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Beach Volleyball uniforms- WHY???

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I'm not really very conservative when it comes to attire, but really- why are the US Women's volleyball uniforms so small? Especially in light of the men's uniforms. I could not find pictures online in a quick search, but here are the guidelines for both men and women's uniforms. There are drawings if you scroll down.


Women are suposed to have a sports-top style top, but I have seen previews of women in a triangle bikini style top. The bottoms must have a minimum of 7 cm on the side. Why a minimum? And the bottoms I[ve seen are very small. Low cut, and pretty narrow in the back- permanent wedgie-style.


And why do the men get to wear shorts and a tank top, and the women have to wear a swimsuit-style uniform? I don't get it.

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I find it completely inappropriate. We won't even watch it. There is no reason other than "sex sells" for those women to dress themselves in such a fashion. I think it degrades them in the eyes of the world.


Someone emailed this blog post to me. It is exactly on this subject so I thought I would link to it. She has some pretty strong feelings on it.

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Well, as I told dd, it's because it's *beach* volleyball, so they're wearing swimsuits. Now why the women are actually wearing swim suits and the men get shirts (or something resembling them) is beyond me. (rolling my eyes)


ETA: lol, ladies... I really *didn't* mean I thought the men should be going shirtless. Just that my argument holds -- until you see that the men actually *do* get to wear clothes (sort of).

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Well, as I told dd, it's because it's *beach* volleyball, so they're wearing swimsuits. Now why the women are actually wearing swim suits and the men get shirts (or something resembling them) is beyond me. (rolling my eyes)


YEAH! Why can't the men be shirtless too!?! Wait...is that not the point of this thread? :blushing: :lol:

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YEAH! Why can't the men be shirtless too!?! Wait...is that not the point of this thread? :blushing: :lol:


LOL! I had the same thought yesterday. If you put the men and women of beach volleyball side by side you can see the s*xualization of the women.

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I was commenting on this last night and our houseguest said, "Well, if I had a body like that, I think I'd show it off too!!" LOL I don't think she meant it.


We're watching and then having lots of discussions about it.


I had the same thought! If my tushy was that cute, I'd flaunt it.;)


I think that Kerri Walshs' problem is that she is over 6 feet tall. One of my college roommates was 6'1 and all legs, like Kerri. She had a devil of a time shopping for a bathing suit that didn't appear pornographic. Even the boy shorts didn't work very well.


Misty May's suit is not as revealing and I think it's because she is shorter and a bit more muscular than Kerri.


I love the women's volleyball! :001_smile:

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I find it completely inappropriate. We won't even watch it. There is no reason other than "sex sells" for those women to dress themselves in such a fashion. I think it degrades them in the eyes of the world.


Inappropriate, degrading, and tacky, to put it mildly. It's pathetic that watching women athletes in what verges on thong underwear is passed off as acceptable. I appreciate the points made in the blog post you linked. I wish when Missy May-whatever stuck her patooty out for pat, President Bush would have lifted a foot and given her a sound kick in the ass instead.

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I had the same thought! If my tushy was that cute, I'd flaunt it.;)


I don't understand that mentality. My values, particularly as a Christian, are such that beauty can and should be appreciated, yes. But "flaunting" nearly every ounce of flesh? It's inappropriate.

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I don't understand that mentality. My values, particularly as a Christian, are such that beauty can and should be appreciated, yes. But "flaunting" nearly every ounce of flesh? It's inappropriate.


Umm, it was a joke.


Just out of curiosity, does cursing on the boards bother you, too? Because it bothers me. I find it ironic that you question my line of thinking when your statment was more offensive than mine.

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Umm, it was a joke.


I'm sorry. I didn't get that from your post; my bad.


Just out of curiosity, does cursing on the boards bother you, too? Because it bothers me.


Curse words are altered when the post is submitted. Note that the word "ass" doesn't qualify.


I find it ironic that you question my line of thinking when your statment was more offensive than mine.


