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Need a breakfast idea

Guest inoubliable

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Guest inoubliable

We've been eating oatmeal for breakfast for months. With or without fruit. I'm still trying to figure out oatmeal in a crockpot. No one is exactly tired of it, no one is complaining. I find myself thinking that there must be something else out there, though. I can't think of anything. We don't like cereal and we're vegan so that leaves eggs and bacon out.


I've gotten some vegan bacon and sausage before. It's not very good.


English muffins? With jam?


Why can't I think of any vegan breakfast food??

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There are lots of other non-oatmeal hot cereals. :-) If you can find a vegan margarine (Nucoa is vegan, but it isn't available everywhere), try that along with molasses or maple syrup. Maybe some coconut milk. Yummo.


But yeah, ITA with "stuff to eat in the morning" instead of "breakfast."

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Guest inoubliable

Why don't you try thinking of "stuff to eat in the morning" instead of "breakfast?"


Eta: have you looked at the vegan lunchbox blog? She has lots of different ideas, some of them are sort of breakfastish.



Hmmm. I thought that blog was just lunch so I didn't think to check it out. I'll do that.


"Stuff to eat in the morning" around here could be leftover garlic broccoli, pasta, chocolate bars, or apples. Honestly, whatever three boys could find first in the kitchen would be fair game. And DH would back them on it, I'm sure. So long as they heated him a plate, too. That's all I can think of when I think "stuff to eat in the morning". :laugh:

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Guest inoubliable

Homemade muffins made with whole wheat flour and a side of warm, fresh applesauce? Peanut butter on toast?


MUFFINS! Seriously. Why didn't "muffins" come to mind?? I can do muffins! Thank you!

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Guest inoubliable

There are lots of other non-oatmeal hot cereals. :-) If you can find a vegan margarine (Nucoa is vegan, but it isn't available everywhere), try that along with molasses or maple syrup. Maybe some coconut milk. Yummo.


But yeah, ITA with "stuff to eat in the morning" instead of "breakfast."


I've never heard of Nucoa. We use Earth Balance here. Now I'm thinking... a bag of granola, some fruit, molasses, vegan margarine, and some coconut milk. That sounds like dessert! I like that!

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Guest inoubliable

You could make milchreis with coconut milk:



You could make "breakfast" burritos with beans, rice and spinach?


We eat a lot of eggs around here (a LOT), so I am afraid I don't have tons of ideas that would work.



:drool5: I just put short grain white rice on my shopping list. The milchreis looks delicious! Thank you for linking that.


Breakfast burritos sound good, too. Now that you mention it, there are a lot of things I could throw into a breakfast burrito... hmmm...

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Guest inoubliable

Granola, maybe? Toast oatmeal, honey on a pan in the oven (or crockpot)- add in anything you'd like from cinnamon to dried fruits, etc...


I think I'm going to pick up some granola this week. We used to keep it around to snack on, but didn't use it for breakfast. I'm going to try that and see how everyone takes to it.

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Guest inoubliable

Honey isn't vegan. :-)



And, unfortunately, I haven't found a good substitute for it. I do miss honey in my tea. :( Bee Free Honee is supposed to be good, but I haven't tried it yet.

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Pumpkin pie, made with coconut or almond milk.




:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:



I am so bummed that I could only like this post once. Pie for Breakfast! W00t!


Fruit pies, veggie pies like pumpkin or squash, creamy pies like coconut or banana..... the vegan options are ENDLESS!


Oh! And how about Pocket Pies? The ultimate Grab-And-Go treat!


I think I'm drooling now.... :drool5:

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Guest inoubliable


I think I'm drooling now.... :drool5:



Seriously. I have no idea why I couldn't come up with these ideas myself. And, pie??? For breakfast? Yesssss.....

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Please remember that our motivation for veganism is ethics, not health, as you read the following list. With that disclaimer, our usual breakfast options include:


- hash browns (We've been experimenting with adding some onion and grated carrots, with limited success.)

- hash brown patties (My daughter likes these, while my son prefers the pan kind.)

- toast (made with home-baked wheat and nut bread).

- fresh fruit

- raisins

- soy milk

- smoothies made with OJ, frozen fruit and vegan protein powder

- oatmeal

- grits

- pancakes / waffles

- banana-chocolate chip muffins

- pumpkin muffins

- nuts sprinkled on various things (like the oatmeal, or, for me, on rice cakes spread with all-fruit jam)

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I think I'm going to pick up some granola this week.



Just make it! It's easier and far less expensive than store bought (depending on add-ins). I can't stand oatmeal, but love granola, and they're pretty much the same thing, so I'd much rather make granola to have in the mornings than oatmeal. We make a gallon at a time so it lasts a little while.

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Pumpkin pie, made with coconut or almond milk.





When I was vegan (wow, that sounds weird) ... I used to eat tofu scramble for breakfast. Sauteed onions and peppers, tofu, and a bunch of other stuff made up once or twice a week. I'd mix it with brown rice and soy sauce. It was yummy, but it sounds strange now. Hmmmm.


