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Not used to the noise level of other


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People's kids. That is all.

I am watching two boys similar to my boys' age because of their school snow day cancellation and because their mom has a very important doc appointment. Their loud, high-pitched rowdiness really got me.

I generally don't have a very soft feeling for children that are not mine. Is this quite normal? Sometimes I feel guilty feeling annoyed at other people's kids. Right now upstairs there is this constant thunder rumbling noise.

I am glad that they are enjoying themselves, though.

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I too have mostly quiet kids, and I can't even understand how some kids manage to maintain their volume for extended periods of time.  I notice it when I'm in the waiting area at the gym.  These kids are hollering, but they think they are simply talking.  Not sure it's anything the parents can influence, I'm just glad I don't have to take that home with me every night.  :P


Then there are the kids that never, ever stop moving, and the ones who feel they have to be the boss of things 100% of the time.  Or have nonstop interaction.  My goodness.  It's exhausting.

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And some of them are loud, never stop moving, want constant interaction *and* have to be the boss of everything. :willy_nilly:



Guess how I know? :001_rolleyes: (A couple of months ago at a playground, a mom of girls asked me, "Is he always like that??" Yes, he is.)



Sorry, OP. Do feel free to tell them gently that this is too much noise for you. They will probably try really hard to be quieter (until they forget in four minutes).

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You're not alone!! My 2 nieces are SOOOO LOUD compared to my 3 kids! My kids even have to go put on headphones and zone out because they overwhelm my kids. I've noticed this in many other kids too though. We keep a pretty mellow home as nobody in our home handles too much noise and we do school here. My kids have grown up in a quieter home than I did and I prefer it!! I've also noticed that my nieces are SOOOO dependent upon someone else for their entertainment. My kids are able to go play alone without any fuss, go watch a movie by themselves, read a book alone in their bed, or interact together and if nobody wants to play with them they find something else to do. My nieces come to me the ENTIRE time whining they have nobody to play with or it's not fair they can't play this or that with my child because my child wants to do it alone. My kids aren't antisocial and interact well with my nieces for the first 3-4 hours and after that they've had ENOUGH.


I do get very annoyed and I'm usually very patient around kids of all ages.


I've come to realize I like our routine, our structure, our mannerisms, and would prefer it just be us! LOL!! BUT the occasional weekend overnights with my nieces is fun but after day 1 it's enough for our family.

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Oh gosh. I used to looooove kids. And then I had my own. And now everyone else's kids are terrors (not really, but...you know). :huh: I have 2 nephews that are pretty close in age to my kids, but GOSH. I do not get them. The youngest (who is 5) is constantly squealing. Out of joy, anger, sorrow; every emotion is expressed by this awful noise. As if they volume level weren't enough, it is LITERALLY as bad as nails on a chalkboard. I cringe. Every time. It makes it difficult to enjoy being around him.


I don't by any means think my kids are perfect, but they are, you know, mine. At the very least I'm used to them.

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I have 2 boys.  I don't think it is a boy verse girl thing. 


I agree that it isn't necessarily, as he seems to take after the Loud Aunt on each side, but I think people are more apt to expect it (especially the movement) less from girls and more from boys. I'm finding it interesting that even at the preschool and kindergarten age, the parks & rec physical activity classes are already divided into Open to Everyone But Actually Full of High-Energy Boys vs. Come and Be a Graceful Princess.


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That reminds me, my sister's kids (girls) are also very loud.  The 4yo doesn't talk, she yells.  Where my kid would say, "can I have some toast," 4yo would say "GIVE! ME! TOAST!!!" The 2yo talks, but when she gets angry, she produces a piercing scream.


I sometimes wonder why it is - I know 4yo has had ear infections, but supposedly she can hear ...  the mom does holler/scream a lot, so maybe they think it is normal ... or maybe they are just wired to be loud.


My kids love their cousins, but when they come back home from a visit, they always seem a little shell-shocked.  LOL.

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That reminds me, my sister's kids (girls) are also very loud. The 4yo doesn't talk, she yells. Where my kid would say, "can I have some toast," 4yo would say "GIVE! ME! TOAST!!!" The 2yo talks, but when she gets angry, she produces a piercing scream.


I sometimes wonder why it is - I know 4yo has had ear infections, but supposedly she can hear ... the mom does holler/scream a lot, so maybe they think it is normal ... or maybe they are just wired to be loud.


