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Popular Curriculum......you have no desire to try?


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Math-U-See.  It's horrible, but I find the guy annoying.


I also find Jim Weiss's voice annoying which is a pain, because I'd love to be able to listen to the SOTW mp3s. 


The spelling program that uses a white board and those little letter tiles.  We would lose them so quickly.


Young Earth Science stuff, because actual science doesn't support that.  


Anything that talks about people of other faiths (or no faith) going to hell.  Sonlight and their love of praying for people in the 10/40 window is a real turn off.  I would rather respect and tolerance be taught than some sort of religious superiority.  


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I also find Jim Weiss's voice annoying which is a pain, because I'd love to be able to listen to the SOTW mp3s. 


Yes, a million times yes. He puts us to sleep! We'll take Jim Dale any day of the week & twice on Fridays thank you very much. I was so sad to have SOTW on audio & feel like I was gonna doze off because STOW isn't boring.

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I'm not interested in anything that teaches evolution as fact


I'm with you on that one!


I have quite a list myself.  I will go ahead and say I dislike any curriculum that is strictly classical.  I know, weird, right? I'm on a classical homeschooling forum and I dislike the classical method.


AAS- I did look at it but why is it so expensive to teach SPELLING??


HOD- Um, no


TOG- because it's classical


Singapore- WAY out of my comfort zone


Life of Fred- Just too strange


Rod and Staff- I love that it's Christian but I'm bored to death just looking at the samples


BJU- too much like A Beka


Alpha Omega- tried it while being a homeschooled student and I felt it was a punishment for something I didn't even do!!


ACE- Just no


MCT- I'm not even 100% sure what this is but it just LOOKS complicated


Spelling Power- Why should SPELLING be this complicated?


IEW-- or anything that makes writing a chore


Sonlight- I have seriously looked at this twice but I can't justify the cost or the lose of sanity because you are in the middle of several different books at once.

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School in a box curriculum of all sorts

100 EZ Lessons- I'd rather teach them to read English as it's actually written, not with distracting symbols added.

Anything scripted.


IEW- Writing by formula is bad writing if you ask me. Yes, I went to the seminar and yes I did try it.


All old fashioned, loopy, frilly handwriting programs. 

Spelling Power-Ridiculous. Just ridiculous.

Anything read aloud by Jim Weiss. 

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Handwriting with Tears...so ugly!  And any handwriting curriculum with a modern cursive Q




Another one I don't think we'll try is AOPS. My dd is not the right student for it.


Also, anything not secular. So no TOG, MOH, HOD, MFW, etc.



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I also find Jim Weiss's voice annoying which is a pain, because I'd love to be able to listen to the SOTW mp3s.


Wow! I am glad to hear other people on this thread express this sentiment. I listened to a SOTW sample and could not imagine why people willingly listen to this! He makes the stories seem sooo boring.


Also agree with this:



Young Earth Science stuff, because actual science doesn't support that. 


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This is not curriculum bashing from me - there are just some things which won't work for us, as I am sure there are many things we use which do not work for others.



Horizon math

Math U See


Tapestry of Grace





Rod and Staff


Apologia science

Rainbow science






It seems that I don't like boxed things (like MFW), probably because I need flexibility in content and speed at the subject and topic levels.  I also don't start grammar with my kids until 4th grade, so the slow and steady grammars are right out.  I'm have my own take on science, an most curricula just kill the joy my kids find in science.  I keep wanting to like WWS, but every time I look at the samples to see if it would work for us I tell myself "there's no way - I love expository and persuasive writing and even I don't like this."  And math, well, we are so far very happy with with that I don't even feel a need to go poking around these other maths. And I don't want anything that is "school at home." 


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I must say that I'm so thrilled not to be the only one who is not interested in HOD. :grouphug:


I cannot, however, wrap my mind around anyone calling MFW "boxed." :blink: I will forever think of "school in a box," meaning buying a box of same-grade-level books from a single publisher (ABeka, BJUP, etc.) or a single source (CLASS/Christian Liberty Press/Timberdoodle). It's not unlike "language arts," because people mean different things when they say it.


But I digress. :D

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I would never use Sonlight because I don't like their assumption that we are unsaved heathens because we are not their religion. And because when I initially inquired with them about the religious bent of their program (way back in the goo-goo days of my beginning to homeschool), they lied to me. They told me that someone of my religion could use their program as-is, when in reality they have lots of delightful little stories about people of our religion and how much better off they were after they were converted from their heathen ways.



