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Homeschool on snow days

Guest Bubblebee34

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I don't, because we have LOTS of snow days. We usually let the kids out in it for the first snow, and then settle in for school when they come in, but for the repeated later snows, they need to have school work done before heading out.


Now a drop-dead gorgeous day in the middle of March? THAT we'll take off for! :)

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I always told my kids that if we had 12 inches of snow that I'd cancel school. Since we live at sea level in western Washington, that was *very* unlikely! In reality though, I let them play outside as much as they wanted because snow is so rare here. We usually were able to get the basics done.

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Because we are currently a two family household, we will take snow days off It is next to impossible to do any schooling with my PS nieces and nephews home.


When we are back to being just us again, I allow for some snow time playing. Followed by hot coco and a read aloud but then we hit the books.

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We don"t take off. My kids aren't old enough to go out alone and I have too many too young (including a 5 month old) to take them out. We try to take them out when my husband gets home from work...on the rare occasion he stays home, we do it earlier. Generally speaking, there is no reason to skip. We will sometimes skip for gorgeous weather in early spring though.


When they are old enough to go out alone, I may let them skip. I loved snow days growing up. Hopefully, my kids will do the same...in a few years. They aren't old enough to care if they skip school or not yet anyway. :)

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We were on a snow flurry alert once, a couple of years ago. We waited all morning, looking out the window. For about fifteen minutes, flakes fell from the sky (though they melted as they hit the ground. Middle Girl and Wee Girl danced in the "snow" and no work was done that morning.


Middle Girl later admitted being surprised by the tiny flakes; cut-out paper snowflakes had led her to expect something quite a bit larger.


So yes, I suppose we took a snow day that day.

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We lived in the South up until 2 yrs ago, so snow is a novelty for us. Snow days are days to explore a new type of nature. Playing in the stuff and finding out there are many different types of snow has been a great science lesson. I also downloaded this


It has given us lots of things to do school wise while playing in the snow.

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Yep, definitely do school on snow days. We take off the entire month of December and whenever my husband happens to have off. We like to travel in the off season too. We are year around homeschoolers and don't follow the local school systems schedule.

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We do school on snow days too. The schools canceled earlier in the month for NOTHING! They were calling for several inches but we got literally nothing. What a waste of a day! We'll be done mid-May and they will still be going well into June. Also, for those nice spring days, I don't cancel school. We just call it a Nature Day;)

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We will take off the first snow of the year since the kids are excited to play in it at that point. By the end of winter, nobody is interested in being outside in the cold so it's just a normal school day unless we lose power.


We are much more likely to take off when the temperatures hit 50 degrees with sunshine anytime between November and April. We will more than likely take this afternoon off since it's looking like it will be one of those days.

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Snow is pretty rare around here, but we still don't take off. We do school as normal in the morning and then they can have the whole afternoon to play outside. I really don't see the point of taking off a full day because of snow. It's too cold to be out in it more than an hour or so at a time, so we might as well get some school accomplished that day.

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It just depends. I'd say it runs 50/50, but we generally only have a handful of snowy days a year here. Oldest DS doesn't care a bit for going out in it, so if we take the day off it's usually because I'm feeling lazy and want to spend the day curled up on the couch with a book, or DH is working from home (which throws off our routine).

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I've homeschooled my youngest dd from K and she's now finishing up 4th grade. I've never let her have a snow day off until one this year. In fact, we only have whatever days off my dh has from work, Christmas break, Thanksgiving and dd's birthday & my birthday. Unfortunately for us, both our birthdays fell on a weekend this year. We do this so we can get out earlier. We only have 5 weeks of school left. Dd will have some light schooling through the summer: reading, light math and survival/hunting training. Other than that, she's off.

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My mom never let us off for snow days when I was a kid. I rushed through my work and didn't learn much those days. It was torture to know that my friends were out sledding while I was stuck inside. We usually had fewer than 5 snow days each year.

It's not an issue for me now because we'll probably never get snow here. If we lived in a moderate climate where snow was a rare treat, I'd let my kids off. If we lived up north, I doubt we'd take off for snow.

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If my boys in private school have school cancelled, I give my kids at home the day off as well.


"Snow day" for us usually means there is a snow storm or a blizzard, snow alone isn't enough to close things down, so we usually aren't playing outside anyway on "snow days." But, the snow is there all winter, so there are plenty of other chances to build snow forts.


We lived down South for 4 years, I must admit I did not miss the snow. I really thought I would, having lived my whole life in areas that had snow on the ground all winter, but I didn't. But, I must admit that the summers down South were just as hard for me to deal with as below zero temps and snow.

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Where I live now, we don't have snow days- or at least haven't had any these last two winters. BUt we had lots of snowfall when we lived in Va and we did not take snow days off. They had less schoolwork because usually they were having to clear the driveway, and yes, they could sled too. But at least half a day of school work went on.

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We don't take off for snow days. We do, however, have the 70F rule. If it's 70, we don't have school. We only have about two weeks of nice weather in the spring and in the fall...and usually a day or so in January that is lovely before we enter the deep freeze of late Jan and Feb.


We have that same rule! Any time it cools down to the mid-70s, we scrap lessons in the afternoon and go outside and play. :D

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We have that same rule! Any time it cools down to the mid-70s, we scrap lessons in the afternoon and go outside and play. :D



Lol, us too. It has been SO incredibly beautiful here lately, I hate hate to bring the kids in. They've been playing outside for hours everyday. Planting, painting, finding worms, lizards, caterpillars, nature walks along the lake...it's just too good to miss. I figure there will be a time when the work load is too heavy to take so much time to play. But not now. Mine are only 8/5/2 and they are growing up way too fast. We still manage to get the three R's done daily, so I'm happy.

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Since it so rarely snows and *sticks* here, I definitely let the kids out to play if we have snow on the ground. There is usually time afterward to do school if necessary. Not a big deal. It's not like my kids will stay outside ALL day. We don't have the right clothing for that, so they get cold once the snow soaks through their layered clothes and knit gloves. :tongue_smilie:

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There was a snow day last month and we did light school that day. Math and history, I think because I started our math books late and want to finish by the end of the year and history because we were doing a Pope/conclave study and was trying to get done before the new Pope was chosen.

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We don't take snow days. We don't have all the super warm, play out in the snow all day clothes. We do schoolwork and take a break when we have the best chance for sledding (sometimes the snow melts too fast!). We only stay out 15-20 minutes before we are too cold and then come in for hot chocolate or hot apple cider. There's just no reason to take the whole day off just to lay in the snow a few minutes.

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