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If you were divorced and remarried

plain jane

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Or had kids when you met and married your spouse, how did you meet your spouse?


I have a friend who feels like she is ready to be in a relationship again but since she has sole custody and her kids are very young she doesn't have a lot of means to get out and meet new people.


I've tried to find some single guys dh and I know but, well, we don't know a lot of single people either. LOL



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I met DH at a mutual friend's one year old's bday party. I was set up. Everyone knew that I was there to meet DH, except me, because after a very messy divorce, I would have run the other direction.


God just switched something back on for me that day, and I am very thankful for that now. But back then, I didn't want anything to do with men. I asked all of our mutual friends everything about him, in an effort to make sure he really was a good guy!! He is. 12 years now. =D

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I met my DH online. I went on a few AWFUL dates first, but always in a neutral place, in public, didn't give out private info, etc, and had them leave first so no one could follow me to my car. But then I saw my DH's picture and thought instantly, "That's someone I could grow old with." I gave myself a mental shake, as that was such a weird thing to think. But we started chatting online and 10 minutes into I told my girlfriend, that was sitting beside me in my room, "I'm going to marry that man." It was SO strange, but such a strong feeling. We were married a few years later, and now have had 2 children together, and are soulmates. But..yeah..had to weed through a few weirdos, lol.

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I met my husband on Match.com


That said, if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't. I'd *possibly* date when I did not have the kids, but I would not get a sitter to date if I had very young children. I'd wait.


I might possibly find a FWB, but never pursue a *relationship*.

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Guest inoubliable

I think most people go with dating sites now. Most everyone I know - from friends to family - if they've gotten in a serious relationship or married it was someone they met online. I was a single mom when I met DH. It was through my job. That was...almost 11 years ago.

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yeah,i met my second husband on yahoo personals. We didnt meet in person for 2 weeks (his idea) but the first date just blew us both away! Its so nice to be able to screen people before you meet them. I didnt really have any friends to introduce me to anyone. and i did date some guys i met at work, but they didnt pan out.

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I met my husband on Match.com


That said, if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't. I'd *possibly* date when I did not have the kids, but I would not get a sitter to date if I had very young children. I'd wait.


I might possibly find a FWB, but never pursue a *relationship*.


What is an FWB??

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I had a rotten foundation and he came to jack my house up. His boom box played classical music, he was a veggie, and all he could talk about was how much he missed his kids. I rested my chin on my hand and tapped my finger under my ear saying "hmmmmm" for two weeks, and proposed parenthood to him. He accepted immediately. It was the great carpentry, the deep blue eyes, and the kids that did it. That was the last month of 2000.

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If it were Occidental, I would have capitalized it.


I had an old lady patient who laughed at the term and said after 35 years of marriage, that was how her life was, too.

I had a very old lady patient who was "living with" a man at a nursing home. They didn't marry because it was muss with their benefits. She said she was living it sin, but it just didn't seem very sinful anymore. :rofl:

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I had a rotten foundation and he came to jack my house up. His boom box played classical music, he was a veggie, and all he could talk about was how much he missed his kids. I rested my chin on my hand and tapped my finger under my ear saying "hmmmmm" for two weeks, and proposed parenthood to him. He accepted immediately. It was the great carpentry, the deep blue eyes, and the kids that did it. That was the last month of 2000.


I truly enjoyed reading your unique love story.

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I met my husband on Match.com


That said, if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't. I'd *possibly* date when I did not have the kids, but I would not get a sitter to date if I had very young children. I'd wait.


I might possibly find a FWB, but never pursue a *relationship*.



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I had a rotten foundation and he came to jack my house up. His boom box played classical music, he was a veggie, and all he could talk about was how much he missed his kids. I rested my chin on my hand and tapped my finger under my ear saying "hmmmmm" for two weeks, and proposed parenthood to him. He accepted immediately. It was the great carpentry, the deep blue eyes, and the kids that did it. That was the last month of 2000.



ooh...nothing like a man in a tool belt! (maybe we need a men in toolbelts thread?)

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I had a rotten foundation and he came to jack my house up. His boom box played classical music, he was a veggie, and all he could talk about was how much he missed his kids. I rested my chin on my hand and tapped my finger under my ear saying "hmmmmm" for two weeks, and proposed parenthood to him. He accepted immediately. It was the great carpentry, the deep blue eyes, and the kids that did it. That was the last month of 2000.


Now that is a good romance/love story!

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