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Starbucks dirty diaper incident


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I was told that the building codes for private homes provide that you can't even have a bathroom door opening into your own kitchen area. It must be more than just a personal preference to not deal with poop while eating.

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If you couldn't see it, you would almost certainly smell it.


It IS disgusting.


OK then.


I was told that the building codes for private homes provide that you can't even have a bathroom door opening into your own kitchen area. It must be more than just a personal preference to not deal with poop while eating.


Yeah, didn't say that.

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I was told that the building codes for private homes provide that you can't even have a bathroom door opening into your own kitchen area. It must be more than just a personal preference to not deal with poop while eating.



Fascinating. When we were first married, my husband and I shared a studio apartment in one of the nicer, newer buildings in a downtown area. Wouldn't you know it, the bathroom door opened right into the kitchen area. I'd think that a whole building full of people would have stricter codes than a single family dwelling, but maybe not. Truth be told, in an apartment that size, it wouldn't have mattered where the bathroom door opened...

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At my local outdoor swimming pool, they have a sign up by the grassy area next to the pool, requesting that all diapers be changed in the bathroom, by order of the Health Department. Note that this is a swimming pool, and food is not normally allowed there either, but fecal matter is general seen as incompatible with the activity at hand, and unsanitary.


I think any diaper should not be changed at the table. I don't know about these parents, but I wash my hands after cleaning up poop. I can't imagine going right back to my coffee and baked item.


I once saw a woman change a diaper on the floor of a hotel lobby. I was not amused. Can't people stop telling their stories for a few minutes even?


But anyway, changing one's own kid's poopy diapers is enough of a drag. I'd rather not live vicariously through a stinker at the next table. Suffice it to say that would not inspire a "When Harry Met Sally" scene for most of us...

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  • 2 months later...

I am @ Olive Garden for $6:95 Soup, salad, breadsticks. Studying for my LMFT. The couple next to me have a bad case of "first people to ever have a baby." They have their infant ON the table, mom holding her by the hips. And everything she does is cute.


My vote? Rude.



This reminded me of a story my grandmother told me: I was the first born grandchild and they had me on the table, just marveling at *everything* i did.  Just watching.  





I miss my grandmother.  SHe has pretty much lost all memory and a lot that made her "her".  Seeriously I am crying.  I think *I* need some rum! (that is a joke. I do not even drink often)


We were at their house though.


OK off to read the rest

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If changing their baby's diaper in the restaurant was against health code violations or if Starbucks has a rule against such a thing, they should have been politely told so. It's the employee's job to be courteous to customers. Is it a gross thing to do? Yes. I'm a total germaphobe. I won't even directly touch a bathroom doorknob. But people are more important. How hard is it to kindly ask them not to do that in the future and then, when they leave, walk into the backroom, grab a bottle of disinfectant, and then go to town on that table? I used to work at a Starbucks, and our manager never would have put up with an employee being anything but kind to a customer. 

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I was told that the building codes for private homes provide that you can't even have a bathroom door opening into your own kitchen area. It must be more than just a personal preference to not deal with poop while eating.

I've lived in at least one house with a bathroom directly off the kitchen. And one off the dining room. But those houses were built before building codes existed. Oh, my grandmother's house had a bath off the kitchen too, now that I think about it. Oh, my friend's house has a bath accessed through the kitchen. If it is a code, it must be a regional thing.

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I find diaper changing in restaurant seating areas to be totally disgusting and rude, if not against health regulations which it probably should be.  Oh, and I am 50 and did have  pull-ups on kids who are adults now or are older teenagers.  Yes, they have been out for a long time. 


Now I don't like hearing excuses about bad behavior with kids in restaurants.  I had ADHD kids and they quickly learned we don't stand on booths, we don't annoy people in booths or tables near us, we don't get out of our seats and run around, we don't throw food, etc, etc,  We didn't have issues and did have people come over a number of times and tell us how well our children behaved.  But we were working when they were young- making sure they weren't misbehaving, teaching correct behavior.  If we wanted to go out and have an evening or afternoon without the inconvenience of children, we left them at home with a babysitter or took them to one.  Otherwise, going out at that age was an inconvenience.  Parents of a one year old should have learned that by through experience.

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Post #322--what the heck?  Are you a native speaker of English?  Are you using voice recognition to type, and some weird things are happening?  Or is it something else, something we may not want to know....?


I like BLA5's theory of opium-induced free verse poetry.  Maybe we need to have a reading while someone beats a drum.


Edited:  A few spam posts were omitted, making all the post numbers different.  So disregard my comment above.  It isn't about the current post #322.

