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Spammers are getting creative ... my life is in danger

dirty ethel rackham

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Well that was a little disconcerting email to open.  Apparently, this boring, clean-living suburban mom has a hit out on her.  What an email to wake up to.  Wait ... is it one of you?  Did I start a flame war? 


You have been betrayed!!! It's a

pity that this how your life is going to come to an end as your death had already been paid for by someone who is very close to you from all investigations.


I have ordered 3 (three) of my men to monitor every move of you and make  sure you are not out of sight till the date of your assassination.


According to the report I gets, you seem to be innocent about what you have been accuse but I have no business with that, so that's why am contacting you to know if truly you are innocent and how much you value your life.


Get back to me if you sure want to live on, ignore this mail only if you feel it's a joke or just a threat.

Don't forget your days on earth are numbered, so you have the chance to live if only you will comply with me.


WARNING: Tell no one about this mail to you because he or she might just  be the person who wants you dead, and if that happens, I will be aware and am going to make sure you DIE instantly.


I will give you every detail of where to be and how to take any actions be it legal or illegal, that's only when I read from you.

You need to stay calm and act unaware of this situation and follow instructions because any move you make that is suspicious; you will DIE as your days are numbered.


Samson  Mark


I guess I am going to die since I told all of you.   Who gets off on this kind of stuff?

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I just got off the phone with the local police and they are opening a complaint.  Seeing that it went out to "undisclosed recipients" and the name on the email account is a man and the actual address contains a cutesy woman's name, it seems like total spam.  Funny that they didn't directly ask for money, but it was implied.  I am also forwarding it to the FBI internet crime complaint center.  Not how I wanted to spend my morning.

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Wow...that's rather um disturbing.  I think I might contact the FBI.  I'm not kidding.  I don't necessarily think you are in actual danger, but it seems wrong that people can get away with stuff like this. 


I agree--or at least contact my local law enforcement....that's just awful.....I can't remember when but I have heard of something similar to it going around in email....but it did ask for $$ in the one I heard about.....UGH!

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This is the beginning of a similar email we got a few days ago:



WARRANT OF ARREST has been signed agains
NW WASHINGTON, D.C. 20530-0001


This is the final warning you are going to receive from me, do you get me? I hope you understand how many times this message has been sent to you.We have warned you so many times and you have decided to ignore our e-mails or because you believe we have not been instructed to get you arrested and today if you fail to respond back to us with the payment details below, then we would first send a letter to the MAYOR of the city where you reside and direct them to close your bank account until you have been jailed and all your properties will be confiscated by the FBI, CIA and other enforcement agency. We would also send a letter
to the company/agency that you are working for so that they could get you fired until we are through with our investigations because a suspect is not supposed to be working for the government or any private organization.....

It went on some more.  There was a dollar amount mentioned and a warrant for my arrest.


I was quite thrilled to discover that a mere 100 dollars would seem to absolve me of the terrorism complaint against me.  Unfortunately, I have a policy against sending money to Nigeria.

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YIKES! I guess the whole "you've won a bazillion dollars, just send me $1500 for processing" got old? What happen to the usual "I need you to help me get my inheritance, just need $3000 for lawyer fees so I know you are serious"? What next once this one becomes more well known?

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Spammer or not, this must have quite alarming to read. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Really? I guess I'm cold and emotionless because it would not have phased me in the slightest. I would have deleted it and moved on. Calling the police would not have entered my mind.


I got a spam email this morning wondering if I was the one at the club last weekend with all the naughty ideas. Laugh, delete, move on.

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Really? I guess I'm cold and emotionless because it would not have phased me in the slightest. I would have deleted it and moved on. Calling the police would not have entered my mind.


I got a spam email this morning wondering if I was the one at the club last weekend with all the naughty ideas. Laugh, delete, move on.



Me too.



The point in reporting it to law enforcement would be in hope (faint, I know) that you might prevent someone less astute than yourself from being scammed. I could see an older person or someone relatively new  to this country being rattled by the whole idea.

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The point in reporting it to law enforcement would be in hope (faint, I know) that you might prevent someone less astute than yourself from being scammed. I could see an older person or someone relatively new  to this country being rattled by the whole idea.

But, come on, we all know that there is nothing that the police can do about a spam email that is probably from another country.

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The point in reporting it to law enforcement would be in hope (faint, I know) that you might prevent someone less astute than yourself from being scammed. I could see an older person or someone relatively new  to this country being rattled by the whole idea.


That was my point.  I knew nothing in there was true.  But, at 7 in the morning as I checked my email on my phone while waiting for the dog to pee, it was not the best thing to wake up to.  I even called my husband to jokingly check to see if he had a hit out on me. 


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But, come on, we all know that there is nothing that the police can do about a spam email that is probably from another country.


Yes, that's probably true, but sometimes we need to feel like we have done something. It eases our mind a bit. What dirty ethel has accomplished by posting here is to create one more item for searching the topic. It's a distinct possibility that someone will read her post and be possibly be reassured. 


That was my point.  I knew nothing in there was true.  But, at 7 in the morning as I checked my email on my phone while waiting for the dog to pee, it was not the best thing to wake up to.  I even called my husband to jokingly check to see if he had a hit out on me. 



I completely get it. "Rachel" from "Credit Card Services" has called me at least once a month for the past six or seven years. Even if you understand logically where these scammers are coming from, emotionally it can feel like someone has given you the proverbial  "_urd in the pocket." You can pitch it quickly, but the smell can linger. Who needs ugly first thing in the morning and the dumber than dumb aspect is even more offensive.


ETA: I wonder if your Nigerian hitmen would accept a contract on "Rachel from Card Services?" :D

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