We clearly disagree on that. I find the "If you've got it, flaunt it" mentality quite offensive. The complete lack of modesty displayed by these women athletes and the accompanying sexualization of women just isn't a laughing matter to me.

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:D My son saw a part of it. We were watching it today. He said "they are dressing very badly. They need to put clothes on." then put a yukky face on. My oldest ds averted his eyes and freaked out.


I just went :001_huh:


I guess sex does sell...:confused:



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was what the feminist wanted. I believe we as women didn't get promotions, get jobs etc. because we are women. The feminist said they were treated as sex objects and had to put up with so much. I guess they really didn't mind the sex object part after all look how absolutely everywhere you look there is a women half dress saying look at me "I am a sex object" The old feminist say that we have sexual freedom. Oh please, women were treated with more respect when we wore more clothes.

I would be absolutely embarrassed to play ball in front of millions of people basically naked.


My 11 yo son got up and walked off. He said "thats gross"

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was what the feminist wanted. I believe we as women didn't get promotions, get jobs etc. because we are women. The feminist said they were treated as sex objects and had to put up with so much. I guess they really didn't mind the sex object part after all look how absolutely everywhere you look there is a women half dress saying look at me "I am a sex object" The old feminist say that we have sexual freedom. Oh please, women were treated with more respect when we wore more clothes.

I would be absolutely embarrassed to play ball in front of millions of people basically naked.


My 11 yo son got up and walked off. He said "thats gross"


Yep, when feminists were demanding the vote and equal pay for equal work (the nerve!!!) I'm sure women wearing skimpy outfits to play sports in was exactly what they had in mind. :confused:

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I haven't seen all the outfits, but I don't have any issues with the ones I did see. These ladies have worked hard at their sport to make it all the way to the Olympics-that's what I see when I watch them. Just like those who complain about bf'ing in public-don't look if it bothers you. The swimwear at the beach is MUCH more revealing. Maybe I missed something...are someone's books hanging out? (Like I said, I haven't seen all the team's outfits, just a few)

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I have to agree with whomever said part of the problem is how tall the women are. I think that makes the suits look skimpier than they actually are. If little 5'1" me put it on it wouldn't be nearly as skimpy as they are on the gals who are over 6' tall. It's probably *less* skimpy than what I wear to the beach. And the the bottoms of gymnasts' suits do the same thing as far as creating wedgies and they are mostly young girls, which is less appropriate?


Just thinking out loud...

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Interesting points in this regard:





Similar outfits were suggested for women soccer players in the UK to boost the commercial appeal of the game and the idea apparently met with outrage:



Excuse to show more butts or legitimate information story? If legitimate why is it all women? Is the use of the word "cracking" in the headline supposed to be funny?



On the other hand, the uniforms are pretty similar to track and field uniforms:


although the men in that sport also wear tight-fitting clothes and short shorts.


And at least one female volleyballer has addressed this in the press:


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My dh and I spoke about this yesterday... I was commenting on how I couldn't imagine playing a sport like that in a swimming suit -- uncomfortable.


My dh said something to the effect of, "They're so fit, they have no feminine curves. Like a man in a 2-piece. Not exactly my idea of pretty."


So, in his mind, anyhow -- there's nothing worth looking at :D

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Incredible...regulations say a top (2-piece) and briefs for women, basically a bikini, and a tank top and shorts for men.


How do they get away with that?


They're probably in cahoots with the people from The Biggest Loser who make the women humiliate themselves in sports bras and spandex while the guys get to modestly cover themselves in t-shirts and shorts.


By the way, that's my soapbox topic, too. Honest. My undergrad adviser, a social psychologist, and I discussed this extensively and no one's ever done any studies on it before. Why? Because it's generally accepted.


...which sucks, of course.



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The sponsors had much to do with the specifics of the rules on the beach volleyball uniform sizes for the American tour. I can only imagine the Olympics took their cue from the pro-volleyball tour when writing up the specs. Now, of course the pro-volleyball tour would make the uniforms a bit skimpy in an attempt to attract attention in the form of viewers either in person or on TV. It's how they make their money. As has been said here in this thread numerous times... sex sells.