I like muffins. :)


Apples and nut butter? Nut butter and celery, or really anything?


Leftover dinner (one of my favorites)?

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Guest inoubliable


Just make it! It's easier and far less expensive than store bought (depending on add-ins). I can't stand oatmeal, but love granola, and they're pretty much the same thing, so I'd much rather make granola to have in the mornings than oatmeal. We make a gallon at a time so it lasts a little while.



Tell me more.... recipe? DH picked up my favorite Bear Naked granola this morning, but that's not likely to last long around here.

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Guest inoubliable

This thread is making me hungry.



Me too! I have two lbs of tofu in the fridge. I'm thinking it's tofu scramble tomorrow! Have a recipe for the baked oatmeal? I've tried several times to get it right in the crockpot and I just can't. :( I'm wondering if my settings are "off" from the directions because my crockpot is new - someone mentioned that as a possibility (Ellie, I think) and I'm just going to go with that because it's awful thinking you're so bad at preparing oatmeal that you could screw it up in a crockpot. :glare:

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My crockpot oatmeal is horrible. No one here will eat it. Someone here said that we should be using steel cut oats, which I never had. That might be my problem. You probably have steel cut oat though!


I think I used the Alton Brown baked oatmeal recipe someone here posted. Yum, double yum. Will try to find it for you.

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Waffles and fruit could work, I have a waffle recipe without eggs (I'm allergic) and you could easily substitute the butter and milk for vegan options, I've actually been thinking it would be nice with coconut milk.


If you google granola recipe you should get a tonne! And it is sooooo easy and much yummier to make your own because you can add and subtract things you like/dislike :)

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Along the lines of hash browns, what about roasted potatoes? My dd loves when we have roasted diced potatoes for dinner and there are enough leftover for breakfast the next day. If you make them the night before you'll want to warm them by frying (not microwave) to get the texture right. Then you could add some onions in too. And bell pepper. :drool5:


To roast I just mix the diced potatoes with olive oil and Canadian steak seasoning which is mostly salt, garlic powder and pepper. Roast at 400 until done . . . can't remember how long that is . . . 30 mins maybe?

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I posted our two fave baked oatmeals way on up there. I've got the non pb one sitting in the fridge ready to bake in the morning. It's so good warm with some pb on it, makes it like frosting. Just do a chia egg or your fave egg sub, and dairy subs, you can even replace the yogurt with more non dairy milk. I've used a cup of thick coconut milk for the yogurt and milk and it's yum!

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When my husband and I lived in Jordan, the typical breakfast was a bowl of warm fava beans drizzled with olive oil, with warm pita bread on the side. At first it sounded gross to me so early in the morning, but I got used to eating it at breakfast, and now I love it. I prepare it sometimes for breakfast as a special treat. :) Another plus is that I've realized that I feel better with some kind of protein in the morning instead of just carbs.

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Recipe? Gosh, I don't know. :) A bunch of oats, some sunseeds, some chopped almonds, and some sesame seeds mixed in a bowl. Then a mixture of oil and liquid sweetener (we use honey) warmed in a saucepan. Maybe it's 50/50? Look at some online recipes to see. Then pour liquid over dry and mix to evenly coat. Toast on low -- start at 325 for half an hour or so, then lower to 250 or so for awhile -- until dryish. Stir occasionally. We do it in two large 10x15 pans but you can use jelly roll pans, too. Harder to stir without spilling. Let cool before putting in storage containers.


Was that much help at all?

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Crockpot Oatmeal


1 cup steel cut oats to 4 cups water. Low overnight. A fav around here.



I have found, over the years, that the shape of my crockpot seemed to be an important variable in my oatmeal results. In my tall round one it work pretty well (although I never liked it as much as stove top). My current crockpot is oval and wide so the depth of the ingredients is shallow and they seem to cook faster and get dry and rubbery. I have to double the recipe to get the depth right and that is way to much oatmeal for our family.

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I have found, over the years, that the shape of my crockpot seemed to be an important variable in my oatmeal results. In my tall round one it work pretty well (although I never liked it as much as stove top). My current crockpot is oval and wide so the depth of the ingredients is shallow and they seem to cook faster and get dry and rubbery. I have to double the recipe to get the depth right and that is way to much oatmeal for our family.




I make steel cut oatmeal in my wide, oval crockpot and it is always delicious. It is 2 cups of steelcut oats and 6 cups almond milk. It keeps well in the fridge, but ours never lasts longer than 3-4 days. I put ours on at night and it is ready in the morning.


If you wanted to halve it, then I'd cook it during the day so you could keep an eye on it - it would probably only take 3-4 hours on low. Once cooked and cooled, put it into the fridge for morning.


You can probably freeze it too, although I've never done that. Hmm, maybe I'll try that tomorrow!

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