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How soon after you lost your mucus plug.....


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Almost 38wks with baby #4, but have never seen my plug before.  I was 1cm on Wednesday and soft.  The baby's head is right at my pubic bone when feeling from the outside.  Last night I had a lot of lower back pain.  I slept awesome, then lost my plug first thing this morning......just mucus...no blood.  Since then I have had lots of achiness in my lower back (where I feel early contractions), and baby is moving a lot.  I have also had many pale colored BMs.  



This is odd for me.  I never saw my plug in the past, was dialated several cm for a few weeks before labor, labor has always started with my water breaking, and my others were born right at 40wks.  Does this sound like early labor or just my body prepping for labor in a couple of weeks?  It has been a decade since I have done this, and it is different.

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I started labor within a few hours of losing my plug. Had ds before 24 hours had passed from losing it. He was a week early. I am taking bets you are in early labor with the lower back aches. Time them and see if its regular. I had back ache labor with both dc. When it ramped up, I barely made it to the hospital with both. Be ready and call if you think something isn't right. Best wishes having the baby!

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I started labor within a few hours of losing my plug. Had ds before 24 hours had passed from losing it. He was a week early. I am taking bets you are in early labor with the lower back aches. Time them and see if its regular. I had back ache labor with both dc. When it ramped up, I barely made it to the hospital with both. Be ready and call if you think something isn't right. Best wishes having the baby!

That's just it....the lower back ache was just constant for a few hours, not something I could time.  Now it seems to have subsided, but baby girl is still squirming a lot.


I had planned to pack today anyway, so I am just continuing with that and some chores.  We'll see what happens.

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That's just it....the lower back ache was just constant for a few hours, not something I could time.  Now it seems to have subsided, but baby girl is still squirming a lot.


I had planned to pack today anyway, so I am just continuing with that and some chores.  We'll see what happens.


I wonder if she is going to come out face up? I know when I was at the end, I could go to labor and delivery to be checked if I wanted/needed. You could also call your doctor and see what he/she thinks. I do remember with both not having much movement at the end (cramped quarters, I'm small), so a lot of movement would have puzzled me. The pale BMs would have too.


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It was a few hours for me. What you are feeling sounds a lot like what my early labor was like with baby number 1. Are you nauseous at all? That was another telltale sign for me.


Good luck and wishing you and baby well!

Nope, not nauseous, but have never been with the other three nor have I ever had morning sickness with any of them.

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I had to get induced for low amniotic fluid close to 40 weeks with my first, wasn't dilated, and never noticed my plug. I lost my yucky mucous plug with 2nd baby around 37 weeks, was already dilated around 3cm, and the baby's head was low. I had to get induced at almost 41 weeks! I used to be an L&D nurse, and there was no rhyme and reason to knowing if one will go into labor soon after loosing the plug or not. Maybe a tad leaning towards going into labor sooner vs. later after loosing the plug.

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I wonder if she is going to come out face up? I know when I was at the end, I could go to labor and delivery to be checked if I wanted/needed. You could also call your doctor and see what he/she thinks. I do remember with both not having much movement at the end (cramped quarters, I'm small), so a lot of movement would have puzzled me. The pale BMs would have too.


I'm an hour away from the hospital, but my labors have never been shorter than 9 hours, so I don't head to the hospital until I am sure... which in the past was when my water broke.  I am extremely small too, but this girl has not seemed to calm down at all like the others did.  The pale BMs are new, but perhaps they were the cause of the achiness instead of a symptom of labor???  

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I started to lose mine on a Friday, lost more on Saturday, had baby by 10 p.m. Sunday night. In retrospect, I'd been having contractions randomly since Friday, but my first was induced, so I had no idea what was happening, and they were very sporadic. Soft labor (contractions I had to relax through, but not very painful) started Sunday morning, but it wasn't until around 4:00 Sunday that I knew the race was on :D My water didn't break until I was in the tub at the hospital, so that was no help.


Good luck, mama! We'll be thinking about you  :grouphug:

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I've never lost the mucous plug before labour.  But that sort of back pain was like a bridge between braxton hicks and active labour for me!  Went into real labour within days.