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Ellie - I looked at MFW, and while their selections of literature are good and not boxed, the schedule is quite rigid, and I just knew it would not work.  They have multiple subjects outlined on a schedule, and I would make a mess of that very quickly.  What if we wanted to read further in one book and not only read 4 pages.  It's not that we might skip a day and just pick back up, but we might skip a subject for a day and be on day 3 for that subject and day 4 for another.  I knew it just wasn't as flexible, and they don't have a lot of substitute books...therefore, it's a box of books where you check off the box of assignments.  It's $100 for the teacher's manual alone, and I'd have to completely rework it all year.

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Ellie - I looked at MFW, and while their selections of literature are good and not boxed, the schedule is quite rigid, and I just knew it would not work.  They have multiple subjects outlined on a schedule, and I would make a mess of that very quickly.  What if we wanted to read further in one book and not only read 4 pages.  It's not that we might skip a day and just pick back up, but we might skip a subject for a day and be on day 3 for that subject and day 4 for another.  I knew it just wasn't as flexible, and they don't have a lot of substitute books...therefore, it's a box of books where you check off the box of assignments.  It's $100 for the teacher's manual alone, and I'd have to completely rework it all year.


I don't know if I would like it, either; it just strikes me weird to call it "box curriculum." :-)

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I jumped on sonlight and returned it 3 weeks later - quickly helped me evaluate what was way wrong for us.


No interest in:


BJU except the foreign language which we are using next year.

Teaching Textbooks (I can't even get past the title)

Mammoth Math

Saxon Math

100 easy lessons

Any curriculum that is Completely based on Unit Studies

Apologia (I'm christian, but I think the texts are making it out like YE is the only "true" Christianity. Which is a shame)

Real Science 4 Kids

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IEW and I'm on the outs with most of my CC friends because of this one but I do not like it, Sam I am!


Any science with experiments, I need a co-op, and have no problem paying for one, to have someone else do that! 


Sonlight - used it as a homeschooler myself in high school, didn't hate it or anything but I'd rather piece my own stuff together.


BJU/A Beka - also used as a homeschooler and did hate, very very much. Will never subject my kids to. 

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Saxon-hated it as a PS student, DD hated it in private school, and it's just not the way I want math to be.


Anything where religion is more important than content-especially for science and history


CLE-and I have a friend who works for the company, with the possible exception of some of the life skills LUs for high school.




Reading books, even though DD loved them when she was about 6, because she liked the big pictures and larger fonts-but if I'd actually have had to teach using the scripted questions and worksheets and stuff like that....I think I broke out in hives just thinking about it!

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I must say that I'm so thrilled not to be the only one who is not interested in HOD. :grouphug:


I cannot, however, wrap my mind around anyone calling MFW "boxed." :blink: I will forever think of "school in a box," meaning buying a box of same-grade-level books from a single publisher (ABeka, BJUP, etc.) or a single source (CLASS/Christian Liberty Press/Timberdoodle). It's not unlike "language arts," because people mean different things when they say it.


But I digress. :D

um, i bought mfw k and everything i needed came to me all neatly packed in a box. didn't work for us, but that, to me, is a "boxed" curric.

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I think we've hit all the curricula that is currently available now. 

These threads always crack me up. "What's Your Favorite Curricula?" and everything is eventually listed. "What bombed?" and everything is eventually listed. 

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Yes, a million times yes. He puts us to sleep! We'll take Jim Dale any day of the week & twice on Fridays thank you very much. I was so sad to have SOTW on audio & feel like I was gonna doze off because STOW isn't boring.

SOTW also had a female narrator at one point. Barbara Johnson. We don't have that version, but I see you can find them on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0974239119?pc_redir=1399586816&robot_redir=1

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Wow, is there anything left lol!

I am realizing that if it was used heavily by homeschoolers in the 90s, then it is probably way too religious, procedural, or aesthetically unpleasant for me. Much of the stuff that I like best is intended for either public or private schools (with some notable exceptions that are newer programs).


I am not at all interested in:


Rod & Staff (religion, format)

Easy Grammar (method)

Spalding/WRTR (format, method)

Saxon (format, method)

FLL (format)

Nancy Larson science (format)

History Odyssey (method)

Elemental Science (method)

Writing with Ease workbook (method)

Math U See (method)

MCT LA (format, method)

Apologia (religion)

Teaching Textbooks (format, method)

A Beka (religion)

BJU (religion)

AOPS (method)

TOG (religion)

Ambleside Online (format, method)

Robinson Curriculum (method - ugh)

Any math textbook that doesn't have a workbook (format)



Plus all of the Christian multi-subject packages like those from:






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And then, I'd make another claim -- any publisher of material for children that produces books/curricula that require a major leap of faith that, despite the fact that it looks like a slim and meaningless volume, it actually is the most fabulous thing ever that will result in genius children, seem to be modeling their sales pitch on "The Emperor's New Clothes."  And I feel distinctly uncomfortable with that approach.


