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PSA, Please don't text and drive


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My brother could have been killed today. Some moron going 80mph was texting and rear-ended him on the interstate. He has a concussion and whiplash. I think the guy who hit him should be charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Just needing to vent. Thanks

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We had a few near accidents on US 101 due to people holding their cellphone and talking while driving. We do see more California Highway Patrol cars recently so maybe they are ramping up the patrolling for Summer. Hope your brother have a smooth recovery.

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My brother could have been killed today. Some moron going 80mph was texting and rear-ended him on the interstate. He has a concussion and whiplash. I think the guy who hit him should be charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Just needing to vent. Thanks


I think a few years ago there was a case where a lady was texting and caused a major collision which killed a few people. She was charged with involuntary manslaughter or something like that. I'm not sure what happened with the case, though.

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I've heard of more terrible accidents because of texting while driving. When my husband was at a rehab institute following his stroke, there was a 21 year-old college student there too. She had been a top student at her university, standing on the street corner one day. A man was texting on this phone, ran through the red light and up the curb and right into her head. She was severely brain-damaged, and was like a young child again. She had to relearn absolutely everything. I talked to her mother every day, and she told me the driver of the car never even went to jail.


I hope your brother recovers well, and am so glad it wasn't even more serious.


It makes me so darn mad.

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I'm so glad he is okay. I don't know if I'm getting old or if driver's are really getting that bad, but it just seems so crazy sometimes. The other day there was a car swerving on the interstate and I knew something was wrong. I tried to stay out of its way but ended up needing to pass it. As I passed, I saw the young woman driving with a cell phone in one hand and a burger in the other. :huh: It makes me really grateful that we didn't have the distraction of cell phones while driving when I was a teenager.

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I think a few years ago there was a case where a lady was texting and caused a major collision which killed a few people. She was charged with involuntary manslaughter or something like that. I'm not sure what happened with the case, though.


I've heard of more terrible accidents because of texting while driving. When my husband was at a rehab institute following his stroke, there was a 21 year-old college student there too. She had been a top student at her university, standing on the street corner one day. A man was texting on this phone, ran through the red light and up the curb and right into her head. She was severely brain-damaged, and was like a young child again. She had to relearn absolutely everything. I talked to her mother every day, and she told me the driver of the car never even went to jail.


I hope your brother recovers well, and am so glad it wasn't even more serious.


It makes me so darn mad.




It's just so sad and avoidable. My heart goes out to these families.

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I'm so glad he is okay. I don't know if I'm getting old or if driver's are really getting that bad, but it just seems so crazy sometimes. The other day there was a car swerving on the interstate and I knew something was wrong. I tried to stay out of its way but ended up needing to pass it. As I passed, I saw the young woman driving with a cell phone in one hand and a burger in the other. :huh: It makes me really grateful that we didn't have the distraction of cell phones while driving when I was a teenager.



On Shark Tank the other night, there was a group of teens who had invented a new steering wheel that had a sensor built in that would record dangerous hand situations -- no hands, one hand, or two hands at the top of the wheel, which I guess is a common position for texting while driving. The data would be recorded and sent to the parents, so that they would know when their teen had been driving irresponsibly.


The Sharks all passed on it, saying they didn't see it going anywhere. The kids had even had a chance to present their idea to President Obama, who told them he would buy one when his daughter starts driving.

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On Shark Tank the other night, there was a group of teens who had invented a new steering wheel that had a sensor built in that would record dangerous hand situations -- no hands, one hand, or two hands at the top of the wheel, which I guess is a common position for texting while driving. The data would be recorded and sent to the parents, so that they would know when their teen had been driving irresponsibly.


The Sharks all passed on it, saying they didn't see it going anywhere. The kids had even had a chance to present their idea to President Obama, who told them he would buy one when his daughter starts driving.



The thing is most of the time when I see people weaving while talking on cell phones or texting - it's not teens. It's older drivers who should know better. It's been ridiculous around here lately. Every time I've been out and about for the past week or so there are oncoming drivers who have swerved into my lane because of cell phone usage.

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The thing is most of the time when I see people weaving while talking on cell phones or texting - it's not teens. It's older drivers who should know better. It's been ridiculous around here lately. Every time I've been out and about for the past week or so there are oncoming drivers who have swerved into my lane because of cell phone usage.



This. It's almost always adults with the phone in their hands.

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Last night I was talking with a friend when her teen son came out of his youth group meeting and took her place as driver to head home. The first thing he did was take his cell phone out of his pocket and hand it to her. I loved it!


On our mission trip, the other two adults were texting dh for me while I drove. Almost got me in trouble before they fessed up to him. An hour later, he texted "To whomever has my wife's phone..."

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What I don't understand is why it's not ILLEGAL!


Maybe we need to write letters to Senators and Representatives?



It is illegal in California, 10 other states and DC. Does not stop people from killing themselves. That is partially why I do see California Highway Patrol out in full force during summers and major holidays. They are catching drunk drivers at the same time.


For California


For the US




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IT CAN WAIT!!!!!!!!!!




Have you seen those commercials where they show a crumpled car, the face of someone who died, and the text message they had just sent, or were in the process of sending?


It is NEVER such an important message that it's worth an accident.

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I wish they would make it illegal. Even out in the sticks where we are I see them swerving all over the road. I used to assume alcohol or drugs. Nowadays, when I pass them, it's usually texting.


It especially frustrates me because I'm teaching our last dc to drive. And it's beyond me how to teach a person to drive defensively to protect themselves from the texters. It's usually not too hard to spot a drunk/drugged up driver. Or an elderly driver who shouldn't be driving at all. But the texters?? It's so eratic and unpredictable. I've even passed semi drivers who were texting. :glare: Imagine the damage one of those rigs could do .... :glare: :glare:


I'm sorry about your brother.



If it's not illegal in your state, contact your state representatives. It's illegal in many states. When it's a state issue, it's easier for people to impact legislation.

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hugs. glad your brother will be okay. even going 25mph is too fast to text and drive. I was behind some guy who was driving, went up on the curb and into the planted median for awhile before coming back down into the road. sure enough - it was some 20ish kid texting . . . they say texting and driving is like drunk driving, and I totally agree. I first thought he had to be drunk.

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I was watching a segment of the evening news. According to the NTSB, adults are the biggest offenders of texting while driving. They did a study and discovered that it takes the average person 4.6 seconds to read a text. If this is done while driving, it is the equivalent of driving blindfolded, no hands on the wheel, the length of a football field.

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