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Sears portrait studio closed.


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I'm kind of sad about it, as silly as that sounds. I've been getting my kids' pictures done there since they were babies. Plus, my sister and I would get a group picture of her kids and mine every year. Now I have to find someplace new to go to. I do have a great camera, but my kids just won't sit for me like they do a photographer!

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I admit that Sears was high on my list of "studios to avoid" because of the abrasive, high-pressure sales tactics.


I'm a bit sorry, though, that in-store studios probably have passed their day, as noted. They serve a good purpose, especially for families.

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I think that type of studio is a dieing breed. The Walmart studios in our town have drastically reduced their hours. I keep expecting them to close.



Our Walmart studio has been gone for a while now. I do think it's sad, because sometimes you want a studio picture, and a professional photographer is just too expensive for most people.

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This makes me sad.


True story. Ten years ago, DH and I were BROKE and I had a sweet baby girl turing 1. I felt so bad that she didn't have any "real" pictures. I put her in her cutest outfit, took $20 out of the grocery money (we ate extra Ramen that week) and had her picture taken at Wal-Mart. It made me so happy and I love the pictures still. They are of my sweet girl and they are a reminder of how far we've come.

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This makes me sad.


True story. Ten years ago, DH and I were BROKE and I had a sweet baby girl turing 1. I felt so bad that she didn't have any "real" pictures. I put her in her cutest outfit, took $20 out of the grocery money (we ate extra Ramen that week) and had her picture taken at Wal-Mart. It made me so happy and I love the pictures still. They are of my sweet girl and they are a reminder of how far we've come.


I have pretty much an identical story. :(

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I hate the packages. I want more then one pose. I just got a coupon from Penny's for an $89 CD. I can take my 5 kids in and get all the pictures on a CD and print where and when I want. No sitting fee for "club" members, which I think was free. Now I just need to find time to do it.

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For those worried about the cost of hiring a photographer--try finding a college student majoring in it. Try finding a photographer just starting out. Buy local, I always say. :D You might be surprised.




i have a friend who is just turning pro in her mid-50s. her photos are amazing, and she is much more flexible and willing to spend time with families than her slightly more jaded colleagues.



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We have a lot of local photographers here, so going that route is easy.


As an alternative to Sears, though, there's always the Target Portrait Studio. Very inexpensive, and a quick route to "school pictures." We've used them in a pinch for holiday cards.

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We have never had Walmart or Target stores with portrait studios.


I used to take my kids to JCPenney or Sears, but they aren't close and I don't even know if they still have the studios. I've been going to Portrait Innovations for the last few years and I've been very happy with them. In fact, I waited too long to get my son's senior pictures and took him there and they got some really nice shots. The place is always really busy too.

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The Walmart studios locally did the same thing. Yesterday.


Yes, I believe the photo studios at Walmart and Sears were run by the same company. I could see locally that the Sears studio was struggling. Their hours were cut way down, and their packages became more generous in the past year or so.


I always hated their sales tactics as well, as someone above noted. I always turned down the "extra" photo sheets they printed out and tried to get you to buy when you picked up the photos. If the photos themselves were worth as much as they try to sell them for, then maybe they shouldn't print out a bunch that are going in the trash. But that's on them, not me.

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Oh no. We used to get the kids' pictures taken there. And then we got two more girls and the thought of taking all five of them over there and getting them to smile for a group portrait gave me hives. So, I found some good pictures I'd taken myself, enlarged them, framed them, and they're in my hallway now.

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Ha, this brings back some memories! I have so many pictures from when we were growing up. I agree it's the end of an era - in our particular area, everyone and their brother is a "photographer". Cameras nowadays are so sophisticated - I can put mine on something sturdy, set the timer, and get WAY better pics than I ever got at Sears.

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Years ago, I got DS' pictures done there - he was even one of the babies on the studio wall. I wasn't a fan of the high pressure sales tactics (I've never been pressured like that at Penney's, which we've also used), but the photographers did a wonderful job with ds. We had a terrible experience there, though, and never went back after that (I overheard the photographer and the assistant manager referring to my child as a little [ethnic slur].). We've gone to Penney's, or the Picture People, and haven't gone back.


I love getting those posed pictures every year, though! I have a whole photo album of them - I'm hoping all of them don't go under!

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