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SOCIAL GROUP: Bible Believing Conservative Christians


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Well, everyone else seems to have their own social group, so why not us?


This group is for Bible believing born again Christians, who believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. We also believe in the Holy Trinity- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ, son of God, died on the cross and rose again on the third day to save us from our sins. Our salvation comes from faith in Jesus Christ alone. There are no other gods. We look forward to spending eternity with our Lord and Father and other believers who have gone before us.


We believe in living our lives for the Lord.


Welcome! Feel free to say "hi" and post about any books, videos, websites, etc etc that will help all of us grow in our faith! Also, feel free to discuss issues that you'd like to discuss, theological questions you are wondering about, prayer requests, or anything else that you feel like posting! We will all make sure to treat everyone else with respect.


Happy Fellowshiping!

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Hi Freckles and Jean!! So glad you joined in- sometimes I think I'm a loner here!


Freckles- I do know a couple of apologetics sites. Answers in Genesis is a great resource website, and Charlie Campbell has a website at Always Be Ready. He is one of my absolute favorites. He was an atheist until he was about 20, and is now a Christian. He is very matter-of-fact and clear in his explanations. For instance, in teaching about the beginning of the universe, he says, " How did something come from nothing? Nothing can't create something. Nothing is nothing!" Haha! Common sense! Love him!


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Hi! I sometimes say hi in the Reformed thread as well. I was just looking for a good Christian Apologetics blog/website if anyone knows of one.




I have saved this link to what looks like a great website. A thoughtful mom from this board once shared it. Someday I want to read the books listed in the curriculum offered.



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Yea! Count me in. I've always called myself a Christian since I accepted the Lord in my life. Now, instead, I prefer to call myself a "follower" of Jesus. A friend of mine who is a Jewish believer told me the other day, she doesn't even like to call herself a believer........b/c everyone believes in something or someone. I thought that was a smart take on that. So, this "follower" says "hi"!

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I am pretty sure this is where I fit in, considering that "conservative" can be a somewhat relative term. I am all the things you describe, but on some non-salvic issues I am not as conservative as others who would identify themselves as conservative Christians (one example, I lean more towards egalitarian than complementarian).


Also, having been in situations to observe/experience what some would call spiritual abuse (definitely spiritual manipulation and church leader empire building), I have become a student of church culture and keep a close eye on trends in evangelical Christianity. My faith in Christ is unshaken, but my faith in the institution is hard to gain.


I do not fit into the other groups, so if I affiliate with any, here it be.

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Yay! This is me! Can't find the smilies or the pure would be the little guy waving here.


I accepted Christ about 15 years ago, by accident. I was just going to church to get a certain guy. Well, I got him (married for 14 years now) but I got so much more in the process! :)


Nice to me you all!

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I agree with you Seasider. There are many churches and many who in the name of Christ do things that are decidedlyun-Christian. My faith lies (lays?) in Christ alone- not any church or group.


Don'tcha just love that one?


In Christ alone my hope is found,

He is my light, my strength, my song;

this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,

firm through the fiercest drought and storm.

What heights of love, what depths of peace,

when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!

My Comforter, my All in All,

here in the love of Christ I stand.


In Christ alone! who took on flesh

Fulness of God in helpless babe!

This gift of love and righteousness

Scorned by the ones he came to save:

Till on that cross as Jesus died,

The wrath of God was satisfied -

For every sin on Him was laid;

Here in the death of Christ I live.


There in the ground His body lay

Light of the world by darkness slain:

Then bursting forth in glorious Day

Up from the grave he rose again!

And as He stands in victory

Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,

For I am His and He is mine -

Bought with the precious blood of Christ.


No guilt in life, no fear in death,

This is the power of Christ in me;

From life's first cry to final breath.

Jesus commands my destiny.

No power of hell, no scheme of man,

Can ever pluck me from His hand;

Till He returns or calls me home,

Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

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This is where I belong! Thanks, Caroljenn!


Seasider, I love that song!


Mom-2-7, that's a great story!


Sheryl, I see what you mean, but the difference for me is in the word in vs. the word on. I have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, so in that way I am a believer. I do believe in His existence, but more importantly, I believe on Him as my Savior. Anyway...not to argue, just to comment from my perspective. :)

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Hi! I sometimes say hi in the Reformed thread as well. I was just looking for a good Christian Apologetics blog/website if anyone knows of one.


Haven't joined in on the Reformed thread, but lurk there sometimes.


