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Fell on the ice

Chris in VA

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I was walking a friend's dog and fell on a black-iced sidewalk about an hour ago. Wasn't expecting ice as it is 45 degrees outside!

So now my bum is really hurting and I am slightly nauseous. I woke up with a headache this am, but it is minimal. I fell right on my bum then back and don't think I smacked my head. I had on a heavy coat, and have plenty of padding...


Anything I should look for or be careful of? It is uncomfortable to bend over or go up stairs, but I am ok. I think.


Mostly I want sympathy.

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If you normally go to a chiropractor, he could take some x-rays for you and see if you broke anything.  When you fall on the ice, it jars EVERYTHING (think gravity=weight X3), so it can force your neck off.  There's a vertebrae in your neck that will cause nausea if you get it off.  I've had that happen several times, and I've fallen on the ice my fair share because of skating with dd over the years.  If your neck is off, it will feel sore when you touch those spots and you'll get dizzy when you roll your head in a circle.  That would be your indication it's your neck.  


If you normally take calcium and magnesium (so you know they're not going to whack your blood pressure), you could go ahead and do that and ice alternating with heat, trying to keep from getting stiff.  If it were a weekday and me, I'd be seeing the chiro.  :(

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Sounds like a bruised or broken tailbone.  When I broke mine 20+ years ago, walking up stairs was the worst, for weeks.  Also, do you have somewhere you can get a massage?  My gymnast daughter woke up stiff a week or so ago after tumbling on a bad floor, and I sent her for an hour with a sports massage therapist.  Fixed her right up.  She didn't have a broken tailbone, but you could have two things going on.  Best of luck.

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Freaking out is a reasonable response. g   I've had a pinched nerve cause pain in my neck for MONTHS. I've had unexplained back spasms wake me up nightly for months.  WHile those things were happening, I was NOT a pleasant person to be around.  So when I slip or take a fall, I'm on edge until I'm sure it's not going to cause long term pain.  A concussion can be a scary thing- glad you're no longer worrying about that being a possibility.  But it sounds like you need to baby your other tender areas...take care! 

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