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Where did you get your avatar picture?

Excelsior! Academy

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Hmm. I wanted to use one of me, but I can't figure out how to make the pics small enough to make the Hive Tech Mind happy....


Upload your photo to photobucket.com, click Edit and then Resize.  Make the largest of the two measurements 100 (change one until the largest is 100) and then hit Save. Right click and save to your computer.  Upload from there! 

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I saw this quote by this woman I had never heard of named Dr. Vandana Shiva about corporations…. and I think it was right after the Supreme Court declared corporations "people" so it really resonated with me.  http://www.icedteaandsarcasm.com/2013/01/are-fictions-vandana-shiva.html  I had never heard of her, and thought more people should know about her.  

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A few years ago we were going to emigrate just like most of our family and friends were doing at the time.   Dh had 2 job offers and we had an offer on our house.  We'd started purging our stuff and had the removal quotes lined up.  Then serious health issues stopped us in our tracks.


After having focussed on the negatives of South Africa, which you have to do if you're leaving,  I had to change my thinking and start looking for the positives of staying here.  This avatar reminds me to appreciate what we have and how far the country has come.

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