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Pregnancy ? - urgent UPDATE


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Starting last weekend I have felt a twinge...a discomfort on my right side. It's not widespread but very localized and not consistent. When I lay down I feel pressure but as soon as I get up and walk around the twinges become more frequent and sometimes uncomfortable enough to make me catch my breath.


I know what round ligament pain is and this is not it (I don't think). My hcg levels went from 45 to 135 to 402 to 1526 (all taken 48 hours apart) so an ectopic was ruled out (no u/s yet). I had an ectopic on my left side but it didn't feel anything like this.


I'm really worried. All weekend I've held out, resolved to not go to the E.R. (which would cost us about $600 easily) and wait to call my OB tomorrow. I have an appt. for Friday but don't know if I should wait that long to be seen. I'll feel plenty foolish if it is nothing and I'm just being a worrywart.


What's also strange is that by this time I'm usually down and out from nausea but this time my symptoms seem to be subsiding. Not good, right?


I'm so stressed I'm either not sleeping at night or am having dreams that I have an ectopic. :(


Forgive me posting something like this here as I know there are forums for pregnancy on-line, yet the wealth of experience and information you all have is why I posted here.


UPDATE: I will never again place a high value on initially good hcg levels/rise. Never. I had almost quadrupling levels yet here I am, just diagnosed with a blighted ovum. Nothing in the sac. Room across the hall from me had a new baby, room next to that had a pg woman hearing the heartbeat, my nurse's name was what I would have named a baby girl. It was a nightmare and I finally gave up waiting for the discharge papers and stumbled out, hardly able to see due to crying. I'm tired and ready to just miscarry and be done with this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.

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It sounds like corpus luteum pain... I've had it with every successful pregnancy so it's a good thing! Unless I missed it, you don't say how far along you are. Corpus luteum pain is common up to 12-13 weeks if memory serves. In fact when I stop feeling CL I know something is wrong... I stopped feeling it during my 2 losses which were both missed miscarriages.

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Starting last weekend I have felt a twinge...a discomfort on my right side. It's not widespread but very localized and not consistent. When I lay down I feel pressure but as soon as I get up and walk around the twinges become more frequent and sometimes uncomfortable enough to make me catch my breath.


I know what round ligament pain is and this is not it (I don't think). My hcg levels went from 45 to 135 to 402 to 1526 (all taken 48 hours apart) so an ectopic was ruled out (no u/s yet). I had an ectopic on my left side but it didn't feel anything like this.


Disclaimer: I'm not offering this as medical advice because, IMO, no physician should offer medical advice online to a patient they have never examined and probably will never examine. I'm also coming at this from the EM perspective rather than OB and perhaps that is different [although at the institution I work at EM/OB both follow the same approach at least as far as working up ectopics---obviously I call my OB-Gyn colleagues for patients who need laparoscopy or even admission for an attempt at medical management].


Unfortunately a rising HCG level doesn't guarantee anything about where the pregnancy is located. Women with extrauterine pregnancies can and often do (I think around 10-15% of the time) have very appropriate and doubling HCG levels. The reason I order a quantitative HCG when I see a woman in the ED and suspect a possible ectopic is because the level helps me to better interpret the ultrasound and know how to proceed from there. I know that if the HCG is 1500 or above then an intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) should be detectable on a transvaginal ultrasound. If it isn't then for my purposes this does represent an ectopic until proven otherwise (multiple gestations can be exceptions here) and this where my OB-Gyn friends get involved. Now if the HCG level is below 1500 then it really may be too early for the ultrasound to confirm an IUP. This is a little more challenging but it sounds like based on your earlier levels this shouldn't be an issue.


If you are concerned you may have an ectopic pregnancy and are cramping I would encourage you to seek medical attention tonight. *I suppose your symptoms could also represent appendicitis, or an ovarian torsion with slightly atypical presentations as well so that would be another reason that going to the ED would be reasonable. I hope everything works out and you get the help you need.

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I'm still here, still couch bound, still not sure what to do. The twinging/pain is not as bad today but it is still there. My OB's office is closed so going in is not an option. This is so hard...trying not to worry, trying not to overanalyze everything. :(


Thank you all for your kind words and suggestions. I will update as soon as I know anything.

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Starting last weekend I have felt a twinge...a discomfort on my right side. It's not widespread but very localized and not consistent. When I lay down I feel pressure but as soon as I get up and walk around the twinges become more frequent and sometimes uncomfortable enough to make me catch my breath.


I know what round ligament pain is and this is not it (I don't think). My hcg levels went from 45 to 135 to 402 to 1526 (all taken 48 hours apart) so an ectopic was ruled out (no u/s yet). I had an ectopic on my left side but it didn't feel anything like this.


I'm really worried. All weekend I've held out, resolved to not go to the E.R. (which would cost us about $600 easily) and wait to call my OB tomorrow. I have an appt. for Friday but don't know if I should wait that long to be seen. I'll feel plenty foolish if it is nothing and I'm just being a worrywart.


What's also strange is that by this time I'm usually down and out from nausea but this time my symptoms seem to be subsiding. Not good, right?


I'm so stressed I'm either not sleeping at night or am having dreams that I have an ectopic. :(


Forgive me posting something like this here as I know there are forums for pregnancy on-line, yet the wealth of experience and information you all have is why I posted here.


UPDATE: I will never again place a high value on initially good hcg levels/rise. Never. I had almost quadrupling levels yet here I am, just diagnosed with a blighted ovum. Nothing in the sac. Room across the hall from me had a new baby, room next to that had a pg woman hearing the heartbeat, my nurse's name was what I would have named a baby girl. It was a nightmare and I finally gave up waiting for the discharge papers and stumbled out, hardly able to see due to crying. I'm tired and ready to just miscarry and be done with this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.



I'm so sorry. What an awful experience in the hospital. :grouphug:

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UPDATE: I will never again place a high value on initially good hcg levels/rise. Never. I had almost quadrupling levels yet here I am, just diagnosed with a blighted ovum. Nothing in the sac. Room across the hall from me had a new baby, room next to that had a pg woman hearing the heartbeat, my nurse's name was what I would have named a baby girl. It was a nightmare and I finally gave up waiting for the discharge papers and stumbled out, hardly able to see due to crying. I'm tired and ready to just miscarry and be done with this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Been there and no words for this, just a very tight hug.

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I went through a miscarriage just before Christmas so I just feel for you so so much. I hope that things go quickly for you so that you can begin healing. Just know that you're not alone in this kind of sorrow no matter how isolated you feel. Take care of yourself.

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I am sorry for your loss. I had a blighted ovum my first pregnancy. I miscarried naturally and will glad to talk to you about it if you have any questions. I was about 10 weeks when it started and it took almost two weeks to complete; it was difficult, but I am still glad I didnt have the DNC. Sorry again, I know it sure stinks to hear there is no heartbeat:(.

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