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Today at Target


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Target was clearing out all of the summer items, setting up shelves for school supplies. I'm not ready... Can I please just enjoy a bit of vacation first before I stockpile? Then at Staples I was offered the 15% school savings pass. :huh:



Well, I am furiously working on lesson plans for the coming year at co-op, and I realized yesterday how little time I have left and how much there is to do.


I was afraid you were going to say Target was putting out Christmas stuff .....

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Woohoo! I need notebook paper, rulers, pencils...


School supply list can be very expensive. The only way many people can get them at all is it they buy a bit every week over the summer. If school starts in August, and it does for many, and they start after July 4th, that only leaves maybe 2-3 paychecks to spread what might be a huge expense out over.

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Yikes, the public school 2012 - 2013 year isn't even over yet here in NY. We didn't even use extra snow days; that is just the normal school year. I do agree it does cost a lot to obtain all of the required supplies & the more time the better. But, I am watching the neighborhood bus stop as I type. Hard to shift to next year's school supplies :(

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Typical of Target. They get their swimsuits out in February. I remember once trying to buy a sweatshirt for my kids in January and they didn't have them anymore. I love that store but it is not the place to buy seasonal items during the season.

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Today is the last day of ps here, but we start school back in July. The result is that we have to make do with a lot of our old school supplies the first few weeks of school, because the big sales aren't until at least mid-August. I refuse to pay full price for all the binders we use.

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Here the year round schools start their year on July 8. On of my neighbors is an actuary for Target & said that our local stores have been asking the corporate offices for a few years to be allowed to put school supplies out earlier and to have sales on a different schedule, but as far as I know, it hasn't worked out. I know last year for Target, the "official" start of the back to school season was July 4.

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We don't even have any year round schools in our area and the stores still put their supplies out really early. Our schools have only been out for a week. I hope the summer stuff stays in the stores for awhile because this is the first week I've had a chance to even think about summer!

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I'm sure they've researched this stuff and somehow it makes them sell more... But it always seems really odd to me. And, obviously, frustrating.


School just got out here and the pools aren't even fully open. Our Target does usually wait to put out the school supplies since school doesn't start until Labor Day here usually.

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Walmart had a full display of Christmas trees up in September last year! I was floored. Our schools here start the second week of August so they get stuff out pretty early around here. I was just thinking yesterday how fast this month is going! We'll be back to school before we know it!

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I'm sure they've researched this stuff and somehow it makes them sell more... But it always seems really odd to me. And, obviously, frustrating.


School just got out here and the pools aren't even fully open. Our Target does usually wait to put out the school supplies since school doesn't start until Labor Day here usually.


Yep, because I buy stuff early and then can't find it when I need it - so I buy more.

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I just checked and our local public school starts on August 1st. (wow, I remember starting after Labor Day!) I guess I better start watching for all the back to school sales.

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here there are already adverts for Christmas buying on the T.V.



My Walmart has put up a Christmas tree but is decorating it by season. It has fun, cute things on it that aren't Christmasy. I guess they will decorate it for school, fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving.

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I think stores in general are still keeping low inventory. I think they may be putting up displays early to fill up space so the shelves don't look bare.



This is an interesting point, and I bet there's some truth to it. Selection everywhere has been abysmal for the past few years.

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