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Could I please ask for your prayers for my dad (urgent) (update in post 27)


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Hi all! My 77 year old dad fell and hit his head. He has a minor brain bleed and is being transferred to another ER to be assessed further. My mother died of a horrific brain injury 11 years ago and I am FREAKING out. I know the power of the hive (whether through prayer or positivie energy). So...I ask for this of anyone who is willing :-).


I've finally got the kids squared away and I'm meeting my husband to head to the ER now.


P.S. If you could include a little prayer for me to keep calm and my anxiety from taking over that would be much appreciated too :-).


UPDATE 1/30 (in post 27)

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Thanks so much for all the wonderful prayers and good thoughts. I don't have a smartphone so had to wait until I was home to update.


He is going to be fine. He was admitted overnight for observation with him coming home today. He broke the tip of his nose and has a bunch of stitches across the bridge of his nose. Not too pretty. But...he should be ok. The boys and I will be packing up our school work and heading over to his house for a few days to make sure he is ok.


Between worry over him, heading to the same hospital where my mom passed, and being a total germaphobe (especially hard in an ER with all this flu and norovirus going around), I was beside myself. All your prayers and the ones I was saying all the way to the hospital must have worked, because I had this great sense of calm once I pulled into the hospital parking lot and made it through just fine.


Thanks again for your prayers and good thoughts! The Hive is amazing!!!

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