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Our Male Children and the Female Body

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This thread is a hoot!


There have been a few misconceptions, though.


1. Males have the ability to grow completely functional breasts if the right mix of hormones are introduced to their bodies. MTF (Male to female)transsexual women usually don't need surgery to develop a naturally female-looking chest, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is all it takes and sometimes inadvertently induces lactation. Even without complete growth stimulation, though, suppressing testosterone and introducing prolactin will cause men to lactate.


2. The only actual man I have personal knowledge of lactating is a trans man (FTM). He had to use a lact-aid and donated milk because his supply was inadequate due to prior chest reconstruction. He has a blog called "Milk Junkies" and last I heard was running an online support group for breastfeeding (trans)men. He's Canadian.


3. I looked it up, and human sex hormones don't carry through milk, except possibly estrogen. Both estrogen and testosterone can impair milk supply, however, which is why bcp's with estrogen in them and estrogen or testosterone HRT is contraindicated for a person who is trying to lactate.

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Guest inoubliable

WAIT a minute; STOP the train!!!  Back on page one you said (and I am too lazy to quote) that you wanted your son to see some nip.  But now you are telling me that he has a pair of his OWN and he can just look down and see them any time he wants???  If he has his own nips, why does he have to see other women's?


Because... her point was that she wanted her kid to see breastfeeding. It wasn't that he see nipples. 

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Feeding the morass of I dunno what the heck.  


Once upon a time our appendix had a function.  Just because a man has nipples doesn't mean he is evolutionarily prepared to breast feed.  


We don't live in a era or place where motherless babies will starve to death if men don't induce lactation though artificial (or in the case of puncturing your nipples, sacrificial) means. 


You find the far left of liberal feminist, you go 100 more yards to the left and that is where I fall.   :leaving: Yet even I would have a "why the frack bother?" view if my family was contemplating male lactation.  


Men and women who bottle feed can and do still nurture babies in close skin to skin contact.  My sons spent many an evening bouncing with their tummies and chipmunk cheeks against my husband's fuzzy chest.  In theory I don't have an issue with someone else doing it but honestly the only males I know who have done it or expressed an interest are gender queer or androgynous in orientation.  I'm married to a rocking feminist dude who defies the gender police a lot, but he is still very much a dude.  And I wouldn't want it any other way.  

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All 4 of my kids are very pro-breastfeeding and generally have no problem with nursing moms, now.  BUT back when I was pg with my youngest I had a friend that thought it was up to her to educate all children as to the beauty of it.  And intentionall exposed her breasts fully to breastfeed her then 18 month old in front of my kids when she was watching them.  Now she had nursed her kids in front of mine all the time anyway, and in public but was still discrete although never covering up.  So they didn't expect the full peepshow. 
(as in shirt lifted well above both breasts, the one to nurse on completely exposed etc.  They were quite upset when I picked them up.  That was the first thing they told me when I picked them up, and the only thing they could remember of their day there.  I confronted her about it and her response was she knew I was going to bf the dd when she was born and thought they should be used to it by then.  Um yeah, no.  It really harmed our friendship.  My kids did not have to have a full peep show to know breastfeeding was normal.  In fact they saw me nursing ds9 back when he was a baby.  They saw me and friends nurse out in public etc.  They did not need to be intentionally exposed to her breasts to learn that. 

My dd says if she ever has a kid she will bf, though she says she would rather adopt.  Both boys say they really want their future wives to breastfeed their kids because they know that it is best for the baby.  And none of them needed to be flashed repeatedly to learn that.  One can be discrete, and endorse breastfeeding and normalize it for your kids without putting on a peep show or dwelling on it and without covering up or hiding away.  It is unhealthy to create an obsession to breasts and breastfeeding in children just as much as it is unhealthy to teach them to be scandalized everytimea baby wants to eat.

