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Have the boards been down a lot for everyone else?

Heather in Neverland

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Or is it just the wonky Internet on this side of the world?


It seems the boards have been going down a lot lately and usually during my day time hours while most of you are asleep.


Honestly, it's pretty annoying. I have been on these boards for ten years and I don't ever remember them being this unstable.


But maybe it is just Malaysian Internet?

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Guest inoubliable

Just about every night, they go down. Even when they're not down, they get really wonky for me. Super slow loading, pics won't load at all, preview for topics doesn't work, double posting, etc.

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Yes, down every day for me too, esp. in the last month or so. Thread previews also don't work often, I get a message like - "you are not authorized to perform this action". Also, I have been getting signed out every few minutes. And for me, too, it is daytime when this happens. :(

But I will not complain because this is a free service.

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Is there a board notice somewhere that explains all this? For the past few nights, I've gotten the message that the boards are down for scheduled maintenance, but I haven't seen a notice posted on the boards. Maybe I've just missed it? I'm beginning to wonder if this is the way things will be from here on out. I surely wish somebody would explain to us what is going on and how long we can expect these nightly forum shut-downs.

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Yes! Except that it is daytime for me so I can only access them now late at night (my night hours). I wasn't all that worked up about changing to the new boards but now it is starting to bum me out. Oh well.


I've been thinking of everyone on the other side of the world since the boards have been down so often during the day there. I hope it gets sorted out soon.


I suppose it's one small consolation for living in the US. The boards are only down when I'm asleep.

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Is there a board notice somewhere that explains all this? For the past few nights, I've gotten the message that the boards are down for scheduled maintenance, but I haven't seen a notice posted on the boards. Maybe I've just missed it? I'm beginning to wonder if this is the way things will be from here on out. I surely wish somebody would explain to us what is going on and how long we can expect these nightly forum shut-downs.


They've been posting a bit about outages on their facebook page, but not here on the boards.

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They've been posting a bit about outages on their facebook page, but not here on the boards.


I dislike being expected to go elsewhere for updates, especially Facebook (this might be just me). Taking the board down overnight is a planned activity... a courtesy warning would be nice.


Though if/when the boards are no longer wonky, no one will remember being irritated. :)

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They're only down early morning until 11 am for me, which is actually a good thing because it means I get some housework done, then start school without any distractions. I think it's a WTM conspiracy to make sure we work/sleep more instead of wasting time here :laugh:.

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Hi all, The site has been down quite a while as we dealt with a few things. We converted the database to a new type (InnoDB) and dealt with a security issue that was causing the websites to bog down the server.

I try to work on the server during off peak hours (12 AM EST - 6 AM EST) so to not interfere with site traffic. If you have been on during those times, I am truly sorry.


The good news is that we have been knocking out issue upon issue successfully and getting closer to a stable website.


Also to note,

Our classifieds can now be searched and will return all results.

We cut down on spam significantly

Social Groups is almost done getting back up!





Good work!

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Hi all, The site has been down quite a while as we dealt with a few things. We converted the database to a new type (InnoDB) and dealt with a security issue that was causing the websites to bog down the server.

I try to work on the server during off peak hours (12 AM EST - 6 AM EST) so to not interfere with site traffic. If you have been on during those times, I am truly sorry.


The good news is that we have been knocking out issue upon issue successfully and getting closer to a stable website.


Also to note,

Our classifieds can now be searched and will return all results.

We cut down on spam significantly

Social Groups is almost done getting back up!





Sounds like you've been hard at work.


Have you been able to find out if there is a way to get the Classifieds posts to show up in New Content?

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Hi all, The site has been down quite a while as we dealt with a few things. We converted the database to a new type (InnoDB) and dealt with a security issue that was causing the websites to bog down the server.

I try to work on the server during off peak hours (12 AM EST - 6 AM EST) so to not interfere with site traffic. If you have been on during those times, I am truly sorry.


The good news is that we have been knocking out issue upon issue successfully and getting closer to a stable website.


