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what is it with my tween boys and not showering?


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(Oops, I posted on your duplicate thread.   :blushing: Trying again...)




Have they tried the one where they turn the water on for a while, stick their head under the water to get it wet, and try to say they showered?  DSS used to do that one, when he was about 12 or so.    :)  Good times.



ETA: It gets better when they discover girls, though that comes with its own set of pitfalls.


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(Oops, I posted on your duplicate thread. :blushing: Trying again...)



Have they tried the one where they turn the water on for a while, stick their head under the water to get it wet, and try to say they showered? DSS used to do that one, when he was about 12 or so. :) Good times.


ETA: It gets better when they discover girls, though that comes with its own set of pitfalls.


My ds wouldn't bother getting his hair wet. He just ran the water for 30 min or more and then came out of the bathroom saying he'd showered.

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Hm, what's worse than showering (in their minds)? Maybe threaten to stay in the bathroom while they shower if they won't do it on their own. That would make most tweens choose to shower themselves, I would think.


This is exactly what I was going to say.  Threaten to stay and make sure they do a good job if they don't.

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Not just boys.

Just saying.


My youngest will never be as bad as her sister was, but...

We were staying with my sister and when I asked her (dd, not my sister) to shower her response was "But I had one recently!"

Not yesterday, or even the day before, mind you, but 'recently' just the same.

My sister cracked up.

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(Oops, I posted on your duplicate thread.   :blushing: Trying again...)




Have they tried the one where they turn the water on for a while, stick their head under the water to get it wet, and try to say they showered?  DSS used to do that one, when he was about 12 or so.    :)  Good times.



ETA: It gets better when they discover girls, though that comes with its own set of pitfalls.



yes, stinky wet dog gave me good night kisses. adding water to that filth did him NO good.

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We aren't there quite yet, but ds 6 has started whining about showering. His feet smell like I imagine a mountain troll to smell, so not showering is simply out of the question. He currently showers and then puts his dirty clothes back on, you know, to save time, so he doesn't have to put the dirty ones in the hamper AND find clean ones >.<.

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My eldest (girl) was, I thought, either not showering or not washing her hair. Turns out her ADD kicks in and she doesn't do a decent job. So now I'm helping her wash her hair to make sure that soap gets all through it, and it all gets rinsed back out again. This is vitally important since puberty is giving her quite greasy hair. If she hasn't washed it for 2 days it looks like she hasn't showered for a week.

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My eldest (girl) was, I thought, either not showering or not washing her hair. Turns out her ADD kicks in and she doesn't do a decent job. So now I'm helping her wash her hair to make sure that soap gets all through it, and it all gets rinsed back out again. This is vitally important since puberty is giving her quite greasy hair. If she hasn't washed it for 2 days it looks like she hasn't showered for a week.

hmmm I haven't noticed if my oldest is worse on no med days... I should watch and see. My 8 yr old girls just don't wash their hair well, but it is very long, nearly to their waists. So, I wouldn't assume them able to truly do the best job with that length of hair. They don't want it shorter, though. So, I do help them there.

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Yeah, my ds10 doesn't like to shower.  Or use shampoo.  Or rinse it out properly (how many times have I hosed their hair off at the kitchen sink after spotting suds?).  Or cut his toenails.  Or change his shirt.  He has two favorite t-shirts....  His hair tends to smell like a dog.


Ironically, his twin brother takes showers without being asked, in the morning before school, so his hair can look nice.  (I've been giving them haircuts which are not so professional, lol).


Interestingly, neither one has needed deoderant yet - must be soon, no?

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Mine is the same way.


Or do the laundry?! He will not shower and not have any clothes to change into because everything is dirty. You have an Ortho appt tomorrow do you have any clean clothes? No. And that's it. He wouldn't think to wash them unless I tell him to. He would go I unshowered with dirty clothes. Blech!

Mine went starving the other day while I ran and then mowed the yard. I told them to fend for themselves. Sandwich ingredients , salad and cereal was available. I come in multiple times for water etc and he's no where to be seen, in his room. I'm wearing outdoor shoes so i don't go through house just continue back outside. Fast forward to me finishing and coming in to shower where he tells me he's sooo hungry he's shaky. I ask him if he ate? He says "no. I wanted cereal but there were no clean spoons" This mama said "bummer, figure it out" and went to my shower. Lol how hard is it to wash a spoon?! Has to just be a phase?!

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I shouldn't admit this on a public forum, but if it makes you feel any better, my 11 year old ds hasn't showered in over a week.  

He will shower this week because co-op is starting, but he will moan and complain about it and put it off for hours.


At this point I don't really care.  Weekly swimming starts the first week of October.

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My stepson does that. You have to check to make sure he will scrub and shampoo his hair. He is starting to need deodorant and his skin gets flaky, so if he doesn't scrub he smells and his skim gets crusty. Oh, and at end of the week when I do our laundry, I will have a weeks worth of laundry and about 2 pairs of socks and underware, lol.

