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WWYD!! Hopping mad

Melinda S in TX

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We ordered bedroom furniture from a well known chain and they delivered it this morning.  While they were unpacking, the head guy asked where they could leave the boxes and trash because they didn't take it with them.  I showed him a large trailer, on the other side of the house, where they could put it.  He said that was too far and they would just stack it nice and neat by the house and we could move it later when it wasn't so cold.  I was getting really irritated with him, but I said ok as long as it was nice and neat.


They brought in all the furniture and set it up.  They showed me a couple of chips in a bed and said they were ordering the replacement pieces.  I signed the delivery slip and they left.


Shortly after they left, we discovered we didn't have water.  Son and I went out to check pipes and see what was wrong with the water.  As soon as we stepped out the back door, I was mad.  The big boxes were stacked nicely by the house, but styrofoam, desiccant packs, paper, and little plastic bags were scattered around the yard.  A little further from the house, they turned the truck around.  They backed the delivery truck over a clearly marked faucet, mangling the posts that marked it and breaking the pipe off at the ground.  Water was everywhere.  They backed over a ten year old Mexican White Oak that probably will not live.  I loved that tree.


The trash was just not caring, but I don't see how they could have not seen or heard something when they were destroying the faucet and the tree.


I called the delivery customer service.  They put in a dissatisfaction report on the drivers and connected me to regular customer service.  Regular customer service said the delivery people are supposed to take the trash with them and cs is filing a damage claim for me.  Someone will contact me this coming week about it.


What should I expect to come of the claim?  If they ask me what I want done about the situation, what should I ask for?  I can't leave the trash for them to pick up because I have a cow that will eat it.  I can't wait until someone comes out to fix the water because who knows when that will be and I need water.  The tree will likely die and they can't replace a ten year old tree that has made it through years of Texas drought without babying.  I'm mad about the whole situation, but the tree is what makes me the maddest.


13ds and I are going to Lowe's to get stuff to fix the water.  This is not going to be pleasant.  The temp is 23 with a windchill of 12.  We have to dig down in the ground (in the mud) to see where we can mend the pipe.  This is the main water faucet for the animals, so we can't just cap it and leave it.  Freezing cold, wet, and muddy is not what I had planned for today.

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You should keep the receipts for what you paid to have everything fixed.   You might call customer service back and tell them what you are going to do and ask if you can expect them to reimburse you.     I would tell them that you can't wait on the water and the trash.    I think it is always best to get the company to agree ahead of time to what you plan to do.   Get the name of the person you talk to and write down the day and time you called.  





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Call your homeowners insurance too. They may have additional advice, including whether you should call the police to get a report done for property damage. They would be responsible if the company fails to respond. Take lots and lots of pictures. Document every conversation with date, time, name, summary. Try to follow up each convo in writing with a summary of your understanding of action to take place. Save all of your receipts. You may want to have the work done by licensed professionals to have a documented value.


You should expect they return your property to as close as possible to how it was before their damage. The tree has a value. Call an arborist. If it needs to be taken out, they should pay for removal and replacement.


Good luck! I'm sorry for the hassle. :(

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First call the company and ask them what they are going to do today.


Do they have a plumber they would like you to call (and send them the bill?)   


Too many time we are left with the fixing of a problem someone else created-- they made the problem, they can do the figuring out.


Call a tree guy and ask what to do with the tree-- they may have some suggestions as to how to band-aid the tree.

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document - take pictures of all the damage prior to starting clean-up.

the water has to be fixed, asap - so go ahead and get it fixed.  I would expect their cs to pay for it, that's one reason they are insured.  you can call them back and ask them how they want to arrange payment for fixing the water as it has to be done today.  insist they pay for having someone fix it.  t.o.d.a.y.


I would expect them to at least give the monetary value of the tree and any other landscaping they ran over. (including what it would cost you to pay someone to replace them.)   we charged the garbage company for running over a rock wall.  this time, we put in a huge rock on the end they won't dare run over because it *will* damage their truck.  the neighbors across from us installed a row of huge boulders - big trucks are much more careful now.


the furniture that is damaged should be replaced with undamaged pieces.

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I'd be bloody furious too! I'd call the company that moment to file a complaint. Small claims court is likely. If necessary I'd call a local news consumer troubleshooting reporter to help out. That's nuts. I'd be really angry. I'd have been angry they didn't take their trash back with them. I've never heard of that before. I'd have called on the damaged furniture too. I don't want it repaired. I want a new piece, which is what I paid for, replacing it.