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I don't see why people need to hate on males lactating, though.  I've known trans men and other males who thought it would be a wonderful experience.  It doesn't make them bad or gross.  You're providing nutrition to an infant.  No different than an adoptive mother inducing lactation.  But that's just my opinion. 

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All 4 of my kids are very pro-breastfeeding and generally have no problem with nursing moms, now.  BUT back when I was pg with my youngest I had a friend that thought it was up to her to educate all children as to the beauty of it.  And intentionall exposed her breasts fully to breastfeed her then 18 month old in front of my kids when she was watching them.  Now she had nursed her kids in front of mine all the time anyway, and in public but was still discrete although never covering up.  So they didn't expect the full peepshow. 

(as in shirt lifted well above both breasts, the one to nurse on completely exposed etc.  They were quite upset when I picked them up.  That was the first thing they told me when I picked them up, and the only thing they could remember of their day there.  I confronted her about it and her response was she knew I was going to bf the dd when she was born and thought they should be used to it by then.  Um yeah, no.  It really harmed our friendship.  My kids did not have to have a full peep show to know breastfeeding was normal.  In fact they saw me nursing ds9 back when he was a baby.  They saw me and friends nurse out in public etc.  They did not need to be intentionally exposed to her breasts to learn that. 


My dd says if she ever has a kid she will bf, though she says she would rather adopt.  Both boys say they really want their future wives to breastfeed their kids because they know that it is best for the baby.  And none of them needed to be flashed repeatedly to learn that.  One can be discrete, and endorse breastfeeding and normalize it for your kids without putting on a peep show or dwelling on it and without covering up or hiding away.  It is unhealthy to create an obsession to breasts and breastfeeding in children just as much as it is unhealthy to teach them to be scandalized everytimea baby wants to eat.

Meh.  Some people are just exhibitionists.  I have never in my life met a bf'er who tried to show off.  I have seen many mortified ones that accidently showed an inch of skin, though.  I have met plenty of people who would take any excuse to show off their boobs, though. Or a male friend from school who mooned people probably 100 times a day...anyway, some people are just exhibitionists. 

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Feeding the morass of I dunno what the heck.  


Once upon a time our appendix had a function.  Just because a man has nipples doesn't mean he is evolutionarily prepared to breast feed.  


We don't live in a era or place where motherless babies will starve to death if men don't induce lactation though artificial (or in the case of puncturing your nipples, sacrificial) means. 


You find the far left of liberal feminist, you go 100 more yards to the left and that is where I fall.   :leaving: Yet even I would have a "why the frack bother?" view if my family was contemplating male lactation.  


Men and women who bottle feed can and do still nurture babies in close skin to skin contact.  My sons spent many an evening bouncing with their tummies and chipmunk cheeks against my husband's fuzzy chest.  In theory I don't have an issue with someone else doing it but honestly the only males I know who have done it or expressed an interest are gender queer or androgynous in orientation.  I'm married to a rocking feminist dude who defies the gender police a lot, but he is still very much a dude.  And I wouldn't want it any other way.  

Four words: Tim Curry in drag.  Whatever equipment is there, I don't know if I'd protest.

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Meh.  Some people are just exhibitionists.  I have never in my life met a bf'er who tried to show off.  I have seen many mortified ones that accidently showed an inch of skin, though.  I have met plenty of people who would take any excuse to show off their boobs, though. Or a male friend from school who mooned people probably 100 times a day...anyway, some people are just exhibitionists. 

Well she is not otherwise an exhibitionist.  She considers herself a lactivist and is a highly vocal one at that.

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they didn't expect the full peepshow. (as in shirt lifted well above both breasts, the one to nurse on completely exposed etc.  They were quite upset when I picked them up.  That was the first thing they told me when I picked them up, and the only thing they could remember of their day there.  I confronted her about it and her response was she knew I was going to bf the dd when she was born and thought they should be used to it by then.  Um yeah, no.  It really harmed our friendship.  My kids did not have to have a full peep show to know breastfeeding was normal.  In fact they saw me nursing ds9 back when he was a baby.  They saw me and friends nurse out in public etc.  They did not need to be intentionally exposed to her breasts to learn that. 


