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Catching Fire

Just Another Jen

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Dh and I saw it last night. As good as the first? What did you think? how on earth are they going to split the next book into two?

I think it was as good as the first. It stuck to the book a bit more. I'm not sure where they will split the third book. There is no logical stopping point that I can think of. They should just do it in one. Catching fire was 2 1/2 hours and I didn't notice the time at all.

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We saw it last night. It was good, but I felt that the writers had to cram so many events into the allotted time, which was just under 2.5 hrs, that it felt rushed. I would have preferred a longer movie. The first movie was much better, I think. DH, who hasn't read the books, enjoyed it a lot and is looking forward to the next two movies. Effie was my favorite character in the movie, though I liked Haymitch best in the book version. These are my first AM thoughts. When I wake up a little more, I'm sure I'll come back to add more thoughts to this post.

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Did it maintain its suitability for an 11 yr old to watch? My son has watched the first and obsessed with the books. We are hoping to take him to see it soon.

If he has read the books he will be fine. I think it's easier to watch if you know what's coming up. He knows what happens in the arena so it won't be a shock.

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We saw it last night. It was good, but I felt that the writers had to cram so many events into the allotted time, which was just under 2.5 hrs, that it felt rushed. I would have preferred a longer movie. The first movie was much better, I think. DH, who hasn't read the books, enjoyed it a lot and is looking forward to the next two movies. Effie was my favorite character in the movie, though I liked Haymitch best in the book version. These are my first AM thoughts. When I wake up a little more, I'm sure I'll come back to add more thoughts to this post.


Upon reflection, I agree with this completely.  The movie did not feel long at all.  It could've been another 1/2 hour and wouldn't have been too long. I also liked Haymitch better in the book.  His character had more depth in the books.  You got the why of his alcoholism.  In the movie he just appears to be caught up in the excesses of the capitol's allowance of availability of alcohol to the victors.  Another thing from the movie, I liked how they handled the love triangle.  I wasn't sure how well that would play out, if you would really feel Katniss and Gale's internal torment.  Also, when Katniss had to switch between talking to Cinna and being in the games.  Wow, you really could feel her disorientation, then realization of reality.







Thank you for sharing. We will be going on thanksgiving day, and the kids have been waiting for the film's release. We have friends whose son was an extra in HG and he is back in CF.


Dh has not read the books, so I am glad to see that others, who have not read the books, enjoyed the film.

Same with my dh.  He has now since read the books.  He had not before HG.  It was interesting to see his perspective. 






If he has read the books he will be fine. I think it's easier to watch if you know what's coming up. He knows what happens in the arena so it won't be a shock.

I agree.  My almost 12 year old hasn't read or watched them yet, she's just not ready.  While a young adult novel, the adult themes are not something we are ready to discuss with her.  You know your child best.  If he can handle other PG-13 movies, he will likely be fine.

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We enjoyed the movie but I was pretty bummed that they cut out Haymitch's back story.  Well, everyone's back story.  I like a good back story.

Overall, I think they did a good job.  The acting was excellent and I they definitely upped the production budget.  I laughed, I cried, it was a good time.

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I thought the movie could have been an hour longer and fleshed out some of the "inner" stuff - Haymitch's history, Katniss's internal struggles… but I thought the cinematography was amazing, and the acting was superb.  Effie outdid herself in the costumes.  


Short sidetrack, I went to a preview Monday night which included all the red carpet stuff from Hollywood - we watched it "live" from the Hollywood premier, which meant it didn't start till 8:30pm here in Texas.  It was fun seeing all the interviews, and all the other actors said how down to earth Jennifer Lawrence is.  And she's cut her hair super short and dyed it blonde!

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Did it maintain its suitability for an 11 yr old to watch? My son has watched the first and obsessed with the books. We are hoping to take him to see it soon.



We just saw it this afternoon.  It was great!  I took my dd15 and ds11 and they loved it.  It is intense, and emotionally rough, but if you son read the books then he'll be fine.  I did not take my ds8, because I thought it would be too much for him.  I think I was right.  There is no real relief from the sadness of everything.  


I highly recommend the movie.  I think they did a good job of following the book, and honestly, it was even a bit better since the actors who played the other tributes were able to convey how scared and angry they were too.  I think that was a bit lost in the book.  It was touched on, but since the story was told through Katniss's eyes you sort of miss it. The acting was great, and I think Finnick was especially good.  