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We ordered bedroom furniture from a well known chain and they delivered it this morning.  While they were unpacking, the head guy asked where they could leave the boxes and trash because they didn't take it with them.  I showed him a large trailer, on the other side of the house, where they could put it.  He said that was too far and they would just stack it nice and neat by the house and we could move it later when it wasn't so cold.  I was getting really irritated with him, but I said ok as long as it was nice and neat.


They brought in all the furniture and set it up.  They showed me a couple of chips in a bed and said they were ordering the replacement pieces.  I signed the delivery slip and they left.


Shortly after they left, we discovered we didn't have water.  Son and I went out to check pipes and see what was wrong with the water.  As soon as we stepped out the back door, I was mad.  The big boxes were stacked nicely by the house, but styrofoam, desiccant packs, paper, and little plastic bags were scattered around the yard.  A little further from the house, they turned the truck around.  They backed the delivery truck over a clearly marked faucet, mangling the posts that marked it and breaking the pipe off at the ground.  Water was everywhere.  They backed over a ten year old Mexican White Oak that probably will not live.  I loved that tree.


The trash was just not caring, but I don't see how they could have not seen or heard something when they were destroying the faucet and the tree.


I called the delivery customer service.  They put in a dissatisfaction report on the drivers and connected me to regular customer service.  Regular customer service said the delivery people are supposed to take the trash with them and cs is filing a damage claim for me.  Someone will contact me this coming week about it.


What should I expect to come of the claim?  If they ask me what I want done about the situation, what should I ask for?  I can't leave the trash for them to pick up because I have a cow that will eat it.  I can't wait until someone comes out to fix the water because who knows when that will be and I need water.  The tree will likely die and they can't replace a ten year old tree that has made it through years of Texas drought without babying.  I'm mad about the whole situation, but the tree is what makes me the maddest.


13ds and I are going to Lowe's to get stuff to fix the water.  This is not going to be pleasant.  The temp is 23 with a windchill of 12.  We have to dig down in the ground (in the mud) to see where we can mend the pipe.  This is the main water faucet for the animals, so we can't just cap it and leave it.  Freezing cold, wet, and muddy is not what I had planned for today.

Take lots of photos and call the manager ASAP. 


They should definitely have removed the trash as well.  You got some lazy, lazy subs, most likely. 


You do the repair, have the plumber note on the bill that the faucet had been damaged by impact, get everything fixed, and then submit a copy of the bill.


Tell them to have the guys return RIGHT NOW to retrieve all the trash they should have taken, or you will have it hauled and submit a bill along with the plumbing bill.  Escalate until you get someone with authority to handle this NOW. 

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I'm going to second calling your home insurance.  That's what you have them for.  They should be able to tell you what to do and will have people on hand.  Then they will deal with the insurance of the company that did this.  Your home insurance should send someone out right away to take pictures and give you a list of plumbers that they deal with.  You would only pay your deductible but would get that back when your insurance settles with their insurance.  Document everything but this should be relatively painless through your home insurance. 

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I agree with keep all receipts and document everything -- write down minute by minute what is happening: when the arrived, what was said, when they left etc.


Take as many pictures as possible -- and I mean 50 or 60 pics of every mess they made.


When you talk to customer service keep politely asking for a supervisor. Don't just talk to the first person who answers the phone. Keep going up the food chain.


Last -- I have a media background -- make it clear to the person you talk to that you will be talking to your local media. . . from the perspective of what a sad holiday you'll be having because of this mess.


The headline: A Simple Delivery Isn't So Simple for One Family who Lost Water, a Tree and Their Trust


When the company hears that you're going to talk to the media -- they'll fix everything.



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Called customer service.  They have filed a complaint on the drivers.  Nothing will be done about my property damage claim until next week, and they can't promise what will happen.  I'm supposed to do whatever I need to do and they will "try and work with me".


I've called around and can't find anyone to fix the water.  Half of the people won't get out in the cold and the other half is so busy they can't get to it for a day or two.  I'm going to keep calling, but 13ds and I will need to fix it within the next hour or so if I can't find someone.  The parts are cheap.  Maybe $15 at most for everything and we even already have on hand what we need.  The problem is we have to dig a big hole, cut the broken pipe off with a hacksaw, clean and glue everything together, and pray it holds, while we are freezing in 25 weather with a 15mph north wind.  Also, while we are waiting for all this to dry, we have no water in the house.  No drinking, no potty, no laundry, and no cleaning up after we are muddy from fixing the pipe.


I have taken pictures of everything.  Dd picked up the smaller trash that was blowing everywhere, but we left the bigger pile for them to deal with.


Of to make some more calls.

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Called customer service.  They have filed a complaint on the drivers.  Nothing will be done about my property damage claim until next week, and they can't promise what will happen.  I'm supposed to do whatever I need to do and they will "try and work with me".


