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How are your eating plans/diets/exercise programs working so far?


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I am still doing the old Weight Watcher program.  My jeans are quite a bit looser.  I am down about 7 1/2 pounds in 6 weeks which is ahead of my goal of 25 pounds for the year (but I will take every pound I can get). 


My main exercise lately has been cross country skiing 5-6 days a week and doing an exercise ball class 2x week.

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My weight has remained the same but I've lost seven centimeters on my waist since January 1st; I'm pretty happy. I'm doing alternating 15 minutes of cardio one day ( jumping jacks as long as I can go and jogging in place until I can continue jumping jacks) and one lotte berk exercise video -- about 20 minutes-- the next. I like to watch a Tv show while I exercise. I basically eat clean without too much obsessing. Don't eat between meals and drink a gallon of water daily. Need new pants!

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I had to give up the 5:2 when I was put on a medically-ordered diet.  At present I'm eating very low fat but as much as I want.  That's keeping me steady at 60 kilos (132 pounds).  When I'm really settled into this, I will think about combining with 5:2 until I get down to 57 kilos (126 pounds).



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I'm calorie counting with My Fitness Pal and working out 6 days a week, and not a whole lot of results. At least not the kind on the scale. However, I need to buy new bras now cause the band is too big. I'm on the tightest hole and it is still loose. But somehow, needing smaller bras isn't as fun as needing smaller pants, you know?  I was able to put my belt on the next tightest hole yesterday, so that's improvement. I just hate how LONG it takes. But I figure hell, even if I don't lose weight, I'll be a way more healthy, fit, fat person if I'm working out. 

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I'm working on my diet here, although more for mood and energy than weight loss (although I would like to lose 7-14lbs). I'm trying to be stricter with the Paleo diet as my body seems to prefer Paleo. I'm not restricting carbs but eating until fullness. LC has worked in the past but it hasn't over the last 6 months or so. I just feel like crap and even more worn out and eating more when I try to cut. I've slowly been working my way down and it is going well, usually I'm a cold turkey kind of person but not right now, that's ok though. 

Quoting myself. I've still not lost any weight, actually I've gained some (thank you hormones). However, in the last month I've really starting feeling better. My mood is better and my energy is WAY better. I've even started walking some again. My eating seems to finally be settling back to normal. I'm eating mostly paleo, gf, and just watching my serving sizes. It seems that in the last few weeks especially my hormones are finally normalized so I'm hoping and thinking my weight will start to go the right direction. I'm just taking it slow. I'm becoming more and more active as my energy and motivation returns. It should all line out in time.

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I'm still pressing on with the 5:2 way of eating. I haven't lost weight (because I'm not faithful with the fasting days), but I haven't gained either so that's not nothing.  I'm going to be pressing in even more the next 6-7 weeks and I'm looking forward to feeling small again.  I'm longing for the weather to get better so I can get out and walk more.  I've started doing some minor strength training bedside either during breaks from work or at bed time, but I really want to join a locally owned gym for a little while. 

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I am trying to eat lower carb than I used to because my a1c was 5.7, just over the normal range. I'm avoiding sugars, potatoes, rice, and only have high fiber breads or tortillas. I've lost 10 pounds in the last month. I hope to lose 20+ more. I actually haven't weighed this week because my dad is here visiting and took us out to eat quite a bit this weekend. I'll probably weigh later in the week.



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On Feb.3, I weighed in at 226 and this morning my weight is 208! So, I'm doing great! My goal weight is 150 by July and I know I can get there.


So, this is what I am doing. I have done this before and I dropped about 50 pounds in 2 1/2 months. I was able to maintain for over a year, but I had my 2 additional children and then I lost my father last January. So my health was not on my mind.


6 days a week, 1 hour of cardio. I break it down to two 30 minute sessions of brisk walking(4.0) on the treadmill, this puts me at about 4 miles of BRISK walking. After I have mastered that I will shoot for jogging and then work up to running. But, I don't think I will do more than an hour.


For food, I don't count calories, but I do proper portion sizes. I am eating a small meal every every 2-3 hours. So a typical day looks like this: 1 cup of oatmeal with flaxseed and 2 scrambled eggs. 2 hours later, a small apple and 2 pieces of cheese or handful of trail mix. 2 hours later bean and vegetable soup. 2-3 hours later, smoothie green. 2 hours later for dinner, fish or grilled chicken and a side salad.  When I eat like this I am never hungry.


I do not eat past 6:30. I brush my teeth immediately after my last meal, to stop the temptation.


I only drink water. A lot of water.


For motivation, I go to youtube and look at before and after weightloss stories.



