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Dance Moms. :(

This week, one of the mothers to the others that she is going to homeschool her dds because she thinks they need more time, that they don't get enough sleep etc.

The other moms freaked out. Staged, or not, the mom wanting to hs was read the riot act by the other moms, including one who used to be a school principal.

You can watch the whole episode at www.mylifetime.com (Episode 15, Season 3.)

It's actually a very sad episode, and imo, it is child exploitation.


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Whatever! I religiously watch Duck Dynasty. And by religiously, I mean I have been known to cut short the confirmation class I teach on Wednesday nights to make it home in time for Duck Dynasty. Don't judge. I'm from Louisiana.

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I love Dance Moms and I don't have a dancer daughter. She got the idea to homeschool from that dancer from California's mom. Sophia. She's homeschooled and spends a large part of her day dancing since she can get done with school in the morning and have all afternoon to dance. I haven't watched the specific episode yet (I'm on vacation in Ireland... but it's recorded on my DVR waiting for me when I get home next week!). Was it Melissa? When Sophia's mom said Sophia was homeschooled all the others were like "that's so dumb" but Melissa was like "hmmm... sounds interesting..." and later defended the idea of homeschooling to the other moms when one of them (Christy I think) brought it up again as such a terrible thing. Because, you know, homeschooling is so terrible, but exploiting your daughter's talents is perfectly fine and normal.


BTW, my cousin's sister lives in Pittsburgh and has dancer daughters (who are pretty much grown now) and she knows Abbey and is well aware of Abbey reputation (her daughters danced at a different studio). She said some of the stuff that goes on on the show is totally edited and blown up for the screen (as is all "reality" TV), but not all of it.

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Yeah, okay, I'll admit it, too. Dance Moms and Vampire Diaries are my own, personal favorite guilty viewing.


My son dances. And the parental dynamic on the show often reminds me of one of his former studios, although thankfully not the one where he is now.


I thought the ganging up on Melissa with regard to homeschooling this past week was just plain odd. Honestly, most of the even semi-serious performer kids we know homeschool. So, I find it difficult to believe there aren't others at the ALDC studio who already home educate. It just shouldn't be such a crazy, unfamiliar idea to the moms.


It does feel like I've crossed some invisible point of no return by actually discussing this show online, though.

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I love Dance Moms and I don't have a dancer daughter. She got the idea to homeschool from that dancer from California's mom. Sophia. She's homeschooled and spends a large part of her day dancing since she can get done with school in the morning and have all afternoon to dance. I haven't watched the specific episode yet (I'm on vacation in Ireland... but it's recorded on my DVR waiting for me when I get home next week!). Was it Melissa? When Sophia's mom said Sophia was homeschooled all the others were like "that's so dumb" but Melissa was like "hmmm... sounds interesting..." and later defended the idea of homeschooling to the other moms when one of them (Christy I think) brought it up again as such a terrible thing. Because, you know, homeschooling is so terrible, but exploiting your daughter's talents is perfectly fine and normal.


BTW, my cousin's sister lives in Pittsburgh and has dancer daughters (who are pretty much grown now) and she knows Abbey and is well aware of Abbey reputation (her daughters danced at a different studio). She said some of the stuff that goes on on the show is totally edited and blown up for the screen (as is all "reality" TV), but not all of it.

Our studio owner judged a comp they did and the behind the scenes was exactly like the show. She was appalled at the way the kids are spoken to off camera and the fighting among the moms. Girls crying, fingers pointing......it was bad.

Anyway, what is Ancient aliens? I just got hooked on Storm Chasers and watched the whole 3 seasons in a week. :huh:

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Guest inoubliable

I've never heard of this show! Why don't some moms allow their kids to watch it? It's a reality TV show, right? I mean, I know lots of families (including the kids) who watch reality TV.


I watch Judge Judy when I can catch it on TV. LOL.

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No judgement here - I watch it! My dancer daughter, however, refuses to watch, saying it's "too painful". Her first studio was a lot like Miss Abbey's.....which is why she is no longer there. For me it's more like watching something and thinking, "That could be us in another life."

