes way less painful after a few times, with waxing obviously being the quicker of the two. (I know nothing about threading.)  And it gives the ability to "properly" shape each brow.  The re-growth is easier to manage and less noticeable than a ton of dark, blunt spots that (imo) negate the whole point.


Ice is your friend.

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There are little razors called eyebrow shapers that do a pretty good job. They're tiny, so it's harder to accidentally take out a chunk you wanted to keep. Example: Noxzema Eyebrow Shaper, 3-pack by Noxzema http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000GCLRF4/

Waxing only hurts for a tiny bit and keeps the area clean longer. I would start with a wax and use those to maintain between waxes.

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My oldest would be mortified if anyone knew, but he gets his waxed. Dh shaves his massive single eyebrow, but Ds got weird ingrown hairs when he tried it. Shaving his lip is fine, but he had problems when he tried the eyebrows. So, I took him (mid day, empty salon) to get it waxed and wow- what a difference! He looks like a whole different kid, lol. the salon insists many men do it, but he still finds it embarrassing. Both boys got dhs huge eyebrows, and it's funny how I never really noticed how much better someone looks when they have two instead of one.

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At the place where I get my eyebrows waxed (not uni, but I hate to pluck0, they put a little numbing cream on immediately after the strip is pulled.


It stays cleaner much, much longer, and it really only hurts for 5 seconds, if that. Plus you could do the whole thing with one strip, probably, versus plucking each individual hair.

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I wonder if cream would work for eyebrow hair? We have great success with the removal cream that Olay puts out for removing upper lip hair. We find ours right next to the other hair removal creams.


I agree with the others that the plucking hurts less as time goes on.


I don't like the shaved look.

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I don't think I would trust a teenaged boy to shave his own unibrow. I know of two who've botched the job, and one of them ended up shaving both eyebrows off completely. 


I would take him to have it waxed, at least for the first time. It only takes a few seconds, and my boys are much better at holding it together in front of other people than they are at home. 

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I would not shave, not just because of maybe making a mistake, but also because it could lead to ingrown hairs there, where the skin is so thin and close to the bone.  


I have never tried threading, but I know lost of people rave about it now.  We have an Indian salon here that does it, and I've seen it in malls too.  I've been told it doesn't hurt at all.



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My husband has a massive unibrow. Or rather, he would if he had not mastered the art of eyebrow shaping. His much preferred method is plucking but it takes some time to get used to it. Ice helps.

Shaving is unwieldly and easy to mess up. It also is the most noticable option and fastest to regrow. One, if not both of our sons will have a unibrow. If they want to get rid of it, it's gonna be my husband's job to teach them.

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My boys ask me to wax there unibrow when they were in 7/8th gradish.  They knew it would hurt for a minute but did not mind.  My yougest son(14) shaves his and ds (18) uses the single razor trimmer thing that pops up on his electric razor.     I think my oldest would pluck strays after a few waxings his unibrow became thinner.     

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