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What do find yourself getting on a soapbox about?

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I am just curious. There are certain issues that really really really, did I say, really drive me nuts. I can get on a soapbox so quick, it can make someone's head spin! Maybe I am just crazy. I hope not...


So anyway, here are some things that really get me worked up:


1. people not spaying/neutering their pets


2. cattiness in little girls


3. the thought that toddlers and preschoolers cannot possibly live full lives unless they are in a room with other toddlers and preschoolers, rotated through centers, and taught for 5 hours a day


4. parents getting in other parents' business


5. the never-ending mother debates--you know the ones: bre*st vs. bottle, public vs. private vs. home schooling, work vs. SAHM



C'mom, share!! Let's try not to get offended by anyone's answers. Remember, this is not personal!!

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Oh dear, you really want to know? Infant baptism and paedocommunion. I'm for it and I will not argue it here. Edited to add- I didn't make myself clear here, I posted again waaaaay down somewhere to make myself more clear.


Things I will argue........tie downs, Herda in Poco Buenos, paints being registered in the AQHA and riding a colt before it's two.

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1. Commercialism of EVERYTHING.

2. Consumerism that is spurred on by the commercialism of everything.

3. Self-absorption that consumerism and commercialism creates.

4. Lack of solid moral values and responsible action that is a side-effect of the self-absorption that consumerism and commercialism creates.

5. The never-ending labeling because people want to be special or have a special cause because of the lack of solid moral values and responsible action that is a side-effect of the self-absorption that consumerism and commercialism creates.


Yeah, that about covers it. Came back to add some more ...


Why can't we take care of the earth and be good stewards without being GREEN?

Why can't we take care of those in need without buying something that has the word RED on it?

Why can't we just donate to various charities without catchy slogans like Save the Tatas?



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1. Politics


2. Religion


3. Education


And not necessarily in that order! It just depends on the day!


I know those are general, terms, but I really have a hard time not getting on a soapbox (at least in my own head) when anything relating to those comes up. Unlike Pam, I think I'm getting WORSE with age! Not worse about speaking my mind, because I'm really very careful to be respectful, but worse about being VERY set in my views and feeling VERY strongly about them.


Improper apostrophe use is one specific thing that does bug me, though! Are you there, Mrs. Mungo??



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~Deaf education and anything sign languagey related gets me going very quickly.

~My inlaws. I mean, why does my FIL think I need to be lectured on childraising theory? See? Just thinking about them and I'm ranting already.

~People making stupid arguments, or accusing me of making them when I'm not, and thinking they make sense.

~People who won't take responsibility for themselves.



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1. Commercialism of EVERYTHING.

2. Consumerism that is spurred on by the commercialism of everything.

3. Self-absorption that consumerism and commercialism creates.

4. Lack of solid moral values and responsible action that is a side-effect of the self-absorption that consumerism and commercialism creates.

5. The never-ending labeling because people want to be special or have a special cause because of the lack of solid moral values and responsible action that is a side-effect of the self-absorption that consumerism and commercialism creates.


Yeah, that about covers it. Came back to add some more ...


Why can't we take care of the earth and be good stewards without being GREEN?

Why can't we take care of those in need without buying something that has the word RED on it?

Why can't we just donate to various charities without catchy slogans like Save the Tatas?



Wow, Jessica! That is so me! I find myself thinking that if people just had the solid moral values that I think they should (!), there would be a lot less trouble in this world. Ah, well. It's not meant to be, although we can still strive.



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A big hearty AMEN! to most of what has been posted, plus bad grammar and punctuation, the cell phonification of America and the resultant publification of private conversations (I said bad GRAMMAR, not invented words), illegal lane changes, the inability of human beings to effectively merge, and the death of the directional indicator. Don't get me started!


Now you've got my dander up. The next gal who pops her gum in my face is in T-R-O-U-B-L-E. ;)

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1. Television (as in "the evils of")

2. Liturgy, with an special bonus rant on bad worship music

3. Classical Education=Dorothy Sayers

4. SAHD issues (No, I'm not "babysitting." How do you babysit your own child?)

5. "All religions are just different paths up the same mountain."