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I am continuing with the 5:2 diet I began April last year.  I began at 168.5 lbs that put me at obese for my height (4'11")  Today I hit a new lowest low at 127.6 lbs.  Another 1.4 lbs off & I've lost 25% of my starting weight.  My first goal is 125 lbs, but I'd ideally like to get to 115 lbs before my overseas trip in May.  I know I'll want to enjoy all the American food from my childhood, so giving me a bit of leeway is my goal.  


My exercise goal is to exercise 30+ minutes every other day at least.  This week I've just managed one 45 minutes brisk walk when I dropped ds#2 off for his hockey game.  I have just got "The Fast Exercise" book by the same author as "The Fast Diet" book.  I need to read that & make an exercise plan.  His diet has worked wonders for me, so I pray his exercise plan will have the same result.

quoting myself 


I hit a new lowest low of 127 lbs this month.  Over the past month my weight has stayed stable between 127-130 lbs.  I'm still fasting 3 days a week following the 5:2 diet.  Even though my weight loss has slowed down significantly, I am still losing inches.  My size 8 jeans are now quite loose & I think I'll need to get the size 6 jeans I bought shortened soon.  


I haven't had much luck adding in regular exercise as I have been subbing all but one day since school opened the end of January.  I depart for the States in just over 2 months, so if I'm going to reach my goal of 115 before then I'll need to focus even more than I do now.  I'm currently reading "Fast Exercise" by the same author of "The Fast Diet" & aim to make time daily for implementing the plan.  

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I had lost 10 lbs on a whole-30-esque month o' deprivation in January... I stopped that at the end of January and have not gained it back and have continued to eat lots of veggies and fruit and fewer grains and dairy, disregarding the box of thin mints which was my civic duty on behalf of girl scouting.


My total cholesterol also went down from 260 in November to 190 last week.

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I'm working on low-carb and exercising (3-4 days a week) and have lost nothing in 2 months. I thought I lost a pund, but my weight actually does fluctuate, so I hadn't lost a thing. I am very discouraged and a little worried. I know it's hormonal, but if I can't lose weight when I try to, then what do I do when I continue to gain, which I have been doing? I've gained about 10 lbs. in the past couple of years. I am not overweight for my height, but I am now at that borderline place, where if I gain a few more pounds then I will be overweight.

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I'm working on low-carb and exercising (3-4 days a week) and have lost nothing in 2 months. I thought I lost a pund, but my weight actually does fluctuate, so I hadn't lost a thing. I am very discouraged and a little worried. I know it's hormonal, but if I can't lose weight when I try to, then what do I do when I continue to gain, which I have been doing? I've gained about 10 lbs. in the past couple of years. I am not overweight for my height, but I am now at that borderline place, where if I gain a few more pounds then I will be overweight.


This is me, minus the low-carb (I've been following 5:2) and with more exercise (3 @ 60 min cardio, 2-3 days Pilates for strength and toning). I haven't lost anything in six weeks. I also haven't gotten my period since before Christmas (I'm 47). My clothes don't fit any differently, but my arms look fantastic and I have more muscle definition in my legs.


Very frustrating on the weight front. I know I am improving my health by exercise and by eating only unprocessed foods. If nothing changes by April 1 I will have to reassess.

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I'm calorie counting with My Fitness Pal and working out 6 days a week, and not a whole lot of results. At least not the kind on the scale. However, I need to buy new bras now cause the band is too big. I'm on the tightest hole and it is still loose. But somehow, needing smaller bras isn't as fun as needing smaller pants, you know?  I was able to put my belt on the next tightest hole yesterday, so that's improvement. I just hate how LONG it takes. But I figure hell, even if I don't lose weight, I'll be a way more healthy, fit, fat person if I'm working out. 


I always lose weight from the top down. It shows in my face first and then in my belly and then (finally) in my hips/rear. I am a definite pear shape person and where I put it is the last place we lose it. OTOH, i put in on my butt first and belly second and face last. So, as long as I stay seated no one can tell I have gained weight, lol.



I have been following my usual south beach-esq eating style. I had to seriously recalculate my calorie intake this winter. I am petite, barely 5 feet tall, and approaching 50. I was not losing and even gaining on my same plan from when I was 44. I couldn't understand why things were moving in the wrong direction after so many years of keeping a 40lb loss off. Well, I made some calculations and had a serious conversation with my "My fitness Pal" account. The good news is that I have lost 4lbs this month. My suspicions that I was eating too much were correct. And even though my new calorie allotment is considered low (around 1,000 calories a day) it is obviously what is correct for my age and height. If I were truly not eating enough I would have seen a more drastic change on the scale over a month. I can live with 1lb a week. My goal is to be a 'normal' BMI and have a healthy hip to waist ratio. Right now I am just on the wrong side of 'overweight' BMI and my hip/waist ratio is great.