In some posts earlier in this thread we've read that this sort of dress is harmful to women. I'd like to know... how? How is a strong, physically fit woman who excels at her sport causing harm to herself by wearing a uniform that is revealing? How does it harm her to be sexy? How does it harm you?


If you don't like it... turn it off. That's why TV sets have other channels... and on/off switches. Or is it this?

Women compromise the honor they were given, as human beings created in the image of God, when they encourage men to view them as sexual objects.

That's from the blog it was suggested we read. What women do, when they express their sexuality, is declare they are human beings in charge of themselves. No man will decide for them whether they are pretty or sexual or capable... and no man will decide who they will have sex with. Isn't that the ultimate fear here? A woman who dresses sexy is inviting attention she may not want, or can't handle... after all, a godly woman shouldn't tempt a man. Bah!


If you're a man and you can't control yourself then you have a bigger problem than volleyball players in skimpy outfits. If you're a woman and you're threatened by those same players... you have a problem too. And if, as a woman, you need a man to validate you... or look to a man to determine your sexuality... then please look to someone other than God for help. You won't find it there.

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What women do, when they express their sexuality, is declare they are human beings in charge of themselves. No man will decide for them whether they are pretty or sexual or capable... and no man will decide who they will have sex with.


What women *choose* to wear is different than regulations in a sport *requiring* skimpy clothing. Those are not the same thing at all.


eta: take the track and field example I gave above. There is variety as far as coverage goes and I'm assuming the athletes can choose.


eata: track and field uniform slide show link: http://www.nwcn.com/perl/common/slideshow/sspop.pl?recid=10695&nextimage=3

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As has been said here in this thread numerous times... sex sells.


In some posts earlier in this thread we've read that this sort of dress is harmful to women. I'd like to know... how? How is a strong, physically fit woman who excels at her sport causing harm to herself by wearing a uniform that is revealing? How does it harm her to be sexy? How does it harm you?




It disgusts me that people are making money off requiring these women to dress this way. You think men are watching thinking, "OOOhh, she's strong and physically fit and excels at her sport!" ? Uh... really?


If a woman wants to dress like this on the beach to play volleyball, more power to her and her strong, fit body. If someone is requiring her to dress like this to increase revenue, that's disgusting. And yes, harmful because it objectifies her and cheats her. You think *she* is going to see a bit of that money? Going to her college fund, is it? Nah. Some fat old bastard with his... well, never mind. I won't say it. But in order to compete at her sport, she cannot wear an outfit that will cover her more and not draw attention to her sexually *even if she wants to*. Like, for instance, her male counterparts are allowed to do.


And that, my dear let's-see-if-we-can-rile-up-the-religious-people-yet-again board buddy, is just my deeply feminist and agnostic opinion.

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I won't watch it. In this case it isn't because it is an advantage in the sport; I can see fairly limited clothing styles necessary in other events. This is purely to be eye candy to adolescent males of all ages.


These ladies are top-notch athletes. Though I am more conservative in my beliefs about dress, in this case it's not necessarily the bottom line, it's the degrading dismissal of these women and all their hard work toward this achievement. Ratings or no ratings, they should demand more respect.

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Did you see the photos of President Bush with the women's beach volleyball team? Hilarious! I'm sure he wanted to use the world stage to highlight the strengths of America's freedoms for women, using sports as an example. Still - yikes! :001_smile:




Just looked like a dirty old man to me. Our girls are free to be ogled by their President, up close and personal. Unlike those backward countries. Ugh.


Imagine if Bill Clinton had been the one checking out her... tattoo. (And yes, I would be just as disgusted. Blech.)


Nothing against you or your opinion, LNC. But that incident made me cringe with embarrassment.

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Excuse to show more butts or legitimate information story? If legitimate why is it all women? Is the use of the word "cracking" in the headline supposed to be funny?