I could go on...and often do. ;)


ETA: Oh, Leila reminded me of another: Misplaced apostrophes. Yeah, yeah. I also know when to hyphenate "@nal retentive." :LOL:

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4. SAHD issues (No, I'm not "babysitting." How do you babysit your own child?)



Oh this one drives me crazy and I am not a dad. But when I go somewhere (rarely!) without the kids, and someone asks me if Patrick is home babysitting, it makes me furious. Heck no, he's not babysitting. They are his children!!!! He's not hired help. Geez!

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1. Indifference to elders - I mean treating the elderly as if they are mindless children, without the respect they deserve.


2. Black and White thinking (and associated arrogance)


3. Taking advantage of the simple and/or innocent


These things can tend to make me irrational :rant:



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You know what really burns my bacon? (besides a flame 'bout yea high)


Sitcoms, commercials, and movies (well, pretty much all media) that likes to portray men like they're all mindless idiots who married women way prettier than them and practically need to have their shoes tied for them every morning. It didn't really bother me until J was little and I noticed that the father in Between the Lions was just that--a typical sitcom dad. Boy, are they starting kids early!


Also, I can't STAND that fact that on Biggest Loser and other similar weight loss shows the women have to stand there humiliated in sports bras and spandex while the men get to modestly cover themselves with appropriate tshirts and shorts.


It's amazing that we have tv shows like that and everyone wonders where our kids are getting these ideas...


Wow, see what you started?:001_smile:

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People turning right on red without stopping. The rule is stop first, then turn. I'd love to have a siren when I see someone do that.


Well, this isn't my biggest soapbox. But it comes to mind because I have to drive a lot, and I'm still a little paranoid about people running red lights after having my car totaled in December by a red-light-runner.

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1. People who tell others not to judge others but don't realize they are judging that person and others just as much


2. those that think my kids must be perfect quiet angels at all times in public just because we're homeschooling


3. When someone says "No, I know you're a mom, but WHAT DO YOU DO?"


4. When someone finds out I homeschool my kids so they think it's just an excuse to let my kids run wild and that I sit and eat bonbons all day while watching torrid soap operas or something because I'm to lazy to get up early to send them to a "real" school.


That's all I can think of for now.

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I have no doubt many on this board (supporters and detractors alike;)) could correctly identify some of my soapbox issues. I like to discuss politics and religion and education. I can get worked up about the commercialization of our culture and any number of other things. But the issues that most often cause me to climb aboard the proverbial soapbox are those related to the environment and food manufacturing.

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Personal responsibility. I simply cannot keep my big trap shut when people want to rant and rave about their problems and blame them on someone else. I don't mind the ranting and raving part -- I do plenty of that myself. But when it's *always* someone else's fault, it's too much.

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Personal responsibility. I simply cannot keep my big trap shut when people want to rant and rave about their problems and blame them on someone else. I don't mind the ranting and raving part -- I do plenty of that myself. But when it's *always* someone else's fault, it's too much.


Oy! Preach it! :iagree:

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I can think of 4 things right off that can cause me to go off-my-rocker:


1) Cigarette smoking (as in the evils of)


2) The sometimes *horrible* things people feed their children (and themselves)


3) Children's educational-materials whose authors have an axe-to-grind


4) The under-use of hyphens (OK, this last one is a joke [on me])



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1. Anyone who assumes my children will be missing out on socialization because they're homeschooled.


2. Parents who let their daughters under 12 watch Hannah Montana. (Ditto High School Musical. It's called "High School" for a reason.)


3. Breastfeeding and Natural Family Planning. Worked for me!


4. People who drive silver, gray, or white cars in the rain and don't turn on their headlights. WE CAN'T SEE YOU!


5. Foul language in rated PG cartoon movies.


See... I'm getting a little soap-boxy here. (BTW spell check didn't zap soap-boxy!)

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I can get on my soapbox over:

-People with a stomach virus going to church or other places that exposes people!

-People who walk right out of a public bathroom without washing their hands.....yuck!