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This is so funny because I have the opposite problem. DS(12)  is an insistent shower. He showers everyday after skating and frequently asks to shower before. Why? Because he skates pairs and "I can't skate that close to Tia if my head and pits stink!" 


ha ha. My gals would shower 3 times a day if I allowed.

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This has been the case as long as I can remember. Just look at those middle school year books. All that greasy hair. It happened to me, my husband, and all my kids except one. The nine year old started showering instead of bathing, a year ago. 2 weeks ago, I found out he wasn't using soap. My daughter didn't use soap from the age of 9 to 11, and I didn't know until I point blank asked her. I've had to use baby oil to remove layers of neck or behind the ear dirt. Sometimes it just doesn't occur to a parent not to trust that the child will continue to wash themselves with all the care that you gave them when they were small.


I have had to ask regularly after a child bathes at night, "Did you put clean underwear on?" Sometimes I get, "Yes it was clean when I put it on this morning." Ewww.

If I keep up the very vocal asking, they eventually tell me before I ask that they do in fact have truly clean underwear on to avoid public embarrassment. 

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I wasn't the nicest 15yo around and my mom was livid when I did this to my younger brothers (they were around 8 and 10 at the time) but their poor hygeine was getting out of hand and it worked! FAST!


0) Make sure they are outside first

1) Throw a bucket of soap water on them

2) Use the water hose on them full blast

3) Promise to do it everyday until they start really showing.

4) Endure your mother yelling at you

5) Promise them again privately to do it everyday even if your parents are mad about it.


I was a teen (15 or 16) when I tried this method and my brothers went and tattled and my mom chewed me out but it worked.

The older one started showering properly the next day, I carried out the routine on the younger one a second time before it kicked in for him.


Personally I hated teeth-brushing in the morning because it made breakfast taste horrible (plus, brushing your teeth only to eat in the next few minutes always struck me as silly). I don't use toothpaste anymore. I brush with just water before breakfast and then peroxide and baking soda instead of toothpaste afterware. I eat a single white tictac as needed in order to have a reasonably pleasant breath.



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The other day when I cleaned the boys bathroom, I noticed the shampoo was empty. I asked DS13 how long it's been empty. "I dunno, a couple weeks?" SO WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN USING TO WASH YOUR HAIR? "Water." Thus explaining why DS's hair has looked so drab, even after he insisted he had washed it (and took 20 minutes in the shower to do so).

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This is funny. I know many parents that have threatened (and then followed through) to help their child shower. Child puts on a swim suit and mom or dad helps them soap up and rinse. Then they exit while child washes under the swim suit.


Kids spend more time trying to AVOID the shower than it would take to actually take the shower.

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My DS is the same way. Where's the personal pride and fear of social scorn? I guess this is one areas PS could help. He has a brilliant (in his mind) trick of getting in the shower, putting shampoo on the ends of his hair (it's shoulder length) rinsing it off, and then getting out. I'm on to him and will send him back if the top of his head does not smell of shampoo. It seems like so much work to me when he could just do it right and get it over with. I am looking forward to him becoming interested in girls.

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I have three boys, and all three took what my father called "Hollywood" showers at least once a day. That means they just hung out in the shower enjoying themselves for way longer than my water bill could tolerate!


My theory is that you all keep your homes too cool in the summed and too warm in the winter. The only way to warm up in our house in the winter is a nice, warm shower.


Probably a studid theory, lol. But I can't imagine any of my boys being willing to go to bed unshowered.

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Dd is FINALLY showering! I do need to get back into the routine of doing her hair. Her curls have been quite frizzy lately.


I was sooooo excited when ds decided to start showering on his own! Until I found out that he just sits in the tub playing with his lego people. At first he would put a little soap in the tub and slide around, and that was fairly effective, but he's gone back to his 3yo days of being scared of soap. We've gone back to a "mom scrub down" 3 times a week.


ETA: wearing dirty clothes isn't possible because he drops everything right next to the tub and they get soaked!

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All of my children have to reminded to shower. I thought once of just seeing how long they would go without bathing, but it got to be too much for me. My husband told one of them one day it looked like he had brushed his hair with a pork chop. :lol: I actually told my oldest son that he needed to pick a college near to home because unless there is some huge change in his hygiene habits I would worry about him NEVER bathing at school. 

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We battled that X3.   My oldest had the stinkest feet ever, it took a while to catch on.  My middle son wasn't to bad.  Baby boy(13) I just came straight out and started telling him he stinks, please go bathe.  if you're homeschooling and have to sit right next to the kid....  :huh:  :eek:  :crying:    Short of wearing a mask you have to tell them straight.  


However, what did work is when I started buying them their very own shampoo, soap and of course deotorant and told them to use liberally.....Please!

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