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baby names part 2


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We were all set with a name for DD due in February: Persephone. We all love the name but we were told that the most common nickname "Percy" means male genit@l here in Australia. All my female friends assured me that they loved the name and no one would think about the genit@l association. Well, DH told a number of male friends and they all immediately laughed and teased. We were still willing to overlook it and just make sure she had a different nickname. Well, yesterday was DH's work Christmas party and they did a secret Santa exchange. DH's gift was a book of Aussie slang and the page with the word "Percy" was highlighted and everyone had a good giggle (his gift also included a box of c0nd0ms which I thought was really insulting and almost drove me to tears but was, apparently, really just meant light heartedly and was a huge joke). DH now says there is no way we can give her the name if she is going to spend her life being teased because of the name association here. We are all upset but have decided to look at other names. So, here is a list. Let me know what you think of them.




Amaryllis (or my preference Marilla from Anne of Green Gables but DH prefers the long form)











(btw other kids names are Spencer, Xavier, Cordelia, and Lorelei)

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Amaryllis (or my preference Marilla from Anne of Green Gables but DH prefers the long form)







(btw other kids names are Spencer, Xavier, Cordelia, and Lorelei)



Absolutely love the majority of your list and how they go with the other names (took out three or so that aren't faves). The names of your kids are just wonderful; particularly like Cordelia.


Sorry to hear about the extended reaction to your previous name choice. Hope you and DH are able to find an alternative that you both like.


Erica in OR

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love, love, love Hazel!


I have very, very little tolerance for the sort of humour described above. I am so sorry for you and your very beautiful and special name to have gone through it...especially during the endish of a pregnancy. I am due at the end of January so I have a bit empathy.

I find that sort of toilet humour boring and lazy, like folks dont have enough wits to come up with something that is truly funny......I do NOT feel you overreacted in any way and I am truly sorry for you having to be a part of such an insensitive situation.

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OK, I'm going to be the negative one, and gently suggest that while several of the names you listed are very pretty, they could be difficult for a kid to go through life with. Everyone is going to post their favorites, so I decided to post the potential negatives of some of the names instead. (I didn't even know about the Percy thing -- good thing you found out in time!!! :eek:)



I'm not loving Hazel. It sounds old and frumpy to me.


Ditto for Viola and Vivian. Viola is a musical instrument and Vivian was Lucy's best friend in I Love Lucy.


Arwen sounds like an elf from a book and a movie. ;) And anyone who doesn't know Tolkien might think it was a boy's name.


Aurora and Amaryllis sound lovely, but can be hard for many people to spell, as can Aurelia.


Veronica is a pretty name, but everyone will call her Roni, so make sure you like the nickname.


Ariel is a little mermaid.


Harmony is destined for a life as a new age hippie yoga girl. ;)


Angelica is going to be Angie or Ang, which is fine, again, as long as you like the nicknames.


OK, that about does it. :D


(Actually, I think all of the names are pretty, but after the Percy Revelation, I thought I should mention the potential downsides of the other options!)

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No, I totally want the negative too because I never would have known the Percy thing either if Rosie hadn't mentioned it. I've added my thoughts to a couple of your points:


OK, I'm going to be the negative one, and gently suggest that while several of the names you listed are very pretty, they could be difficult for a kid to go through life with. Everyone is going to post their favorites, so I decided to post the potential negatives of some of the names instead. (I didn't even know about the Percy thing -- good thing you found out in time!!! :eek:)



I'm not loving Hazel. It sounds old and frumpy to me. DH loves Hazel and I really like it, but it is really climbing in popularity quickly.


Ditto for Viola and Vivian. Viola is a musical instrument and Vivian was Lucy's best friend in I Love Lucy.


Arwen sounds like an elf from a book and a movie. ;) And anyone who doesn't know Tolkien might think it was a boy's name. DH isn't crazy about this one, but I think it rolls nicely with our last names.


Aurora and Amaryllis sound lovely, but can be hard for many people to spell, as can Aurelia. I suggested Marilla and DH didn't really like it, but he ust have looked it up because he suggested Amaryllis. It means across the shining sea and he thought it was meaningful because she will be born across the sea from where we were all born.


Veronica is a pretty name, but everyone will call her Roni, so make sure you like the nickname. DH's mum's name was Veronica and she went by her middle name because everyone insisted on calling her Roni and she despised it. She passed away almost 20 years ago and her brothers still refer to her as Roni even though they know she hated it. It is my sole reservation about the name


Ariel is a little mermaid. Yes but it is still pretty


Harmony is destined for a life as a new age hippie yoga girl. ;) Would kind of fit with the family.


Angelica is going to be Angie or Ang, which is fine, again, as long as you like the nicknames. Yes, am not a fan of either of those nicknames so that would be a problem.


OK, that about does it. :D


(Actually, I think all of the names are pretty, but after the Percy Revelation, I thought I should mention the potential downsides of the other options!)



I also really like the name Quincy because she would be number 5 but DH says an old television show.

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I've always loved the name Arielle, and my daughter goes to school with a Harmony. I think both of those names are quite fitting for a new bundle of joy.

I'm not in love with Hazel. It makes me think of witch Hazel.


On second thought Arwen is really pretty too. It could be because I just watched LOTR yesterday, and Arwin is such a beautiful and strong character.

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I love Aurora. And there are not a lot of nicknames that it will naturally fall into, which I consider to be a good thing. I also like Hazel, and it has a growing popularity. I always loved this name and tried, in 5th grade, to make everyone call me Hazel after I read Watership Down, but I never got far with that.


Angelica is nice but I agree that you have to like "Angie" because you will not be able to prevent people from calling her that eventually. Vivian is nice and also has a growing popularity, but it's true that people will call her "Vi" whether you like it or not. If you like it, all is good.