-rude and/or ignorant drivers

-Neighbors that let their dogs bark non-stop

-In-laws who say crap about you to your kids (behind your back).

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5. Foul language in rated PG cartoon movies.


Oh yea, make that my #5 too.


I'm pretty "liberal" in letting my young son see some fairly adult-themed faire, but I get incensed when "children's films" (especially animated ones) include foul language, sexual innuendo, and potty jokes. These make me ballistic!!!


Animated films from Dreamworks Studio have essentially been "banned" by yours truly.


Bill (who ain't always Mr Liberal)

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C'mom, share!!


1. (As you may have noticed in an earlier thread...) People who say doctors are only in their profession to make money for the drug companies and screw over their patients.


2. Praying hard enough can heal medical problems.


3. Vitamin supplements can cure cancer (do you see a patern here?)


On a lighter note-

1. Using apostrophe's to separate a final "s" from the rest of the word (hehehe)


2. never using andy capitalization or punctuation in emails and posts regardless of how long your note is oh yeah also not breaking separate ideas out in to separate paragraphs just kind of typing everything into one mind numbingly long tirade btw i haven't noticed this here mainly just in emails i get forwarded to me by one friend in particular i wish i could have put quotations around the word friend back there but that would have defeated my purpose


3. People who think the world revolves around them!

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The idiotic math program that our school district uses. And their whole attitude about it. I can launch into a tirade about this with just about anyone, homeschoolers (who are happy their children aren't being exposed to it) and public schoolers (who are unhappy their children are being exposed to it). The only ones who I am careful with are the private schoolers because the main private school here uses the *same* idiotic math program and those people are *paying* to have their kids exposed to it!

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Religion, although I'm so tired of that one, I try not to get dragged in anymore--but often do. I can't stand when people are closed minded about it. Or when they say they are right because their religion says they are.

Mistreatment of animals.

Pollution and the way the world is going (ecology wise).


Ya' know, honestly, it is more like, what can I not get on a soap box about...


OK, I'm thinking...


Still thinking...


Hmmm.... still thinking... well, I don't like bugs... have a true phobia of them... don't think they need protection... does that count?

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2. never using andy capitalization or punctuation in emails and posts regardless of how long your note is oh yeah also not breaking separate ideas out in to separate paragraphs just kind of typing everything into one mind numbingly long tirade btw i haven't noticed this here mainly just in emails i get forwarded to me by one friend in particular i wish i could have put quotations around the word friend back there but that would have defeated my purpose




I find that my dear best friend from high school does this and it seems to mimic the way that she talks...fast and without a breath! Ugh.

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Sitcoms, commercials, and movies (well, pretty much all media) that likes to portray men like they're all mindless idiots who married women way prettier than them and practically need to have their shoes tied for them every morning.


I agree, Maria.

I hate, HATE the inference that Dad=Doofus.

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I need to add another one-


People my age and younger who call me "honey." This happened to me at the Dr's office yesterday- really rattled my gizzard! It was all I could do to call her "sweetie-pie."


The woman was a nurse of the another doctor in the practice, and I can't stand the doctor she works for either! (I love my dr and her nurse.)

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I am just curious. There are certain issues that really really really, did I say, really drive me nuts. I can get on a soapbox so quick, it can make someone's head spin! Maybe I am just crazy. I hope not...


So anyway, here are some things that really get me worked up:


1. people not spaying/neutering their pets


2. cattiness in little girls


3. the thought that toddlers and preschoolers cannot possibly live full lives unless they are in a room with other toddlers and preschoolers, rotated through centers, and taught for 5 hours a day


4. parents getting in our parents' business


5. the never-ending mother debates--you know the ones: bre*st vs. bottle, public vs. private vs. home schooling, work vs. SAHM



C'mom, share!! Let's try not to get offended by anyone's answers. Remember, this is not personal!!



I am not usually prone to soapboxing.


(1) Not controlling fertility bothers me so much that I have personally paid for the spaying or neutering of others' pets.


(2) Cattiness is negative energy regardless of the source. My children have avoided people who exhibit that behavior, and I will not put up with it either.