I am pretty sure this is where I fit in, considering that "conservative" can be a somewhat relative term. I am all the things you describe, but on some non-salvic issues I am not as conservative as others who would identify themselves as conservative Christians (one example, I lean more towards egalitarian than complementarian).


Also, having been in situations to observe/experience what some would call spiritual abuse (definitely spiritual manipulation and church leader empire building), I have become a student of church culture and keep a close eye on trends in evangelical Christianity. My faith in Christ is unshaken, but my faith in the institution is hard to gain.


I do not fit into the other groups, so if I affiliate with any, here it be.


I'm in the same boat Seasider. (We need a smiley in a boat)

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reread the original post regarding "helpful stuff like books, websites. so my post wouldn't of been what the group was about but I am a born again christian and fundamental but really wanting to discuss the cultural issues more than sources for edification.

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Caffelattee, I don't think there are any rules to what we can post. Maybe Caroljenn can clarify since she started the group but I would assume that being gracious to each other is good enough. I actually am struggling with many of the same things you are. And I am leaning towards the same kind of conclusions that you are coming to. I have received some hate from other Christians for doing so - not just a disagreement but actual hate.


I see you've edited since then but this is still what I think.

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Cafelatte, I truthfully don't know what is allowed in a thread and what isn't, so I am going to PM you.


I agree with the BSA thread- that got really ugly. Truthfully, it spurred me on to start this thread- sometimes I feel like a Martian here in this world, which I guess is a good thing, right? NOTW!


As for songs, how about this one by Third Day?


Feels like I'm born again

Feels like I'm living

For the very first time

For the very first time, in my life...

Feels like I'm breathing

Feels like I'm born again

Feels like I'm moving

Feels like I'm living

For the very first time, for the very first time..


Ahhhh- I love that song. I get caught up in it whenever I hear it.


Good night and God's blessings to all of you. =)

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Caffelattee, I don't think there are any rules to what we can post. Maybe Caroljenn can clarify since she started the group but I would assume that being gracious to each other is good enough. I actually am struggling with many of the same things you are. And I am leaning towards the same kind of conclusions that you are coming to. I have received some hate from other Christians for doing so - not just a disagreement but actual hate.


I see you've edited since then but this is still what I think.



I'm sorry someone would be hateful to you. I can only imagine!. I know that my views have upset my dh's family. They think that I'm "less" christian or sheep in wolf clothings. I really would like to discuss the stuff with other christians. I deleted my post but maybe once the social group gets more established we can bring up for discussion. Thanks

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I'm sorry someone would be hateful to you. I can only imagine!. I know that my views have upset my dh's family. They think that I'm "less" christian or sheep in wolf clothings. I really would like to discuss the stuff with other christians. I deleted my post but maybe once the social group gets more established we can bring up for discussion. Thanks


You didn't have to delete your post. I don't mind discussions, if no one is rude, no one is upset and there is no name-calling. I don't know why we can't talk like grown-ups!

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Jean, I'm studying Romans this year too. I decided to join with Ann Voskamps bible memory this year and figured if I'm memorizing Romans 1,8,and12 I may as well make that my study for the year. Are you using anything in particular to help you study Romans?



I'm glad you started this group. I have been hoping for one I could join. I have been posting some on the Reformed thread because that was the closest one to my views.

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I'm taking the kids through the gospel of John using Kay Arthur's books. It's been fun and has sparked some great conversation.


I'm also doing a study about emotions - controlling them better basically. So, it's not necessarily a bible study, but the study is rooted in the Word.


Well, once again I've stayed up way too late. Good night all.

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I am in! I too have spent a lot of time studying the church and have concluded that Jesus is my focus and not a church. Our family is starting a book about 100 memory verses to learn. I often feel I am too Christian for some circles and not enough for others where I live. I don't currently have a large circle of friends and those I do have don't openly speak of their faith. I miss that Christian fellowship with good friends.

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Good morning! Happy to see you created this group CarolJenn. Thanks so much for taking that lead!


Read any good books lately?? :bigear:


I just finished reading Chuck Colson's book Born Again. It was actually great insight Watergate and I've referenced some of the history in my American Govt class this year. I then went on to read his book, Loving God. And I'm reading Lord's of the Earth by Don Richardson. I have his newest book, Unhidden, on my to-read list. What have you read lately that you have loved?



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I am in! I too have spent a lot of time studying the church and have concluded that Jesus is my focus and not a church. Our family is starting a book about 100 memory verses to learn. I often feel I am too Christian for some circles and not enough for others where I live. I don't currently have a large circle of friends and those I do have don't openly speak of their faith. I miss that Christian fellowship with good friends.


