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Do you price list your groceries?


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Just curious.


I really need to get one going. I was so good about sticking to a budget for groceries and have let that slide a bit and now really need to get back to it.


I think once I actually create a price list, I can plan better.


This is not a necessity, as in, we can't make ends meet (or meat as the case may be!), but it is one area I have kind of let slide for about 8 months and have overspent on.


Oh, and if you have a Costco price list, I would like to see it. I had one from someone at one time, but that computer crashed and I didn't have it anywhere else.



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I'm not sure what you mean by Price Listing groceries. Wal-Mart here price matches competitor ads, so after I make my weekly list, I go through the ads and note any specials. I will also add any items that are on really great specials and may do some list editing based on those (i.e. lets get pineapple instead of mangos this week because pineapples are .99 at Aldis and I can't find Mangos on sale).


I very rarely go to more than one store/week. The drive time and gas money would eat up all the savings, so there would be no point in making lists of what EVERYTHING costs at each individual store if that is what you mean by price listing.

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I only go to Costco and my local store, so I guess I mean price listing not to shop around, but to plan your meals and shopping in advance with.


I no longer coupon or get the paper, so it isn't to match up pricing either.


It was more for meal planning and knowing how much things are before you make your list and shop.


Maybe it really isn't worth it.

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I only go to Costco and my local store, so I guess I mean price listing not to shop around, but to plan your meals and shopping in advance with.


I no longer coupon or get the paper, so it isn't to match up pricing either.


It was more for meal planning and knowing how much things are before you make your list and shop.


Maybe it really isn't worth it.



Ah, I see. That is a great idea.

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I only know things in my head we buy weekly. If we buy it every few months or even every few years, I have no idea.


I purchased Kirkland oil the other day and had no idea what the cost of that was. The same for aluminum foil and saran wrap......in fact, the last Kirkland brand saran wrap stuff we bought was 8 years ago!!!!!!! It just lasts forever!


Some things I don't buy regularly but are a treat or seasonal. I never remember those.


In my head.


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I no longer price list.... too much of a pain with prices constantly changing. I know what's a good price for regular items. All three stores I shop at are within a mile of each other. I shop the ads for two of them, buy almost all produce at Publix, and then head to the third for everything that wasn't on sale at the other two or is produce.

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Do you get everything at Aldi? We have some foods/items we simply do not like there. I have tried.



I do not buy meat there because it is enhanced with solution, and I do not buy eggs, because I want those from a local farmer.

There are a few things I want they don't have: whole wheat and rye flours, plain yoghurt that is not non-fat, and nutella. But pretty much anything else, I do buy there.

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No. I know what we need and I feel comfortable that I'm getting things at a reasonable price. I'm not willing to spend the time shopping around, going to different stores, or do the price-matching thing at the register.


In terms of meal-planning, we seem to have developed a meal rotation "organically". It wasn't something I planned. It just happened. I buy the same general items at the store each week, and then just mentally rotate through our favorite recipes depending on what "sounds good" that day. Not scientific, and probably doesn't help you much - but it works for us. :tongue_smilie:

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In my head.


I know prices in my head too.


I DON'T do the "look at what's on sale and use that to plan my menu" method. My mom did a lot of that when I was growing up, so we would have chicken when chicken was on sale, and pork when that was on sale. Sometimes there would be a couple extra things in the freezer.


I do the "buy what's on sale and make a menu from what's in the house" method. I was just doing a meal list with the kids for next month. Somehow I came up with almost 60 dinners that we already have all the ingredients for in the house. I feel like our cupboards are bare though.

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I also do the price list in my head thing. I was an extreme couponer( :leaving:, I used to get free diapers, toothpaste, tp etc) back before I got pg with the twins and was on bed rest. Now I looked into getting back into it, but it's not worth it with all the changes they have made to the system and my being busy with 4 kiddos.

So now I know my stock up price and I load up when it hits there. Like I just loaded up on Whole Wheat macaroni at one store here because it was .48 per box.

I only shop 1-2 stores a week. I also price match at Walmart because it is one of the few stores around here with decent produce. Many of the local produce places, it is questionable (as in I'll buy it and it will go bad in 3 days, walmart's produce usually lasts the week).

Just a hint for those who want to price match at wal-mart (my local store knows me and the cashiers love this trick): I make my list and make a sticky note for each item with description, price and store name. I then put all my price matching items last and she just goes off the sticky note that is on each item. They know me so well now that they don't even have to check the ads because they trust me. It really doesn't take any longer at the register (unless you get the new cashier, which has happened a couple times, but they laugh it off as their lesson for the day).

