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What grade level would you consider these children?


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please just humor my postpartum brain. IF you count grade levels, what grade levels would you put these children in?


11yo- turns 12 in January

8yo- turns 9 in December

6yo- turns 7 in December

4yo- turns 5 in 3 weeks

3yo- turns 4 in November

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In the fall?


11yo would be 6th grade.

8yo would be 3rd grade (in most states)

6yo would be first grade (in most states)

4yo would be kindergarten.

3yo would be preschool (I don't use the term "pre-kindergarten")


ETA: Most states have cut-off dates of September 1-ish.


It would not occur to me to not enroll a child in kindergarten who was 5 in July. And as a homeschooler, "maturity" and the cut-off date of the state where I live are irrelevant, because you're going to teach whatever he is capable of learning, regardless of what his grade level on paper might be.

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please just humor my postpartum brain. IF you count grade levels, what grade levels would you put these children in?


11yo- turns 12 in January 6th in fall 2013

8yo- turns 9 in December 3rd fall 2013

6yo- turns 7 in December 1st fall 2013

4yo- turns 5 in 3 weeks preK fall 2013

3yo- turns 4 in November preschool

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Sixth, 3rd, 1st, K, preschool (fall 2013) would be typical here. It still depends on the child, especially for kids with late summer birthdays. My younger DD is almost a year younger than some of her classmates because she turned 5 just before the K cutoff in late August. One of older DD's classmates is a year older because she was "red-shirted" and didn't start school until after she could have based on age.

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11yo- turns 12 in January--6th in the fall

8yo- turns 9 in December--3rd in the fall

6yo- turns 7 in December--1st in the fall

4yo- turns 5 in 3 weeks--K in the fall

3yo- turns 4 in November--Will be K age in fall 2015


This is according to the September 1 cutoff in my state.

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11yo- turns 12 in January 6th

8yo- turns 9 in December 3rd

6yo- turns 7 in December 1st

4yo- turns 5 in 3 weeks K

3yo- turns 4 in November not in a grade


I notice you're getting the most disagreement on the nearly-5yo. My 4yos turned 5 today and I consider them K in the fall.

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please just humor my postpartum brain. IF you count grade levels, what grade levels would you put these children in?


11yo- turns 12 in January

8yo- turns 9 in December

6yo- turns 7 in December

4yo- turns 5 in 3 weeks

3yo- turns 4 in November



Did I miss a WTM Baby announcement!?! When did you go from pregnant to postpartum?


Congrats on your little one!

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Rule of thumb (altering around 7th grade if need be) is birthday as of Sept 1st minus 5 equals grade level.


11yo- turns 12 in January 6th

8yo- turns 9 in December 3rd

6yo- turns 7 in December 1st

4yo- turns 5 in 3 weeks Kindy (though I'll be honest that I struggle with summer bdays, wanting to redshirt many)

3yo- turns 4 in November preschool

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Okay, good. This seems to be the general consensus, and that is right where I have them.


We have Dec cutoff; Summer and fall bdays are parents' choice. Dec cutoff is either the first or the 31st, depending on district.


Maybe this is what is throwing me off. My December birthdays suddenly seem too "old" for the grades they are going into, and it makes me wonder.


Did I miss a WTM Baby announcement!?! When did you go from pregnant to postpartum?


Congrats on your little one!


Thank you :) I did not post an announcement, but here's one of my favorite pictures of him (he's 11 days old now) :)



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please just humor my postpartum brain. IF you count grade levels, what grade levels would you put these children in?


11yo- turns 12 in January - starting sixth grade in the fall

8yo- turns 9 in December - starting third grade in the fall

6yo- turns 7 in December - starting first grade in the fall

4yo- turns 5 in 3 weeks - starting K in the fall

3yo- turns 4 in November - starting pre-K in the fall


I think. Don't quote me; it's late here, LOL.

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please just humor my postpartum brain. IF you count grade levels, what grade levels would you put these children in?


11yo- turns 12 in January

8yo- turns 9 in December

6yo- turns 7 in December

4yo- turns 5 in 3 weeks

3yo- turns 4 in November


In our state you would have 6th, 3rd, 1st, k and pre prek for your youngest.

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please just humor my postpartum brain. IF you count grade levels, what grade levels would you put these children in?


11yo- turns 12 in January 6th

8yo- turns 9 in December 3rd

6yo- turns 7 in December 1st

4yo- turns 5 in 3 weeks maybe K, with the possibility of 2 years of K depending on readiness and progress

3yo- turns 4 in November no grade

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Where're I Iive has an easy way to figure it out. You don't have to think of birth months, it's done by birth years. (so a cut off of Dec. 31)


Born in 2003 would be currently in grade 4, going into grade 5 after the summer.

Born in 2004 would be currently in grade 3, going into grade 4 after the summer.

Born in 2005 would be currently in grade 2, going into grade 3 after the summer.

Born in 2006 would be currently in grade 1, going into grade 2 after the summer.


..... And so on....


I personally don't know anyone who has red shirted. I'm not sure how common it is in these parts of Canada.


This does mean my Youngest who turns 8 at the end of November is in grade 2 and will be starting grade 3 after the Summer holidays.

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Where're I Iive has an easy way to figure it out. You don't have to think of birth months, it's done by birth years. (so a cut off of Dec. 31)


Born in 2003 would be currently in grade 4, going into grade 5 after the summer.

Born in 2004 would be currently in grade 3, going into grade 4 after the summer.

Born in 2005 would be currently in grade 2, going into grade 3 after the summer.

Born in 2006 would be currently in grade 1, going into grade 2 after the summer.


..... And so on....


I personally don't know anyone who has red shirted. I'm not sure how common it is in these parts of Canada.


This does mean my Youngest who turns 8 at the end of November is in grade 2 and will be starting grade 3 after the Summer holidays.




Interesting. So that would put my 2 December birthdays "behind." And it would put my 5yo into pre-K instead of K. Huh.

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Our cut off is Sept 15th. That would make them 6th, 3rd, 1st, K and PK in the fall. However, your getting ready to turn 5 y/o may or may not be ready for K. Some are, some aren't. It's good to look at academic and emotional maturity when deciding. My now almost 20 y/o was MORE than ready academically to start K at barely 5. Emotionally, however, it would have been beneficial for him to have waited a year. One of my summer day care boys waited a year before starting and he is at the top of his class, great decision for him. I know others that have early Sept birthdays and do well going straight into K. It really depends on the child. If the grade decision is for something simple like church or a co-op then it isn't quite as important to wait, or not. To go into a school building (public or private) at just turned 5, I'd give it very careful consideration (and prayer).

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The only one that would be "iffy" here is the 4yo turning 5 -- our "potential" Kers have to go through a readiness evaluation. If they don't pass in one area, they are recommended to sit-out for a year (academic, social/emotional, physical). The "test' is given in June. All of mine would have passed the academic readiness, the only one that was tested didn't pass the social/emotional readiness, but I have 2 others that I would have been asked to keep back as well.

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