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Prayers please- dd at ER after seizure led to fall on left temple


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Yes, she is home after nothing was done at the ER. DH talked with her late at night. SHe was very tired. Her head really hurt still too. There are just so many weird things that could be causing these. Not only does she have a history of an unusual migraine (7 months non stop until she was put on Lexapro), but so do I (Basilar artery migraine when I was around her age, and more recently abdominal migraine). Well some migraines can cause seizures and some of her vision problems sound like they could be migraine auras. Or it could be blood clotting problems or a problem I just found out about that is much more common in people with Factor V Leiden like she has (BIH), which causes brain problems though I don't know if it causes seizures. Or it could be a strange bacteria or virus. Her roommate had a strange sickness and had been out of the country right before dd got sick with a sinus infection and then all this started happening, last February. Or it could be from one of the many times she fell when her neurally mediated hypotension was not yet well controlled and yes, she did hit her head at times. Or it could be something to do with her adrenaline/cortisol system because she has gotten some strange results on those tests. Or from something else we aren't even thinking about. What I don't like is in this year she has had something, no one is trying any medication to help her. Meantimes, she hits her head over and over again.


In the meantime, my dh is soon going to go on the warpath with the intransigence of some of the faculty in accommodating her. She just had to drop a course because the teacher refused to accommodations. WE told her to first do her schoolwork and any health measures she needs to do but to email him the information about what is happening and he will write letters to a number of university officials about the lack of help for her. Dh is a very good writer and I think when the higher ups get notice of what has been happening with her and the lack of help, things may change. If we don't get results, we know how to take matters further and we know the people to contact. It is really too bad that our friends are orthopedists, dentists,and psychologists, not neurologists.

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Poor girl! I'm sure it is so frustrating. Can she take online classes instead? That might be safer until you can pinpoint the problem. I'd almost be tempted to keep her in a wheelchair or at least have someone standing next to her at all times when she is mobile. Falls and hitting the head can be very dangerous (as you well know!). :grouphug:

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What I don't like is in this year she has had something, no one is trying any medication to help her. Meantimes, she hits her head over and over again.




Not that I'm a young woman, but I'd wear a helmet. But then, I've never cared about the stares of the impolite.



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She is on the waiting list for cancellations. SHe is mostly doing online classes but still seizing a lot. She couldn't go to her in person class because of that but it is an honors seminar and the teacher is very understanding. Her fiance is driving them both up this weekend along with a kitten and a puppy (this will be a trial- we have a young cat, an older cat but definitely the dominant personality above all dogs and cats, and a dog who is on his last legs- he has canine cognitive defunction [(similar to ALzheimer's in humans and in fact the same medication is used with both)), is almost completely blind due to a tumor in one eye and the lens of the other eye slipping down, a bad heart murmur, collapsing trachea, and degenerative arthritis in his hips and spine)/ They are bringing a five month old kitten, a four month old puppy, and themselves. I am so glad we bought a bigger house even though in two years it will just be the two of us. We need it for animals and visiting children.

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Guest inoubliable

She is on the waiting list for cancellations. SHe is mostly doing online classes but still seizing a lot. She couldn't go to her in person class because of that but it is an honors seminar and the teacher is very understanding. Her fiance is driving them both up this weekend along with a kitten and a puppy (this will be a trial- we have a young cat, an older cat but definitely the dominant personality above all dogs and cats, and a dog who is on his last legs- he has canine cognitive defunction [(similar to ALzheimer's in humans and in fact the same medication is used with both)), is almost completely blind due to a tumor in one eye and the lens of the other eye slipping down, a bad heart murmur, collapsing trachea, and degenerative arthritis in his hips and spine)/ They are bringing a five month old kitten, a four month old puppy, and themselves. I am so glad we bought a bigger house even though in two years it will just be the two of us. We need it for animals and visiting children.



Can your DD not take a leave of absence?? A guy at one of my schools had to do that when he developed some weird fever (?) thing when he came back from a missionary assignment. He managed to drop all of his classes that semester with no penalties and came back after he was better. Honestly, if she's still seizing a lot, how well can she be functioning in class? That must be a lot of pressure on her. Is there nowhere else she can get in with the doctor? Her latest ER episode seemed extremely critical and she's still seizing. If it were me, I'd be banging on the door to get her in somewhere... Hope you get some answers soon!

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