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I have most prices in my head, and since I no longer coupon I'm not comparing prices as much as I used to. I shop mostly at Aldi. However, I do have the ShoPare iPhone app. I recently started using it again. It allows you to sort by product, store, or best prices. It wasn't free, but I think it was worth the $3 price tag. I don't think there's an Android version.

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I just do it in my head, too. For some reason, even though my memory is awful, I can remember numbers. But my price list is more like a "don't buy it until it is this price or less" kind of thing. Like (for me) $2 for a bag of shredded cheese or block of cheese, $1 for avocado, $2 for melon, etc. That is a decent deal on those things. Then I also know if it is below that it is, for me, a stock up price type thing.

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Dawn, since I know you are a Charlotte girl, I will tell you what I do. I am not a price lister, though of course I mentally know what certain items should cost and what is a good deal. Also, no one would say I am a world class bargain shopper, but this does help me save money without having to get a total personality transplant into being an organized woman.


I shop a lot at Cost co and also Trader Joes. But about once a week, I do a big Harris Teeter order. I actually use their express service and order online and pick up. This costs $5, but I have bad feet, short time, and no other household help, so I figure paying someone to shop for me is worth it. I typically pick out my meat and vegetables at Cost Co or on a separate HT trip, but any time I have let them pick it out for me, I have been happy with HT. When you order, you can add notes like, "Please pick under ripe ones" or "please check expiration dates."


Anyway, I open two screens - the HT weekly specials, and the HT ordering site. Then I just flip between them - seeing what is on special, and adding it to my cart. I search recipes online while I do this, and I also can get up and see if we have items I will need already. I keep a list of things to buy at other stores - so if HT doesn't have any organic milk on sale, I want to get that at Cost co.


I think this saves me a lot of money because I make really good use of their specials. I don't just shop for the week that way, but will heavily stock up on things that are on a great sale - like when they have "buy 2, get 3 free" on their pasta.


Again, I am not a super bargain shopper, but even if you don't want to shop online, you can use the online shopping site to find out exactly what items cost.

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No, I don't price out my groceries, but I know in my head where I can get everything I need at the cheapest price. I mostly buy organic, so i am rarely able to use coupons. I know i can get everything non-edible the cheapest at Walmart. All of our food comes from natural markets like Sprouts, Mother's and TraderJoe's. Sometimes they have sales, sometimes they don't, but I do stock up when things are on sale.

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No, I have no price book. My family and my budget want me to shop at the commissary. Unfortunately, it has unshielded fluorescent lights and makes me sick. Or I can walk around looking like a freak, which dh doesn't like me doing. So I try to get out of the store as fast as I can. I rely on the fact that the prices are lower except for some loss leader sales. Then during the week, if I need anything or want better meat and produce, I go to Publix and sometimes to Fresh Market. I am not driving further.


I checked out the Costco price book and while there were a few bargains, many things were more than at the commissary.


I generally know how much things are and I buy more when on sale. Like my dh likes Cranberry juices to drink with dinner. I know that 3.00 is the full price for Ocean Spray and that if I can get it for lower, I do. I also know the milk prices, the butter prices, etc.

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Its in my head for the usual stuff we buy to cook, For my kids multivitamins, the pricelist is in my ipod so I can tell if a sale price is worth stocking up a few months supply for. We do price matching for groceries as we have many supermarkets walking distance from each other. Like we can have Walmart, Trader Joes, Sprouts, Safeway, Target and Whole Foods at 5mins walk from each other.

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No, I keep the prices in my head along with all the receipts in one place. It can be very upsetting to check the old receipts to a new one.


I plan fresh items with the sales ads or papers. We no longer get the newspaper, so it's either go on line or look at the flyer while I shop.

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I just started one. I use Aldi as a base price because they are usually the cheapest and I always go there. I am starting to track Kroger sale prices so I can see if those are cheaper with coupons. I am aiming to find the lowest price on things I always buy or use a lot of so I can stick up.

I am also starting to cook from scratch and so I want to know what's worth my time and what's not.

I hope that by doing this I can save the most possible money on groceries without doin major couponing.

I think by always having the Aldi prices with me I can easily compare any other price at any other store and know if the sale is good. Then I'll just make a note and stock up if need be!

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I have made lists of everything we buy on the Sam's Club app, so I know what I'm spending before I walk in the door. I can also use it to compare prices when I am planning a trip to Meijer. For the most part I know what things cost, regular price and on sale, for most of what we buy. Otherwise I don't go out of my way to go to other stores, they are to far of a drive to make it worth the effort. They just opened an Aldi's about 40 minutes from here so I have been playing around with their app a little to see if it would be worth the drive. No one price matches here.

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Does the Sam's Club App have prices? That would be a handy tool.


I feel a bit in a rut too. I tend to buy the same things and eat the same meals all the time. Now, granted, most of the meals we do like, but I would love to get a bit more variety or other ideas in there as well.