Also to note,

Our classifieds can now be searched and will return all results.

We cut down on spam significantly

Social Groups is almost done getting back up!






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Hi all, The site has been down quite a while as we dealt with a few things. We converted the database to a new type (InnoDB) and dealt with a security issue that was causing the websites to bog down the server.

I try to work on the server during off peak hours (12 AM EST - 6 AM EST) so to not interfere with site traffic. If you have been on during those times, I am truly sorry.


The good news is that we have been knocking out issue upon issue successfully and getting closer to a stable website.


Also to note,

Our classifieds can now be searched and will return all results.

We cut down on spam significantly

Social Groups is almost done getting back up!





Ya know, if you worked on it during regular business hours, 8-5 Eastern time, we might actually get some homeschooling done! :D

Thanks for all your hard work!

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Hi all, The site has been down quite a while as we dealt with a few things. We converted the database to a new type (InnoDB) and dealt with a security issue that was causing the websites to bog down the server.

I try to work on the server during off peak hours (12 AM EST - 6 AM EST) so to not interfere with site traffic. If you have been on during those times, I am truly sorry.


The good news is that we have been knocking out issue upon issue successfully and getting closer to a stable website.


Also to note,

Our classifieds can now be searched and will return all results.

We cut down on spam significantly

Social Groups is almost done getting back up!




Good to hear.


Although, I wish you'd work the day shift. :) Then I could actually do school, then do my uninterrupted browsing at night. ;)

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Hi all, The site has been down quite a while as we dealt with a few things. We converted the database to a new type (InnoDB) and dealt with a security issue that was causing the websites to bog down the server.

I try to work on the server during off peak hours (12 AM EST - 6 AM EST) so to not interfere with site traffic. If you have been on during those times, I am truly sorry.


The good news is that we have been knocking out issue upon issue successfully and getting closer to a stable website.


Also to note,

Our classifieds can now be searched and will return all results.

We cut down on spam significantly

Social Groups is almost done getting back up!





Thank you for the explanation.


And I like your signature. Our IT dept is staffed by THREE "Johns" but we just call them "the J crew". :)




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It's become a regular thing. I was in the middle of one lengthy response on my mobile and it shut down on me. Lost the entire post.



I was trying to change my avatar, and wigging out over photo-shop...trying to get the photo down to 50kg - do any photos come that small anymore?? anyways, I was making the file smaller and smaller and then it still wouldn't work!!!...and then I got the message the boards were down... :angry:


you know that moment when you've gotten a bit too involved with your tech problem and the minutes are flying by and now it's personal? ...and you are about to throw something at the screen? yeah that moment :willy_nilly:


so glad it's back up, I appreciate the hard work, thanks John and everyone!

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Hi all, The site has been down quite a while as we dealt with a few things. We converted the database to a new type (InnoDB) and dealt with a security issue that was causing the websites to bog down the server.

I try to work on the server during off peak hours (12 AM EST - 6 AM EST) so to not interfere with site traffic. If you have been on during those times, I am truly sorry.


The good news is that we have been knocking out issue upon issue successfully and getting closer to a stable website.


Also to note,

Our classifieds can now be searched and will return all results.

We cut down on spam significantly

Social Groups is almost done getting back up!





So, are they going to be down again tonight? :lol: Also, could you possibly put a notice on the main page when you know in advance that the boards will be down? Many of us do not visit Facebook.

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Thanks for your hard work. Just know that those night owls out there are having to download illegal copies of Downton Abbey or work on our Angry Birds score. ;)



I've been getting some reading done, but I've also got several Words with Friends games going. ;)


John, thanks for the update!! We appreciate your hard work. Just know that our withdrawal hysteria means we really, really like it here!! :D

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Yes, nightimes are my times to feed my WTM forum addiction so very frustrating to an addict not to have it....that being said, my addiction has slowly weaned since the transition to this new format, with all the glitches. Still an addict, cuz there's no other forum like it, but I've found I come here less and less since all of the issues over the last few months. So maybe it's a good thing for me, lol.

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