One of those pictures in a really unreasonable wedgie. I can't believe the woman finds that comfortable.


On the other hand, the uniforms are pretty similar to track and field uniforms:


although the men in that sport also wear tight-fitting clothes and short shorts.



I don't mind the track outfits in the picture you linked. I don't mind the tight fitting part. I think the part that I find offensive? silly? unreasonable? is the size of the bottoms. Especially when you look at the men's and women's uniforms side-by-side. Really, the men would be in speedos and no shirt if you want comparable outfits. I would not want my daughters wearing something like that in public. It's hard to watch these outfits on the Olympics, because I want my kids watching role models- and those outfits are really distracting.


I think shorts would be more appropriate, even if they were like indoor volleyball shorts.

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Since you all are so upset about the beach volley ball outfits, what about the swimming ones? Yes, they cover more "skin" - but nothing is left up to the imagination in those space-age suits. You can see all the bumps and bits very clearly.


And like I said, the same goes for the gymnastic outfits and those are young girls, not grown women.

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Since you all are so upset about the beach volley ball outfits, what about the swimming ones? Yes, they cover more "skin" - but nothing is left up to the imagination in those space-age suits. You can see all the bumps and bits very clearly.


Here's the thing. Girls playing beach volleyball and girls on trampolines are stereotypically ogling activities. Seen The Man Show? Yeah. (If you haven't, don't. Please.) They are bouncy sports. I don't really need to say more, right?


Note that I am NOT saying that tumbling and volleyball do not need athletic bodies and strong participants. They are real sports requiring real skills.


But like nurses in uniforms and French maids, one can either play up or play down the porn/titillation/respectability association with the uniform.


Swimming really isn't associated that way. Swimming is about aerodynamics. And they're allowed to use a towel when walking around poolside if they choose to do so.


(Ok, David Duchovny in a Speedo has that association. But we only got a fleeting glimpse of that. :lol:)

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Here's the thing. Girls playing beach volleyball and girls on trampolines are stereotypically ogling activities. Seen The Man Show? Yeah. (If you haven't, don't. Please.) They are bouncy sports. I don't really need to say more, right?


Note that I am NOT saying that tumbling and volleyball do not need athletic bodies and strong participants. They are real sports requiring real skills.


But like nurses in uniforms and French maids, one can either play up or play down the porn/titillation/respectability association with the uniform.


Swimming really isn't associated that way. Swimming is about aerodynamics. And they're allowed to use a towel when walking around poolside if they choose to do so.


(Ok, David Duchovny in a Speedo has that association. But we only got a fleeting glimpse of that. :lol:)


Have you watched the volley ball games? These gals are not what I would call Man Show material. I've watched the games since I was a kid, often in mixed company. I honestly don't recall any ogling going on. Maybe I'm so devoid of sexual thoughts, that I just can't see what you all are seeing.

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Since you all are so upset about the beach volley ball outfits, what about the swimming ones? Yes, they cover more "skin" - but nothing is left up to the imagination in those space-age suits. You can see all the bumps and bits very clearly.


Those don't bother me. Part of the reason they don't bother me is probably because I grew up around swimming and gymnastics and I'm just used to them.


But what really bothers me about the volleyball outfits is the skimpiness of the bottoms. And I think a big part of why it bothers me is because men are not held to the same standard. When I first saw the women's outfits, I thought- "wow those are small." When I saw the men this morning, I thought "that's not fair!"

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Have you watched the volley ball games? These gals are not what I would call Man Show material. I've watched the games since I was a kid, often in mixed company. I honestly don't recall any ogling going on. Maybe I'm so devoid of sexual thoughts, that I just can't see what you all are seeing.


I've watched beach volleyball with my dh, but not during this Olympics.


I doubt you're devoid of sexual thoughts, but I've often been accused of having too many. :D So I'm probably skewed. Therefore I'd urge all to read my opinions on this tread with a couple grains of salt.

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