Calling it a "peep show" when children see a woman's breast while nursing is attributing sexual content to an event that had none. It seems to me that this is exactly the issue the OP was addressing. 


In Europe, women routinely go topless at the beach (and young children are often completely naked); friends, family, and neighbors take saunas together naked; there are public baths/spas where men and women are naked in the same pools and springs; and there is ample nudity on television and in print ads — all of which children are exposed to. It does not freak them out, nor does it "rob them of their innocence," as another poster put it.


I cannot imagine either of my kids being in any way upset by the sight of a breast. If DD saw a woman nursing with her top pulled up, her response would probably be to go watch and ask a million questions. DS would look up for a few seconds and then go back to his legos or whatever; I doubt it would even register enough with him to mention it to me, let alone be so traumatic that he could remember nothing else that happened that day. If they saw a man walk down the middle of the street stark naked, they would probably just laugh and say "wow, I guess he was really hot."


The sight of a human body does not equal "sex" to kids unless they've been raised to see it that way.



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The sight of a human body does not equal "sex" to kids unless they've been raised to see it that way.



Not enough likes for this one!


It's clear the US was founded by Puritans. And still behaving in very similar ways.

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They did not view the breast as a sexual organs, they just knew they were private parts.  I am not talking about seeing a bit as the baby latched on etc.  I am talking about having them all hang out. We do not live in a culture that has topless women so saying other countries do is not relevant to my then 9, 8 and 4 year old children.  The fact is you do not have your boobs fully exposed when babysitting other people's children.  I sure as heck wouldn't be walking around topless while watching kids in my home daycare.  It doesn't matter if it is my own home and I was breastfeeding my own children. You just don't do that.  It is not up to other women to "educate" someone else's children about their breasts and their uses for nursing infants.  It is just as easy to nurse in public and around other children without covering up with a blanket etc and still not lifting your shirt up to your neck so both breasts are exposed, etc.  If you don't care if your children are around fully nude people that's your choice.  In this culture that would have CPS knocking on your door for sexual abuse for having them in that situation.  We do not live in a culture that endorses public nudity, so there is no point in compating to one that does. 

I do not think my kids being upset that they were subjected to seeing this woman's breasts (not just once but multiple times per day) because she felt it was her job to educate them, is the same at all as expecting her to be fully covered, or nursing in private. 

These were not her own children, this was not a case of a little bit of nip flashing for a second.  That would have never bothered them in the least.  This was a flat out lewd act imo and yes they were upset about it.

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Alrighty, interesting. But no fear, I am here with the answer... :lol:  I managed to raise a dd who is pro-breastfeeding without her even having seen the procedure carried out. Oh, I'm sure she has been around breastfeeding moms a time or two without even realizing it. Anyway, her exposure and education on the matter came from the comic strip books: BabyBlues. The mom (Wanda) is very pro-breastfeeding. She can be seen breast-feeding with her othr friends that include Bunny, her perfect perky neighbor, who even breastfeeds twins. Dd was horrified when Wanda was asked to stop breastfeeding at a public pool and that one story led to many discussions on the matter. Don't worry, Wanda told that lifeguard a thing or two and got her point across.


I did not have any babies after dd, so it was not something that came up a lot. Since discovering Baby Blues, she has talked to a church friend (who was breastfeeding) as if she were an expert on the matter, to include talking about various holds. :lol:      So there you have it OP, buy your son some comic strip books and all is solved. :D



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So I told my DH about this thread, and his contribution is to add that male lactation occurred in severely malnourished men liberated from concentration camps after WW2.  He says I should try to invoke Godwin's Law so it will die...

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If you don't care if your children are around fully nude people that's your choice.  In this culture that would have CPS knocking on your door for sexual abuse for having them in that situation. 




This was a flat out lewd act imo and yes they were upset about it.