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I watch online every week. I have the Lifetime App JUST for this purpose. What's the deal with a 2-hour episode from two weeks ago that I can't access? I haven't watched this week yet?


I tease my bellydance students and tell them we're getting a pyramid. My 13-year-old son watches sometimes, but he talks all the way through it. He HAS to comment on every outrageous moment and there are so many. I hide and watch sometimes.

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I don't watch Dance Moms....that studio is the antithesis of a serious dance studio. However, my dd and all of her fellow dancers were homeschooled. They attended a full day pre-professional studio where being homeschooled was a requirement for attendance. Almost every serious dance student I know is homeschooled. Just another reason why Dance Moms is...off...in its portrayal of students in a serious, pre-professional, dance program.

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I cannot judge. I watch My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.


I won't judge. But someday someone is going to have to explain the appeal of "reality" television. Maybe if it were actually real. I see it in the same light as that WW-something wrestling. (Dh loves that.)


I don't see them as being much different than soap operas. Although some things are surely staged, there are elements of truth about the microcosms that they represent. Many of them are like anthropology projects-shedding light on groups you may not have known anything about before. ;)

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I don't watch Dance Moms....that studio is the antithesis of a serious dance studio. However, my dd and all of her fellow dancers were homeschooled. They attended a full day pre-professional studio where being homeschooled was a requirement for attendance. Almost every serious dance student I know is homeschooled. Just another reason why Dance Moms is...off...in its portrayal of students in a serious, pre-professional, dance program.


While I agree about some of this, I will say that the studio of which the ALDC reminds me most strongly--in terms of the dynamic among the moms and some other factors--is the very well-respected pre-pro ballet school my son attended for six years. I have seriously never met more adult women who behaved like middle schoolers, albeit middle schoolers with gym memberships and luxury SUVs, than I did while he was enrolled there.


I knew some lovely ladies, too. But in general, just wow.


It took my son almost three years after walking away from that environment to remember he loves to dance.

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Duck dynasty is the only "reality" show I watch and I comment throughout the entire thing that I hope it's not real that Willie is willing to endure all that crap from Jace bc I don't know that there's enough money in anything for me to do it. We really like Phil and Kay though.


I watch a lot of stupid stuff. Just like I read some stupid stuff sometimes. To me, watching vampire diaries at 2 am while nursing is no different than reading Twilight. It's not like I'm doing it thinking I'm gaining some deep insight into the human condition or a complicated spiritual enlightenment. It's fluff fun and laughs. *shrugs*


I seem to be on a fairy tale/Armageddon streak.


Grimm (tho the current stupidity over his girlfriend is so annoying I'm about ready to be done. If he wants to be with her, then hop to already. )


Once upon a time


Walking dead (seriously?! I have no idea how people too stupid to not shoot the governor have made it so far. Ridiculously unbelievable. )


True Blood. The books were nothing like the tv show which sadly requires lots of fast forwarding.


Vampire diaries which I bet doesn't make another season bc the characters are just going round the drain.


The middle

Raising hope

Go on


Falling skies



It's tv. Not Plato's Republic. *shrug*


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Yes, it is Melissa, mom of Maddie and Makenzie, who is going to hs. The M family. lol


The girls I know who are not allowed to watch have moms who refuse trash TV on principle. They don't allow T & T, Honey Boo Boo etc.


My dd and I watch it on the computer the next day as we don't have cable. I haven't met a dancer yet who doesn't gravitate towards it in some way, sometimes. Same for Bun Heads, the docu First Position, So You Think You Can Dance, and that one about the Australian ballet school. So far, my dd is only 'hooked' on DM and FP. Les Miz is also a sleepover staple, along with First Position. They especially love to scream over the scenes in FP with Miko's mom's no- fat, low- calorie diet for her twig of a daughter who dances hours and hours a week, and is also hs'd, btw. (The girls giggle, horrified, imagining Mom dropping her off at the studio, "Here Miko, have a twig of broccoli and a bite of steamed chicken. I'll pick you up in 8 hours.") Although you can't argue with level of talent, devotion, and killer hard work. That child is brilliant.


DM is a horrible show. I think it's worse that Ts & Ts.

