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Emergency Music?


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Should I listen to it?


We had a garage sale this weekend.  (That was probably my first mistake.)  A guy stopped by and bought one of our broken mowers for parts.  On his way out, he asked if we were "saved." Except I couldn't understand his accent and gave him a quizzical look because I thought he was asking if we were safe.  Ya know, in case someone was going to rob my pathetic bins of clothes.  We didn't have the whole "saved" "moment of taking Jesus into your heart" paradigm in the church I grew up in, and it's not the first thing I think of when a stranger is making small talk. (My second mistake.)  


So I figured out what he was talking about, and I told him that we were Christians.  Maybe I wasn't convincing enough?  He came back five minutes later with a cassette tape. It's labeled "EMERGENCY MUSIC." He said I should only listen to it if it was an emergency.


What in the world is this?!  Should I listen to it? Is it an instructional guide in case everyone except my family gets raptured away? Is it a crazy mountain man thing? Or is it a secret record release for a band that is going to be super-famous so it will be a collector's item that I can sell on eBay for thousands of dollars?


I'm dying to know what this is about, but I'm kind of afraid it will hypnotize me if I find a tape player to play it in.


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I have no idea, but you MUST listen to it and report back.  We also want a full account of what you had to go through to find a tape player.   :D 


When you listen to it, maybe you should have a friend sit next to you with noise canceling headphones on.  That way, your friend won't be subject to any mind-altering or hypnotic effects and can step in should things get weird.  :p

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OMG.  I thought I had heard everything from around here.  Beaners, you have to listen to it. Have to. Have dh plug his ears, and if your eyes start doing that spirally thing like in the cartoons when  you are being hypnotized, he can stop it!  If it is good, you can share it with us when we go apple picking!

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OMG.  I thought I had heard everything from around here.  Beaners, you have to listen to it. Have to. Have dh plug his ears, and if your eyes start doing that spirally thing like in the cartoons when  you are being hypnotized, he can stop it!  If it is good, you can share it with us when we go apple picking!


And here I was hoping you'd be able to tell me it's some weird local tradition!


I haven't listened to it yet.  Remember how I mentioned that terrible idea I had to do a garage sale? Well today is the first day a visitor from the local school comes to do my son's speech and OT.  So I'm scrambling to stash all this junk and make the house presentable.


I am lucky enough to have a way to play the tape though! Our van was fully loaded way back when it was manufactured.  It's really old, so we have power windows AND a tape player.  


I'll report back this evening after I listen to it.  If it's really awesome, we can set up a mailing list and pass it around so everyone on the forum gets a chance to experience emergency music.

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You guys are totally cracking me up!  What I love is that I actually know Beaners, so this man could also potentially be someone I know.... I wish he would stop by my house and give me some emergency music.  Maybe he is really a super hero and the tape plays his theme!  She said he was an older guy, so maybe he just hasn't updated his technology?

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You guys are totally cracking me up!  What I love is that I actually know Beaners, so this man could also potentially be someone I know.... I wish he would stop by my house and give me some emergency music.  Maybe he is really a super hero and the tape plays his theme!  She said he was an older guy, so maybe he just hasn't updated his technology?

hmmm,  , , ,  in the vein of "greatest American hero"?  (who never learned how to use his super suit)

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He said his name was Joey...ring a bell? It would be hilarious if you did know him, because I thought *we* were your weird friends!


OMG!  Joey Newman came to your garage sale!! 




Actually, I have no idea who this guy is.  But apparently, he's a musician named Joey who has a song called "Emergency" (I love Google - it never fails me).  :D

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He said his name was Joey...ring a bell? It would be hilarious if you did know him, because I thought *we* were your weird friends!

Oh snap.  Was he a  big guy, balding reddish brown hair, mid to late forties, driving an astro van, probably with an Obama sticker on it?



Kayleigh, listen to me, you HAVE to listen to that tape and tell me what is on it.  If it is a preacher man singing some serious southern repenting gospel I will literally crap a brick!



eta:  You all have seriously made my day.  Mondays are notoriously bad around here and I have been looking forward to every chance I get to check this thread.


eta again:  Oh please hurry up and listen and report back, it is making me crazy!!!!!

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It is probably some weird kind of witnessing gimmick, like the fake million dollar bills.



Is that what that is?  A guy came up to me at the fair & offered me one, I said "no thanks" just as a reflex (that's really the only good plan at our county fair), but later did wonder what that was about.  So I'm glad you posted this!

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