Equating the mere sight of a naked human body with "sexual abuse," and referring to the exposure of a woman's breast while nursing a baby as "a lewd act," exactly proves my point.


The amount of time that an average human spends engaged in sex is an absolutely miniscule percentage of his or her total lifespan; the other 99.9% of our lives, our bodies are doing other useful things. The idea that what we do with our bodies during the 0.1% is so extraordinarily important, so powerful and scary and overwhelming, that large sections of our bodies must be kept completely hidden from anyone but a spouse is a paradigm that I simply find ... illogical. IMHO, it is the obsession with "private parts" and "modesty" and "stumbling," etc., that over-sexualizes the body rather than the reverse. This is a paradigm that many other developed countries simply do not share, and yet they do not have higher rates of sexual abuse/assault, divorce, teen pregnancy, or whatever other "evils" one might ascribe to a lack of "modesty." The European attitude just seems a lot healthier to me. <shrug>



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I want my sons to respect that a woman will feed a child in the way she chooses and in a way that makes her and the baby comfortable. If that's with a blanket over her head in the closet, or with a bottle in a teepee, or on a park bench with no shirt, I want him to think, "oh lovely. Babies, eating. Rather than starving, which would be bad." I want my sons to be strongly opposed to baby starvation.


I want my daughters to understand that breastfeeding is great, but that it's a small part of the mothering journey. How and where she nurses is an even smaller part of that journey. I want my daughters to have perspective.


I am disinclined to see breastfeeding in public as a mothering hill to die on. Sometimes it's appropriate, and sometimes it isn't. And I have been lactating for, um, seven straight years. Tandem nursing for almost all of that time. The youngest I weaned a child was past 3.5. I have earned my nursing ribbons.

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Then move to europe, problem solved for you


I did, actually — I lived there for 10 years, and DS was born there. I'd go back to southern France in a heartbeat, but DH will only agree to the UK or Germany, and I can't handle any more gloomy weather. But if global warming ever results in northern Europe getting a Mediterranean climate, I'll be on the next plane!


In the meantime, we compromised and settled in the southwestern US — I get sunny weather and he doesn't have to speak French.  :laugh:



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Equating the mere sight of a naked human body with "sexual abuse," and referring to the exposure of a woman's breast while nursing a baby as "a lewd act," exactly proves my point.


The amount of time that an average human spends engaged in sex is an absolutely miniscule percentage of his or her total lifespan; the other 99.9% of our lives, our bodies are doing other useful things. The idea that what we do with our bodies during the 0.1% is so extraordinarily important, so powerful and scary and overwhelming, that large sections of our bodies must be kept completely hidden from anyone but a spouse is a paradigm that I simply find ... illogical. IMHO, it is the obsession with "private parts" and "modesty" and "stumbling," etc., that over-sexualizes the body rather than the reverse. This is a paradigm that many other developed countries simply do not share, and yet they do not have higher rates of sexual abuse/assault, divorce, teen pregnancy, or whatever other "evils" one might ascribe to a lack of "modesty." The European attitude just seems a lot healthier to me. <shrug>



This exactly.

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LOL. Feeling even more concerned for your future daughter-in-law (if you ever get one). ;) But maybe if you ever have #2 or some other equalizing experience, you'll chill out about some things . . . .


Not sure why their good diet should make you worried for a future DIL. Her son can learn to cook for himself, and the lower likelihood of him developing a number of chronic illnesses due to his healthy start will save her many worries.
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Once upon a time our appendix had a function.  Just because a man has nipples doesn't mean he is evolutionarily prepared to breast feed.



Women also no longer consume the placenta as a regular part of child birth. The placenta has been shown to reduce hemorrhaging, increase milk supply and prevent postpartum depression. I am thrilled to live in a time and place where encapsulating my placenta was an option so that I could take a couple of placenta capsules when needed and where I was able to consume my placenta as part of my postpartum healing.


