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When a Child has Birthday, Do They Get out of School?

Guest Xapis10

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Alex's birthday is in mid-April, which is a perfect time for spring break, so she gets a WEEK off school. I didn't think about the precedent I was setting for Colin's February birthday...



LOL, my older two children's birthdays are 19 days apart, in mid-Feb. and early March -- prime time for heavy schoolwork. So we don't take a full week off then, just the actual birthdays. Then, DS3's birthday is in mid-July, and since we start the Monday after July 1, I don't want to take a full week off just as we've gotten started. One day is fine. :)


We do do lighter work in the summer if my parents are visiting (which often happens; they have an RV and stay nearby). The place they stay has a pool, so we typically do a bit of schoolwork and swim a lot. I do count those as school days, even if there's no actual bookwork done, because swimming counts as PE. And we took off from most regular bookwork between Thanksgiving and New Year's, but we did a lot of different activities (trips, baking, special holiday activities, etc.) that also counted as school days. We'll easily log over 200 days by the time we finish the curricula I want to finish. I really appreciate the flexibility to do what works for us.

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Birthdays are a great thing to celebrate. I count birthdays as a total holiday from school for all of us. Dh's is so close to Christmas that we're off already, but the rest of us have birthdays during the school year. If we have an outside class or co-op day that falls on a birthday, we still do those things. One thing I always do is the birthday person gets to eat whatever they want for breakfast, even if it's cake, candy, etc.

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No. School days are pretty much school days here. it's definitely a special day, with a special breakfast and lunch, presents in the morning when they first wake up (or at dinner as they get older). But family celebrations are usually done in the evening and birthday parties with friends scheduled for a weeknight or weekend.



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Two out of my three kids have birthdays in the summer. My third one is always around Memorial Day weekend, which is of course the busiest time to take off school. We usually school on Memorial Day because my husband works. I give all three of them a different day off around that time. They haven't figured out that they really aren't gaining an extra day off. :)

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We take the day off for DS14's birthday. This year it happens to fall on our homeschool group's young adult game day/birthday celebration day, so I took the day off work in order for us to host the YA games. We'll take a couple of games for the teens to play, a special snack for them, and bday cupcakes for everyone.

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We only let the birthday child get off school. Everyone else works. (Helps the birthday child feel more special, although it can make them lonely if they don't have anyone to play with!)


Adults work on their birthdays & that includes teaching school. Adult birthdays aren't big in our house, but kid birthdays are. We prefer it that way.


Kid also gets to pick the night meal & doesn't have to do their usual chores.

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My birthday is late March- it's usually close to Easter break. We do school unless it;s on an Easter break day.

Diamond: mid-May. We're usually workign hard to catch up and finish on time, plus she just had an adjusted schedule for the high school musical rehearsals- normally, a typical school day.

SweetChild: late November- often close to Thanksgiving

BabyBaby- a few days before Christmas.

Dad? Early October- we're still getting rolling for the year- and he has to work anyway,


So- I will plan ahead- if they are caught up on work, they can have the day off. If not- they do school.


I "plan" to have school on their birthday, so the day off is a bonus for working hard/ahead. That way there is no whining "But MY birthday was over a holiday break (or on a weekend) so I should get an EXTRA day off to make up for it!" :nopity:

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