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Millions of peaches


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(Sing with me?)


A neighbor gave us a gigantic bag of beautiful peaches.  It is a huge bag!


I love peaches.  :)


But DS has OAS and can't eat them unless they are cooked, DD (2 years old) won't eat many, and DH won't eat them at all.  


What can I do with all of them?  They are perfectly ripe today.  


We are gluten free, nut free, dairy free.  Any ideas?  



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Oooh I wish - the crop around here wasn't as good as other years. 


I like to make peach syrup for pancakes and smoothies.  The first year I made it, it was an attempt at peach jelly but it didn't jell.  The children like it so much though that I did it on purpose the following years.  Wash, peel, and take the pit out of the peaches then throw into a blender.  Cook the juice down until it is a thickness you like.  You can can the syrup or freeze it in baggies if you like.  You can also add sugar and pectin if you want it thicker without waiting for it to cook down.  But of course you have then added sugar.  Peaches also make good fruit leather if you have a dehydrator.




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For today, I would munch on one, because they are an annoying thing to process. :) Then, after enjoying it, I would do peach jam and peach butter.


The peach butter will cook many, many peaches down into a manageable amount. You can do it in a slow cooker, so it won't be too hands-on. 


I would do cooked peach jam because ... yum. 


If there is any left, I'd go with a nice tart... (like this, but substitute out the butter): http://glutenfreecooking.about.com/od/glutenfreepiesandtarts/r/gfpeachblueberrytart.htm

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Peach preserves--I make a batch then freeze uncooked in batch sizes with the lemon juice and sugar.


Peach cobbler packets--freeze uncooked in one recipe batch sizes with sugar and lemon


Peach ice cream packets


Peach butter

Peach sauce

Peach muffins


For you and DH, there's an amazing peach, tomato, and burrata (sub fresh mozzarella) salad:


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Your neighbor gave you millions of peaches?  Peaches for free?   ;)


No silly.  Peaches come from a can.  They were put there by a man, in a factory down town.





My DH sings that song EVERY time we have peaches :D.  And I made jam and cobbler out of the huge bag my neighbor brought me.  It seems like we had a bumper crop in our area this year!

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I'm jealous. :drool5:   I love peaches and we've had a heck of a time getting good ones for 2 years now.  Doesn't seem to matter where we buy them from - store/farmer's market/roadside - they all have moldy pits when we cut them open.


If you'd like to freeze, dry, or can some of those and send them my way, I sure wouldn't complain. lol

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skin them, pit them and freeze them.


You don't even have to do that much if you don't want to - especially when they are ripe and you don't have much time.  I put mine whole into the freezer and when I want to use one, I run it under hot water and the skin comes right off.  Then I cut around the pit and take that out and cut up the peach for smoothies, yogurt, or whatever.  I usually have dreams of using it for peach jam but don't get to that very often. 

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I canned peaches last night. I'm getting better (this was my third time), but it is still a time consuming process. Freezing is much easier. I like the idea of freezing some puree for ice cream at a later date--may try that if we still have any peaches left in a few days.

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I skinned, pitted, and canned 50lbs of peaches this year and then took the skins and made a spiced peach honey. We'll have enough canned peaches for the winter and lots of peach honey for on ice cream or some such treat.


Recipe for the spiced peach honey please?


Peaches are just starting here and I'm not looking forward to the hours of peeling them, but it's worth it for the cupboards full of canned peaches in the winter.

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Recipe for the spiced peach honey please? Peaches are just starting here and I'm not looking forward to the hours of peeling them, but it's worth it for the cupboards full of canned peaches in the winter.

what I do is sit each child down in front of a huge basket of peaches, give them a peeler and tell them that they will get to miss out on their most unfavorite subject plus a chocolate bar per basketful. This is the way I process all the fruit from my 40 tree + orchard each year.

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Millions of peaches?  Peaches for me?




I pit, slice, and freeze them for smoothies.  I have canned them in the past as well, just in a simple syrup, or as a peach jam.  One year I subbed honey for the sugar in the jam (cut the amount in half) - it was the best jam EV.ER.  And I always make a peach cobbler with the most ripe ones.  Sometimes I make a peach pie too.  I really love peaches.  :drool5:

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I skinned, pitted, and canned 50lbs of peaches this year and then took the skins and made a spiced peach honey. We'll have enough canned peaches for the winter and lots of peach honey for on ice cream or some such treat.


Please share how you do this with the skins!  I make an apple peel jelly with apple peelings, but yesterday I was having such remorse sending the pile of peach skins down the disposal.  I wondered if I could do something similar.  I have one more case of peaches to process...

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Recipe for the spiced peach honey please? Peaches are just starting here and I'm not looking forward to the hours of peeling them, but it's worth it for the cupboards full of canned peaches in the winter.



Please share how you do this with the skins!  I make an apple peel jelly with apple peelings, but yesterday I was having such remorse sending the pile of peach skins down the disposal.  I wondered if I could do something similar.  I have one more case of peaches to process...


I've never found skinning to be too hard. Just hot water for 20 seconds and then ice water and the skin just come off. For the peach honey, I covered the peach peelings with water and simmered until they were basically mush. Strained them through some cheese cloth, added about half as much honey as there was peach juice, liberally sprinkled cinnamon and just a little sprinkle of cloves and allspice (I tasted before I canned to be sure). I through in some no sugar needed pectin and tested on a chilled bowl and then through it in the cans. Sometimes I'll through in a couple quartered apples seeds and all, with the peelings. That adds a nice flavor.

It's super easy, but you do need to leave it simmering for numerous hours, so usually I put the peelings in some water and refrigerate over night and then start into it the next day.

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