I did look into starting my own placenta encapsulation business.

Personally, I think it would have been good sautéed with a garlic butter sauce.



 We don't live in a era or place where motherless babies will starve to death if men don't induce lactation though artificial (or in the case of puncturing your nipples, sacrificial) means. 



I will agree that parents have many ways in which to feed their babies and for that I am grateful. But I do not believe the options are the healthiest. There are studies that show that bottle feeding increases the risk of obesity. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22946146

There are more studies that show that there is long term health risks associated with formula but I will not list them all. I know that obesity and its cause is a recent topic here so I felt this was the most relevant study to recent board topics

Personally? I would prefer the father of my children inducing lactation over formula.



You find the far left of liberal feminist, you go 100 more yards to the left and that is where I fall.  

I *might* be a bit further out.



Men and women who bottle feed can and do still nurture babies in close skin to skin contact. .  


Agreed. Though I do worry that modesty and being covered would reduce that skin to skin contact.




In theory I don't have an issue with someone else doing it but honestly the only males I know who have done it or expressed an interest are gender queer or androgynous in orientation.

Really interesting. I have never actually done a poll of all my friends to see who would be interested and who would pass. I might have to start bring this up in conversation.

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Then move to europe, problem solved for you



So if someone wants to effect cultural change they see as for the better, they should just leave? Would you say that to MLK, Jr.? Nelson Mandela? The Lovings? The people who fought for an end to child labor and to get workers decently safe working conditions? The women in my state who fought to get breastfeeding in public explicitly protected under state law? Jesus? He should have just left the moneylenders in the temple to their own affairs and taken his followers off to someplace more amenable? I could go on and on and on.

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So do we no longer teach our children consideration for others?  The situation described by swellmomma had nothing to do with a baby's need to eat.  It made others uncomfortable for no good reason.  Maybe that woman was clueless about it, but to argue that society must change in favor of that kind of behavior is to abandon the whole idea of consideration for others.  Which I personally think is a bad idea.

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Not sure why their good diet should make you worried for a future DIL. Her son can learn to cook for himself, and the lower likelihood of him developing a number of chronic illnesses due to his healthy start will save her many worries.


I'm all for a good diet.  But I get the impression OP doesn't consider a mother good enough unless she toils for hours making everything from scratch.  And the fact that her DS finds other common choices "disgusting" - if this continues into adulthood - means finding a compatible spouse will be a challenge.  I don't even allow my 6yos to diss food options that might not be their particular favorite.  They are free to make their own choices when they are the ones preparing and cleaning up after the meal.


Sure, if her DS wants to spend hours every weekend making his family's meals, that's fine and dandy, but chances are that isn't going to happen - especially since what he's observed in his childhood is the wife/mother doing that kind of work.


Of course it's very likely that when her DS graduates into teenage freedoms, he'll be buying pizzas and fries out, much to his mother's horror.  Keepin' it real, man.

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I'm all for a good diet. But I get the impression OP doesn't consider a mother good enough unless she toils for hours making everything from scratch. And the fact that her DS finds other common choices "disgusting" - if this continues into adulthood - means finding a compatible spouse will be a challenge. I don't even allow my 6yos to diss food options that might not be their particular favorite. They are free to make their own choices when they are the ones preparing and cleaning up after the meal.


Sure, if her DS wants to spend hours every weekend making his family's meals, that's fine and dandy, but chances are that isn't going to happen - especially since what he's observed in his childhood is the wife/mother doing that kind of work.


Of course it's very likely that when her DS graduates into teenage freedoms, he'll be buying pizzas and fries out, much to his mother's horror. Keepin' it real, man.