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Thank you for sharing. We will be going on thanksgiving day, and the kids have been waiting for the film's release. We have friends whose son was an extra in HG and he is back in CF.



My two younger sons were extras in HG. Middle ds was able to pick himself out in the Reaping crowd scene, but I had to look really hard when he told me. Youngest ds is clearly visible in three shots during the Reaping. 




Youngest submitted for CF, but was not called.


He did make enough connections that he has worked three different TV shows and another movie (I think  -- he cannot tell anyone what the project was). 


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Did it maintain its suitability for an 11 yr old to watch? My son has watched the first and obsessed with the books. We are hoping to take him to see it soon.

I plan on making my 11yo cover his eyes for the Johanna strip in the elevator scene.  They kept it tame, but I still don't want him to see her bare back.


Otherwise, I agree, time just flew.  I usually fade out on long movies.  I am personally ok with them not making it longer to include the back story.  I loathe movies that stretch past the 2 1/2 hour mark.


Jennifer Lawrence is just a superb actress.  She really, truly takes these movies to the next level.  I also loved Phillip Semour Hoffman as Plutarch, but I always love him.  And, yes, Elizabeth Banks completely embodies Effie.  

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My DH, who is 64 years old, loved the Hunger Games books and both movies.  He took two of the boys to see Catching Fire on Friday evening.  (Then he came home and talked about another book series he likes called Wool.)  That surprised me, as I'd bought the both book series for the kids on Kindle, but hadn't a clue that DH would like them, too.


DS2 loves to hate movies so he can unleash verbal vitriolic reviews about them.  To his total disgust, he liked this movie so much that he didn't have anything to say, except that he thinks the movies are better than the books.


I'm the only person in our family who hasn't read the books and/ or watched the movies.  I might have to do that, just to see what I'm missing.

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I thought the movie could have been an hour longer and fleshed out some of the "inner" stuff - Haymitch's history, Katniss's internal struggles… but I thought the cinematography was amazing, and the acting was superb. Effie outdid herself in the costumes.


Short sidetrack, I went to a preview Monday night which included all the red carpet stuff from Hollywood - we watched it "live" from the Hollywood premier, which meant it didn't start till 8:30pm here in Texas. It was fun seeing all the interviews, and all the other actors said how down to earth Jennifer Lawrence is. And she's cut her hair super short and dyed it blonde!

When I saw her see through dress, I kept wondering if Liam Hemsworth was having Miley flashbacks.






I went to the midnight show opening night.


It was very good.


It is Saturday, 2 days later, and I am still paying for staying out until 3am.


Dang old age.



I know! Right?

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I thought they did a great job with this movie.  I loved how they portrayed the arena - I was worried about that.


I did miss the back story.  Haymich's back story really explains a lot about how they knew how to get out of the arena, as well as why he is the way he is.  It also adds some depth to why Katniss and the other tributes have to be compliant, or they risk their loved ones being hurt.


I did think too many of the tributes were young.  Mathematically, if the 3 "strong" districts win a majority, there would be more middle-aged people and older people as tributes.  They all looked to be 25 or younger other than nuts and bolts and mags.  Just not statistically how it could be.


I hadn't heard they are doing 2 more movies.  I'm guessing $$$$ because it could easily be one - long - but one.

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DH and I loved it.  I liked the first one a lot but loved this one.  And I was very meh on Peetah in the 1st, he just didn't do it for me.  I liked him (the actor portraying him) much better this time around.


I wasn't crazy about Peeta in the books...but I liked him a lot in this movie.


small spoiler....














And Gale got to kiss Katniss...that's worth something, right? :)

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We all LOVED this movie!  It's been days and we are still talking about how good it was.  We're all prodding another family member who hasn't yet finished the 2nd book to FINISH already so we have an excuse to go see it again!!


I'm betting all the backstory for Haymitch will come in with the next movie(s). Since they're doing 2 movies for 1 book... they'll have time to get Haymitch's story in there. Can't imagine them leaving it out entirely...

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I'm betting all the backstory for Haymitch will come in with the next movie(s). Since they're doing 2 movies for 1 book... they'll have time to get Haymitch's story in there. Can't imagine them leaving it out entirely...


Possibly, but its WAY more relevant to the 2nd book than the 3rd.  I mean the whole force field thing especially.

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