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Flowing Brook

What do I do?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. What to do with this bat

    • Run far far away
    • grab the shot gun and start shooting
    • burn the house down
    • man up and go catch the bat after all its only a bat
    • wait for someone to come rescue you
    • other

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There is a bat in my house. It is flying around my bedroom. There is a five inch gap between the top of the door and the doorway. He can get out any minute. There is no one to save me. What do I do?  Run away? Grab the shot gun and start shooting? Burn the house down?  I hate bats with a passion. So please do not suggest rescuing myself by putting on gloves and getting a net. Seriously it is at least another hour until anyone gets home and I hate these things. Anyone care to come rescue me?

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I would leave. Go on a drive or something. No way would I stay in the house. Sorry!


Unfortunately my dad borrowed my car today.  He won't be back for another hour. So if I leave it would be on foot and it is fifteen degrees outside. Although I am seriously thinking about waiting outside. I might go for a hour long walk. 

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Shut yourself in the bathroom and take a long bath or shower. Or shut yourself in the basement if you have one. Any friends nearby with whom you can hang out?


I was actually running myself a bath when I saw the bat. I went in the bedroom to get my night clothes.  I was also putting clean sheets on the bed. Should I wash my sheets again?  I don't know much about bat droppings.

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Is there a pest control company anywhere in your vicinity? That would be my first choice as they can search for nests and try to prevent them from entering in the future.


Bats can carry rabies and will bite. If you can open doors and/or windows and chase it out with a broom or something, do it before the critter goes to sleep in the morning. Block up whatever openings you think it might be able to get in through.

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Towel and nail and hammer.  


Climb up on a chair and nail a towel to cover those 5 inches above the door.  You want that bat contained until someone can rescue you.  If it gets out of the room, then where will it be?!??  Anywhere!!!!  Contain that bat!

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Towel and nail and hammer.  


Climb up on a chair and nail a towel to cover those 5 inches above the door.  You want that bat contained until someone can rescue you.  If it gets out of the room, then where will it be?!??  Anywhere!!!!  Contain that bat!


:iagree: After the bat is contained in the room I would open the window and try to encourage the bat to leave. 

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If I was in this part of MI, I would call these people: http://www.crittercatchersinc.com/critters/bats/Winter_Bats_In_House.html


"During Michigan's winter months, some people experience bats getting into their living quarters. These people have a colony of bats hibernating in their attic or walls and abat exclusionis necessary for their removal.

Is this the only bat in the house? No. The species of bat that hibernates in SE Michigan homes is the Big Brown Bat. This species live and hibernate in colonies. "

Given this information, I would consider the house and it's contents a total loss and I would leave with the clothes on my back. Shudder.
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The drama continues. Last night when my dad got home. He went in the room and the bat was gone.  We looked everywhere Nothing. So I thought he must have gotten into another part of the house and one place was as safe to sleep as another. So I slept in the batroom. Just as I was drifting off to sleep I heard a scraping sound. I thought "oh no the bat is back"  I turned the light on and sure enough the bat was flying around the room. I was afraid he would run into me if I stood up so I called for my dad. By the time he came in the room the bat was gone.  I have no idea where he went. So I slept on the couch with glove a flash light and a net next to me. I heard and saw nothing.  Hopefully we will find him tonight. If not the house gets torched!

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