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They do fluctuate a lot, that is why I am surprised so many have it in their heads, although our basic stuff I have somewhat of a general idea. Milk can fluctuate between $2.80-$4.29 per gallon here.


Costco used to have fantastic organic peanut butter. It was $5.99 per two large jars. Now you have to get the nasty Jiff with fillers for $7.99 per two large jars. They no longer even carry natural PB.




No because the prices fluctuate too much I don't think it would be accurate. Most stores around here use those digital price tags so they can change prices very quickly.

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I tried to extreme coupon. I did it for a while. We ended up with two tall shelving units full of junk we wouldn't eat! I don't know what I was thinking.....I was trying the, "Buy on sale and just plan your meals around that." Um, NO ONE in the family, including the dogs, would eat hamburger helper.....it just wasn't happening!


I stopped. Not worth it.


I also do the price list in my head thing. I was an extreme couponer( :leaving:, I used to get free diapers, toothpaste, tp etc) back before I got pg with the twins and was on bed rest. Now I looked into getting back into it, but it's not worth it with all the changes they have made to the system and my being busy with 4 kiddos.

So now I know my stock up price and I load up when it hits there. Like I just loaded up on Whole Wheat macaroni at one store here because it was .48 per box.

I only shop 1-2 stores a week. I also price match at Walmart because it is one of the few stores around here with decent produce. Many of the local produce places, it is questionable (as in I'll buy it and it will go bad in 3 days, walmart's produce usually lasts the week).

Just a hint for those who want to price match at wal-mart (my local store knows me and the cashiers love this trick): I make my list and make a sticky note for each item with description, price and store name. I then put all my price matching items last and she just goes off the sticky note that is on each item. They know me so well now that they don't even have to check the ads because they trust me. It really doesn't take any longer at the register (unless you get the new cashier, which has happened a couple times, but they laugh it off as their lesson for the day).

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I tried to extreme coupon. I did it for a while. We ended up with two tall shelving units full of junk we wouldn't eat! I don't know what I was thinking.....I was trying the, "Buy on sale and just plan your meals around that." Um, NO ONE in the family, including the dogs, would eat hamburger helper.....it just wasn't happening!


I stopped. Not worth it.


Oh, I never bought hamburger helper, can't stand it. We don't eat a lot of canned stuff (soups, chilis, etc) because it contains meat. I got mainly shampoo, batteries, etc for free. Pasta, cereal, some other things for free. Other staples for pennies on the dollar (rice, sugar, cheese etc.). Diapers and wipes were big money savers. Most people who get started get in the trap of buying junk and that is the problem. But now the coupons are little and harder to get and limited to 1 per person or 4 per person or the like, so no longer worth it.


Like I know less than .48 per can for veges is stock up price for me (we live in earthquake area, so I always keep them on hand and go through them slowly and replace them). Frozen veges I can always get for .98/bag, if it were to fall to .67 or less I would get a couple months worth.

At .48 for whole wheat pasta I will get a 3-4 mo supply (maybe 12-15 boxes). I just got brand name shredded cheese for 2.96/lb. I loaded the freezer b/c we eat a lot of cheese.

That is my price book.

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They do fluctuate a lot, that is why I am surprised so many have it in their heads, although our basic stuff I have somewhat of a general idea. Milk can fluctuate between $2.80-$4.29 per gallon here.




In our house, that would mean that we only buy milk when the price is below a certain threshold. We definitely wouldn't be buying it at more than $4! I'd find a balance between the rock-bottom price and the normal price that would allow us to have it available most of the time for milk specifically. For almost everything else, we'd either stock up and wait until it went on sale again if we used it up (canned or frozen vegetables, pasta, different cuts of meat), or we'd only have it when the price is low (seasonal fruits and vegetables).


I don't mind Hamburger Helper on occasion, so I will buy that on sale. :) I don't buy things I hate just because they are on sale, but there aren't many things that I don't enjoy eating. It's hard to imagine a food that I wouldn't be able to work into our rotation.

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Thanks all. It sounds like maybe I am already doing what I need to be doing. We have been spending more, but I have also been buying things more often than I used to (Salmon, Steak, that sort of thing) and I think just cutting that down would be of benefit.


I used to be at $500/mo (getting out of debt), then shot up to $800/mo. I am thinking a compromise of $650 or so would be my target range.



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They do fluctuate a lot, that is why I am surprised so many have it in their heads, although our basic stuff I have somewhat of a general idea.



I keep a general price range in my head. That way I know a good deal when I see one, and I know when something is higher than I'm willing to pay for it. I also know if a price is within my acceptable range, which might keep me from having to go to a different store for a cheaper price.

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