The problem for us seems to be that we actually believe the Bible to be the word of God and that God means for us to be reading it and doing our best to live by it. For many Christians we meet at church, a minister and church and all of it's programs seem to have taken the place of Christ. There seems to be an unspoken belief that if your family doesn't believe everything the minister says and attend every church function, then you are not truly saved. It is interesting that Stephen was called a blasphemer by those who put their trust in customs and the temple as being a holy place. Sometimes I think modern Christians can develop the same attitude about their churches.


Acts 6--13 And set up false witnesses, which said ,This man ceaseth not to speak blasphemous words against this holy place, and the law: 14 Forwe have heard him say , that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place, and shall change thecustoms which Moses delivered us. 15 And all that sat in the council, looking stedfastly on him,saw his face as it had been the face of an angel.


I'm also reading through Joni Eareckson Tada's book A Step Further with my Dc. I found it in our local thrift shop. I know I don't always agree with her theology, but the book is really helping my Dc to see how a Christian can live despite adversity. Talk about learning self control! They are also interested in her life b/c we used many of her Hymns for a Child's Heart books & cds when they were younger.

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What are you studying in the Bible lately? We are studying the book of Romans as a family and it has been a blessing.


Romans is fantastic. I'm doing a study on Romans 6-8 with a friend. By myself, I'm doing the Precpt Upon Precept study of Lamentatins. In a group, we are doing a study on A Harmony of the Gospels.


I'm studying (about one chapter at a time) Numbers with my kids in the morning. We went though Genesis last year, Exodus last semester and started in Numbers just after Christmas. We don't have any prepared material. We just read it, ask questions about the text, its principals and application. As the boys get older, I like that they are pulling things out of the Word to add in. We JUST finished memorizing Col 1:15 -23 with my olders. My youngers are starting on Psalm 1 ( a review for the olders) and my boys and I are starting on a new passage today.


I have a neighborhood ladies Bible study and we are doing Beth Moore's Jesus the One and Only. It's foundational and a good study for those new to Bible study or the Word.


And then, on my own, I'm reading through the gospel of John one chapter every morning. It's a lot but I really need to be in the Word a lot right now.



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I probably belong here the best but I'm not sure all of you would agree. I agree with the OP's description but... not sure I define the terms the same way.


Anyway. I'll be mostly lurking & will try not to say anything offensive. I'm kind-of hanging-on by my fingernails these days so any spare prayers you could lend my way would be appreciated.

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I'm kind-of hanging-on by my fingernails these days so any spare prayers you could lend my way would be appreciated.


I'll be praying for you, momoflaw, that the Lord would provide all that you need in your situation.

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I probably belong here the best but I'm not sure all of you would agree. I agree with the OP's description but... not sure I define the terms the same way.


Anyway. I'll be mostly lurking & will try not to say anything offensive. I'm kind-of hanging-on by my fingernails these days so any spare prayers you could lend my way would be appreciated.



Praying for you.

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It seems this would be my social group home, but I admit to not having much time to post so I doubt you'll be hearing much from me. I will lurk though, and hopefully contribute when I'm able!


I'm with you both with this being my social group home and admitting that I don't always have time to look at many threads and/or post, esp if the threads get long. I'll try to keep up when I can! It's definitely my social group with respect to being a Christian.

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Good morning everyone!! I am here in California, and I've been known to sleep in a bit, so dont't be surprised if I am a latecomer to the party most mornings!


How about a Bible verse to start our day? One of my all-time favorites:


"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


God is so good!


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Prayers flying for you Momoflaw. You are welcome here and will be supported.


I think there are many beliefs in Christianity,and with that comes many differences. Small theology differences are no big deal, as long as we are looking to The One who can save us for our guidance in this life. There are many different denominations that differ on the little stuff but agree on the big. I hope that's how we are here.


As for books, yes! I found a great book at church called "Respectable Sins". It's about what we tolerate as believers. I am not too far into it yet, but it's great so far. I will keep you all updated.


We are studying 2 Corinthians at church, then usually make our Bible studies coincide with church studies. Sunday, Pastor Jack was talking about the veil of deception in 2 Cor 4:3-5. Really good stuff. I have been thinking about it since Sunday morning. There are so many people living with the veil of deception, and it's because they've chosen it to be there by rejecting Christ. Very interesting.



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As for books, yes! I found a great book at church called "Respectable Sins". It's about what we tolerate as believers. I am not too far into it yet, but it's great so far. I will keep you all updated.



This book has interesting and conflicting reviews on Amazon. One person says it has too much free will, another says he doesn't allow for free will...interesting.

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