My kids love their cousins, but when they come back home from a visit, they always seem a little shell-shocked. LOL.

We know a family of loud talkers. When they call, anyone in the room can hear them thru the phone.



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LOL - I don't have quiet kids, but if I add a few more rowdy kids to our mix, I can get overwhelmed with it if I'm not in right the frame of mind. I do think it's a quite a bit what you're used to. I have no doubt my kids would be annoying to other parents. ;)

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My ds talks very loudly. Dh and I are not loud people. At all. However, my brother was put in speech therapy in elementary school because of his inability to regulate volume. So dh blames ds's volume on my genes. My brother is still a loud person. His wife is even louder. I bet they end up with sweet, quiet kids!


But even in terms of just dealing with other people's kids- I get it. I used to love working with kids! I was a teacher. I did all kinds of kid programs at church, I was a camp counselor. I'm not sure what happened, if I am just so used to my kids quirks that I've forgotten how to deal with kids in general or if my kids just take so much out of me that there isn't anything left over.


ETA: my ds is not annoying to other people. If other people are around, he won't talk at all, loudly or not!

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I think part of the loss of tolerance for other people's kids could be ageing.  I used to be extremely tolerant with kids.  Now I find myself wanting to get away if they are in my face too much.  Of course, it's different with my own kids because I have a duty to them, and because I am biased to think they are more darling they really are.  :P  But even with my own kids, there are times when I am just faking it.  ;)

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Oh gosh. I used to looooove kids. And then I had my own. And now everyone else's kids are terrors (not really, but...you know). :huh: I have 2 nephews that are pretty close in age to my kids, but GOSH. I do not get them. The youngest (who is 5) is constantly squealing. Out of joy, anger, sorrow; every emotion is expressed by this awful noise. As if they volume level weren't enough, it is LITERALLY as bad as nails on a chalkboard. I cringe. Every time. It makes it difficult to enjoy being around him.


I don't by any means think my kids are perfect, but they are, you know, mine. At the very least I'm used to them.

We may be just used to our own kids. my kids are never very loud. If they are at a public place, cub scout meeting, co-op classes, or someone else's homes, they are usually very aware of other people and respectful. They usually don't utter any sudden loud noise. They can be loud when they are very angry, but thank God it doesn't happen very often.

20 minutes to go before their parents come to pick up.

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My babies sound like a herd of elephants when they go chasing one another down the hall.  We had cats that were the same way, chasing and catching during their wild times each day- much louder with kids. LOL!  But other than that, it sounds quite similar.  Though the kids add more sound effects. 

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I would not be honest if I said my kids are always quiet, (especially if they're having a disagreement about something), but they generally know the difference between inside voices and outside voices.  The squealing for no reason thing drives me nuts in other kids - mainly when no one does anything about it.  When my youngest has done it, I dealt with it immediately.  I don't get how some people can just let that go on. 

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Then there are the kids that never, ever stop moving, and the ones who feel they have to be the boss of things 100% of the time.  Or have nonstop interaction.  My goodness.  It's exhausting.


And that would be my son.  Talking non-stop while spinning in circles or pacing back and forth, wanting to direct how a game is played, what game is played, etc.


Yes, it is exhausting but you kind of get used to it.

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Quiet kids freak me out. I obviously have a bias there. Quiet usually means "up to something" around here. :sneaky2:


This reminds me of a family party when my kids were preschoolers.  They didn't make a peep because they were shy around so many people.  My sister's mother-in-law (herself rather loud) asked me, "do they speak?!"  "Yes, they are just shy around people they don't know."  "They don't act like normal children."  A little later, my girls started a little game of chase, and the MIL said, approvingly, "now they are acting like children."  Much to her chagrin, I whispered to my kids and they immediately settled down.


Before that, I thought everyone liked kids to be quiet-ish and orderly at multi-generational gatherings.

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My personal opinion (and it is just my opinion), a lot of people have come to the place where they think it is normal behavior for a child to scream or squeal all the time.  It doesn't matter where they are.  I understand this with children who are young (under age 3) or have developmental disabilities.  The problem is, some people seem to think it is normal for their 7 or even 10 year old to still scream wherever they are.  I'm sorry, but unless there is something going on with your child, this is NOT normal behavior. 

