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It's almost the 21st of December here...


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So it's the night of the 20th, and Australia will get hit with the end of it all first. If you all wake up tomorrow and Australia has sunk into the ocean or something....






Have a cupcake for me.


Or a piece of bacon if you prefer.


Cheers! Nice knowing you!





(Discalimer..I'm attempting to be humourous and not to cause any sort of debate about this issue! Here are the smilies to prove it...)

:biggrinjester: :D :rolleyes: :hat: :smilielol5: :p

(Ack! Dare I post this? Can the boards handle it right now? I'm afraid!)

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Mmm.. Bacon cupcakes for cakes and ale....


Yes, I do have a bakery near me that makes lovely bacon cupcakes in a waffle/pancake batter that are topped with a maple butter cream frosting...


(how does one get to the smilies? )



Bacon cupcakes? :hurray:


(Smilies can't be accessed from tablets or phones from what I understand.)

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My husband and I have been joking about this for weeks. In fact, as a family joke....we stopped school for December and are doing a huge survival skills unit study with the kids - reading My Side of the Mountain, doing First Aid Skills, learning about clouds and weather, reading Tools of Navigation...my son is having a blast. They're going to be disappointed when we get back to our regularly-scheduled program in January.


I told my husband that we are spending our last few days on Earth signing closing paperwork (we finally sold our house - ugh), fighting with the mortgage company, calling the realtor every hour and I have had a huge headache for several days now. It's been a fitting end for us! :p


(Not sure you can tell, but I'm trying to be silly.) :tongue_smilie: :biggrinjester:

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O.K., please keep me posted because if the world is ending I'm going to go get a maple glazed donut. :drool5:


Only one????


Live a little. Have at least three. And get some extras to bring home with you, just in case the end of the world is delayed and you get kind of hungry while you're waiting.

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Does everyone have a towel?


:smilielol5: :smilielol5: This made me laugh out loud!


I read somewhere it is supposed to happen at 9 am PT which is probably 22 Dec in Australia and Indonesia.


If my calculations are right it will be about 4am on the 22nd here when it is 9am on the 21st in California. So, I will be blissfully unaware when the world ends!

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