DS has tried soda and fast food and says they are disgusting. He prefers to run into a store and buy food, it is not a line I have force fed him. Buy my providing wholesome meals that are not sugar or grease based DS has grown to up not having them be the norm and he finds real food more appealing. He does eat pizza on occassion, but has found it does not provide what his body needs. He does not care for lots of sugar or sweets so that eliminates 90% of all processed food. He speed skates and is at the rink, complete with rink food, almost daily. If I leave him there with cash he will walk down the street, past McDonald's and Wendy's to the store and buy fresh fruit and rotisserie chicken. Why? Because it doesn't make him "feel slow". He is 9 and I give him cash for food (though I generally pack a lunch that fills him up) and leave him at the rink for hours on end for him to skate, train, and walk to the store on his break, I am guessing he already has more freedom than many teens do. He started doing it at 8 with some friends and just continued when his friend were not there.

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DS has tried soda and fast food and says they are disgusting. He prefers to run into a store and buy food, it is not a line I have force fed him. Buy my providing wholesome meals that are not sugar or grease based DS has grown to up not having them be the norm and he finds real food more appealing. He does eat pizza on occassion, but has found it does not provide what his body needs. He does not care for lots of sugar or sweets so that eliminates 90% of all processed food. He speed skates and is at the rink, complete with rink food, almost daily. If I leave him there with cash he will walk down the street, past McDonald's and Wendy's to the store and buy fresh fruit and rotisserie chicken. Why? Because it doesn't make him "feel slow". He is 9 and I give him cash for food (though I generally pack a lunch that fills him up) and leave him at the rink for hours on end for him to skate, train, and walk to the store on his break, I am guessing he already has more freedom than many teens do. He started doing it at 8 with some friends and just continued when his friend were not there.

I don't think this is surprising. My very athletic child is very careful about what he eats. He takes food to tournaments and camps. He trains daily for hours and is on his own for some of it. We are with him for some training, because as parents it is our responsibility to make sure he has what he needs to reach his goals. I don't have to cook all weekend to provide him with organic, made from scratch food because there are organic grocery stores and restaurants that can provide it, leaving me with more time to enjoy activities with my children. Many of our friends are organic eating, cook from/purchase healthy meal people. They don't waste weekends cooking. If you want a pat on the back for it, then - great job!

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I don't think this is surprising. My very athletic child is very careful about what he eats. He takes food to tournaments and camps. He trains daily for hours and is on his own for some of it. We are with him for some training, because as parents it is our responsibility to make sure he has what he needs to reach his goals. I don't have to cook all weekend to provide him with organic, made from scratch food because there are organic grocery stores and restaurants that can provide it, leaving me with more time to enjoy activities with my children. Many of our friends are organic eating, cook from/purchase healthy meal people. They don't waste weekends cooking. If you want a pat on the back for it, then - great job!

I wish we had restaurants that had organic options, sadly that is not an option here.


I take that back, it is an option. But it is about an hour drive each way and is really expensive and just kills the budget.


I do not waste weekends cooking I spend no more than 4-6 hours on meals for the week. This past Sunday I spent less than a hour and a half total because I was able to have multiple meals cooking at the same time and DS is no longer wanting cereal. What is the difference if I do it on Sunday or break it up into smaller times throughout the week? It all comes out the same in the end. I think this week I spent less time because of how my meal plan ended up. :)

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My very non-athletic child is the one who dislikes sugar and junk food.  I rarely cook, so I don't think my slaving in the kitchen is the reason, LOL.  She just doesn't like it, but buy golly she dare not call it "disgusting" if someone offers it to her.


My athletic child is a sugar fiend.  Again this is not because of anything I've done; I hardly gave the kids any sugar until they went to preschool (it was a losing battle at that point).  We are still pretty good as far as overall diet goes, but if that girl had her way, it would be cupcakes 6 meals a day.  Maybe someday this will change as she works through some sensory issues she has.  Either way, I have no plans to make homemade cereal etc.

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Equating the mere sight of a naked human body with "sexual abuse," and referring to the exposure of a woman's breast while nursing a baby as "a lewd act," exactly proves my point.