Viola is nice. I know, as Cat said, that it is a stringed instrument. It's also a lovely flower, though.


I personally think Arwen and Ariel are too highly associated with major media events.

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This is why my DH and I decided not to reveal the names we are thinking of for our fifth child, due April 2013. If you have aname you like, forget what people think and just go with it! One of the names we are thinking of has a nickname that I despise, and I know (if baby is a girl) people may call her by that nickname. That's why I'm coming up with a preferred nickname now so I can quickly correct people!


By the way, we thought of using Persephone (no Percy nickname connotations here), but decided to go with something VERY close!


Good luck!

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I'm sorry you have to start over. :-( I think your new list is very pretty. My favorites are Amaryllis, Hazel, and Vivian. I agree that Hazel may be getting a little trendy, but it's a pretty name. Could you use Marilla as a nickname? I admit to being a huge sucker for Anne of Green Gables. If Marilla is a no go, Vivian is probably my favorite.



Annie (who is fruitlessly trying to convince her DH to name any future boys Gilbert)

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Amaryllis (or my preference Marilla from Anne of Green Gables but DH prefers the long form)











(btw other kids names are Spencer, Xavier, Cordelia, and Lorelei)


Hazel makes me think of an ugly old witch. Not a name I would want to inflict on my daughter. Arwen is the only other one that strikes me as less feminine sounding ( and no I don't read Tolkien). Your other girls have feminine sounding names especially with the vowel ending sound and so I would be looking for something along those lines to go with them. That said, my favorite of the list is Amaryllis/Marilla especially after reading the meaning it just seems so perfect for the situation. Personally I wouldn't worry about spelling issues, so many people chose unusual spellings that even "common" names require people to ask how to spell it the name just is case the parent changed it. I have a Caleb, I really don't think you can get more traditional than that but yet I'm constantly asked how to spell it because so many people spell it with a K or KH or some other convoluted spelling.

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How about keeping Persephone but changing the nickname? Persephone has been on my short list for a long time, but I'd use the nickname Sephie.


Of the other names you've mentioned, I like Hazel and Amaryllis.


And just to throw this out there since we seem to have similar tastes in names, I've always wanted to name a baby girl Emrys, even though it's a boy name (Merlin's name).

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Persephone as a middle name? I hate to see you lose that one.


I'm not fond of Hazel or Viola.


Aurelia is a favorite of mine, but it is very similar to Cordelia.


Its a little too close (in time) to the LoR movies for me to love Arwen. Maybe Bronwen/Bronwyn?









I think Vivian is beautiful. Angelica and Aurora are also gorgeous. I would pick from one of those.


Maybe Aurora Persephone? That sounds epic.

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Vivian is my first choice of your options, but I'm not sure I love it. I like Violet better. I know you didn't ask for ideas, but in case you are open to them, here are some that occurred to me after reading your list:


















Isla (pronounced Eye-La)










Good luck! I love baby naming, but boy it can be frustrating : )

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OK, I'm going to be the negative one, and gently suggest that while several of the names you listed are very pretty, they could be difficult for a kid to go through life with. Everyone is going to post their favorites, so I decided to post the potential negatives of some of the names instead. (I didn't even know about the Percy thing -- good thing you found out in time!!! :eek:)



I'm not loving Hazel. It sounds old and frumpy to me.


Ditto for Viola and Vivian. Viola is a musical instrument and Vivian was Lucy's best friend in I Love Lucy.


Arwen sounds like an elf from a book and a movie. ;) And anyone who doesn't know Tolkien might think it was a boy's name.


Aurora and Amaryllis sound lovely, but can be hard for many people to spell, as can Aurelia.


Veronica is a pretty name, but everyone will call her Roni, so make sure you like the nickname.


Ariel is a little mermaid.


Harmony is destined for a life as a new age hippie yoga girl. ;)


Angelica is going to be Angie or Ang, which is fine, again, as long as you like the nicknames.


OK, that about does it. :D


(Actually, I think all of the names are pretty, but after the Percy Revelation, I thought I should mention the potential downsides of the other options!)



Funnily enough, my thoughts on every name is identical to Catwomens, except for Vivian, which I like very much. I think Angelina Jolie named a kid that, though, and celeb kids' names tend to be a "no" for me, because I always anticipate that they will turn mega popular.


I knew an Arwen IRL when I was a kid. I thought it was a very unfortunate name; it just doesn't have a pretty sound to me. I didn't know it was a LotR name until I was an adult and then I could understand why that was her name, but I still never thought it was pretty.


On Black Friday, I was waiting in a very long line at Bath & Body, behind an unpleasant woman whose two daughters were...not well-behaved. The mom kept harping in her smoker-ish voice, "Ariel Brooklyn! Stop that now! Ariel Brooklyn! Knock it off! Ariel Brooklyn! Get over here! Don't touch that!" Those two names are forever ruined for me. :leaving:

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well, cannot seem to win with the name thing. The boys are absolutely furious with us for changing the name and are begging us to keep it.


Violet is not an option for personal reasons, nor are any other close sounding names like Penelope.


My favourite names were (in top 4 order) - Cordelia, Lorelei, Persephone and Elora. I thought I couldn't use Elora because two friends have used it in the last year (and both are 2-anthropologist couples who met in grad school like DH and I) but both insist that we are geographically far enough apart (me in Aus, 1 in Montreal and 1 in San Antonio) that it wouldn't matter to them. So here is the narrowed down list:











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I love Persephone!


Move to the US, problem solved.


Aurora Persephone sounds beautiful, IMO.


Some of the objections to names in this thread are so funny to me- by that logic, everyone should be named Mary, lol. If people can't spell names with perfectly traditional spellings... Maybe they are not the people you want to be thinking of when naming your child!



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