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My potty training toddlers have done this, but it is not because I intentionally removed their diaper on the seat. One is beyond anyone's control, the other is a consious choice people make, that is what makes the second situation inconsiderate to the other people in the restaurant as opposed to an accident. You should avoid changing your infant at the table for the simple reason than some of the other patrons may be uncomfortable with it. They have a right to eat at a restaurant without witnessing a diaper change.



So kids don't have a RIGHT to an education and no one has a RIGHT to healthcare but, we now have the RIGHT to no witness diaper changes?

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Can someone with caffeine in thier system explain post 310 to me?

Now that the spam has been removed MY post is #310!


If only I hadn't given up caffeine my brain would be able to come up with some witty thing to say here.



ETA- whoever posts next gets #322 and Prairiesong's quip.......so make it a good one!

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I had to laugh at this thread. I have changed a total of 2 diapers in a fast food booth. Both times after asking if there was somewhere to change the baby. Both times we were traveling so it wasn't like changing him could wait. I completely covered the booth area, changed him, threw the dirty in a wet bag and then cleaned the seat before cleaning my hands. Was it ideal? No but thankfully no one threw a fit because it needed to be done.  


I also change my baby in my kitchen......well kind of I change him on top of my washing machine which is in the dining room/kitchen area of my apartment. The diaper goes from his bum to the diaper pail or to the bathroom for a swish and flush depending on the contents. I then wash said diapers in my diningroom/kitchen area. 


And for heaven's sake if you don't want to sit in your $*&t for half an hour, don't make your baby. There is no reason to not make an effort to change baby quickly versus putting your baby back in their car seat to wait for a diaper change later. It isn't just about preventing rashes, it is about being respectful of your children.

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Now that the spam has been removed MY post is #310!


If only I hadn't given up caffeine my brain would be able to come up with some witty thing to say here.



ETA- whoever posts next gets #322 and Prairiesong's quip.......so make it a good one!


Haha!  And now apparently *I* was commenting on a post below me that hadn't even been made yet!  What the heck was up with that spammer?  What was that twisted English all about?

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I had to laugh at this thread. I have changed a total of 2 diapers in a fast food booth. Both times after asking if there was somewhere to change the baby. Both times we were traveling so it wasn't like changing him could wait. I completely covered the booth area, changed him, threw the dirty in a wet bag and then cleaned the seat before cleaning my hands. Was it ideal? No but thankfully no one threw a fit because it needed to be done.  


I also change my baby in my kitchen......well kind of I change him on top of my washing machine which is in the dining room/kitchen area of my apartment. The diaper goes from his bum to the diaper pail or to the bathroom for a swish and flush depending on the contents. I then wash said diapers in my diningroom/kitchen area. 


And for heaven's sake if you don't want to sit in your $*&t for half an hour, don't make your baby. There is no reason to not make an effort to change baby quickly versus putting your baby back in their car seat to wait for a diaper change later. It isn't just about preventing rashes, it is about being respectful of your children.


Another option is taking the baby out to the car for a diaper change, unless it's freezing cold.  I've never changed a baby in the middle of a restaurant, but I have done it in the car many times.

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Another option is taking the baby out to the car for a diaper change, unless it's freezing cold.  I've never changed a baby in the middle of a restaurant, but I have done it in the car many times.


Normally I would have. Both times it was raining! Sorry forgot to mention that one.

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I guess I missed the poetry. Was wondering why this thread was bumped up.

Change in the diaper

Bathroom, booth, both

Silverish pin poke my mother

Weeping trash, man




Click on the innocuous smiley



Not as good (or strange) as what greeted us this morning, but it will help you get the idea.

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Change in the diaper

Bathroom, booth, both

Silverish pin poke my mother

Weeping trash, man




Click on the innocuous smiley



Not as good (or strange) as what greeted us this morning, but it will help you get the idea.

I shudder at "silverfish pin." I see now that I misread, but I'm still icked out.

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Change in the diaper

Bathroom, booth, both

Silverish pin poke my mother

Weeping trash, man




Click on the innocuous smiley



Not as good (or strange) as what greeted us this morning, but it will help you get the idea.


When you change looking in the diaper.  

Oh my.  What you find.  

Child be in her native place.




Quoth Nbayyed, nevermore

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More or less icked than at the thought of a diaper being changed in the booth of a dining establishment?



More, believe it or not. *shudder*

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Well spammer poet is gone now and we were just having a bit of fun.

Yeah, but if people start reading the thread from the beginning without noticing the date, the whole Dirty Diaper Debacle might start all over again.


I wonder how long it will be before spammer poet comes back with a new username. For everyone's sake, I hope he sticks with haiku next time. At least it's shorter. ;)

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