The amount of time that an average human spends engaged in sex is an absolutely miniscule percentage of his or her total lifespan; the other 99.9% of our lives, our bodies are doing other useful things. The idea that what we do with our bodies during the 0.1% is so extraordinarily important, so powerful and scary and overwhelming, that large sections of our bodies must be kept completely hidden from anyone but a spouse is a paradigm that I simply find ... illogical. IMHO, it is the obsession with "private parts" and "modesty" and "stumbling," etc., that over-sexualizes the body rather than the reverse. This is a paradigm that many other developed countries simply do not share, and yet they do not have higher rates of sexual abuse/assault, divorce, teen pregnancy, or whatever other "evils" one might ascribe to a lack of "modesty." The European attitude just seems a lot healthier to me. <shrug>




I don't find sex to be scary or overwhelming, but it is important.  I do keep my private areas covered from everyone but my spouse (and my doctor, of course), not because sex is scary or overwhelming, but because our relationship is sacred, set apart.  I am his and he is mine, exclusively.  I don't obsess over it.  I don't measure hemlines or necklines or whatever.  I just get dressed in the morning. If you think people who don't go around topless or completely nude are prudes about sex, you're sadly mistaken.   

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I wish we had restaurants that had organic options, sadly that is not an option here.


I take that back, it is an option. But it is about an hour drive each way and is really expensive and just kills the budget.


I do not waste weekends cooking I spend no more than 4-6 hours on meals for the week. This past Sunday I spent less than a hour and a half total because I was able to have multiple meals cooking at the same time and DS is no longer wanting cereal. What is the difference if I do it on Sunday or break it up into smaller times throughout the week? It all comes out the same in the end. I think this week I spent less time because of how my meal plan ended up. :)


You both sound like a treat :huh: Yesterday, one of my children tried to convince me that those little bags of freezable sugar water and food dye (I'm sure you've never seen one in your life, but imagine koolaid in a plastic tube) was an appropriate breakfast food. OTOH, none of my children calls other people's food choices "disgusting." So there's that. I guess we pick our battles.


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You both sound like a treat :huh: Yesterday, one of my children tried to convince me that those little bags of freezable sugar water and food dye (I'm sure you've never seen one in your life, but imagine koolaid in a plastic tube) was an appropriate breakfast food. OTOH, none of my children calls other people's food choices "disgusting." So there's that. I guess we pick our battles.

You don't find certain foods disgusting? I find beets to be disgusting. Ditto for spray cheese. Is there a problem with that? Is that not manners? I don't recall Red having said her son was confronting people about their food choices or indeed even hinted he had done more than share an opinion with her. Why the virtual sneer?

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I find certain foods disgusting, but if I was sitting by someone who was eating it, I would keep my mouth shut.  It isn't my right to tell them I don't like what they are eating.  I expect the same respect from them.  Anyone over the age of 3 should have enough manners to not say anything.

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I find certain foods disgusting, but if I was sitting by someone who was eating it, I would keep my mouth shut. It isn't my right to tell them I don't like what they are eating. I expect the same respect from them. Anyone over the age of 3 should have enough manners to not say anything.

I can assure you DS and I do not take our food into McDonald's and sit next to someone and tell them how disgusting their food is. The only time we go to McDolands is to visit a playplace if we are meeting friends and it is too hot or cold out for the park.

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Am I really the only one who clicked on the first link. :001_unsure:  I'm all for natural, but come on, RAW PLACENTA SMOOTHIES!!! :willy_nilly:


Please tell me that I am not the only one having a hard time stomaching this one, no pun intended honest. Do I just lack perspective? I get that animals do this, but that's because they can't work the stove and aren't allowed to shop at Trader Joes.




Women also no longer consume the placenta as a regular part of child birth. The placenta has been shown to reduce hemorrhaging, increase milk supply and prevent postpartum depression. I am thrilled to live in a time and place where encapsulating my placenta was an option so that I could take a couple of placenta capsules when needed and where I was able to consume my placenta as part of my postpartum healing.