What you say is completely true - however I have to admit that my kids have learned the most grammar from that "slim and meaningless volume" than from anything else. Crazy but true. We just do the town level, but boy does it set out the whole thing so you can see where you're going.

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um, i bought mfw k and everything i needed came to me all neatly packed in a box. didn't work for us, but that, to me, is a "boxed" curric.

I don't consider it a boxed curriculum either because you need to add English/language art and math two of the most important subjects.

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Wow, is there anything left lol!


Sure, if you consider curricula that isn't marketed exclusively to Christian homeschoolers. What I like and use are a mix of PS and homeschool materials that don't take a religious bent and are nicely formatted.



CAP Writing and Rhetoric

Logic of English

Growing with Grammar

Voyages in English

Moving Beyond the Page

Teacher Created Resources literature and thematic unit studies

Math in Focus

Holt middle school math

Science textbooks with supplementary videos, kits, and activities

Story of the World

K12 Human Odyssey

Hakim's Story of US

all sorts of things from Evan-Moor

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This might be totally irrational, but I cannot seriously consider any curriculum with a person's full name in the title.  It might be the very best curriculum in the world but I just cannot do it.  This applies to universities as well.  


Other than that, I don't rule out anything at this point.  I have been pleasantly surprised too many times by things I thought would be total busts.  I do avoid religious material, especially creationist, but even that can be bent if I cannot find something that works better.


I am baffled by people saying that Singapore is confusing or overwhelming.  We have used it from day one (on 6A now) so I have nothing to compare it to.  But I cannot imagine anything more straight-forward, especially with the aid of the instructor guide (which I stopped using around 3rd grade).  It is far simpler than what my friends with schooled kids are grappling with.

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I don't consider it a boxed curriculum either because you need to add English/language art and math two of the most important subjects.


See, some people think that Easy Grammar is "boxed." :blink: It is why I don't think it's a very useful, truly descriptive term, especially since it is often used in sort of a negative or derogatory way.

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I decided to edit my post.  I've tried so many things over the years.  Usually it was because I found it used or was given it by someone who quit homeschooling.  Most of the time I would use something in addition to my main as a supplement or for further study. Because of this, I'm going to refrain from saying never.  If the post was titled, Popular Curriculum...you have no desire to try again?, I'd have a full list.


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I have considered trying many things, or have at least looked into them...These are the popular things that I have never even considered trying because I haven't had an interest in them...


Beast Academy

Math U See


My Father's World

Heart of Dakota



I also do not like lapbooks and never considered making one...


I am sure there are other things but this is all I can think of right now :-)

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*Lurker* I hope you all do not mind if I chime in.  


Anything Old Earth (Against the grain of this thread I know)

Anything that requires a lot of extra participation from me.  I like for my girls to be able to work mostly independently.  


Yes, I like Abeka :)  

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I can't take anything called Bob Jones University seriously because in NZ Bob Jones is a name not associated with education.

Hehehehe same here in Oz.


But that doesn't really bother me. I was actually very close to buying their writing/grammar, but was turned off by the expensive and parent intensive TM.

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Saxon-hated it as a PS student, DD hated it in private school, and it's just not the way I want math to be.


Anything where religion is more important than content-especially for science and history


CLE-and I have a friend who works for the company, with the possible exception of some of the life skills LUs for high school.




Reading books, even though DD loved them when she was about 6, because she liked the big pictures and larger fonts-but if I'd actually have had to teach using the scripted questions and worksheets and stuff like that....I think I broke out in hives just thinking about it!


What is wrong with CLE?  I have used both their math and LA and its excellent. My daughters scored very high on standardized tests after using it.  Granted I know they are from a Mennonite publisher so I won't use the History , which I would think would have a Mennonite slant.

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Won't buy : 

Anything Old Earth

Singapore ( we tried it and it just doesn't work for my family, totally detest it )

We didn't like Miquon ( to much trying to figure it all out)


Mammoth Math

IEW ( tried it wanted it to work because I just can't teach writing but my girls HATED it)

Shirley English ( way to darned expensive)

Calvert (or anything boxed really though I don't mind using bits and pieces from curriculums) though we want nothing to do with anything Common Core anymore.


We actually are rare and love to have religion in our school books. I mean, why as Christians would we not want to immerse our children into our faith?   Honestly I'm a curriculum addict as well and there hasn't been much we haven't tried.

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