My 4th was born face up - I hope your bubs was squirming into good positioning, it was very hard and painful to birth him faced that way!  Also, (TMI alert!) BM's not pale but 'squished' which I now know is because he was very posterior and compressing everything...

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I lost my mucous plug with DD1 but never went into labor.


I'd call the doctor regarding the pale BM.


No more BMs, and I googled the issue.  They are most likely caused from the recent diet of antacids for the nasty heartburn I have been experiencing.  I will mention it to my doc if they continue.  I know they can be related to Cholastasis, but I was tested and was negative.  


The last few hours, I have Braxton Hicks if I am up, but nothing if sitting around.  I would be happy to go into labor, though.  Everything is ready, kids and dh are anxious, and FIL is home from working out of state.

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I've never lost the mucous plug before labour.  But that sort of back pain was like a bridge between braxton hicks and active labour for me!  Went into real labour within days.


My 4th was born face up - I hope your bubs was squirming into good positioning, it was very hard and painful to birth him faced that way!  Also, (TMI alert!) BM's not pale but 'squished' which I now know is because he was very posterior and compressing everything...

My first was posterior.  Pushed for three hours!

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I lost my plug a couple of days before my DS was born. He had visibly dropped a whole bunch even though I'd carried him low the whole time (I have wide hips), but he was at an angle (based on the positions I assumed during birth--like one leg propped up on the bed while standing, then switching legs). I had strong (but painless) Braxton Hicks my entire pregnancy, and even in labor, I didn't have painful contractions until I was about halfway through active labor. I did have enormously achy hips and legs from how low I carried him.


Second time around, I never saw it, so I don't know. I carried the baby high until the very end, but once my water broke, it all went fast. I was worried because he didn't drop, but that labor was easier and faster.

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No more BMs, and I googled the issue.  They are most likely caused from the recent diet of antacids for the nasty heartburn I have been experiencing.  I will mention it to my doc if they continue.  I know they can be related to Cholastasis, but I was tested and was negative.  


The last few hours, I have Braxton Hicks if I am up, but nothing if sitting around.  I would be happy to go into labor, though.  Everything is ready, kids and dh are anxious, and FIL is home from working out of state.


Two words...exercise ball. :-) Best wishes! I hope you aren't left hanging for too long.

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With my first I lost my plug after 13 hours of labour, he was born 3 hours later (37.5 wks). My second, I lost my plug at 39 weeks and finally went into labour on my due date a week later- I was already fully effaced and 4cm dilated walking around before I went into labour, 4 hrs later I had my dd. My 3rd was almost a week late and I went from 2cm to holding my son in 45 minutes- I didn't see nothin'! ;)

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I only know I lost my plug with my first. I was going to the bathroom before heading to my parent's house for Thanksgiving dinner and lost it. Since it was my first my husband was a little freaked and asked what that meant. I told him, "It means we will have a baby in the next few weeks." (I was 6-7 weeks early depending which date we believed.) He insisted I call my mother so I went into the kitchen, picked up the phone, and whoosh...my water broke all over the floor. My husband didn't like the answer when he asked what that meant. I had my ds seven hours later.

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You still home, Mothergoose? I lost my mucus plug in the morning, had mild contractions on and off during the day, and went into very sudden and strong labor at 1am.


Hope you are doing well!

Yep.  After a couple of hours, the achiness went away.  The rest of the day, I have had BH if up and around.  If I am still, those go away.  


Bags are packed, laundry all done, and house is clean, though.  I would be surprised if this one comes this early since her siblings all came around their due dates.  It was just odd this morning because I have never actually seen the plug with the other three.

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Well, I am still here.  Went to the OB yesterday.  I am at 3cm and baby is engaged.  When she checked me, I started some light bleeding.  I then went to my chiropractor, who did an oxytocin sequence on me, gave me a few pressure points to massage, and a few herbs to take.  I am eleven days from my due date, so I know I am over anxious, but FIL is in town until Sunday evening and then gone for five days.  This is his first biological grandchild (I have 3 with my late dh, which in-laws are excellent gps to), so I would love to have her while he is home.  The kids are also super anxious and driving me crazy.


Now, off to get the kids started on some independent work so I can work on this

https://www.etsy.com/transaction/177686470?ref=fb2_tnx_title in lavendar.  

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