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I am guilty of watching dance moms. My daughter watches with me. I use it as a springboard for discussions on appropriate behavior. I also explain how reality tv works and how so much of it is blown out of proportion for the cameras. I am not surprised that Melissa is thinking about homeschooling or that the other moms were over the top in being against it. It all makes for good trash tv.

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Oh, there is nothing about that studio that is serious about ballet. It's a competition studio, with lots of flips and tricks. I'm not saying some of those girls won't someday be flipping and flying on a music video, or tapping on Broadway, but ballerinas they are not. They don't even do real barre work. One of the girls looks (with the right training) like she could be a real ballet dancer, but she says she wants to be a Rockette. It's about the tricks for this studio. Sure, there is some yakking about technique, but it's in no way a pre pro ballet school. I don't see that any of the girls on the show are interested in being ballet dancers.


I don't watch Dance Moms....that studio is the antithesis of a serious dance studio. However, my dd and all of her fellow dancers were homeschooled. They attended a full day pre-professional studio where being homeschooled was a requirement for attendance. Almost every serious dance student I know is homeschooled. Just another reason why Dance Moms is...off...in its portrayal of students in a serious, pre-professional, dance program.


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Yes, it is Melissa, mom of Maddie and Makenzie who is going to hs. The M family. lol


The girls I know who are not allowed to watch, have moms who refuse trash TV on principle. They don't allow T & T, Honey Boo Boo etc.


My dd and I watch it on the computer the next day as we don't have cable. I haven't met a dancer yet who doesn't gravitate towards it in some way, sometimes. Same for Bun Heads, the docu First Position, So You Think You Can Dance, and that one about the Australian ballet school. So far, my dd is only 'hooked' on DM and FP. Les Miz is also a sleepover staple, along with First Position. They especially love to scream over the scenes in FP with Miko's mom's no- fat, low- calorie diet for her twig of a daughter who dances hours and hours a week, and is also hs'd, btw. (The girls giggle, horrified, imagining Mom dropping her off at the studio, "Here Miko, have a twig of broccoli and a bite of steamed chicken. I'll pick you up in 8 hours.") Although you can't argue with level of talent, devotion, and killer hard work. That child is brilliant.


It's a horrible show. I think it's worse that T & Ts.



Thanks for the reply. I've never heard of a couple of these shows.



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Duck dynasty is the only "reality" show I watch and I comment throughout the entire thing that I hope it's not real that Willie is willing to endure all that crap from Jace bc I don't know that there's enough money in anything for me to do it. We really like Phil and Kay though.


I watch a lot of stupid stuff. Just like I read some stupid stuff sometimes. To me, watching vampire diaries at 2 am while nursing is no different than reading Twilight. It's not like I'm doing it thinking I'm gaining some deep insight into the human condition or a complicated spiritual enlightenment. It's fluff fun and laughs. *shrugs*


I seem to be on a fairy tale/Armageddon streak.


Grimm (tho the current stupidity over his girlfriend is so annoying I'm about ready to be done. If he wants to be with her, then hop to already. )


Once upon a time


Walking dead (seriously?! I have no idea how people too stupid to not shoot the governor have made it so far. Ridiculously unbelievable. )


True Blood. The books were nothing like the tv show which sadly requires lots of fast forwarding.


Vampire diaries which I bet doesn't make another season bc the characters are just going round the drain.


The middle

Raising hope

Go on


Falling skies



It's tv. Not Plato's Republic. *shrug*


Grimm-totally agree

Walking Dead-yes PLEASE SHOOT the governor

True Blood-ick

Vampire Diaries-yes, so lame and needs to go

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There was quite a good one here that followed the New Zealand ballet company for a couple of seasons. I thought traditionally all serious dancers etc were homes hooked, tutored or educated at the dance/stage school. Gymnast who practice 5 hours a day in my opinion shouldn't also be expected to go to school go 6 hours and have no down time.

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I watch it, but not with Rebecca. I thought it was odd that they gave Melissa such a hard time about potentially homeschooling. It's well-known that high-level performing kids often get homeschooled.


Okay. Here's my confession. I watch all of the Real Housewives shows. :leaving:

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