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We have a pretty well modulated house here - not quiet exactly, but none of us are running around screaming at top volume. I coached gymnastics for a long time and while the gym was pretty loud, everything was under control and no one was running around screaming. So now when I see or hear it, it definitely annoys me. I really hate it when kids are allowed to run freely through a store or restaurant screaming  and the parents don't seem to care. DS is quite anxious when he hears other kids being loud, so that adds a layer of stress too. 

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My kids can get loud when they are trying to talk over each other instead of taking turns.  That's when I holler at them to settle down.  I have one that is just naturally a loud talker we are constantly reminding him to use his quiet voice.  That is just his normal voice level though and without reminders, he just doesn't think about it.  That said, we tried cub scouts and my boys were the ones sitting in the corner with their ears covered because the noise level of the other kids was just too much for them.  Even with the parents required to stay with the kids, boys would just be running around in circles chasing each other between activities.  My boys (and myself) just couldn't handle it and ultimately we stopped going because of this.  That wasn't the socialization I wanted my boys to learn.


Now we are in Tae Kwon Do and normally we go to the homeschool class which ranges from 5-15 people most of the times.  I can handle those classes pretty well.  When we attend the normal classes, which easily range in the 15-30 kids, my children know that the ride home will be a silent ride because I just can't handle the noise level after those classes.

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I'm the owner of loud kids, but I'm totally with you on the lack of a soft spot for OPK (other people's kids). For the most part. Some I like, some I tolerate, and many - I avoid, if at all possible. I am not, never have been, never will be a "kid person".


ETA: My child with the loudest natural voice is also the most sensitive to loud noise - kids, chaos, flushing toilets, etc.

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We have an extremely quiet house.  My kids don't really play anymore so we don't even have that noise.  They do "hang out" together, talking, telling jokes but this is usually done at a reasonable volume.  Even when they were little they were quiet, unless around their cousins.  My sisters' children are loud, energetic, and (a few of them) attention hogs.  The thing is that when we were kids I was always the loudest and most talkative.  Both sisters are good moms who have raised well behaved (just loud) children.

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I don't know about that. 


My younger son used to be on a bumper bowling league.  The kids in there were age 4- 8.  Bowling was immediately following school hours.  Some of the kids were just WILD.  I mean climbing stuff, yelling, rolling on the floor, etc.  My theory is that they are forced to spend a lot of time sitting all day and all that sitting isn't natural for kids that age.  My son, who although not loud at all, moves constantly.  He wasn't one of the ones climbing all over things and going crazy, but I let him move around more than I make him sit when we are at home doing our school stuff.  So he doesn't need to "get it out".  KWIM?


That's my explanation anyway....


In reality, bowling is just loud.  You can't be quiet and bowl.  You can't even hear other people talk if they don't yell.  Interesting example. :D


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I generally enjoy kids, even loud ones, during the day. I'm go-with-the-flow like that, but my own home is so deliciously quiet at night. Everyone calms down and chills out. I have two kids, but we've always been blessed with fairly tranquil evenings past the baby stage.


There are several Loud Talkers in our co-op, so it's not a school vs homeschool thing. Some kids just have bigger voices that carry. It's great when they're giving a presentation, but not so great when they're normal talking voice overwhelms a room. I ride it out at co-op, then decompress at home with my quiet children afterwards :-)

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I guess I've turned into a fairly selfish person.  I expect visiting kids to abide by our house rules.  When the neighbor kids want to come over to play, I tell my Dc they can come inside, but not if they are all going to sound like elephants coming through the ceiling.  When they get out of hand I've told them they have two choices, calm down and stay inside, or get loud and rowdy and get outside.

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I don't like(put in any stronger adjective) taking care of other people's children. It's on my top 10 of things I do not want to do.


I am the same way. I do it out of love. In fact, this time my ds11 reminded me, "Mom, we should help other people." I don't mind quieter kids who talk with a normal voice as much. Watching other kids is definitely not my strength.

These two boys generally don't stop moving or talking. My friend, their mom, cannot stand the stress and signs them up for camp after camp during the summ break so that she can have some rest. I don't know what I would be like if they were mine.

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My house is very quiet.  Pretty much everyone who comes over is louder than we are. :)  Sometimes it drives me a little batty (teenage boys playing load video games and talking/laughing loudly), but other than asking them to hold it down if dh and I are headed to bed, we try not to let it bother us.  I'm glad they're here.

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