I did look into starting my own placenta encapsulation business.

Personally, I think it would have been good sautéed with a garlic butter sauce.



I will agree that parents have many ways in which to feed their babies and for that I am grateful. But I do not believe the options are the healthiest. There are studies that show that bottle feeding increases the risk of obesity. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22946146

There are more studies that show that there is long term health risks associated with formula but I will not list them all. I know that obesity and its cause is a recent topic here so I felt this was the most relevant study to recent board topics

Personally? I would prefer the father of my children inducing lactation over formula.



I *might* be a bit further out.



Agreed. Though I do worry that modesty and being covered would reduce that skin to skin contact.



Really interesting. I have never actually done a poll of all my friends to see who would be interested and who would pass. I might have to start bring this up in conversation.



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I find certain foods disgusting, but if I was sitting by someone who was eating it, I would keep my mouth shut.  It isn't my right to tell them I don't like what they are eating.  I expect the same respect from them.  Anyone over the age of 3 should have enough manners to not say anything.


What makes you assume that because someone finds something disgusting they are rude about it to others?  If given the choice between eating sour cream (or any number of other milk products) and wholly unnecessary unmedicated invasive dentistry, I would seriously lean towards the latter.  I'd rather eat a placenta or tripe than have to eat a burrito with sour cream or drink a glass of milk.  I have abhorred milk since I was 1 year old.  Yet, most every day I see someone consuming lots of dairy in forms that would make me want to hurl and I've never been rude about it.  I seriously doubt RedLunNahTic's son is marching up to people eating chicken nuggets and rebuking them.  He's too busy skating for one and for two, he has parents perfectly capable of teaching him right from wrong.  

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Am I really the only one who clicked on the first link. :001_unsure: I'm all for natural, but come on, RAW PLACENTA SMOOTHIES!!! :willy_nilly:


Please tell me that I am not the only one having a hard time stomaching this one, no pun intended honest. Do I just lack perspective? I get that animals do this, but that's because they can't work the stove and aren't allowed to shop at Trader Joes.



Oh. My. Goodness. I didn't click on that link but I admit I googled placenta recipes and came up with a bunch of interesting hits including this: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cookbook:Placenta_with_Broccoli


I am warning you, click only if you dare. The photo isn't gross but...really? A tasty dish that the whole family will love? No, you're not the only one who has a hard time with this.


"What's for dinner, Mom?" "Well, you're in for a real treat, kids, because I just gave birth."

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OK people, I just wanted to make sure that everyone who didn't know it all along, now realizes for certain that the OP is toying with us, and I'm sure she's having as much fun with it as the rest of us are having.


In case you missed it while you were still reeling from the image of men nursing their babies, she has now informed us that she thinks human placenta would be good sautéed with a garlic butter sauce. :ack2:


All aboard the RedLuNahTic Crazy train!!! :D. (Hey, she even has "lunatic" as part of her username... Just coincidence? I think not. :))


I thought she would have a tough time topping the 4-Hour Homemade Cereal thread, but this one takes the cake. I, for one, can't wait to see what she comes up with next. :)

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I didn't think Lun' Jr. was going up to people and bandying the word "disgusting" everywhere.  My main concern was for his future as a husband.  Which is what the OP was originally talking about.  She seemed proud of the fact that thanks to her efforts, her kid can't stomach the idea of eating anything that isn't "from scratch."  Personally that isn't something I'd be proud of.

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Oh. My. Goodness. I didn't click on that link but I admit I googled placenta recipes and came up with a bunch of interesting hits including this: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cookbook:Placenta_with_Broccoli


I am warning you, click only if you dare. The photo isn't gross but...really? A tasty dish that the whole family will love? No, you're not the only one who has a hard time with this.


"What's for dinner, Mom?" "Well, you're in for a real treat, kids, because I just gave birth."


That really did make me Laugh Out Loud. I could totally picture it, mom in her apron holding a casserole dish...

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