(3) Toddler and preschooler socialization in an institutional setting is wholly unnecessary. But I just can't get too excited that some parents make that choice regardless of whether both work outside the home.


(4) Parents getting in parents' business. Parents can insert themselves into their adult children's business pretty much only to extent that the adult children allow it. I am sure there are some exceptions though.


(5) The mother debates. Breastfeeding is ideal but I acknowledge that there are valid reasons to bottlefeed and would not question the decision of informed mothers. Same with educational choices and job choices.


I guess it takes bigger things to get me worked up. Things like genocide, famine, pervasive governmental and corporate corruption, fighting wars that supposedly will end all wars, people working hard all their lives but never getting ahead, people unable to afford necessary medical care, ad nauseam. In a nutshell, suffering of living beings gets me worked up.

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oh yeah also not breaking separate ideas out in to separate paragraphs just kind of typing everything into one mind numbingly long tirade



Oh, yes--thanks for reminding me: Add Hemingway to my list. ;)


(KIDDING, for all you rabid Hemingway fans. Sort of. Well, not really. :D)

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I am not usually prone to soapboxing.


(1) Not controlling fertility bothers me so much that I have personally paid for the spaying or neutering of others' pets.


(2) Cattiness is negative energy regardless of the source. My children have avoided people who exhibit that behavior, and I will not put up with it either.


(3) Toddler and preschooler socialization in an institutional setting is wholly unnecessary. But I just can't get too excited that some parents make that choice regardless of whether both work outside the home.


(4) Parents getting in parents' business. Parents can insert themselves into their adult children's business pretty much only to extent that the adult children allow it. I am sure there are some exceptions though.


(5) The mother debates. Breastfeeding is ideal but I acknowledge that there are valid reasons to bottlefeed and would not question the decision of informed mothers. Same with educational choices and job choices.


I guess it takes bigger things to get me worked up. Things like genocide, famine, pervasive governmental and corporate corruption, fighting wars that supposedly will end all wars, people working hard all their lives but never getting ahead, people unable to afford necessary medical care, ad nauseam. In a nutshell, suffering of living beings gets me worked up.




After reading your answers, I feel like I need to explain. I think it is so wonderful that you have helped with financing spaying/neutering of other animals. That is a such a great thing to do! As far as cattiness, I totally agree. I just wish girls were not taught (by their family, the media, whatever) to compete with other little girls in every area. It saddens me since I am raising 3 little girls. I am tired of people obsessing over their toddler's socialization and thinking I am a freak because I don't worry about it. My toddler is learning plenty about socializing, thankyouverymuch! :lol: They do what they want, just leave me out of it. See #4.


I hate the mother debates. When I get on my soapbox, it goes something like this "We are all mothers who love our children. Why do we have to judge other mothers who are making the best decisions for their children? We need to focus on spending our time to shape our children in to the person they are meant to be!" I definitely lean towards breastfeeding, not working full time outside the home, and home schooling, but I am not naive enough to think those are the best decisions for all families. I didn't mean that I get on a soapbox in support of one path vs. another. In fact, my very best friend (since we were 13) works full time outside the home, bottle fed, and her oldest starts public school next week! We do not argue about it. I love her and she loves me, and we know we both love our babies.


Hey, wait a minute... Did I just get on a soapbox?? :D


I don't know why, but I felt the need to elaborate. It is just my over analyzing, need to explain, not wanting to be misunderstood personality.

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Midwifery and homeschooling are the main ones, right now.


Perhaps the benefits of Latin ;-)


I'll join you on your box then and put one foot on Colleen's food production dais. :D Those are my biggies.


Oh, and: pulling apart sandwich cookies to eat the filling separately! That is just wrong, people. :lol:

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I guess it takes bigger things to get me worked up. Things like genocide, famine, pervasive governmental and corporate corruption, fighting wars that supposedly will end all wars, people working hard all their lives but never getting ahead, people unable to afford necessary medical care, ad nauseam. In a nutshell, suffering of living beings gets me worked up.


So, maybe we can say getting on a soapbox about relatively minor issues is what gets you on your soapbox? ;)

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