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What God-honoring thing did you do today?


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Huh. Y'all are better than I am. I managed not to commit bodily harm on a certain someone at work during a meeting today.






I'm still not entirely convinced that was the right thing to do.


No fair! That's mine, too!

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Well, dd threw up on me 4 times. And I cleaned her up whilst gagging. I held her hair while she vomited. Aside from running up and downstairs putting pukey laundry to wash, I've been vegging on the couch most of today holding her. My poor baby. :(

How is your dd feeling now? I hope she's doing better. :grouphug:

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Congratulations, Abigail Adams!


I honored God today by loving on and caring for the five beautiful children He has graciously lent me in this season and by making dinner/doing laundry/washing dishes/managing bills/cleaning the hard water from the coffee maker for the husband He chose for me.

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I'm having a hard time thinking of anything.  I mean, I have a somewhat miserable cold and yet I dragged my sorry butt out of bed to take out the garbage and get my kids ready and off to school and get started on my work.  I accidentally overdosed the meds I was taking out of desperation so I could breathe / sleep / function through the work day.  This put me in bed for an unscheduled nap.  I did organize a few things, but I was supposed to be "working."  I managed to get a few work tasks done, but not much.  Later I took my kid for vision therapy, worked with the other one on math and reading, got them both to exercise and bathe and practice piano, and didn't beat or kill anyone in the process.


I guess you could say I honored myself a little, and according to Paul, my body is the Lord's temple, so...  I gave my sick body a little rest, and I ate a little better, and got myself to the chiropractor after being away for too long.

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I woke up this morning and went to my class like I'm supposed to. I'm not sure who that honors besides myself and possibly my son, since I am going to school to be able to provide a better future for both of us. But yay! lol


My professor (who is Christian and has no problem talking about God and Jesus in a publicly funded community college class and has to be at least 70 if not closer to 80 or so) went around class today asking about what we had accomplished so far in the day. Being as it was only about 10:30, the list was short, but her point was to focus on what we accomplish versus having a To Do list or what we didn't accomplish. She said she got that idea from a reverend on some religious radio station that she listens too. A good idea too!


My teacher is awesome. I would consider her to be God-honoring. Her love for God is obvious without being hypocritical or pushy or holier than thou in any way that I've seen. I've only met two other people like that in my life and I have a high respect for all three of them.


My class is not a philosophical class either, it is Beginning Spanish. My teacher is from Mexico and she is not Catholic. lol She has stressed that a few times. I love her life lessons that she shares every week. Muy interesante, as she would say. :)

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