What I really need to have happen now is for this unrelenting cold to break. I am a regular exerciser and run and walk and have a Nordic Track and have a shelf full of exercise DVDs like bar method and P90x and  yoga. I love to work out. But it has just been brutally cold here. Just the act of changing clothes to workout is overwhelming. I spend my days in long underwear, jeans, wool socks and wool clogs and crazy big wool sweaters and hat and fingerless gloves. And I am talking about what I wear inside my house, not for going outside. It is like being in a reverse heatwave. No one wants to do anything but sit on the couch under a blanket.


I am hopeful that with the new month will come a break in the weather and I get my exercise groove back. Temps are predicted to stay below freezing this week though. But even in the high 20s would be an improvement.

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KrissiK and Luckymama, you might try just counting calories and lighter exercise. My dad had high triglycerides and a little cholesterol problem as well as a little extra weight. He was hiking on the mountains near home for 2 hours at a time, several days a week. Nothing was changing. Then my mom got sicker and he really couldn't leave her for that long. She was gaining weight, which we now know was fluid because of her liver, so he put them both on a 1500 calorie diet and wasn't really getting any exercise. He lost weight and his numbers came within normal range for the first time in a long time.  It really convinced him that you can over exercise and it's more about the calories you are consuming. Just a thought. 



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I wish I had recorded more of my path.  I don't have exact numbers or dates to refer to, and it's kind of bumming me out.

BUT, I'm down almost 20lbs from this past late-summer/early-fall. Only 4 or 5 of those pounds have been in the last 2 months thanks to passing illnesses around and indulging my cravings a bit too much, but it's still progress!



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I just started back on WW, and I'm down 5 lbs this week.  I walked 17.5 miles and did a turbo jam exercise video. I didn't eat any of my activity points.   I would like to lose 24 lbs by May and then will continue on to my last 49 lbs.   I hope to start running this summer.    In all since fall I've lost 30 lbs..went from size 22 to a size 16 right now....hoping to get into 10/12 by summer. 

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Well, I started officially exercising today. I'm very happy that I'm feeling so much better than I was, when I started the year just making it outside was a challenge, there was no way exercise was doable. I'm feeling much better mentally and physically. I think in part it is just time for my hormones to normalize more and part supplements (b12 and Omega 3s). 


However, I was sad to see my numbers, I've gained about 12.5 lbs since September (when I started feeling so icky), 3 inches on my hips and a few more on my belly and an inch or so on my chest and thighs. I've never been close to this big at this stage post partum, I'm about the same I was at about 3 months pp.  


So, I'm trying to focus on the positives. Just a few months ago I was longing to feel better. Baby steps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I started officially exercising today. I'm very happy that I'm feeling so much better than I was, when I started the year just making it outside was a challenge, there was no way exercise was doable. I'm feeling much better mentally and physically. I think in part it is just time for my hormones to normalize more and part supplements (b12 and Omega 3s). 


However, I was sad to see my numbers, I've gained about 12.5 lbs since September (when I started feeling so icky), 3 inches on my hips and a few more on my belly and an inch or so on my chest and thighs. I've never been close to this big at this stage post partum, I'm about the same I was at about 3 months pp.  


So, I'm trying to focus on the positives. Just a few months ago I was longing to feel better. Baby steps!


With each of mine, it got harder and harder to normalize post-partum. Then, at some point, I think our metabolism changes, too. I may be carrying around some extra cushioning but at least I'm much stronger and more functional than I was even a year ago.


Being sick for awhile changed my perspective a bit regarding feeling good versus just looking good. Of course, both would be nice, but if I had to choose one, I'd rather feel healthy. It's very nice being able to get through the day without feeling like I could collapse and being afraid to go out in case I got sick somewhere far from home.

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Crappy! I started the 5:2 after finishing up the Whole 30. It's too early to tell if it will work because I fluctuate so much anyway. It's so hard for me to stay motivated when I don't see progress. I know I need to change my mindset to health and feeling better, but darn it I just want to lose weight! The 5:2 seems to be something I can stick with, so I'll just continue to try. Hopefully spring will actually come this year and I can get out and exercise too.

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After holding for a week I am down 2 1/2 pounds this week.  My goal is another 6 pounds by the end of May ( more would be great) and a total of 25 for the year.  While I have a lot to lose (50 more would be nice) I want to do this slow and easy so that it STAYS off this time.  Last time I lost 70 pounds and gained 40 of it back when I got injured and couldn't exercise and we had major life  stuff come up.  So far the WW has been a good life style.

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I have been working out with free weights and cardio since this time last year. I've been counting calories using MyFitnessPal and have lost over 80 pounds as well dropped from a size 22 to a 9 in jeans!


