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OK, I give in - we are the wimps and you guys are not ;-)

Lucy in Australia

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I am freaking out, reading different people's updates on what you're all going through with this "Polar Vortex". Snowed in, can't open door, trees crashing on roofs, - 45 gazillion degrees... I humbly admit I would have curled up in the fetal position, quietly sobbing to myself a long time ago.  I'll keep my deadly snakes, venomous spiders & heatwaves. :coolgleamA:

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It has been a long rough winter.  We are running 5-20 degrees below normal every day for the past month or more along with near record snowfall.  It is just getting tiresome.


That said, I do NOT do heat well.  Last summer when we were up at or over 100 with high humidity I was melting and doing as little as possible out in the sun.

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It's a great reminder of all we have to be thankful for:  four walls, a roof, running water, a furnace .....


Yesterday was a rough day because I couldn't stay home.  I had to drive the kids to school and back.  That may not sound like a big deal, but sometimes driving in this feels like an Olympic event....  I live on top of a hill and it's always iffy whether I'll make it all the way to my parking spot....  And it was also garbage day, so I had to drag the bins to the end of our long drive in rather deep snow.  And there was nobody to give me hot chocolate afterwards.  ;)


But for the most part, having shelter and a furnace is enough to keep us content.  I will just cover my eyes when the gas bill arrives....

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The kids are back in school after having two snow days. I don't ever get snow days, and it stinks to have to drive in this stuff—or have DH drive me, like he did on Tuesday. Some of the roads looked like skating rinks in spots yesterday morning, there were multiple slide-offs and vehicles in the ditch, and we had a high near 0. Today the temp may get up to 11, and the latest forecast I saw said it will only be above freezing twice in the next week.


I've been daydreaming about last summer's 108 F highs. 

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What touched my heart yesterday was a lady out shoveling her driveway.  The snow yesterday was really heavy.  This lady has a special-needs daughter in a wheelchair who gets picked up by a school bus every morning.  She has to wheel her down the driveway to the street.  She would have had to do a tremendous amount of work to clear that driveway with a shovel yesterday morning.  On top of all the work of getting a wheelchair-bound child ready for school and bundled up.  If she hadn't been already just about finished, I would have stopped and helped her.

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I don't do heat well at all either.  To me, it's so much easier to put layers on, but you can only strip off so many!


It hasn't been that bad lately.  No more of the -40 below for the past couple weeks.  It actually warmed up to 19 last Sunday, and we were able to go out cross-country skiing for over an hour.  It was great.  Even going down to the barn with the sled in 5 degrees seemed actually pleasant and invigorating this morning.  I actually sweat a little helping DH pull it back up to the house.  (We pile quite a load on an extra-long sled)

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I was without power for twelve hours yesterday. Thankfully, it came on right before we were heading to bed, so we didn't have to bundle the babies up in double sleepers. And we have a generator so that we can run our furnace intermittently and keep our pipes from freezing. But we can't heat the upstairs that way, and we can't cook very well. I am very glad to have power back. This has been a longer and harder winter than the past several, and I will be very grateful for spring. I hope it is a long, slow spring that does not get hot too quickly.

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I have been thinking about re-reading The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder to make myself feel better that I live now and not then.

I read Jack London's "To Build a Fire" to make myself feel better.


If it's only -30F, that's better than -70F, right?

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I have been thinking about re-reading The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder to make myself feel better that I live now and not then.


I'll come out of the closet and admit that I *have* been rereading that book in the hopes that it'll make me feel better.


It hasn't.


I'm still cold, and tired of winter weather.


And the rest of my family is out in L.A., wishing they could have half of the wet stuff we're getting.  I'd love to ship it to them!!

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I have been thinking about re-reading The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder to make myself feel better that I live now and not then.

I'm not sure I can take re-reading it now.  Maybe sometime in the heat of August.  Somehow I feel colder just thinking about reading that particular title at this particular time.  


I will fully admit that I have become an absolute wimp this winter.  The 2nd time I had to chip ice away from the roof and gutters really did me in.  I've had enough.

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I will take cold, snow, sleet, no power, any day over heat and humidity. 

I used to think so, but now I'm not so sure.  We shut off our air conditioning this summer to save money and I did surprisingly well.

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Yesterday's high here was -1 and today it was supposed to get up to 14.  It never got above 1 degree. They say the high tomorrow is going to be 40.  I sure hope they are right.  I'm not sure how many more days of this way below freezing temps I can take.

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I read Jack London's "To Build a Fire" to make myself feel better.


If it's only -30F, that's better than -70F, right?



Oh, how can that make you feel better?  Didn't you have to watch that creepy short film version of it in junior high? {shudder}


I cannot imagine ever putting Jack London's works in the category of 'make myself feel better'.  I don't think I've ever felt that bad. 

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It hasn't been that bad lately.  No more of the -40 below for the past couple weeks.  It actually warmed up to 19 last Sunday, and we were able to go out cross-country skiing for over an hour.  It was great.  Even going down to the barn with the sled in 5 degrees seemed actually pleasant and invigorating this morning.  I actually sweat a little helping DH pull it back up to the house.  (We pile quite a load on an extra-long sled)



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yes! It's been a slow steady drip for about three hours. It's the best rain we've had in a long time.


Is it raining there now?  I'm in the OC where it's been drizzling a bit all day, and now is really raining!  :hurray:


My cactus in clay pots are "flooded" while my kid's strawberries and broccoli plants are happy. If rain continues this weekend as predicted, my kids will be very happy puddle jumping after their Saturday class.


"The driest winter on record will finally get a downpour of relief this weekend with a series of storms expected to deliver in four days double the amount of rainfall the Bay Area has seen all season.

In a state beset by drought, poor air quality and winter wildfires, the welcome weather forecast calls for 2 inches of rain on the valley floor and 4-to-5 inches in the mountains by Monday. Much more is needed, however, to alleviate a drought emergency gripping the Golden State."

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