I've called around and can't find anyone to fix the water.  Half of the people won't get out in the cold and the other half is so busy they can't get to it for a day or two.  I'm going to keep calling, but 13ds and I will need to fix it within the next hour or so if I can't find someone.  The parts are cheap.  Maybe $15 at most for everything and we even already have on hand what we need.  The problem is we have to dig a big hole, cut the broken pipe off with a hacksaw, clean and glue everything together, and pray it holds, while we are freezing in 25 weather with a 15mph north wind.  Also, while we are waiting for all this to dry, we have no water in the house.  No drinking, no potty, no laundry, and no cleaning up after we are muddy from fixing the pipe.


I have taken pictures of everything.  Dd picked up the smaller trash that was blowing everywhere, but we left the bigger pile for them to deal with.


Of to make some more calls.

More :grouphug: and hopes that it does all work out well in the end.  Keep track of your time and bill them for YOUR labor (x 2 if your son is helping).  Don't forget to add the "emergency weekend call" fee/rate.



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Keep calling back. Talk to a supervisor. DEMAND that it is dealt with today, not "sometime next week" and "try to work something out". Get bossy. Very, very bossy.


In situations where I am incredibly angry, when I call cs, I am extremely polite to the cs agent when I tell them I want to speak to the highest in their food chain because I am about to lose my mind and really do not want to ruin their day by yelling at them when they have no authority to help me. They can hear it in my voice - I get transferred fairly quickly.

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I'm going to second calling your home insurance.  That's what you have them for.  They should be able to tell you what to do and will have people on hand.  Then they will deal with the insurance of the company that did this.  Your home insurance should send someone out right away to take pictures and give you a list of plumbers that they deal with.  You would only pay your deductible but would get that back when your insurance settles with their insurance.  Document everything but this should be relatively painless through your home insurance. 


Yes! We had a water softener burst on us while we were away for the weekend...turns out this model had some issues. The insurance company got our deductible back for us (and presumably their money too).

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Several calls to customer service got me nowhere.  They filed the claim and no one is in the claim department until Monday.


I did find a plumber to fix the pipe.  After $736 and three+ hours of holding a flashlight for the repairman (23 degrees and sleeting), my water is back on.


Thanks for all the advice.  I'll update later when I hear from the company.

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You do know that "try and work with you" means they are not admitting culpability and you may have a fight on your hands. Write a factual account of all that occurred. Get your photos printed. Photocopy the bills. Make sure they have your documentation on Monday. Do not negotiate. When speaking with them, keep going up the food chain, and use repetition to your advantage. In other words, rather than negotiating terms, just keep repeating, "Your service representatives did xyz, therefore you need to reimburse me in full for the damage." Threaten to sue. If they balk in any way, lawyer up.

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As soon as they said they would try and work with you I would have been telling them someone needs to come out and pick up all the furniture and you expect a full refund.  I would also go the media angle, there must be a trouble shooter reporter in your area.  No business wants bad publicity but the holidays is their biggest $$ making time and going to the media ensures they no longer get the business.  Then again if this was sears, you will be looking at court.  They never take responsibility until it hits court or media, I had to deal with them when the glass of my oven door suddenly exploded one day(oven was not even on).  They had been giving people the run around for the same issue and tried with me until I reminded them of the news cast from a few days before about this issue and that they had to deal with it or I would contact the lawyer involved in the suit.  They had someone out very quickly.


I would file a police report like pp said too.  These guys fled the scene of an accident and cause property damage due to reckless driving.  If cs doesn't want to help you, the auto insurance company will as far as the damages go and will go after the company for it. 


I am glad you managed to find a plumber to come out and deal with it in the cold. 

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For $100 or so (30 minutes work) you can have a lawyer write up a very strongly worded letter letting them know that you expect their company to take care of the damage that was done to your property by their delivery drivers.  I would include a detailed bill for the cost of the water repair, the cost to replace the tree with an equivalent tree (a 10 year old one, not a cheap year old sapling), the cost for a landscaper to fix the lawn that was damaged repairing the water pipe and to plant the tree, trash removal and legal fees.  


Make sure they know you mean business from the beginning or they will try their best to take advantage of you.

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I'm glad you found a plumber.  I wouldn't call the insurance company and media until you give the company a chance to make things right within 1-2 business days.  Also, I wouldn't ask customer service what they intend to do - I would TELL them that they are going to reimburse for the damage and if they balk, let them know that you will get your attorney and the media involved.  Many times, all you have to do is say the word lawyer or attorney, and the check will be in the mail the next day.

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