Woo-hoo!  That's great!  Congratulations.



Crappy! I started the 5:2 after finishing up the Whole 30. It's too early to tell if it will work because I fluctuate so much anyway. It's so hard for me to stay motivated when I don't see progress. I know I need to change my mindset to health and feeling better, but darn it I just want to lose weight! The 5:2 seems to be something I can stick with, so I'll just continue to try. Hopefully spring will actually come this year and I can get out and exercise too.


With the 5:2, which I also do except it's Lent right now so it's different, I see "success" as feeling hungry throughout the day.  I mean of course I want to see pounds come off, too, but seeing hunger as a good thing has been part of me changing the mindset you mentioned.  Just knowing I didn't eat food I didn't need -- pretty much unheard of a couple of years ago -- is a good thing at the end of the day. 

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With each of mine, it got harder and harder to normalize post-partum. Then, at some point, I think our metabolism changes, too. I may be carrying around some extra cushioning but at least I'm much stronger and more functional than I was even a year ago.


Being sick for awhile changed my perspective a bit regarding feeling good versus just looking good. Of course, both would be nice, but if I had to choose one, I'd rather feel healthy. It's very nice being able to get through the day without feeling like I could collapse and being afraid to go out in case I got sick somewhere far from home.

Its not been easy after any of mine but doable and actually I lost all the weight but then started gaining it back. I'm feeling better otherwise finally so I'm hopeful that the rest lines out. It is all relative and health is much more important than vanity. I've not felt near that bad but my energy has been horrid. I'm thrilled to have energy again and to be exercising. I'm trying to focus on eating good food and moving my body. I'm trying not to focus on the scale. I'm really, really hoping I don't gain more weight though and I'd honestly like to lose some .

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I've been eating lower carb, but I haven't cut out any food groups. I already have to avoid dairy, so I just couldn't imagine cutting out whole other groups. I just avoid the things that are higher carb or only have a few bites here and there. I'm walking a little but never for longer than 20-30 minutes. I weighed and have lost 3 more pounds. I am a total of 20 pounds less than I know I weighed last fall. 

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With the 5:2, which I also do except it's Lent right now so it's different, I see "success" as feeling hungry throughout the day.  I mean of course I want to see pounds come off, too, but seeing hunger as a good thing has been part of me changing the mindset you mentioned.  Just knowing I didn't eat food I didn't need -- pretty much unheard of a couple of years ago -- is a good thing at the end of the day. 


Yes that's a good point. I will try to keep that in mind too. It has been interesting how little food I need some days. I had been big on eating breakfast to get the metabolism going - so they say. This has been refreshing, to only eat when I am hungry, and sometimes, not even then. And realize I'll be just fine.

Also, I had not counted calories for several years. I had forgotten how much you could eat of good foods, and how little you could eat of others. The only bad part is I have started drinking diet coke on the fast days and I had given it up for 6 months. I need to give it up again. It just can't be good for me.

I need to combine the whole 30 -when I didn't eat any processed foods at all, with the 5:2 where I pay attention to calories as well. Then I would be good to go! HA!


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After hitting a plateau over the holidays, losing & gaining the same 3 pounds since before Christmas, I hit a new lowest low this week.   :coolgleamA:   Since April 2013 I have lost a total of 42.7 lbs, over 25% of my starting weight.  I continue to do 4:3 or ADF as it works for me.  I'm finally in the healthy weight range for the first time in almost 20 years.  Exercise still remains a challenge (time-wise), but I find that without all the excess weight I am feeling fitter as well.  I'd like to lose another 5-10 pounds, but realise that at this point in my weight loss journey any progress will be really slow.  Obese to healthy weight in less than a year without feeling deprived or paying $$$.  

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I tore my mcl  (2nd/3rd degree) - so I can't exercise. growl growl growl growl. (stomps foot.)  I want to get back to being able to do yoga.  I keep thinking I need to find a chair yoga routine on youtube.   it's been five weeks. at least I'm starting to be able to do more of just basic normal things.  driving is still iffy and limited. still keeping my leg elevated, walking with pain and limp. and waking in pain every night.


I'm seriously reducing sugar - and that's going pretty well.  (except, we made pumpkin pies for pi day.  and 2ds made some particularly gooey brownies that have mousse on top. I've only had two in two days though.)

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I'm still running and calorie counting. I'm holding steady. I'd love to lose maybe 5 pound but where I am seems to be where my body wants to be so I'll be happy with maintenance.

Me too. I was about 8 lbs lighter last summer, but my clothes are smaller and my muscle more defined. I'll take it, and try to get over my obsession with the scale.


I eat clean....paleo...do not count calories other than what I burn according to my hr monitor.

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