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UPDATE 6/4 getting ready to leave (was DH looking at house today)


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Some of you know that my dh moved away more than a year ago. He has a good job in ND. Today he is looking at a rental in Montana. Could you please pray for us? We have to move this month. There are other issues and this entire situation is so very stressful. My kids emotions are running high. Heck everyone's emotions are running crazy.

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So it went well. The two women who own it, just bought it from a woman who ran a home for adult for the last 20 years. She is retiring and moving. He told them that he would trade work that needs to be done for a decrease in rent/deposit. Tomorrow he is going to put together a little proposal for them. I like the sound of it. Three floors, newer electric, brand new boiler, 5 bedrooms, 12 ft tall ceilings and utilities included.


I hope it is meant to be. I am so ready to move ladies (and the few gents too). I am ready to have my family back together. I long to share a cup of coffee with my husband.


The joy of being able to say the boy did this today and I need you to have a man to man talk with him.



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  • 2 weeks later...

very exciting! and very stressful, too. reintegrating family is inevitably both fun and not-so-fun.....

i have trouble with sharing the decision-making after dh has been gone for a while, and he has trouble with not being able to suddenly do whatever he thinks of....

and we both struggle with the reality that isn't perfect. (we tend to remember one another and our relationship and our family as perfect, and then the real world appears ;)


hope it all goes swimmingly!


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Yeah the power struggle thing is difficult. We were Coasties before, so we have dealt with it. Just not this long before.


I am so tired of packing. It isn't like when you are nearby and do a couple of loads. It must all go at once.



The once and for all packing is overwhelming!

How is the house? Let the unimportant boxes sit for a few days while you get acclimated.

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We are here. Everyone has been really nice here. Our oldest had to go to the hospital and everyone was really caring with him. It has been a crazy week.


It is beautiful here. I can get to anything I need in a 5 minute drive. The park, library, and thrift store are just a walk down the street.



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